Member 5307
i love my stats! i check them everyday, and during work this bloody forum page is almost always open. i l like seeing what improvements i have made since the last night of gaming. i like planning and analysing as to which badge/ ribbon i will try to achieve the next time i play.
i loved the day when my K/D went positive just as i look forward to my first expert badge.
my scores aren't that great in fact i would be hyping it if i said that there were average.
but i don't care. i rarely check on other people's stats unless they are that of friends or dweebs like mikeshw and polarbearz cos its great to see them improving as well and if they have a badge i don't i can ask them for tips.
so my stats are for my own personal pleasure and not for comparing.
there would be no end, right or wrong in such comparisions.
my 2 cents.

Last edited by tthf (2006-01-13 19:53:14)

Radioactive Glo
+130|7151|A Small Isle in the Tropics

uber73 wrote:


so many people saying stats aint important, yet SO MANY sigs with stats

irony can be so ironic.
never had one from day one on these forums, and now none at all it is so liberating. anyone burnt a bra?
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
People check them anyway why not post stats with a chick, it doesn't matter people are gonna look at them to do what this post is about. I do what tthf does basically I don't look at others, just mine, on my improvements. My thing is people say they are better than the other, but in reality they are the ones without a clue. Like I said, too many variables. The stats were meant to be for the individual to have goals and to plan ahead, not for massive comparison by others via internet, granted I look at them everyday on the internet and I am glad for this, but again I don't believe should look at others and judge whether they are bad or not and say ' you suck, because your K/D is below whatever' what a morale booster eh?
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield

uber73 wrote:


so many people saying stats aint important, yet SO MANY sigs with stats

irony can be so ironic.
Like my background?
we had this conversation before chitlin, obviously you're very judgemental and take these stats to heart about other people and how they play.
no sorry .. i only bring it up when someone decides to attack me personally. you can even read in my post that i said people take them too seriously.  if someones gona talk shit to me or tell me how the game works you had better have more skills than me..
Fact is this. Those who tend to lack skill in a game tend to enjoy the competitive aspect less. Sure, there are some who do actually suck, yet they still focus their sights upon reaching the top. In some aspects, this can be in vain. For instance, just take a look at MaxPower (meh, everyone else was ragging on him, I might as well ). Completely sucky player, yet desire to reach the top through time played (or...I could be making this inference erroneously, and he may just have nothing better to do). But, aside from that is the truth that those who excel in something often bear the desire to meet a challenge, to reach the tippitty top; whereas on the opposite end of the spectrum are the disinterested, blissful players deprived of the competitive edge that "skill" provides, as visible through any type of game (whether virtual or physical).

But, more relative to this circumstance, comes the scrutiny and (mostly idiotic) assumptions when one holds a high accruement of hours (in the typical "whore" vehicles). Simply because one utilizes vehicles as their main outlet of destruction, it doesn't automatically mean they can't fight as an infantryman or are "noob tubing bunny hoppers" when they do in fact drop the feet to the floor. But again, it seems to me that many here have simply found this thread as an avenue for relinquishing their aggression towards either those who do in fact fit the stereotype or their inaccurate generalizations towards those who don't. Regardless, most competitive players (whether their play style can be deemed as "dignified" or not) tend to have the strain of condescent. IMO, many here who support polarbearz act in reaction to this egotism, although this reaction may be justified in cases where those boasting lack the apt to do so legitimately.

The thing is, sad enough as it may be, most people don't even know how to utilize armor to its fullest. And no, this doesn't include spawn killing. As an armor user, both assistance to the team and cultivation of respectable statistics can be adjoined with ease (ask if this aspect of my post troubles you [i.e. lack of comprehension relative to feasibility]). I only say this as to reaffirm refutation of the constant slinging around of the "armor whore" term, as if it were to hold some reliable heresy against those whom fall "victim" to this bias. In a full analysis (both statistical interrogative), the feeble and sharp minded can be easily differentiated.

