*sigh* eagal, this is what snipey and orange are talking about. the animosity atheists put forth against religion, God, and religious people..... if it bothers u that much... i mean cmon, let us believe what we want to believe. i dont put down the fact that you are an atheist. doesnt bother me at all. i know that one day, u'll find out... just you need to be put in that oppurtunity.Dezerteagal5 wrote:
1. That is whats terrifying about religion, whoever invented god in there head was a fool, no doubt, but when he preached it to the lowly populated world, it spread quickly, then became a standard belief.doublestuforeo wrote:
If you can get 80% of the earth's population to suggest that they have felt the influence of a teapot in space, I might lend some credibility to your argument.
You Atheists pretend that us believers are close minded and gullible, but your post comparing God to a teapot shows how simple minded and ridiculous you are.
2. The story of god and the story of the teapot are the same.
Lets take a look at the greek gods. If i told you there was "a man in a chariot pulling the sun across the sky", what would you say? Bullshit
I project, that in 100-200 years, the same will be said for the pathetic god you believe in now.
If god really wanted more believers, he would show his face. thats enough to make any man believe. But he doesnt, thats because he is fake, and the sooner the world realizes it, the better they will be, i know its probly hard for you guys to admit being wrong, i hate admitting im wrong, but really, you need to.
no Christian, Muslim, or Jew is going to try and PROVE that there is a God, there is no proof.
what i, personally, believe (here comes the "zomg he was raised Christian, LAWL, he has no mind, close minded fool, lolololawlalw9l") is that God left little snipets of things to help us along to finding, beliving, in God.
just my opinion.
Last edited by Des.Kmal (2007-04-05 13:14:56)
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