Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6635|132 and Bush

Pubic wrote:

lowing wrote:

The key is, to make ourselves invaluable to our companies. If you have a job anyone can do well then, you ain't holding much of a hand. I have a job as an aircraft mechanic, I have a ton of experience but I am not arrogant enough to think that I can not be replaced because the streets are full of out of work aircraft mechanics most of which, are/were unionized. Just think what they could have done with that dues money if they were allowed to keep it before getting laid off
What effect would not having been in the union had on them?  Not saying unions are always a good thing, just largely they are.

Personally I already try to make myself invaluable, but unless you try to upskill (which I'm doing) theres only so much you can do.  If all goes to plan, their storeman will have a Computer Science degree (possibility of a second major, Philosophy) in a year or two

Out of curiosity, what are union fees like there?  I pay $NZ2.75 (US1.90ish) for part-timers membership.  I know what the company has been prepared to offer in the past and what the union has negotiated them to.  Even on a fulltimers membership I'd still be better off.
At UPS it was twice your hourly rate a month. So what ever you make an hour x's 2.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

lowing wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Let's analyze "worth". How much is your health worth to you? Coming home from a 12 hour day and not being able to walk to the shower due to the muscle cramps in your legs, not being able to pick your kids up because you have been lifting packages all day, or in my case rupturing a disc and thus ending a career in which you had many years already invested. How much is that "worth" to you? Your argument takes you to exploiting migrant workers to justify what is right. There is a pyramid of skilled labor within the system that dictates the levels of pay also. These are negotiated and agreed to both by the company and the unions. A UPS package car driver makes much more than the person who sorts the packages.
I use migrant workers as an example not to endorse them, but to prove how UNvaluable the unionized non-skilled worker is.

I stand a chance of rupturing a disc as well, or how about getting sucked into a jet engine, or maybe being crushed by a moving flight control or a slamming thrust reverser door. I know my "worth" to my company and I am not to be kidded into thinking that I am far too valuable to be replaced. That is why I have taken responsibility for my finances and my future, in case it is needed.
You are relying on the good faith of your employer. In large many large companies you get all types of management. Some are motivated purely by production and push their employees to the brink everyday. You shouldn't be forced to leave a job due to the fact you have new management taking advantage of hard working employees. A union is nothing more than a concentrated voice. Everything else is negotiated. BTW it's about a 7 year wait to become full time once you gain employment at UPS. The union can not just demand more jobs, they have to be aware of what the company can provide.

I had some of those foreign workers "jumping" for me during peak season. I had to drop them off after a few hours since they were about to throw up in the back of my truck. Don't be so naive to suggest you know my work level.

Edit:Freakin laptops
I agree with most of your post, except the part that a union is "nothing more than a concentrated voice". It is much more than that. Corruption, lobbying, pay-offs, organized crime etc,, is all part of the unions. Hell you are a Teamster for cryin' out loud. Is there a better example than that?? Well maybe the IAM.

Last edited by lowing (2007-03-24 19:07:58)


Kmarion wrote:

Pubic wrote:

lowing wrote:

The key is, to make ourselves invaluable to our companies. If you have a job anyone can do well then, you ain't holding much of a hand. I have a job as an aircraft mechanic, I have a ton of experience but I am not arrogant enough to think that I can not be replaced because the streets are full of out of work aircraft mechanics most of which, are/were unionized. Just think what they could have done with that dues money if they were allowed to keep it before getting laid off
What effect would not having been in the union had on them?  Not saying unions are always a good thing, just largely they are.

Personally I already try to make myself invaluable, but unless you try to upskill (which I'm doing) theres only so much you can do.  If all goes to plan, their storeman will have a Computer Science degree (possibility of a second major, Philosophy) in a year or two

Out of curiosity, what are union fees like there?  I pay $NZ2.75 (US1.90ish) for part-timers membership.  I know what the company has been prepared to offer in the past and what the union has negotiated them to.  Even on a fulltimers membership I'd still be better off.
At UPS it was twice your hourly rate a month. So what ever you make an hour x's 2.
Yes, I that was pretty well standard at the airlines as well.
Hmmmmmmm, 2 pages of civil discussion,with opposing views, might be record for D& ST

Quick someone call me dumb fuck before I go through withdrawls

Last edited by lowing (2007-03-24 19:12:51)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6635|132 and Bush

lowing wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

lowing wrote:

I use migrant workers as an example not to endorse them, but to prove how UNvaluable the unionized non-skilled worker is.

