Fact is this. Those who tend to lack skill in a game tend to enjoy the competitive aspect less. Sure, there are some who do actually suck, yet they still focus their sights upon reaching the top. In some aspects, this can be in vain. For instance, just take a look at MaxPower (meh, everyone else was ragging on him, I might as well
). Completely sucky player, yet desire to reach the top through time played (or...I could be making this inference erroneously, and he may just have nothing better to do). But, aside from that is the truth that those who excel in something often bear the desire to meet a challenge, to reach the tippitty top; whereas on the opposite end of the spectrum are the disinterested, blissful players deprived of the competitive edge that "skill" provides, as visible through any type of game (whether virtual or physical).
But, more relative to this circumstance, comes the scrutiny and (mostly idiotic) assumptions when one holds a high accruement of hours (in the typical "whore" vehicles). Simply because one utilizes vehicles as their main outlet of destruction, it doesn't automatically mean they can't fight as an infantryman or are "noob tubing bunny hoppers" when they do in fact drop the feet to the floor. But again, it seems to me that many here have simply found this thread as an avenue for relinquishing their aggression towards either those who do in fact fit the stereotype or their inaccurate generalizations towards those who don't. Regardless, most competitive players (whether their play style can be deemed as "dignified" or not) tend to have the strain of condescent. IMO, many here who support polarbearz act in reaction to this egotism, although this reaction may be justified in cases where those boasting lack the apt to do so legitimately.
The thing is, sad enough as it may be, most people don't even know how to utilize armor to its fullest. And no, this doesn't include spawn killing. As an armor user, both assistance to the team and cultivation of respectable statistics can be adjoined with ease (ask if this aspect of my post troubles you [i.e. lack of comprehension relative to feasibility]). I only say this as to reaffirm refutation of the constant slinging around of the "armor whore" term, as if it were to hold some reliable heresy against those whom fall "victim" to this bias. In a full analysis (both statistical interrogative), the feeble and sharp minded can be easily differentiated.
Were I in the position of not having any skill in a virtual video game, I would think that jumping to conclusions based on supposition wouldn't be the most logical and reasonable position to take when a full understanding of the competitive ambitions of fellow man haven't been developed. Sure, you may say you know because you "played high school sports", but really, does that even matter if you can't put two and two together? The failure of the ignorant comes in their lacking inquisition. Mostly, those striving to reach that #1 position
are respectable players. Who the hell cares if the more skilled player TKs for an aviator or some armor? The thing is, arrogance is acceptable where appropriate. The worst thing is
undeserved conceit.
A few of you (namely, I note uber73) babble about those "angry kids" who act “mouthy” on some forums because they have no friends and need to act “hard” somewhere without the fear of getting “sideswiped”. Wow. These types of assumptions couldn’t be farther from the truth. Seriously, try finding someone who plays video games who has no social relationships existing outside of the given familial ties. Your results will come few and far between. Really, a large populace of the gaming community tends to be the egotistical, disgruntled, middle-aged men – the sense of which [/i]uber73[/i] greatly exudes. Ironic that hatred is given to the self-centered peoples when this behavioral facet is commonly found in the “haters”.
(P.S. d3v1ldr1v3r13 - lmao, I’m truly amazed to find out that the USAF has a Spec Ops unit. If you would, share with us the name of this group.
Tyferra – Your point about making a “comprehensive comparison” between one player’s stats and another’s rings very true, though
only so when the actual play style of the supposed opposition isn’t known [and no, stats don’t tell you, and
can’t tell you, the more intricate aspects of gameplay {the phrasing in the linear bracket is directed to anyone interested in making the possible citation that stats tell you of someone’s style of play, and not directly you, Tyferra}])
* Edited for organization and clarification
Last edited by Kniero (2006-01-15 19:11:09)