Were I in the position of not having any skill in a virtual video game, I would think that jumping to conclusions based on supposition wouldn't be the most logical and reasonable position to take when a full understanding of the competitive ambitions of fellow man haven't been developed. Sure, you may say you know because you "played high school sports", but really, does that even matter if you can't put two and two together? The failure of the ignorant comes in their lacking inquisition. Mostly, those striving to reach that #1 position are respectable players. Who the hell cares if the more skilled player TKs for an aviator or some armor? The thing is, arrogance is acceptable where appropriate. The worst thing is undeserved conceit.

A few of you (namely, I note uber73) babble about those "angry kids" who act “mouthy” on some forums because they have no friends and need to act “hard” somewhere without the fear of getting “sideswiped”. Wow. These types of assumptions couldn’t be farther from the truth. Seriously, try finding someone who plays video games who has no social relationships existing outside of the given familial ties. Your results will come few and far between. Really, a large populace of the gaming community tends to be the egotistical, disgruntled, middle-aged men – the sense of which [/i]uber73[/i] greatly exudes. Ironic that hatred is given to the self-centered peoples when this behavioral facet is commonly found in the “haters”.


(P.S. d3v1ldr1v3r13 - lmao, I’m truly amazed to find out that the USAF has a Spec Ops unit. If you would, share with us the name of this group.

Tyferra – Your point about making a “comprehensive comparison” between one player’s stats and another’s rings very true, though only so when the actual play style of the supposed opposition isn’t known [and no, stats don’t tell you, and can’t tell you, the more intricate aspects of gameplay {the phrasing in the linear bracket is directed to anyone interested in making the possible citation that stats tell you of someone’s style of play, and not directly you, Tyferra}])

* Edited for organization and clarification

Last edited by Kniero (2006-01-15 19:11:09)

wow, great post polarbearz.
I play the game at an internet cafe. I own the game but not the gc. Maybe on payday:) I check my stats all thetime and i strategize to myself on what im gonna concentrate on next time I play. I think thats what the stats are for.
I love to get awards and medals. Thats one of the reasons I started playing this game.
That and its so goddamn fun!
Death to( and I hate ths word?) nOObtubers
Bunny hoppers can lick my sac too.
Well also my two cents worth.
PS Polarbearz, u would be a worthy teammate.
Yes. Judging someone by his/her stats is just plain fucking ridiculous.
Well, you can make educated guesses as to peoples playstyle preferences based on their stats.

You for example have > 50% of your total time logged in vehicles.
75% of your kills do not come from infantry weapons.
you have > .5 k/d ration with infantry weapons.

My conclusions:
You like to use vehicles more than you like fighting on foot.
I would not be particularily afraid to run into you when you are not on a vehicle.
+0|7033|Wherever I may roam

polarbearz wrote:

Right. I was in the middle of polishing up the next entry to my Guide and was just trolling the forums for fun. And I saw this reply:

RogerThast wrote:

cry all you want polarbearz but my points per min kills yours an you have an extra 200 hours on me
Fine. I'll take the first blow first 'Let the man with no sin cast the first stone'. I was being sarcastic in my reply to his post. Yes, but these posts have been popping up faster than smurfs. And yes, I believe my reply made TOTAL sense to the topic at hand. All the bitching about spawn camping, heli base raping etc etc. Read the thread in question:

But to my Main point, this is something that has pissed me off very often and very badly whenever I get in these forums. No, I'm not greatly affected by it, neither will I cut myself or commit suicide over it, I'm just really really irritated and this is one of the things that really puts me off about these forums and the fuckers that hang around inside. Thank goodness that for every 10 or so fuckers there will always be one shining light of salvation that actually keeps me hanging around.

Yes. Judging someone by his/her stats is just plain fucking ridiculous. What fucking right to you have to say 'STFU n00b who are you to comment on so-and-so topic when my SPM/KDR/Ratios are better than yours' Just what the fuck. Sure I call people in these forums karkand whores, plane whores, tank whores, but its all in the name of fun. You have fun playing in karkand, BY ALL MEANS! I won't judge you for that, I won't start a personal attack on you for that, if you had fun, you DID fufil the main point of getting this game! Who am I to say that you're a fucking idiot for that?

