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Short Version

Long Version

Where was the media coverage of this?

Where is the Rev. Al Sharpton?

Can you really compare Don Imus making a joke about "Nappy-headed Ho's" to Mr Kambon's call for the extermination of all white people?

Sharpton and Jackson are the definition of racism.

I think as long as white people go crawling to Jesse and Al every time they say something "backlashish", nothing will change. It seems almost like a game.

Last edited by jsnipy (2007-04-10 22:33:55)

+13|6266|Maryland, USA
I agree that there is a double standard.. in ALOT of situations it is clearly seen, 1 of the biggest is scholarships for education IMO.  About to go to college i realize its better to be a minority it seems if i want any financial help.

As said above Sharpton is more racist then imus!

Last edited by Desolater (2007-04-10 22:34:27)

Roflcopter Pilot
It's probably because they were repressed 150 years ago. Even thought asian-americans were treated just as poorly in the late 1800s.
Anyone remember that fireman that got in huge trouble for saying the n-word over the fire radio? And these people are on national television saying whitey's gotta die!

Last edited by .robzored. (2007-04-10 22:37:40)

So who wants to take out sharpton?

*Alarms ring at Sharpton HQ in the bottom of the sea*

I meant on a dinner date to discuss these issues that he keeps pressing that have really no merit.

What guys? Cant i say something without it being interpreted as a threat?

*Alarms quiet*
+447|6887|Seattle, Washington, USA

Yes, sadly, there is reverse racism and it is not helping the cause for equality at all. Of course, reverse racism stems from racism and the fact that non-caucasian races have been abused by caucasians for most of written history. Just a case of retaliation, and in this case, an extreme one.
Self-loathing narcissist.
+41|6409|QUT, GP.
Is anyone here actually worried by this?

I'm so scared I think I might go and have a nap.
+164|6804|Normal, IL

usmarine2005 wrote:

Sharpton and Jackson are the definition of racism.
wow, just wow. the fact that people clapped, not many, was the most disturbing part. Being white, and now living in Detroit, I see racism every day against white people. Through words, actions, and subtle jestures and movements, i see a problem.

i do have black friends here, two good ones, and they tell me, more or less, most of the black people blame white people for their problems, and that i shouldn't go to this neighborhood or that at night, because i will not make it out alive being white. that is a problem.

who cares who's ancestors did what to whom. im living now, not then. so are you. why do you blame me for the problems you have now?
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6819|Great Brown North

superfly_cox wrote:

Where was the media coverage of this?

Where is the Rev. Al Sharpton?

Can you really compare Don Imus making a joke about "Nappy-headed Ho's" to Mr Kambon's call for the extermination of all white people?
sorry, their skin isnt pale enough for them to be made to look bad on the news. maybe someday all racists will be shown as being bad, instead of just the white ones. that is a day i really look forward to, but i highly doubt that i'll ever see it in my lifetime.
Black Panzer Party
+184|6761|Eastern PA
There's no double standard. Imus is a nationally syndicated TV and radio host who has a show carried by one of the largest media companies in the world.

That guy is literally "some guy" who appeared on C-SPAN a grand total of "1" time. I doubt you'll find many people who know who he is (before now I'd never heard of him).

If the situation were reversed and that guy had a nationally syndicated TV and radio show on one of the largest networks in the world and Imus was some random white guy who called the Rutgers women's basketball team "nappy-headed hos"...who do you think would get more backlash? Imus? Or the more visible talk show host?
soup fly mod

Masques wrote:

There's no double standard. Imus is a nationally syndicated TV and radio host who has a show carried by one of the largest media companies in the world.

That guy is literally "some guy" who appeared on C-SPAN a grand total of "1" time. I doubt you'll find many people who know who he is (before now I'd never heard of him).

If the situation were reversed and that guy had a nationally syndicated TV and radio show on one of the largest networks in the world and Imus was some random white guy who called the Rutgers women's basketball team "nappy-headed hos"...who do you think would get more backlash? Imus? Or the more visible talk show host?
It is a double standard because there was ZERO coverage of this incident.  C-SPAN may not be popular but it can be found in every cable package in the country.  Its pretty remarkable when somebody appears on tv calling for the extermination of hundred of millions of people.  Do a search on for this guy and you will find no trace of it.

