Seth Infinite
+3|6891|Houston, The Republic of Texas
This is for all of you new players out there and the  ?veteran? players that can't read, don't know what a skull and crossbones stands for and those that don't learn from experience.

So, what really happens when a teammate trips a claymore?

1. YOU DIE!!! You stupid fucking idiot!!
2. You just cost me 4 points. You stupid fucking idiot!!
3. The enemy just crept up and sliced my throat. He's getting a veteran knife badge, I'm dead and you're dead. You stupid fucking idiot!!
4. The anti-tank guy I was about to kill just took out our tank. You stupid fucking idiot!!
5. Did I mention that you're dead. You stupid fucking idiot!!
6. The sniper that cut my throat just killed you when you respawned (I Hope). You stupid fucking idiot!!
7. You know that hole in the fence where my claymore was. Well, spec-ops just came through and blew-up our UAV and radar. You stupid fucking idiot!!
8. I'll still be mad when I go to bed because it was my fault and you punished me. You stupid fucking idiot!!

Now I'm not sayiing that all snipers are perfect little angels. There are those STFI snipers (you know what STFI stands for, right?) that place claymores in really bad places, like around the flag of the last spawn point. But we will leave that for another night when PB fucks me over and I can't play.

But seriously, a teammate tripping a claymore doesn't stop at his death and the punishment, it can have many side effects. Please watch where you're going, You stupid fucking idiot!!
man, that was beautiful, ive laid a few claymores and some dumbass thinks the skull and crossbones means resupply and whatever. I swear people have their fingers on the punish button all the time.
Thread Ender
+58|6875|New Hampshire
1) You're a squad leader and you place down claymores, yet still functioning as a spawn point for your squad.  You continuously TK your teammates becasue they spawn on top of them and cannot move.  You stupid fucking idiot.

2) You place claymores in a high traffic FRIENDLY SPAWN AREA to try and kill 1 enemy that's already been cut down by your teammates.  They run around a corner into it.  You stupid fucking idiot.

3) You get out of a tank to put a claymore down?  I don't know what the hell you were talking about in number 4, but if you're a sniper in a tank you're a retard.  Furthermore, if you get OUT of the tank to kill someone, you are indeed a stupid fucking idiot.

4)  You put down a claymore near a friendly UAV - the enemy destroys the UAV, but kills himself, and your claymore is still there.  A teammate goes up to fix the UAV and is killed by your claymore.  You stupid fucking idiot.

50% of claymore TKs are the claymore layers fault.  Many times if I get TKed by a claymore, it's because I'd alt tabbed into the game to minimize it, and I don't realize that all my warnings (such as flags and the skull and crossbones) do not show up.  I usually don't punish for this, unless the claymore was so EGREGIOUSLY placed that I was TKed by it because it seriously was the worst place to put it.
for one...claymore's C4 and AT Mine's Have skull and crossbone's so it's hard to distinguish between them all...u stupid fucking idiot...and let me guess...u think just because U kno it's a claymore because U laid it there that every1 else will 100% think it's a claymore...well then ur really a stupid fucking idiot...i agree with tehseraphim in that if ur putting it in places where friendlies always go thru...then ur a stupid fucking idiot and its ur fault that u took the chance to place it there...oh and u put a claymore stopping our own team from destroying their UAV and satellite...ur a stupid fucking idiot...since we're in the mood...ur a stupid fucking idiot for putting this post up...
"Aff, Star Colonel!"
One thing I hate is people that put claymores ontop of ladders. Why? Surely there's an equally good place to put them, that a careful teammate with a warning and knowledge of a claymore could then use to walk around that claymore, while your average blundering enemy/teammate won't notice the skull and blow themselves to hell.

Or perhaps when you're up on your little perch, you don't want first aid, or ammo...
Seth Infinite
+3|6891|Houston, The Republic of Texas
EcLiPsE*14, I'm going to assume from your post that you trip a lot of friendly mines and probably punish afterwards. Let's look at what you said.

hard to distinguish and I laid it there so eveyone should know it's a claymore...How many AT mines have you laid on roof tops? Not knowing if it's a claymore or C4,ok....let's not use any common sense and go find out!

Putting them in places where friendlies go through...Like I said, there are some STFI snipers out there. But when there are 3 or 4 routes and one of them has a mine symbol, which one are you going to take?  (aren't going to take?)

