16 more years
+877|6835|South Florida
Introducing "Eagal and Atheism" the brand new show, where I, Dezerteagal5, talk with viewers about religion, and anti-religion. Keep an eye out for "Eagal and Atheism - Act 2" coming out April 8th. Thanks for tuning in and enjoy!

Do you believe in magic? Answer this question in your head right now you'll need the answer later.

Here's a little story for you all...

Did you know there is a teapot orbiting the sun in space? Oh yes.
It's too small to pick up on any telescope though.
Actually, theres no evidence proving its really there.
But i believe. Why do i believe?
Well, because theres no evidence proving it ISNT there.
And i was told it's there, so i believe.

Hi folks, im Mitch, AKA Dezerteagal5 AKA Eagal. And im here to tell you that the story above, is very similar to a thing people call religion.

Now, would you believe that story if someone told it to you? I sure wouldn't, and i dont think any logical person would.

And when someone tells me something, i ask for proof, facts, evidence. I would think any logical person does? Right?

Well why would someone believe in a god? And the act of creating something out of nothing is magic. If you said no earlier to the question "Do you believe in magic?" Then you in fact, by logic, shouldn't believe in god.

The end.
I hope i've inlightened people a little bit.

Title edited ~Flaming_Maniac

Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2007-04-08 16:10:36)

15 more years! 15 more years!
+119|6577|Floodsville, TN, (UK really)
I'm deffinately going to use this arguement with my highly Christian parents just to mess with them.
Good example. Although the fact with humans is that regardless of what you show them that contradicts their beliefs (beliefs in general, not just religion) they will re-define and discount it so that it suits what they have already decided. They will constatly do what they can to cling to an idea.

Ever worked with someone who came up with a business idea that didn't work? Did they drop the idea straight away, or did they cling to it trying to prove that it can work. I bet they clung to it, because people like their own ideas too much.

The world is about change, and adapting to change. If something doesn't appear to work (and I see no evidence of religion working) then drop it and try something different. This applies to business too.

For more on these ideas see:

For people not wanting to change their beliefs:- The film Revolver by Guy Ritchie (great example)
For people who re-define and discount other's opinions to suit their own:- Transactional Analyis by Eric Berne (lots of information can be found by searching "Transactional Analysis" in Wikipedia.

Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6959|Washington DC

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

And when someone tells me something, i ask for proof, facts, evidence. I would think any logical person does? Right?

I hope i've inlightened people a little bit.
No.  This is not enlightenment ... you just haven't yet had the privilege of enlightenment.

You are making the assumption that there is no "evidence" or "experience" with God ... indeed, religion without evidence is merely social control.  However, if you ever get enlightened with some "evidence" or "experience" with God, then perhaps you will understand that there are many, many logical people who are not following social control.  They are following God.
less busy
+586|7145|Kubra, Damn it!

I like the concept, but who needs a teapot? Just ask for concrete proof why any one religion is more true than any one of the others.
Cool member
your two stories are slightly different though.

the first story is just something very short with, probably, very few references to it. The story of God and Jesus have been passed through many generations. Have the stories been exaggerated to the point where God is real and Jesus was more than just a man? Yes.
But the fact is that because the story has been going for thousands of years, people believe in it.

I am not religious, and dont really believe in God and Jesus. I believe that there was once a man called Jesus, but the story of him has been passed along link Chinese whispers to the point that nothing about his really happened.

And no, I do not believe there is a teapot orbiting the sun.
16 more years
+877|6835|South Florida

OrangeHound wrote:

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

And when someone tells me something, i ask for proof, facts, evidence. I would think any logical person does? Right?

I hope i've inlightened people a little bit.
No.  This is not enlightenment ... you just haven't yet had the privilege of enlightenment.

You are making the assumption that there is no "evidence" or "experience" with God ... indeed, religion without evidence is merely social control.  However, if you ever get enlightened with some "evidence" or "experience" with God, then perhaps you will understand that there are many, many logical people who are not following social control.  They are following God.
Yes, your are correct, i am making the assumption that there is no evidence or experience with god. I will actually go as far as saying that is a fact.
So your saying there is some evidence of god? By all means, show me!

Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2007-04-05 09:00:14)

15 more years! 15 more years!
less busy
+586|7145|Kubra, Damn it!

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

OrangeHound wrote:

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

And when someone tells me something, i ask for proof, facts, evidence. I would think any logical person does? Right?

I hope i've inlightened people a little bit.
No.  This is not enlightenment ... you just haven't yet had the privilege of enlightenment.

You are making the assumption that there is no "evidence" or "experience" with God ... indeed, religion without evidence is merely social control.  However, if you ever get enlightened with some "evidence" or "experience" with God, then perhaps you will understand that there are many, many logical people who are not following social control.  They are following God.
Yes, your are correct, i am making the assumption that there is no evidence or experience with god. I will actually go as far as saying that is a fact.
So your saying there some evidence of god? By all means, show me!
To be fair, we need people to post the evidence of other religions too. Like the Buddhists who shove knives through their cheeks and arms but don't feel pain, don't bleed and heal without scars.
+105|6788|Lutenblaag, Molvania

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

I hope i've inlightened people a little bit.
You're a skeptic, fine. But thats as far as your enlightment of others goes.

So tell me, what do you believe happens to you when you die? Pay real close attention tot he word believe because there is absolutely not one single piece of evidence in any scientific journal that sheds any light on that area. So no matter how skeptic you are, you either believe in some explanation of your choice or you try not to think about it.

For those who choose to believe in some religion to explain things like the afterlife (or the absence of it) its their choice as much as is your to believe in some teapot story, and neither one is more right, more wrong, more intelligent, or more rational in choosing wich to believe.

Last edited by EVieira (2007-04-05 09:07:18)

"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;  the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642)
16 more years
+877|6835|South Florida

EVieira wrote:

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

I hope i've inlightened people a little bit.
You're a skeptic, fine. But thats as far as your enlightment of others goes.

So tell me, what do you believe happens to you when you die? Pay real close attention tot he word believe because there is absolutely not one single piece of evidence in any scientific journal that sheds any light on that area. So no matter how skeptic you are, you either believe in some explanation of your choice or you try not to think about it.

For those who choose to believe in some religion to explain things like the afterlife (or the absence of it) its their choice as much as is your to believe in some teapot story, and neither one is more right, more wrong, more intelligent, or more rational in choosing wich to believe.
i think that when you die, you die, and thats it. like a never ending sleep in which you dont dream, you dont think, and you have no awareness of where you are or what your doing. A true definition of "Dead"

I think this because evidence supports it. Thats what changes my belief from yours of heaven.

Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2007-04-05 09:11:04)

15 more years! 15 more years!
Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6762|Cambridge, UK

OrangeHound wrote:

You are making the assumption that there is no "evidence" or "experience" with God ... indeed, religion without evidence is merely social control.  However, if you ever get enlightened with some "evidence" or "experience" with God, then perhaps you will understand that there are many, many logical people who are not following social control.  They are following God.
That is the nature of belief, you don't go around believing in everything just in case there is evidence somewhere "the teapot may exist, and so may the tooth-fairy" - nope I dont think so!

In which case why do so many of the religious get so upset by Atheists (especially on these forums).... surely its just that, so far, God has chosen not to (or failed) to show us the "evidence" - we are the innocent and as God (if he existed) is supposed to be omnipotent it must be by his choice that we remain so, for he must know exactly why we don't believe, and what would change our minds.

By your rational, we would have never believed that germs existed because we could not see them, touch them, feel them. Maybe all of the tools that are needed to find such proof are not available to us at this point in time much like microscopes were not available to earlier peoples. I think that some cling to atheism because it is easier, I'm sure religious zealots play a part in driving people away as well. I feel Christianity is one perspective out of many to the same end result.
Monkey Spanker
Show it to the nice monkey.

