Surkill wrote:
I am a Muslim, and I really seriously think that the way America is handling the Middle East would simply increase Muslim readicalism.
I think that America took total advantage of Iraq. Saddam already lost the Gulf War, and his country was made to pay with all the sanctions. How the country was destroyed simply reflects America's greed.
I am not anti American, but I condemn America's policies in the Middle East.
And, America has always been one sided to Israel. I think Jimmy Carter's book says it all that Israel does practice Aparthied against Palestinians. Ignorant bigot, antisemite, jihadist, call me whatever you want, but in truth I do see the actions of America's policies.
For the most part, I agree... AIPAC and PNAC serve the Zionist extremists in our government, and it just so happens that their interests are aligned with the military industrial complex and big oil. Basically, it's one big political clusterfuck.
That being said though... I can't say that I sympathize with the Muslims either. Islam seriously needs a Reformation right about now.
It would be so much easier if all of the Middle East was either Atheist or just one religion. All this cultural conflict is getting to be rather ridiculous by now.