But its saddening that more than half the fucking community can't see that. They're so anal, so uptight about their oh-so-precious stats. Those are the people that check their account non-stop to see if their SPM went up by ONE. Those are the very same people that go in these forums that go 'Oh polarbearz I just checked you suck at every weapon on the ground, your accuracy sucks, you ratios as infantry sucks, you spent XXX hours in a vehicle you fucking wh0re.

Oh Wow.

I really give a fuck hey? I do whatever the fuck I want in the game. I run around slashing at empty air. I jump and defib the air/teammate around me if I'm bored. I shoot the Dao at the air/ground just to hear the 'CHOOM CHOOM CHOOM' sound that turns me on (). I don't throw one grenade around a corner, I throw my entire load. I pick any kit that I feel like/situation calls for. I change kits for fun on the ground to see if I can get an SF weapon and I can't be bothered to change back.

I play every single map, use every single vehicle I can get my hands on. Sure, i'm partial to planes/helis, because I loved flight sims ever since I played the very very old Microsoft Plane Stimulator. But I don't camp for them. I take whatever vehicle I can get my hands on. If not I walk. Or swim. Sure sometimes I do get stupid, my old death streak of 14 was when I boarded the same plane on the MEC airfield in Oman again and again just to be killed again and again. But I don't care! It thrills me to see how far off the field I can actually get the plane off, if I manage to get it off, kudos to me, and sucks to be in the F-35B because I'm going to blow them out of the sky.

polarbearz wrote:

I mess around all the time because its a fucking game ffs. I have fun pissing my entire team off by hogging the plane and doing tricks. Giving the entire blackhawk crew a heart attack/stroke by barrel rolling dangerously close to the ground. Spend time in game just talking. Trying for stupid badges I know i'll never get (read: knife and explosives)..
I regularly piss players off in EASG/EA TH because I hog the plane flying under bridges and scream like a little kid over VOIP when I manage to go upside down / corkscrew through the tunnel in kubra, under the bridge in cleansweep, under both bridges in wake upside down etc. etc. But I'm having fun! A little selfish but I DO kill after that *mumbles* and I provide air support too.

I let my darling little sister mess around with my account racking up a 19 death streak and pounding all my ratios down. But do I care? Cuz I love her more than I love this game. It tickles me to see her start swearing at my LCD screen because someone killed her while she was looking for the key to change weapon, move forward etc. I love the way she complains about how she gets killed so fast in armor while other people rack up insane scores. I love the way she jumped for joy the first time she got her first gold star (by herself). I get fucking mad when people in game go 'Fucking Sergeant n00b etc'. I secretly played her account to get her decent stats in everything just so she would take less flak from some of these fuckers online. I love the way she gets all excited about running into a firefight.

Why? Because I love her more than I love this game.

Why the fuck should you care about your ratios, what's more, other peoples' ratios and their scores etc etc. I don't. I don't even bother scrolling down to see how much time you have in what map. If I see it on your pic, you're an auto karkand whore in my books, but I don't mean anything malicious by it at all. Today was the FIRST time I actually checked someone else's stats and scrolled down to see how much time he had in the map. I can't believe it.

Put it this way, just look at your own stats. Fuck off the comparisons. Just because you got more SPM, KDR etc doesn't make you a better player, and more importantly, a better person. Some people in this community people are decent people.. Not only decent people, fucking good people at that. They don't have fantastic stats, they aren't uber1337 players, but playing with them is hilarious and so much more fun than playing with that player with some I've-Got-My-Fingers-Up-My-Ass-Stat-Whore. I love playing with friends, regrettably I'm stuck in asia, so the circle is small, but I so much prefer them to some high-ranking, stat-obsessed jackass.