EVieira wrote:

So tell me, what do you believe happens to you when you die? .
You rot in the ground or you are burnt to ashes simple. But people want the memory of there loved ones/ hated people to live on so the concept of heaven and hell were made up.

Religion = control of the masses, it gives them some form of belief in  a higher power that they think controls there lives where as in reality the church controls there lives. This is where athiests have the advantage because they know that they control there own destiny in the years that they are alive.

Jsnipy you are corerct that some athesists find it easier to not believe but myself i believe in a more rational line of thinking that i control my own destiny not a religious concept.

Last edited by smuder201 (2007-04-05 09:18:34)

Quote of the year so far "Fifa 11 on the other hand... shiny things for mongos "-mtb0minime
+917|6928|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

OrangeHound wrote:

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

And when someone tells me something, i ask for proof, facts, evidence. I would think any logical person does? Right?

I hope i've inlightened people a little bit.
No.  This is not enlightenment ... you just haven't yet had the privilege of enlightenment.

You are making the assumption that there is no "evidence" or "experience" with God ... indeed, religion without evidence is merely social control.  However, if you ever get enlightened with some "evidence" or "experience" with God, then perhaps you will understand that there are many, many logical people who are not following social control.  They are following God.
Yes, your are correct, i am making the assumption that there is no evidence or experience with god. I will actually go as far as saying that is a fact.
So your saying there is some evidence of god? By all means, show me!
I really think that is his point, there is no proof. All there is is faith.

But, that doesnt bother me. im very religious and im done arguing about it. lol
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
16 more years
+877|6835|South Florida

Des.Kmal wrote:

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

OrangeHound wrote:

No.  This is not enlightenment ... you just haven't yet had the privilege of enlightenment.

You are making the assumption that there is no "evidence" or "experience" with God ... indeed, religion without evidence is merely social control.  However, if you ever get enlightened with some "evidence" or "experience" with God, then perhaps you will understand that there are many, many logical people who are not following social control.  They are following God.
Yes, your are correct, i am making the assumption that there is no evidence or experience with god. I will actually go as far as saying that is a fact.
So your saying there is some evidence of god? By all means, show me!
im very religious and im done arguing about it. lol
This is your first post here lol
15 more years! 15 more years!
Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6762|Cambridge, UK

jsnipy wrote:

By your rational, we would have never believed that germs existed because we could not see them, touch them, feel them. Maybe all of the tools that are needed to find such proof are not available to us at this point in time much like microscopes were not available to earlier peoples. I think that some cling to atheism because it is easier, I'm sure Christian zealots play a part in driving people away as well. I Christianity is one perspective out of many to the same end result.
Actually that's what did happen, no one did believe in germs, and when the first indications were found most thought those who said so were as mad as someone believing in the teapot above. But slowly by the process of science it was proved to the point that now almost everyone believes in them and evidence, reason, cause-and-effect can all be easily found and demonstrated.

and how can you cling onto atheism - let a lone it be easier? this is just a religious put-down. Being an Atheist means you just don't believe there is a God.... to 'cling' suggests either doubt and that would make you agnostic, or believing in God but not liking the rules but that makes you a theist just not belonging to a religion.
I am all that is MOD!

This is an argument put forth by Bertrand Russell.  Basically there are overwhelming reasons to suppose its false, and not really any at all to suppose it is true.  Further, we as humans ignore equally implausible ideas all the time.
Topal63 put forward a lot of good points about this here:
It was a fun debate :-P
+105|6788|Lutenblaag, Molvania

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

EVieira wrote:

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

I hope i've inlightened people a little bit.
You're a skeptic, fine. But thats as far as your enlightment of others goes.

So tell me, what do you believe happens to you when you die? Pay real close attention tot he word believe because there is absolutely not one single piece of evidence in any scientific journal that sheds any light on that area. So no matter how skeptic you are, you either believe in some explanation of your choice or you try not to think about it.