Put a claymore down stopping our team from destroying their UAV... go back and read it again you STFI!

Bottom line...STFU!

Last edited by Seth Infinite (2006-01-16 23:44:41)

Didnt Do it
i have to agree with infinite on a few of his point and Teh cant you read with the knowledge of his BEING A SNIPER and if he was going to kill an ANTI TANK guy means he was going to snipe him Geez i wish people would read a bit more closely but back to subject i always place myself in out of the way far off places and tell people to STAY THE FCK AWAY but yet someone will always run up to me to try and do something (be it try to take advantage of my hiding place with his nice loud MG or try and resupply me even though i DONT WANT IT OR NEED IT) and if i need ammo i drop a grenade on my clays AND then go look for resupply.

My Favourite Rant is when im sniping in a nice spot like in the Zatar wetlands just in the reeds and low and behold a squad mate shows up in a blackhawk and proceeds to tell me to get in all the time attracting everyones attention to me and what happens a nice MEC chopper comes over and kills him and then proceeds to try and find what he was hovering there for and finds me in the brush dont need to be a Harvard man to work out what happens next.
Member 5307
last night i was running towards a ladder when a sniper passes me and reaches it first and proceeds to climb up and i follow him. as i reach the top, i am greeted by the skulls and crossbones welcome party! WTF!? he knew i was going up as well!
oh well i thought, no harm no foul, at least i saw it. so i make my way down to be promptly shot by what i would figure to be the happiest enemy who was just presented with the easiest kill in the book!
now i'm pissed with that idiot team mate. why couldn't he just have waited for me to get up as well?
Mass Media Casualty


Be cautious my good friends. Most people can tell what a good place to lay a claymore down. Don't just go barreling around corners without some caution - there could be an enemy waiting to kill you, or a friendly or enemy claymore. I myself always hesitate before climbing that last bit of ladder. You can stick your head up enough to see an enemy claymore without it ging off, do the same everytime on all ladders. It could be enemy or friend, but nevertheless, if you don't trip it, you don't die, which should be an insentive for anyone. I climbed a high ladder where there were two Snipers camping it out on Leviathan. I saw there was a Claymore on the top, so decided to climb down. there was a friendly soldier below me, who climbed on past me and didn't exercise the same caution I did so got a face full of shrapnel. I was free to climb up to the top and score two really easy knife kills. Caution rules!

Sometimes Snipers lay claymores on the tops of stairs. You can creep up slowly and see it before it sees you, which is especially great if you are an engineer - you can defuse it without it going off, you will be in 'range' so to speak. If you can't get rid of it, leave it. You know there will be a Sniper there, so see if you can't shoot him from below his position. After that, if you really need to climb those stairs, you can wait until the claymore pisses off. I myself have been lucky on Karkand, (the map that I mostly play Engineer on,) and climbed some stairs slowly and saw a claymore. I calmly took out my wrench and was in range to defuse it. After it was gone I got to the roof and fired a shotgun cartridge into the Sniper's head - the last thing he was expecting. Caution rocks!

Regarding claymores around corners, you can look around corners, like holes in fences. If you want to look right, move your soldier to the left of the hole and direct his eyes at the hole. You will see if there is anyone waiting for you, or if anyone has laid a claymore for you. Also works for C4. Often people lay C4 at a poin they know people will walk through. If you see claymores or C4, don't go through it. there are other ways around. I actually don't have a good example for this, but I have done it before and found enemy soldiers. It's great to know that they were here on this stakeout knowing that they'd score some easy kills, with you being able to say 'killing me is never easy! Hah!'

I myself havn't been killed by a claymore for as long as I can remember, (I have been killed before but it was a long time ago, and only being once or twice. Literally. Friendly and Enemy) I've seen a shitload of them, but just because they're there, I'm not going to set them off.