Print out your stats, bend over, and shove it up your own fucking ass. You'll enjoy it more this way.
Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  You have basically captured my thoughts on this whole stats thing.  My stats are nothing great (.65 K/D), but I am awfully happy with the improvements I've made over time.  I was down as low about .20 or so when I first started playing this game. 

I say let people play the game how they're going to play the game (as long as they're not cheating, of course) and be happy.  I also say it's really rude and arrogant of anyone to judge other people simply on the basis of the K/D or SPM.  Like PolarBearz said, there are people that are great people on here and they don't deserve to have their viewpoints discounted because they might not have a 2:1 K/D.
+0|7033|Wherever I may roam

JeeSqwat wrote:

95% of the people saying they dont care about stats in this post are mostly below 15,000 points....not to mention a few with 5000 or less,example  PFCStenzel  has 216hrs play time and 15,000 points , here is another jackass Lestat<CoN> 120 +hrs and 10,000 points ,id say the samething with shit stats like that.
Stop using his topic to try and justify HOW YOU FUCKING BLOW IN BF2.

I believe this topic was posted to those who have high stats that dwell on there stats...not for LOSERS to have an excuse for there lack of skill.
You, sir, are the kind of person that the original poster was directing his angst towards.  The kind who obviously get some sort of ego boost by degrading other people's skills in a game.  A game is supposed to be a diversion, not a pissing contest.  Last time I checked, I'm not getting paid for doing it, so it's sure as hell not a job.  Believe it or not, there are really some people that play the game for FUN and not just to achieve some status that 99% of the world's population wouldn't give a damn about.

But of course, I only say that because I am a loser who lacks skills. </sarcasm>

lol, u dick. 

im not an angry middle aged man.. im a very happy middle aged man
u, sir, are up your own ass mate. thats very clear.  you seem VERY proud of your opinions in that post.. Attention people... Kniero has Spoken!  Quiver.  Or laugh, which ever..

Last edited by uber73 (2006-01-14 03:46:49)


mbolton2005 wrote:

JeeSqwat wrote:

95% of the people saying they dont care about stats in this post are mostly below 15,000 points....not to mention a few with 5000 or less,example  PFCStenzel  has 216hrs play time and 15,000 points , here is another jackass Lestat<CoN> 120 +hrs and 10,000 points ,id say the samething with shit stats like that.
Stop using his topic to try and justify HOW YOU FUCKING BLOW IN BF2.

I believe this topic was posted to those who have high stats that dwell on there stats...not for LOSERS to have an excuse for there lack of skill.
You, sir, are the kind of person that the original poster was directing his angst towards.  The kind who obviously get some sort of ego boost by degrading other people's skills in a game.  A game is supposed to be a diversion, not a pissing contest.  Last time I checked, I'm not getting paid for doing it, so it's sure as hell not a job.  Believe it or not, there are really some people that play the game for FUN and not just to achieve some status that 99% of the world's population wouldn't give a damn about.

But of course, I only say that because I am a loser who lacks skills. </sarcasm>
Brilliant reply

Stats are a personal database, sometimes used by ourselves for ourselves. They were never intended for others to say "HOW YOU FUCKING BLOW IN BF2.". However, having said that, I regularly check my stats page *after* I have got a shiney new medal or badge/ribbon.... or I'm looking for my mates to play with/against.... as for my k/d ratio or spm ... they don't actually mean anything to me. What matters most is whether I'm having fun or not ... oh and I often get killed when I stop to answer a question whilst in game.... I must stop that, it's killing my k/d ratio

The irony about those that don't care about stats yet are members of Bf2s.... Have you looked elsewhere on this site, have you seen how many people actually help others with technical issues, how they help with in game issues and chat for fun. You'll find it's those that actually make a difference to the experiences of others, not those that say 'man, your stats suck'.

@Kniero. Your opening statement reminds me of someone saying. 'If you can't suceed in trying, never try'. You've completely glossed over the 'fun' aspect of this game. I myself am  middle aged, do you honestly believe I really want to get to the very top in Bf2.