For those who choose to believe in some religion to explain things like the afterlife (or the absence of it) its their choice as much as is your to believe in some teapot story, and neither one is more right, more wrong, more intelligent, or more rational in choosing wich to believe.
i think that when you die, you die, and thats it. like a never ending sleep in which you dont dream, you dont think, and you have no awareness of where you are or what your doing. A true definition of "Dead"

I think this because evidence supports it. Thats what changes my belief from yours of heaven.
So you think when you die you enter a never ending sleep. Until proven differently, thats what you believe happens. You call this the "a true definition of Dead", but thats your definition. There is no evidence of this whatsoever, but hey its what you feel based on your experiences. Its what happens when you sleep, right? So it must be something like that to be dead.

You have every right to believe in that, and, who knows, you may be right. But you have just as much proof of this as of your teapot story. Just as any Christiand, Muslim, Budhist, whatever has of what they believe in.

Last edited by EVieira (2007-04-05 09:25:52)

"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;  the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642)
16 more years
+877|6835|South Florida

KylieTastic wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

By your rational, we would have never believed that germs existed because we could not see them, touch them, feel them. Maybe all of the tools that are needed to find such proof are not available to us at this point in time much like microscopes were not available to earlier peoples. I think that some cling to atheism because it is easier, I'm sure Christian zealots play a part in driving people away as well. I Christianity is one perspective out of many to the same end result.
Actually that's what did happen, no one did believe in germs, and when the first indications were found most thought those who said so were as mad as someone believing in the teapot above. But slowly by the process of science it was proved to the point that now almost everyone believes in them and evidence, reason, cause-and-effect can all be easily found and demonstrated.

and how can you cling onto atheism - let a lone it be easier? this is just a religious put-down. Being an Atheist means you just don't believe there is a God.... to 'cling' suggests either doubt and that would make you agnostic, or believing in God but not liking the rules but that makes you a theist just not belonging to a religion.
So maybe i should create my own group of people who think

1. God is absolutly fake
2. Religion should be removed from society and it will better the world if it is.

I call us... Umm....

(Lodge - i (like thin) - Sists)
Base word Logic.

Any better names?

Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2007-04-05 09:27:17)

15 more years! 15 more years!
+145|6618|Keller, Tx
I don't believe in any type of God, but what I don't understand is what the universe really is. I doubt it'll ever be figured out, as our species will die eons before we can figure it out.

I mean, if the universe was smaller than an atom at on time (zero time), what was the universe before the big bang? We're only here because there was one part more matter than anti-matter in the beginning, which allowed everything out there to exist.

If it is all some experiment by aliens (the universe in a marble theory), then what made them? Answering that God is what made them and everything is futile, because, what made God? How can there be a beginning when there's nothing that existed before the beginning happened?

Confusing fucking thing, the universe is.

Last edited by too_money2007 (2007-04-05 09:28:15)

I am a Christian.  I will not speak for other religions, but I will say this:

The existance of the man, Jesus of Nazareth, is as close to fact as anything else in our history books.  Hundreds of people close to his life, many of which were eyewitnesses to his life, wrote of him.

This does not prove that he is the Son of God.  However, if not, he was a con man the likes of which we have seldom seen.

The vast majority of people on earth, including myself, have felt the influence of God in their lives.  According to a poll my brother cited me, about 80% of the earths population has said they have directly felt God's influence.  (yes, I know this is a hearsay poll, and I have no proof of it, but I am not trying to prove God's existance with this post anyways.  However, for what its worth, wikipedia has similar polls posted.)

Snipy is completely right.  To suggest that something does not exist because we can not prove it is there is ridiculous.  Most of what we hold as fact in science is actually "theory."  If you can get 80% of the earth's population to suggest that they have felt the influence of a teapot in space, I might lend some credibility to your argument.

Your beloved scientists can not explain things as simple as the walls of Jericho, but any evidence that is not easily explained by the science they understand, or that doesnt fit what they want to prove is brushed aside.

You Atheists pretend that us believers are close minded and gullible, but your post comparing God to a teapot shows how simple minded and ridiculous you are.