But if you want to talk about celebrities, how about Bryant Gumble who at the end of Real Sports, the television program he hosts on HBO he says:

"Finally, tonight, the Winter Games. Count me among those who don't like them and won't watch them ... Because they're so trying, maybe over the next three weeks we should all try too. Like, try not to be incredulous when someone attempts to link these games to those of the ancient Greeks who never heard of skating or skiing. So try not to laugh when someone says these are the world's greatest athletes, despite a paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention. Try not to point out that something's not really a sport if a pseudo-athlete waits in what's called a kiss-and-cry area, while some panel of subjective judges decides who won ... So if only to hasten the arrival of the day they're done, when we can move on to March Madness — for God's sake, let the games begin."

Is this not a racist comment?  Imagine if a white guy had said the reverse:

"So try not to laugh when someone says these are the world's greatest athletes, despite a paucity of whites that makes street ball competitions look like a snoop doggy dog rap concert."

Plus, I think that there are a great number of people living in northern countries who would take great offense at the portrayal of their athletes as somehow inferior based on the fact that they are white.  Did the Gumble commentary make headlines: nope. 

There is a double standard as far as racism is concerned.
Dropped on request
I wouldn't mind punching that guy in the face. Racism sob.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

superfly_cox wrote:

Masques wrote:

There's no double standard. Imus is a nationally syndicated TV and radio host who has a show carried by one of the largest media companies in the world.

That guy is literally "some guy" who appeared on C-SPAN a grand total of "1" time. I doubt you'll find many people who know who he is (before now I'd never heard of him).

If the situation were reversed and that guy had a nationally syndicated TV and radio show on one of the largest networks in the world and Imus was some random white guy who called the Rutgers women's basketball team "nappy-headed hos"...who do you think would get more backlash? Imus? Or the more visible talk show host?
It is a double standard because there was ZERO coverage of this incident.  C-SPAN may not be popular but it can be found in every cable package in the country.  Its pretty remarkable when somebody appears on tv calling for the extermination of hundred of millions of people.  Do a search on for this guy and you will find no trace of it.

But if you want to talk about celebrities, how about Bryant Gumble who at the end of Real Sports, the television program he hosts on HBO he says:

"Finally, tonight, the Winter Games. Count me among those who don't like them and won't watch them ... Because they're so trying, maybe over the next three weeks we should all try too. Like, try not to be incredulous when someone attempts to link these games to those of the ancient Greeks who never heard of skating or skiing. So try not to laugh when someone says these are the world's greatest athletes, despite a paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention. Try not to point out that something's not really a sport if a pseudo-athlete waits in what's called a kiss-and-cry area, while some panel of subjective judges decides who won ... So if only to hasten the arrival of the day they're done, when we can move on to March Madness — for God's sake, let the games begin."

Is this not a racist comment?  Imagine if a white guy had said the reverse:

"So try not to laugh when someone says these are the world's greatest athletes, despite a paucity of whites that makes street ball competitions look like a snoop doggy dog rap concert."

Plus, I think that there are a great number of people living in northern countries who would take great offense at the portrayal of their athletes as somehow inferior based on the fact that they are white.  Did the Gumble commentary make headlines: nope. 

There is a double standard as far as racism is concerned.
There has been coverage of this incident, this isn't the first time I've seen that fools rant.

Maybe it's a good thing there hasn't been overt coverage, some individuals take it only have to look at Islamic terrorists for examples.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6640|132 and Bush

Who the hell cares? What he said was insensitive and wrong, but they are just utterances of a man who is already considered a joke in Talk Radio. We don't need a week of nonstop news coverage to tell us that it was a dumb remark. Colleges are supposed to prepare you for the real world. And unfortunately there are people out there who do not think about what they are saying. It is a part of society, tighten up and be prepared. Get over it, the same people who swear by their right to burn flags and free speech are calling for his head now. Insensitive stuff and hurtful remarks are said everyday, yet we are supposed think this is worthy of front page news? Tonight NBC led off with this as it's main story. It seemed like it took up at least half of the broadcast. America has real issues, Imus is not one of them. We lost three soldiers yesterday in Iraq. Are our priorities so fucked up that we place a story that revolves around name calling in front of the loss of human life? How fucking blind do you have to be to not see the double standard also. I guess it is acceptable so long as you are consistent in your degradation of women. As a matter of fact you could probably make millions off doing it so long as you called it art.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Racist idiot. Plain and simple.