@dracul , can you really remember everyone's stats when you 'run into them' in game, or do you have some program that produces their stats on screen so you know what you're up against . If it's by memory, can I have some of it because I think . . .

Last edited by thinner44 (2006-01-14 04:05:10)


Speelbal wrote:

In reply to the topicstarter. You seem to be a person that play Battlefield for the right reason. You say that people who mind their stats, are not. I would adjust this post. People who find their stats the most important of all, those are the ones who fuck up the game. They need a tube to kill people, to have  a decent spm. They will never expierence the fun in shooting another gun. The tank whores exactly the same.

As I said in another thread, Karkand whores is a bad word. It offends people who play Karkand. I play Karkand too. Look at my stats to see the difference. BUT I tried the other maps, and I came to a conclusion. When you don't want to be raped by planes and armor, Karkand is the best map. And I don't think it's fun to be killed by armor or jets all the time. Neither do I think it's fun to be in a jet or armored vehicle. I love the plane infantry battles. Firing my gun, laying on the ground, behind a corner, running away towards a wall to reloading my clip, and go back and kill the guy who was shooting at me. I love that. And then there's always a guy in here, yes, like you, who call those people Karkand whores.
Do you even know what a whore is? A hooker. A prostitute. A women who has sex for money. A crack whore. Someone's who addicted to drugs and has sex for the money so she can buy drugs. You call people who play a map for fun a whore. Yes , I know it's just an expression, but did it occur to you that it could be a bad expression.

Also you love to bring your teammates in jeopardy. I love to keep my teammates safe, take care of them, create a squad called "teamplay" and work our way trough enemy territory. I don't like to teamkill, because the ones who I tk'ed won't like it either. When I play this game, I have this in mind: "I'm not the only one here that is playing this game. People who run around here are not bots but real persons.". In real life you don't bug people for some things. And your're absolutly right about that. You don't judge a person from his stats. Its just like bullying a heavy person in real life. How childish is that? We're not 8 year old's like in Junior High. The lot of us are adults. Adults that want to have a fun game. Do it to relax. Looking at your stats is not a crime. It gives you an indication how you played. Nothing wrong with it.

Play your way, but don't annoy other people by it.
If you want to play in a jet, play 'Operation Clean Sweep'.
If you want to play in a tank, play 'Fusche Pass'.
If you want to teamkill, play GTA .
If you want to do tricks in the game, be my guest, but don't try to teamkill.

Ergo: Do the things wich the game is intended for. Don't be a twat.
agree 100% with what u wrote
+0|7051|New Brunswick Canada

thinner44 wrote:

mbolton2005 wrote:

JeeSqwat wrote:

95% of the people saying they dont care about stats in this post are mostly below 15,000 points....not to mention a few with 5000 or less,example  PFCStenzel  has 216hrs play time and 15,000 points , here is another jackass Lestat<CoN> 120 +hrs and 10,000 points ,id say the samething with shit stats like that.
Stop using his topic to try and justify HOW YOU FUCKING BLOW IN BF2.

I believe this topic was posted to those who have high stats that dwell on there stats...not for LOSERS to have an excuse for there lack of skill.
You, sir, are the kind of person that the original poster was directing his angst towards.  The kind who obviously get some sort of ego boost by degrading other people's skills in a game.  A game is supposed to be a diversion, not a pissing contest.  Last time I checked, I'm not getting paid for doing it, so it's sure as hell not a job.  Believe it or not, there are really some people that play the game for FUN and not just to achieve some status that 99% of the world's population wouldn't give a damn about.

