At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.
- Matthew 24:11
Here is the mainstream Wiki version.
For this small series of threads , I require you to suspend your disbelief. You have to go along with my hypothetical. You have to understand I am not advocating anything: merely describing what I see as an alternative system, and what radical steps would be required to accomplish it.
First, some hypothetical headlines:
May 7, 2009
Iran Strikes Israel With New Holocaust.
Iran delivered on it's long term goal and dealt a murderous blow to the State of Israel. Tens of thousands of innocents were annilated in a flash of 'holy' fire. The small warhead leveled large swaths of Tel Aviv, but does not pose a major threat to the region.
May 10, 2009
Thousands of Pakistani troops pour across Kashmir.
Within hours New Delhi was a graveyard for millions and Islamabad became a slag heap burning white hot in a nuclear inferno
China invades the United States
Tens of thousands of tanks, jeeps and armored fighting vehicles poured forth from our ports and terminals following a series of EMP weapons discharges. Power, communications are gone. The Red Army had quietly imported 2 million combat troops to U.S. in shipping containers paid for by Walmart. Executives from the company who caught in a motorcade and torn limb from limb.
Chinese troops quickly set up mobil gas houses to dispatch of political unfriendlies and establishment relics.
June 11, 2022
Mass beheadings in London as Sharia law takes effect.
With Her long time military supporter America now official disbanded as a nation and under joint control of the Socialist Forces of Venezuela and the Chinese army, citizens of England lined up for Islamic Court identification cards.
Those caught without cards or beards are executed the next day.
It doesn't have to be this way...but it will be if radical steps are not taken to over-throw and replace all the existing world governments.
The legal Case for the sacking of the U.S. Government, the arrest of George Bush and the beginning of the end of modern governments.
- Matthew 24:11
Here is the mainstream Wiki version.
For this small series of threads , I require you to suspend your disbelief. You have to go along with my hypothetical. You have to understand I am not advocating anything: merely describing what I see as an alternative system, and what radical steps would be required to accomplish it.
First, some hypothetical headlines:
May 7, 2009
Iran Strikes Israel With New Holocaust.
Iran delivered on it's long term goal and dealt a murderous blow to the State of Israel. Tens of thousands of innocents were annilated in a flash of 'holy' fire. The small warhead leveled large swaths of Tel Aviv, but does not pose a major threat to the region.
May 10, 2009
Thousands of Pakistani troops pour across Kashmir.
Within hours New Delhi was a graveyard for millions and Islamabad became a slag heap burning white hot in a nuclear inferno
China invades the United States
Tens of thousands of tanks, jeeps and armored fighting vehicles poured forth from our ports and terminals following a series of EMP weapons discharges. Power, communications are gone. The Red Army had quietly imported 2 million combat troops to U.S. in shipping containers paid for by Walmart. Executives from the company who caught in a motorcade and torn limb from limb.
Chinese troops quickly set up mobil gas houses to dispatch of political unfriendlies and establishment relics.
June 11, 2022
Mass beheadings in London as Sharia law takes effect.
With Her long time military supporter America now official disbanded as a nation and under joint control of the Socialist Forces of Venezuela and the Chinese army, citizens of England lined up for Islamic Court identification cards.
Those caught without cards or beards are executed the next day.
It doesn't have to be this way...but it will be if radical steps are not taken to over-throw and replace all the existing world governments.
The legal Case for the sacking of the U.S. Government, the arrest of George Bush and the beginning of the end of modern governments.