I stand a chance of rupturing a disc as well, or how about getting sucked into a jet engine, or maybe being crushed by a moving flight control or a slamming thrust reverser door. I know my "worth" to my company and I am not to be kidded into thinking that I am far too valuable to be replaced. That is why I have taken responsibility for my finances and my future, in case it is needed.
You are relying on the good faith of your employer. In large many large companies you get all types of management. Some are motivated purely by production and push their employees to the brink everyday. You shouldn't be forced to leave a job due to the fact you have new management taking advantage of hard working employees. A union is nothing more than a concentrated voice. Everything else is negotiated. BTW it's about a 7 year wait to become full time once you gain employment at UPS. The union can not just demand more jobs, they have to be aware of what the company can provide.

I had some of those foreign workers "jumping" for me during peak season. I had to drop them off after a few hours since they were about to throw up in the back of my truck. Don't be so naive to suggest you know my work level.

Edit:Freakin laptops
I agree with most of your post, except the part that a union is "nothing more than a concentrated voice". It is much more that. Corruption, lobbying, pay-offs, organized crime etc,, is all part of the unions. Hell you are a Teamster for cryin' out loud. Is there a better example than that?? Well maybe the IAM.
That can be a nasty side but understand those people are elected by it's members. I am not here to say union's are just great also. I was in management for 5 year and there were guys I couldn't get rid of fast enough. It can be good, it can be bad. Our union screwed away our pension plan through mismanagement. I think it was more a matter of incompetence rather than corruption though. Side note, overall screwing my disc up was probably one of the better things that happened to me. I will now make nearly twice as much as I did driving without destroying my body.

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-03-24 19:13:18)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6635|132 and Bush

lowing wrote:

Hmmmmmmm, 2 pages of civil discussion,with opposing views, might be record for D& ST

Quick someone call me dumb fuck before I go through withdrawls
You chose a good opponent .
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

lowing wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

You are relying on the good faith of your employer. In large many large companies you get all types of management. Some are motivated purely by production and push their employees to the brink everyday. You shouldn't be forced to leave a job due to the fact you have new management taking advantage of hard working employees. A union is nothing more than a concentrated voice. Everything else is negotiated. BTW it's about a 7 year wait to become full time once you gain employment at UPS. The union can not just demand more jobs, they have to be aware of what the company can provide.

I had some of those foreign workers "jumping" for me during peak season. I had to drop them off after a few hours since they were about to throw up in the back of my truck. Don't be so naive to suggest you know my work level.

Edit:Freakin laptops
I agree with most of your post, except the part that a union is "nothing more than a concentrated voice". It is much more that. Corruption, lobbying, pay-offs, organized crime etc,, is all part of the unions. Hell you are a Teamster for cryin' out loud. Is there a better example than that?? Well maybe the IAM.
That can be a nasty side but understand those people are elected by it's members. I am not here to say union's are just great also. I was in management for 5 year and there were guys I couldn't get rid of fast enough. It can be good, it can be bad. Our union screwed away our pension plan through mismanagement. I think it was more a matter of incompetence rather than corruption though. Side note, overall screwing my disc up was probably one of the better things that happened to me. I will now make nearly twice as much as I did driving without destroying my body.
Once again, I can not argue this post. I guess I am content to not taking the good with bad. I guess I have  decided taking the good, is not worth the bad that comes with it.
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
Flame insertion------------   Unions = George Bush, Isreal, Bubbalo, Aids in Africa
Malloy must go

deeznutz1245 wrote:

Flame insertion------------   Unions = George Bush, Isreal, Bubbalo, Aids in Africa
LOL. yer killin' me.

lowing wrote:

Hmmmmmmm, 2 pages of civil discussion,with opposing views, might be record for D& ST

Quick someone call me dumb fuck before I go through withdrawls
You dumb fuck, can't you see this is all a plot by George Bush and the Bin Ladens?  They control the corporations AND the unions, and play them off against each other to present a false divided front to the world!!!  Not to mention their spindly grey friends from the Sirius star system, who are just "offworld tourists" Yeah Right!  Did you know about the mitochlorian levels in middle east crude?  Do you know what those aliens REALLY want?  A god-damned globally warmed planet so they can munch on alien oil-burgers all day!  You know whose going to MAKE those oil burgers?  Union staff, thats who!  In fact, the smoothbore barrel of an M1A2 Abrams is the PERFECT diameter for making a pattie!  God dammit, its the aliens and George Bush and the Bin Ladens and the Sauds, and those god damned conservative hippies are going to ruin it for us!!

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6709|Canberra, AUS
I'm going to break from the liberal stereotype:

I hate unions. Drive me nuts.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
The Lizzard
I did work experience at the TWU (Transport Worker's Union).  I'm a firm supporter of unions and unionism but then, with the exception of the occasional crackpot (like the guy who ran around with a baseball bat breaking computers (who should be doubly shamed for not using a cricket bat)) our unions are clean.
The Lizzard

Spark wrote:

I hate unions. Drive me nuts.
You've got to be kidding me....................