But of course, I only say that because I am a loser who lacks skills. </sarcasm>
Brilliant reply

Stats are a personal database, sometimes used by ourselves for ourselves. They were never intended for others to say "HOW YOU FUCKING BLOW IN BF2.". However, having said that, I regularly check my stats page *after* I have got a shiney new medal or badge/ribbon.... or I'm looking for my mates to play with/against.... as for my k/d ratio or spm ... they don't actually mean anything to me. What matters most is whether I'm having fun or not ... oh and I often get killed when I stop to answer a question whilst in game.... I must stop that, it's killing my k/d ratio

The irony about those that don't care about stats yet are members of Bf2s.... Have you looked elsewhere on this site, have you seen how many people actually help others with technical issues, how they help with in game issues and chat for fun. You'll find it's those that actually make a difference to the experiences of others, not those that say 'man, your stats suck'.

@Kniero. Your opening statement reminds me of someone saying. 'If you can't suceed in trying, never try'. You've completely glossed over the 'fun' aspect of this game. I myself am  middle aged, do you honestly believe I really want to get to the very top in Bf2.

@dracul , can you really remember everyone's stats when you 'run into them' in game, or do you have some program that produces their stats on screen so you know what you're up against . If it's by memory, can I have some of it because I think . . .
Exactly, I like looking at my stats. i look at my global score, i look at time, i look at what badges and stuff i have to see what i can still try and get, for fun. It's a challenge. I don't look at spm or k/d or anything else i like to get awards and go up in ranks but mostly i have fun and when you have fun you may as well get points too so i play on ranked servers not because i ever plan to be #1 i never even plan to make it to Sergeant major. eventually i will but i don't care when
I like the stats. It adds a certain amount of persistance to the game. It lets me know when im improved, and when I plateu and need to figure out what im doing wrong.
i like >>>>SLIPKNOT<<<<
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
Rammstien is on a come back I hear... I also like KORN.

Well since I am not a new player anymore I decided to take off the stats sig. One of the things I thought was cool because it was new to me and trying see what everyone else was doing, but I realized it was irony on my part. Stats should only be for me, not you, not my dog, and not my wife. I started playing straight multiplayer, didn't even go to singleplayer, K/D was .17 and didn't know anything but had fun doing what I was doing; now I am more involved and know the way around and have fun. I've noticed some things to up the stats, but those don't make you a better player (I've been using the tank now, flying planes and trying to find a good squad play).

I still don't go to unfull 64 servers, did that once and found how easy it was to get ALOT of points and everything went upward; I've noticed if people get in the mid 100's on a regular basis they are not on a full 64 server and that is mainly why people have great stats.

Last edited by imdead (2006-01-14 07:10:00)

Tactical Specialist

mbolton2005 wrote:

JeeSqwat wrote:

95% of the people saying they dont care about stats in this post are mostly below 15,000 points....not to mention a few with 5000 or less,example  PFCStenzel  has 216hrs play time and 15,000 points , here is another jackass Lestat<CoN> 120 +hrs and 10,000 points ,id say the samething with shit stats like that.
Stop using his topic to try and justify HOW YOU FUCKING BLOW IN BF2.

I believe this topic was posted to those who have high stats that dwell on there stats...not for LOSERS to have an excuse for there lack of skill.
You, sir, are the kind of person that the original poster was directing his angst towards.  The kind who obviously get some sort of ego boost by degrading other people's skills in a game.  A game is supposed to be a diversion, not a pissing contest.  Last time I checked, I'm not getting paid for doing it, so it's sure as hell not a job.  Believe it or not, there are really some people that play the game for FUN and not just to achieve some status that 99% of the world's population wouldn't give a damn about.

But of course, I only say that because I am a loser who lacks skills. </sarcasm>
Actually you do lack skills.. with 220hrs and 14,000 points....enough said ZIP IT stop being sarcastic and face reality.