Use caution and friendly or enemy claymores will not be a worry to you, so debates about wether or not you should have punished a person who hid a friendly claymore that you set off will not worry you any more. It is awesome to kill people who really don't expect you to have a chance.
[Blinking eyes thing]
99% of the time its not the snipers fault

so what if its in a high traffic area, dont walk in front of it the big red skull and crossbones should be a clue, and besides, this rarely ever happens
on top of a ladder is bad you say?  again, the skull and bones should clue you in to stop climbing the fucking ladder.  snipers shouldnt have to leave themselves vulnerable to compensate for your incompetence
if the squad leader is a sniper, dont go near the claymore..there are other ways to go, and if there arent, then by all means blame the squad leader for being an ignorant dumbshit...otherwise walk around
as for claymores having the same symbol as AT mines, how about looking at the damn thing, pie tin ok, green box bad...of course that still doesnt explain why your running towards the international symbol of death

in short, you can avoid killing yourself by simply paying attention, which, being an fps you should be doing anyways. you can see the fucking symbol around corners and through walls, its not hard to avoid.
+86|6888|Somewhere near a shrub or rock
This used to bug me to hell and back!
I have since learned to place my claymores more effectively and still protect myself (look at my clays stats…) however there are still people who will just go that extra mile for the power-up / punish combo.
I hate to say it but if they really are that intent on killing themselves just to punish me for it I tend to give them a 2 for 1 deal and shoot them in the head the next time I see them.
I am commonly (or was – I have moved away from sniping recently) a sniper squad leader and I communicate a claymores position over VOIP to any squad-mates spawning on me, if they still run into it they get kicked from my squad. Also, if I cannot guarantee the next bloke running round the corner is gonna be a red, I blow my mine before I leave my position. I still incur the odd tk from these lovingly placed parcels but generally the person realises their error and does not punish - hell some even apologise for wasting my “kill box”.
The patch and picking up my clays will give me a whole new love of sniping I suspect!

99% of the time its not the snipers fault
I've lost count of how many times snipers will take positions up ladders in *strongly held* friendly territory, and the place a claymore behind them.
They are no less responsible for the tk than if they had just chucked a hand-grenade into an alley that turns out to have friendlies in it.
Code poet
+1|6897|Branson, MO, USA

dracul wrote:

99% of the time its not the snipers fault
I've lost count of how many times snipers will take positions up ladders in *strongly held* friendly territory, and the place a claymore behind them.
They are no less responsible for the tk than if they had just chucked a hand-grenade into an alley that turns out to have friendlies in it.
This might be true if the grenade had a loudspeaker that said "HEY EVERYBODY, I'M GOING TO DETONATE SOON... YOU HAVE AMPLE TIME TO CLEAR THIS ALLEY" And perhaps a huge red arrow that pointed at the ground where the grenade landed for a few seconds before it detonated.


And correct me if I'm wrong, but you can see this warning skull & crossbones through walls, stairs and yes, even at the tops of ladders, complete with your current distance from said certain death.

And as for placing them in places where friendlies frequently travel... Well that sounds like the exact same places an enemy will travel when trying to take that flag, or destroy those command assets, or take up that sniping position.
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6883|Peoria, Illinois
I don't see the skull and crossbones since I have that option turned off most of the time. I do this to enable me to see the enemy more clearly wthout all of the virtual flags blocking my view. I turn it on to check ladders and the immediate area of friendly snipers THAT I SEE laying on the ground and that's it.

A message for snipers: Don't put claymores on the ground unless they are right next to you. If you leave the area, get rid of the claymore. If you drop them in alley ways and run away hoping to get a kill, then you deserve a punish and YOU are the dumbass. If you put them on the ground while taking a flag then you better get rid of them if you see a teammate running to help cap that flag.
when ever i drop claymores (in a very good enemy infested spot) always a retard team mate runs into it and i bet its on purpose too.
Code poet
+1|6897|Branson, MO, USA

M1-Lightning wrote:

If you drop them in alley ways and run away hoping to get a kill, then you deserve a punish and YOU are the dumbass. If you put them on the ground while taking a flag then you better get rid of them if you see a teammate running to help cap that flag.
I still maintain that the dumb shit that ran over the claymore is the dumbass. I can see your point about capping a flag, but how do you propose getting rid of a claymore if you see a teammate running towards it? Throw a grenade at it (and the teammate)? in the 1.2 patch, sure... problem solved; the sniper can just pick them up.

Also, if a sniper has friendlies in the area and goes to cap an enemy flag, he's an idiot for cutting off his support line with a claymore, but the teammate that trips it is still an idiot.