Also, YAY!  I'm now as important as Israel, George Bush, and/or Aids!

I gotta write me a biography and cash in on my fame!
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

Bubbalo wrote:

(like the guy who ran around with a baseball bat breaking computers (who should be doubly shamed for not using a cricket bat))
Arent the bats flat?
Malloy must go

deeznutz1245 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

(like the guy who ran around with a baseball bat breaking computers (who should be doubly shamed for not using a cricket bat))
Arent the bats flat?
Only one side.
The Lizzard

deeznutz1245 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

(like the guy who ran around with a baseball bat breaking computers (who should be doubly shamed for not using a cricket bat))
Arent the bats flat?
Yeah, your point?

Pubic wrote:

lowing wrote:

Hmmmmmmm, 2 pages of civil discussion,with opposing views, might be record for D& ST

Quick someone call me dumb fuck before I go through withdrawls
You dumb fuck, can't you see this is all a plot by George Bush and the Bin Ladens?  They control the corporations AND the unions, and play them off against each other to present a false divided front to the world!!!  Not to mention their spindly grey friends from the Sirius star system, who are just "offworld tourists" Yeah Right!  Did you know about the mitochlorian levels in middle east crude?  Do you know what those aliens REALLY want?  A god-damned globally warmed planet so they can munch on alien oil-burgers all day!  You know whose going to MAKE those oil burgers?  Union staff, thats who!  In fact, the smoothbore barrel of an M1A2 Abrams is the PERFECT diameter for making a pattie!  God dammit, its the aliens and George Bush and the Bin Ladens and the Sauds, and those god damned conservative hippies are going to ruin it for us!!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, thats the stuff!
+156|6662|space command ur anus

Last edited by herrr_smity (2007-03-25 09:19:52)

Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
I thought I would get LOWING a Welcome Home/ Christmas present so I searched for one of his old threads and now I will bring it back to life. I chose this one because I felt it did not get enough debate, and because I hate unions.
Malloy must go
Whether it's with unions or without the little guy always gets screwed.
I am all that is MOD!

Union = weekend off
Union = 8 hour work days
Union = child labor laws
Union = creation of NLRB

Union = often inflated wages
Union = another medium for organized crime to flourish
Union = job security

Unions are not inherently bad institutions.  It is when a union outlives it's initial purpose (which is to ensure labor rights and provide a somewhat level platform for bargaining between employees and employer) that it ceases to be a positive institution.  Unions constantly promote worker's rights in an economy that often favors the bottom line, and no more.

The problem as I see it is not that unions are bad, but that there is too much indifference to supporting employees combined with the increasing power many unions have.  If American capitalist economics continue to promote profit and nothing more, our economy will collapse.  There will be a small amount of "haves" and a large amount of "have-nots".  The main goal of our economy should be to provide a self-sustaining economy that at the same time increases the standard of living and well-being of most or all of the population.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2007-12-30 15:12:47)

Save the BlobFish!
In Australia we recently had a massive compensation case against the construction company "James Hardie" settled.

"THEY were 137 young men working for the James Hardie-BI insulation factory in western Sydney in the 1960s and 70s. The company did not do much to protect them from asbestos, and now at least 129 of them, including Bernie Banton, are dead." source- … 99,00.html

Basically James Hardie knew of the dangers of Asbestos and allowed these workers to continue working. Since then they have done anything in their power to avoid compensation ( even moving their headquarters overseas). It is well documented that if it wasnt for the unions getting behind these workers, their families wouldnt receive a cent. There are many more cases like this.

Unions arent perfect, no organisation is, however no other group will stand up for workers rights. And we would have none of the benefits that Ken Jenning mentions above.

Some people have a problem with unions however if you want to become a doctor in Australia you have to join the AMA ( effectively a Medical union) or a lawyer you need to join a group before you pracice law. People dont seem to have a problem with rich people joining unions!
Oil 4 Euros not $$$
Theres allways the Anti-union its called SCUM BAG M*F* SLAVE Recruitment Agency
Large companies have huge amounts of power and ability to shape government policy. Unions allow the rest of the population to have some say too.

Yes, lots of unions are corrupt as hell, but so alot of the companies their workers are working for so it all balances out. Unions are so important that they're an internationally accepted human right. The right to not be in a union is also a human right.

deeznutz1245 wrote:

I thought I would get LOWING a Welcome Home/ Christmas present so I searched for one of his old threads and now I will bring it back to life. I chose this one because I felt it did not get enough debate, and because I hate unions.
Awwwwwwwww, and I didn't get you about a " I was in New Orleans during Katrina, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt, a Cadillac, and a plamsa TV", t-shirt?

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