Last edited by JeeSqwat (2006-01-14 09:02:07)

Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
Maybe he's a foot soldier. Is 400hrs 31k points any good? Probably not, but I started solely as infantry, didn't touch a tank/plane/apc until recently. Thats how I play and I am fine with that. It doesn't make anyone better than the other, it's just how they play the game, only if you are on the same server and playing with the person you can say this person bites, that way you see how he plays. Who knows. People are different and unique, that's a way to go about this stat stuff.
Didnt Do it
Hey Jeesqwat did you even bother to read the topic most likely not cause your the sort of idiot its about and your stats are rather average for someone who takes himself soo seriously plus something for you not to brag about 999TKs in 345hrs thats pathetic i would have to try real hard to get close to that (if you want to know thats just 2.9 an Hour compared to mine of .633 and hour or 97 for 153hrs) but i dont care about some dick who has his head up his ass im going to go play and die somemore with some friends and have fun
@ JeeSqwat , you really need to read the first post to this thread again, this time, inwardly digest what he has excellently conveyed to everyone else.
The Photographer.
+81|7018|Central Valley,California
I created an account for my little brother like you did with you're sister. He insisted that he have his own instead of playing mine., Don't think he's too bad.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7120|Orlando, FL - Age 43

chitlin wrote:

wait is this website called .. no its stats...

while i agree too many people prejudge and put too much weight on thier stats they are far from meaningless ..if you dont care about stats why do you play on ranked servers ? why do you come to a stats site ? personally i dig  the in depth stats tracking and can find no better way to judge someones skill than thier stats
Just for you, chiltlin, just for you. You once wrote in another thread....

chitlin wrote:

and finally you have a negative ratio on everything including your precious gl .. which is sad and makes your opinions about skills and game mechanics very weak .. when you actually know how to use them and know how they work then give your opinion
So, just for you I decided, yes decided, to pull one of my kit weapons which you seem to think are the most important of all the stats out of the negative, and to do it in rather short order. I did it just to show you, my hard headed friend, that trying to base assuptions on stats is not all you think it is. I chose to raise that stat just to prove a point to you, and all the kills made were made in a legitimate fashion. Stats are a transitory thing and not all people care for them the way that you do and dasing arguments upon them are like building a house on sand.
Tactical Specialist

Lestat<CoN> wrote:

Hey Jeesqwat did you even bother to read the topic most likely not cause your the sort of idiot its about and your stats are rather average for someone who takes himself soo seriously plus something for you not to brag about 999TKs in 345hrs thats pathetic i would have to try real hard to get close to that (if you want to know thats just 2.9 an Hour compared to mine of .633 and hour or 97 for 153hrs) but i dont care about some dick who has his head up his ass im going to go play and die somemore with some friends and have fun
Another poorly ranked player commenting, and FYI I like to TK stfu
Mod Incarnate

JeeSqwat wrote:

Lestat<CoN> wrote:

Hey Jeesqwat did you even bother to read the topic most likely not cause your the sort of idiot its about and your stats are rather average for someone who takes himself soo seriously plus something for you not to brag about 999TKs in 345hrs thats pathetic i would have to try real hard to get close to that (if you want to know thats just 2.9 an Hour compared to mine of .633 and hour or 97 for 153hrs) but i dont care about some dick who has his head up his ass im going to go play and die somemore with some friends and have fun
Another poorly ranked player commenting, and FYI I like to TK stfu
You are a douchebag on so many levels Jeesqwat. What is your problem? Does the thought of other people enjoying the game without having great stats fill you with rage? Do you feel the need to inject your opinion of other people into every possible space? I notice youve only picked on people with stats worse than yours, which is exactly what the OP of this thread was against. You remind me of the impotent jerks who strut around the playground picking on the first graders, if I might use a grade school analogy.

Moving on, your stats are good, but they're not THAT good. I find that most of the arrogant dickheads in this game are just average players. Perhaps if you spent less time being an asshole you could be a truly great player, but thats your choice. as someone else mentioned you have 999 teamkills. Thats more than i have with twice as much time played. This means I would rather have one of those "poorly ranked players" on my side than you, because other than the possibility that you'll stab me in the back, you're also a prick. And quite frankly, I dont like playing with pricks.

So please, why dont you go jack off to your reflection in a mirror for a while and let the rest of us play the game however we damn please. You're really not earning yourself any friends here.

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