KylieTastic wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

By your rational, we would have never believed that germs existed because we could not see them, touch them, feel them. Maybe all of the tools that are needed to find such proof are not available to us at this point in time much like microscopes were not available to earlier peoples. I think that some cling to atheism because it is easier, I'm sure Christian zealots play a part in driving people away as well. I Christianity is one perspective out of many to the same end result.
Actually that's what did happen, no one did believe in germs, and when the first indications were found most thought those who said so were as mad as someone believing in the teapot above. But slowly by the process of science it was proved to the point that now almost everyone believes in them and evidence, reason, cause-and-effect can all be easily found and demonstrated.

and how can you cling onto atheism - let a lone it be easier? this is just a religious put-down. Being an Atheist means you just don't believe there is a God.... to 'cling' suggests either doubt and that would make you agnostic, or believing in God but not liking the rules but that makes you a theist just not belonging to a religion.
Wow you are very defensive (early 20's at most?). If I was going to put you down, I would make it very apparent.

I'm saying it is easier to give up rather than searching for that which created us -- what or whoever that maybe. Maybe something like the physical signs of an infection exists, maybe you cannot see it .

The faulty premise you are starting with is that you are smarter than everyone else before you. Usually the first of univesity does this to you.

I'll add to that organized religion as we know it sets a bad example, just like organization that are setup to cure things like cancer. In the end they turn into somethign that just wants to propigate itself at any cost.

Last edited by jsnipy (2007-04-05 09:32:42)

Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6762|Cambridge, UK

EVieira wrote:

You have every right to believe in that, and, who knows, you may be right. But you have just as much proof of this as of your teapot story. Just as any Christiand, Muslim, Budhist, whatever has of what they believe in.
I think the point is not about proof (that's the problem with religious arguments after all)

The point of the OP was that unless you are raised being told that God exists (which by the fact kids a duped to believe in Santa and the tooth-fairy can be seen to be a factor), or you have some other thing happen in your life to cause you to start to believe.... that many religious come across as a story (that without the belief to start with) sound very iffy, and thus why should a non-believer believe in the Bible etc any more than the teacup?

KylieTastic wrote:

EVieira wrote:

You have every right to believe in that, and, who knows, you may be right. But you have just as much proof of this as of your teapot story. Just as any Christiand, Muslim, Budhist, whatever has of what they believe in.
I think the point is not about proof (that's the problem with religious arguments after all)

The point of the OP was that unless you are raised being told that God exists (which by the fact kids a duped to believe in Santa and the tooth-fairy can be seen to be a factor), or you have some other thing happen in your life to cause you to start to believe.... that many religious come across as a story (that without the belief to start with) sound very iffy, and thus why should a non-believer believe in the Bible etc any more than the teacup?
maybe thats my fault ... i missed/got off the topic
Busy doing highfalutin adminy stuff ...
+1,335|6959|Washington DC

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

OrangeHound wrote:

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

And when someone tells me something, i ask for proof, facts, evidence. I would think any logical person does? Right?

I hope i've inlightened people a little bit.
No.  This is not enlightenment ... you just haven't yet had the privilege of enlightenment.

You are making the assumption that there is no "evidence" or "experience" with God ... indeed, religion without evidence is merely social control.  However, if you ever get enlightened with some "evidence" or "experience" with God, then perhaps you will understand that there are many, many logical people who are not following social control.  They are following God.
Yes, your are correct, i am making the assumption that there is no evidence or experience with god. I will actually go as far as saying that is a fact.
So your saying there is some evidence of god? By all means, show me!
I can understand that you are likely confused about the source of the evidence, because "religious" people are always going around trying to put forth evidence.

I am not the source of the evidence nor can I communicate an evidence that would be convincing, God is the source of the convincing evidence.

You appear to not want God or need God.  But, should you ever get to the point of George Bailey on the bridge (see "Its a Wonderful Life") where you actually need or want God ... then perhaps you might finally get some evidence.

There is evidence - huge and convincing evidence - but you gotta be open to receiving it.

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