Last edited by Sahasrahla (2006-01-17 09:44:06)

+0|6872|Wherever I may roam
I think that the problem that some people run into with the skull and crossbones (not me personally, but perhaps some) is the fact that you have no idea whether that skull and crossbones means C4, AT Mine, or Claymore until you're very close to it.  If you're close enough to a claymore to determine that's what it is, it's typically too late.

But, I agree with the poster above who mentioned being cautious as the key.  I try to treat every skull and crossbones as if it's a claymore when I am on foot or an AT Mine when in a vehicle.  I error on the side of caution with those things.  My K/D is bad enough as it is, I don't need to shoot myself in the foot (that's me theory on it).
+1|6855|Canada, Eh.
It's pretty simple to look under the Skull to see the claymore. Look hard enough and read if it says "this side towards enemy". But this doesn't matter, people will alwasy run into your claymores because they are idiots and think the skull is a power-up. Try a simple test, put a claymore where no one would EVER run... EVER. In no time someone with a KDR of .5 will trip it and instantly punish.

I guess this is along the same lines as why bugs fly into bug zappers. They see the bright light and all their friends getting fried but they just must test it. Maybe they'll be the ones to get super bug-like powers from the zapper. It's the exact same thing with claymore.
+0|6847|Elyria OH

You stupid fucking idiot!

I love it
i think mines should be seeing in the MAP as skull and crossbones....
I'm your pusher
+9|6889|yorkshire penisula
all i can say on this subject is that i think its only the sniper who see's the skull and bones on the claymore's and that ive been killed by sum really really fuckin stupid teammate snipers,like puttin claymore's in a very busy flag cap point is just askin for a tk,they are hard to see sumtimes(unless ur a sniper) and i punish everyone of those stupid claymores.a claymore is menna be a personal protection weapon not a flag defend weapon.
use it the way its menna be used.
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6883|Peoria, Illinois

Sahasrahla wrote:

M1-Lightning wrote:

If you drop them in alley ways and run away hoping to get a kill, then you deserve a punish and YOU are the dumbass. If you put them on the ground while taking a flag then you better get rid of them if you see a teammate running to help cap that flag.
I still maintain that the dumb shit that ran over the claymore is the dumbass. I can see your point about capping a flag, but how do you propose getting rid of a claymore if you see a teammate running towards it? Throw a grenade at it (and the teammate)? in the 1.2 patch, sure... problem solved; the sniper can just pick them up.

Also, if a sniper has friendlies in the area and goes to cap an enemy flag, he's an idiot for cutting off his support line with a claymore, but the teammate that trips it is still an idiot.
I propose you don't put the claymore down at all regarding flag caps. Just because you have them doesn't mean you have to use them. When you do use them, use them wisely. You can toss a nade well before a teammate gets to your area, and if you can't, then you shouldn't have put them down. Work as a team, not a hero.

And yes, 1.2 will certainly help alleviate some of the problem.

In a game where the enemy is always camping, waiting for you to slow down or stop so they can snipe you, throw grenades at you, or simply line up their shot, it's not logical to stop and inspect every skull and crossbones they come across. If a squad has to stop to inspect he skull and crossbones while being shot at and chased by a tank and change their course to avoid hitting a claymore then the sniper has just screwed that squad and the team.

The only time I blame a teammate for hitting a friendly claymore is when the sniper is obviously right there or if it's at the top of a ladder. Anywhere else and it's the sniper's fault.
Kick His Ass!
+371|6846|Howell, Mi USA
I agree, if a teammate trips a claymore or runs over a mine it's their own stupid fault. I had a dude one time that WATCHED! me lay down a couple mines (not even in the road but near the flag) and he goes and gets in the jeep and goes to drive away but hit my mine and punishes me. i had a few choise words to say to him.
Heres a good one.

i was peacefully minding my own buisness sniping away when an idiot in a chopper decides to TK me for his own ammusement. well i did punish him and his reply was "whats the matter pissed cause you got owned?"

my reply was

"hey penis head i was on your team THATS how i was able to punish you."

now THAT was an adventure in annoyance.
I know more than a few times people have come to the top of the ladder and not noticed a claymore and kept going....of course there is -4 points for me. Maybe if they do something like diffrent color skull and crossbones for each of the two mines and then the c4 also? just a thought what does everybody think of that idea?

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