Velker wrote:
What I was referring to was the fact that you drew attention to Israel's decision to often deal with terrorists without trial. Your quote above stated that you look down upon Israel for their "extra-judicial killings, internment without trial..." amongst other things. If you weren't making a case for long due process then just what were you inferring? I don't see where I was reading between the lines when you make your motives so clear in your argument.
Suspected terrorists. They intern people for simply being related to someone who has engaged in terrorism over in Israel. A gross violation of human rights and a deplorable act of state terrorism in itself.
Remember the following, I believe you have it in the US too, innocent
until proven guilty.
Velker wrote:
I'd also like to know where you get your information, other than the fact that you've been there yourself. That does not give you the mentality of either side, it just gives you a snapshot.
I spent more time on the Israeli side of the border than I did on the Palestinian. I spoke to people of both persuasions and when I was in Jordan a bunch of IDF on holiday tried to give me the 'lowdown' on how Palestinians, as they inferred, were essentially the scum of the earth.
Velker wrote:
I've been to Israel and the Gaza strip myself and know of the animosity that both sides hold for each other. I was there during the series of bus bombings in 96' and saw first hand the way that Palestinian terrorists try to bully the Israelis.
A suicide bus blast occurred the day after I left - on the airport bus - the one my travelling companion took the day previous (the day we left). I decided to give the public tranport system a wide berth...
Velker wrote:
You want to talk of the way that the Israeli's deal with with Palestinian civilians? The Palestinian terrorists purposely targeted touring buses filled with civilians, mostly those that simply wanted to go to the Holy Land to make a religious pilgrimage. These were people that couldn't even defend themselves, people that had no qualms with either side but were subject to the judgment of a few mad men anyways. The first bombing in February of that year happened just a block from the hotel that I was staying in.
You start your paragraph referring to Palestinian civilians and then proceed with the rest of the paragraph referring to Palestinian terrorists - make up your mind which you would like to talk about, it's getting confusing.
Velker wrote:
As far as me being a so-called "Zionist" is concerned I would have to say that you couldn't have picked an easier stereo-type. By calling me that you have made a lazy attempt at dismantling my case because the term "Zionist" comes with preconceived notions and is also easy to dish out. While I detect a hint of anti-Semitism in your argument I would not go as far as you did by calling you the extreme title of that idea, which would be a Nazi. Instead of labeling those that come to your discussion table you should try to discuss the issues with them. Just because I side with the Israeli's in their fight to defend themselves does not mean that I am simply a "Zionist," blindly following their decisions.
Well your refernces to the bible a little further down in your post proves that you are a true Zionist by the very definition of the term so I guess I was right straight from the outset. Anti-semites hate Jews by the way - something I don't so I think you can refrain from the anti-semitism charge. A lot of Jews are against Israeli governmental policy too you know. My beef is with the Israeli government, right wing and Zionists.
Velker wrote:
In regard to your last statement that questioned another person's loyalty to their country I say....grow up. I quote you as saying "PPS You're BF2 stats say you're American and yet you refer to Israel as 'we'. I think I see a divided loyalty sunny jim. If the US ever fell out with Israel who would you fight for?" If someone ever questioned your loyalty to your country I'm sure you wouldn't take it lightly. As far as my loyalties lie I am a Christian first and then an American (I'm sure you'll try to make some stereo-typical remark in regard to this to prove I'm a "Zionist"). I believe what the Bible says in regard to those that would appose Israel, the nation chosen to be the people of God and send His message to the world. In Genesis 12:3 God speaks to Abraham, the father of the nation of Israel and the Jews. He chooses Abraham to be a blessing to the world and tells him of the promise that goes with his title. "I will bless those that bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."--Genesis 12:3. While I love my country I would never oppose what I believe to be against the will of my God. Should America ever turn its back on Israel I would not want to see the retribution it would receive for that decision. I would continue to argue the case for Israel in the midst of our politicians placing their loyalties elsewhere. I do not believe that would contradict my loyalty to my country.
Here we see you for who you really are - essentially you are a religious extremist. You would sacrifice the well-being of your fellow countrymen in the name of an intangible 'higher being', based on the writings of a few bored herdsmen back when humans still believed the earth was flat.
Velker wrote:
If everyone in America agreed with everything that our government did then I would be worried that we had moved from democracy to a brain-washed existence, void of personal thought and reason. If I condemned every American that didn't agree with my personal views of the world then my loyalty to my country should be questioned in that circumstance because I would be betraying the privilege of the first amendment: free speech.
You're right there - but what's worse is to blindly follow religion: the same thing Islamic extremists do.
Velker wrote:
I'm not trying to pick a fight with you man, I just wish people would stop condoning the case of a people that use terrorism to provoke retaliation and then point their fingers at Israel saying that the action they take is unprovoked and without foundation.
I never condoned terrorism in any of my posts. Try searching them, I don't think you'll find any such reference. I do believe however that the Palestinians have the right to resist the occupation through the honourable use of arms. The Zionists committed the fundamental crime in my opinion by driving hundreds of thousands of people from their homes and farms to set up their state, a state I might add that should have been set up at the expense of the Germans not the Palestinians.
Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-03-08 02:10:35)