
gCASEy200 wrote:

garrettcasey: whats weeds new name?
garrettcasey: whats his new account name?
*DSF*MICKEY#MOUSE#DISNEY: try to look ut
garrettcasey: you can tell me
garrettcasey: he will not care., i wont post aynwehere
garrettcasey: im just curious
garrettcasey: haha
garrettcasey: are you serios?
garrettcasey: haha
garrettcasey: wow
garrettcasey: fucking 5 year old
garrettcasey: piece of shit
garrettcasey: DONALD#DUCK#DISNEY
garrettcasey: thats weeds
*DSF*MICKEY#MOUSE#DISNEY: dont tell any one
LMFAO!!!!!!!! u liar!!! u said u wont tell anyone lol
+40|6592|L-town MA
weed and me are very close, i just dont need this little 5 year olds 4 year old remarks
+72|6895|Scotland's Capital

jsnipy wrote:

BluRR33 wrote:

i Saw  a Guy  Named DONALD#DUCK#DISNEY  and i start to thinking ....  is that  Weed??  Same # # #  and Big

Name    so i Realised that is THE#LORD
I concur!!

gCASEy200 wrote:

weed and me are very close, i just dont need this little 5 year olds 4 year old remarks
one question for u then. How pissed was he when his stats got reset??
i would have quit playing BF2 if it happened to me
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6903|Reisterstown, MD

I bet he will still be a bad player.
Since day One.
Karkand+Support+Grenades = THE#LORD#OF#WEED
+630|6957|The Netherlands

venom6 wrote:

Karkand+Support+Grenades = THE#LORD#OF#WEED
what i said a few posts back on the first page...

fav map: karkand
fav kit:  support
fav weapon: nades

jep, must be weed
+40|6592|L-town MA
garrettcasey: dude
garrettcasey: how do you get to play so much?
williamss2: skill
garrettcasey: not asking about skill
garrettcasey: how do you get so much time?
williamss2: 2 play game/?
garrettcasey: yea?
williamss2: school holidays man
williamss2: i can do what eva i want for em
garrettcasey: you play 24/7
garrettcasey: yeah
garrettcasey: but your on sometimes 14 hours a day
garrettcasey: weeks at a time
williamss2: so?
garrettcasey: how ttho?
williamss2: umm
williamss2: coz i can lol
garrettcasey: fhaha
garrettcasey: you go to school?
williamss2: ya
garrettcasey: what grade?
williamss2: im on school holidays u tool
williamss2: 10
garrettcasey: oh
garrettcasey: hm

and thats -stud muffin01 who will be #1 by summer
I like big butts, and I cannot lie.
williams is just going to keep getting reset for no reason whatso ever
+74|6695|The Sky!!!!
Omg resetted haha
+40|6592|L-town MA

hanwinting wrote:

gCASEy200 wrote:

weed and me are very close, i just dont need this little 5 year olds 4 year old remarks
one question for u then. How pissed was he when his stats got reset??
i would have quit playing BF2 if it happened to me
he hopped off ts, called the guy that new his passworrd, and threatened to burn down his house if he found out he got him reset.
actually have it recorded in ts, but its in dutch so if anyone from dutchland wants to here it lemme know

Last edited by gCASEy200 (17 years, 11 months ago)

I like big butts, and I cannot lie.
I know dutch post the recording BTW its called Netherland not Dutch Land lol

Last edited by Capt.Irviding (17 years, 11 months ago)

[15:27] *=]AD[=*Kyon: yordi
[15:27] *=]AD[=*Kyon: ^^
[15:27] *=]AD[=*Kyon: ben jij dit
[15:28] *=]AD[=*Kyon: garrettcasey: whats weeds new name?*DSF*MICKEY#MOUSE#DISNEY: `yea..garrettcasey: whats his new account name?*DSF*MICKEY#MOUSE#DISNEY: ì cant say*DSF*MICKEY#MOUSE#DISNEY: try to look utgarrettcasey: you can tell megarrettcasey: he will not care., i wont post aynweheregarrettcasey: im just curious*DSF*MICKEY#MOUSE#DISNEY: nogarrettcasey: hahagarrettcasey: are you serios?*DSF*MICKEY#MOUSE#DISNEY: `yeagarrettcasey: hahagarrettcasey: wowgarrettcasey: fucking 5 year old garrettcasey: piece of shitgarrettcasey: DONALD#DUCK#DISNEYgarrettcasey: thats weeds*DSF*MICKEY#MOUSE#DISNEY: `:*DSF*MICKEY#MOUSE#DISNEY: sssstttt*DSF*MICKEY#MOUSE#DISNEY: dont tell any one*DSF*MICKEY#MOUSE#DISNEY: ok*DSF*MICKEY#MOUSE#DISNEY: ?
[15:28] *=]AD[=*Kyon: speeld weed nog dan
[15:28] *=]AD[=*Kyon: op welk accound
[15:28] *DSF*MICKEY#MOUSE#DISNEY: `bf2s forun
[15:29] *=]AD[=*Kyon: ja
[15:29] *=]AD[=*Kyon: dat ben jij
[15:29] *DSF*MICKEY#MOUSE#DISNEY: èn dan kijken
[15:29] *DSF*MICKEY#MOUSE#DISNEY: wat ik en casey hebben gezegd
[15:29] *=]AD[=*Kyon: nee wat is WEEDS nieuwe accound
[15:29] *DSF*MICKEY#MOUSE#DISNEY: `kom er ma 8er

dammit its NOT april fools anymore but you all suck it up

this is jordy a ^^(great fan of Weed)

what states above is that i have to find weeds accound for myself ^^hahahahahah


btw hes statspadding ^^now...but i wont report him XD
DONALD#DUCK#DISNEY is playing Warlord on Pistol Knifes Frag4u.com =FUN=

btw this guy is the one that plays DONALD#DUCK#DISNEY - http://bf2s.com/player/86879112/

lord of weed plays on the same accound?!

just like weed love nades

so i think he's either not playing anymore/ or he has a other accound

Last edited by GateKeeper{NL} (17 years, 11 months ago)

Lol hey Dragon, this is teh Hanma
No point trying to get back up there, he'll never beat -stud_muffin01-. Williamss2 is a massive freak at squeezing points out of bf2. He now has 1 1/2 times the score of my account which i started in november '05.
+354|6571|Basel, Switzerland
I think he wants to get reseted again >.<
An Enlarged Liver
+35|7056|Backward Ass Kansas
Why did he get reset anyway - was it more than one person playing?

An Enlarged Liver wrote:

Why did he get reset anyway - was it more than one person playing?
EA thought he was one of those huge point hacker glitchers so they reset him.
The Photographer.
+81|7017|Central Valley,California

Wants to get reset again, lol.

Fuzzball_the_Shooter wrote:

http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g282/ … tled-9.jpg

Wants to get reset again, lol.
lol he doesn't care anymore and he never padded on his 4 star account
Tank commander
+83|7048|DUTCH snap ik!
gogo lord
"There is a problem with your connection"
roflmao - i saw a post above - looks like he is whoring on knife and pistol servers:

DONALD#DUCK#DISNEY is playing Strike At Karkand on PISTOL AND KNIFE - 100 ROUNDS - KARKAND -
You guys are missing the obvious....

There are mulitple players playing with the same name..... best way to accumulate points.

It's genious for points.....

And even if it's just him playing....don't judge him!!!!

For all you know he smokes wee and gets blowjobs from his girlfriend while he plays, so get off of his nuts....

He found what he loves to do, people spend years trying to find what they love to do......

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