And he's got a plan too....'To exterminate all the white ppl(N*****s apparently)'

Here's a different plan.....How about he takes the chip of his shoulder and plays a different record.
Oh wow, black people in the US got a raw deal with the whole slavery thing and now all white people in the world, even those whose ancestors never had anything to do with it, have to die.  Fuck him.  Does he even know there are whites outside of the US?

Last edited by Pubic (2007-04-11 03:06:38)

+29|6397|Forest Green
Is sad to think the minute you are born, they're are thousands of people who want you dead
soup fly mod

What's funny is that black people in America today are far better off than their African counterparts.  Racism and discrimination (in America) is nothing when you compare it to disease, poverty, war, famine (in Africa). 

What's even funnier is that the country of Liberia was founded as an independent nation for free-born and formerly enslaved African Americans.  How'd that turn out?

Asian and Indian immigrants do fine in America.  They also endure racism and discrimination but you don't see them bitching about it all the time.  You also don't see them getting special minority perks even though they, too, are technically a minority.  They work hard, don't blame others for their problems and make a life themselves.
international welder....Douchebag Dude, <3 ur mom
+257|6566|Milkystania, yurop
Meeh who cares I hate every race on this earth equaly....My point stop drinking so much hateorade

Last edited by Magpie (2007-04-11 03:31:52)

I suspect something is amiss
I hardly notice this reverse racism anymore, living in a quite cultural city that is but it is redicolus in general it´s hard for a white guy to offend a black guy ( or any minority ) cause that´s racism but hell the other way around is fine and dandy. ffs the minority guy can still be a fucking idiot and if i want to tell him that i will can´t understand how so many people look at you as a racist monster when you do.

jsnipy wrote:

I think as long as white people go crawling to Jesse and Al every time they say something "backlashish", nothing will change. It seems almost like a game.
'He's not the emperor of black people! dad thought he was.'
If it doesn't say shop-vac keep shopping!
+25|6579|Grand Rapids, MI

superfly_cox wrote:

What's funny is that black people in America today are far better off than their African counterparts.  Racism and discrimination (in America) is nothing when you compare it to disease, poverty, war, famine (in Africa). 

What's even funnier is that the country of Liberia was founded as an independent nation for free-born and formerly enslaved African Americans.  How'd that turn out?

Asian and Indian immigrants do fine in America.  They also endure racism and discrimination but you don't see them bitching about it all the time.  You also don't see them getting special minority perks even though they, too, are technically a minority.  They work hard, don't blame others for their problems and make a life themselves.
It's not really that funny if you look at the disparities between Americans in the majority and those in the minority. I would love for everyone to look at the difference in percentages of arrests, convictions, employment population, and wage parity. It's not a cop-out; it's a fact that there is some form of discrimination in this country and it is having a tangible effect on the livelihoods of every day Americans. I haven't seen anyone put up video of a Grand Wizard and say "see every white person is racist!!!" Instead, we find one nut job (every family has one) and say "look! They're as bad as we are." The example of Liberia is a red herring because the US is the richest country in the world. Every country in the world by comparison would not be as well-off as a whole; and I sincerely hope that no one is insinuating that people of African decent all over the world are inferior. That's already been discussed in other threads.

Two wrongs don't make a right, and instead of pointing fingers we should be asking ourselves what we're doing to make things better. Unless we're all invested in being part of the solution, then we're part of the problem.

I wish you all peace.
+164|6804|Normal, IL

Shopvac wrote:

Two wrongs don't make a right, and instead of pointing fingers we should be asking ourselves what we're doing to make things better. Unless we're all invested in being part of the solution, then we're part of the problem.
exactly. why can't we all just get along instead of trying to blame other people for our problems, white or black. People who simply focus on the issue of race are cutting out 99% of the picture. We've all got bigger problems than what color of skin the person next to me has.
+156|6667|space command ur anus
and they called me evil for wanting to get rid of the blacks and the Jew and the Arabs and penguins

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