So no doubt most of you have dealt with some difficult and frustrating times attacking a titan corridor full of well-supplied grenade barfers. If they play their cards right, they can stop just about every attempt at attack, making it impossible to destroy their titan from the inside.

What if DICE/EA implemented a feature to simply damage the titan while they spam all these explosives everywhere? Obviously a small amount that's about as comparable as firing tank rounds at the hull... but enough to cause incentive to not simply spam it repeatedly. I've seen first-hand ZERO breaks in the constant explosions at the end of a corridor, even if team mates are nowhere near it.

Now aside from this... what sorts of strategies do you guys have in overcoming this kind of defence? The sentry guns set up in the hallways make short work of people who are cloaked. The large splash damage of grenades and rockets take out anybody that attempts to edge out to take potshots at the defenders--something that I'm pretty good at. If you ever manage to get a gap between explosions, you can hopefully land a headshot or throw a grenade into someone's lunch/lap.

All that can really be done is sitting at the edge and getting a buttload of heal and revive points, watching our backs, and waiting for the titan missiles to take everyone out.
Scratching my back
Go on another server?
Well.... drop a personell shield and sentry gun if you can. It takes a few nades to kill a sentry, and the shield will block a few of the nades. Otherwise, just go cap a silo or two, then come back and see if they're bored of throwing grenades yet.
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6695|The darkside of Denver
Get a medic and a support kit guy and throw nades back.
Hmmm good idea on the sentry/shield thing. Can be hard to do with so much stuff hurting you before you can slowly deploy it, but nice idea.

And hey, I'm not really complaining about it. It sucks, but it's a valid tactic, and it works. Leaving the server is an option, but I'm wondering if anybody had some nice strategies to share on the matter, thank you very much. u_u
Big Mouth Prick
+219|6566|Golf 1.8 GTI Wolfsburg Edition
Go with a Medic and if you want to a Support guy. Be Scout and pack the IT-33 and APM.

You go first with IT-33 and rush them

The Medic will shoot too and the support will shoot, DONT let them trow grenades.

Place in a suicide style APM and when they move to seek cover the will die.

If you die, you have your Medic to heal you.

Now place a APM further so if any enemies attack, they will die before they reach the corridor.

Now go destroy that console.
Too bad a team mate can't strap RDX to me and have me run out, huh? Wouldn't that be fun.
FF-OFF servers would be pretty crazy.

kachunkachunk wrote:

Too bad a team mate can't strap RDX to me and have me run out, huh? Wouldn't that be fun.
FF-OFF servers would be pretty crazy.
That would be extremely funny. What a way to TK someone... or kill unobservant enemies.
+1,352|6529|N. Ireland
I can do this around 40% of the time. It is stupidly risky and you have got to be confident that you will do it. I've done this with a good 5 troops with Sentry Guns, Grenade Spamming, RDX Spamming and even IPS Shields blocking my way through.

Let a teammate run in, to blow up that pesky APM. Run in right after him while under camo and dive to the nearest place of safety (beside an enemy sentry and wall where it links into an L shape are safest) - stay camo'ed for as long as possible.

When confident, you can do two things, both of which I have done before:

a) While still camo'ing, make your way to the console, plant 3 consoles and blow yourself up.
b) Only do this if you are insane, like me. Take off your camo and rampage them with RDX. Move, jump, bunnyhop, do whatever it takes, just plant RDX everywhere and BOOM.

Insane amount of kills and respect from team members.

Heggs wrote:

Soon it will be motion mines in the entrance and a single good toss of motion mine bait to send those nasties flying thier way
i have found i a sort of solution
if the enemy is camping corridors one and two then throw EMP nades at the little canister decoration things outside the doors to corridors 3 and 4 you should get a hit since the EMP blast ignores walls
again doesn't help with nade spammers and probably not against the rocket users (i havn't tried so i dno lol)
but does stop recon with their RDX (cos they arn't sure if you have entered the corridor or not) and stops them getting headshots on you as well
and of course no one can shoot properly with any of their guns either, and the sentry drones stop firing for a bit (unless they glitch) if you chuck a final EMP through the doorway before you run in

jsnipy wrote:

Heggs wrote:

Soon it will be motion mines in the entrance and a single good toss of motion mine bait to send those nasties flying thier way
Is their a beta tester from NS that can confirm that this tatic works???????

jsnipy wrote:

Heggs wrote:

Soon it will be motion mines in the entrance and a single good toss of motion mine bait to send those nasties flying thier way
If true, that would be the coolest thing EVAR.
Vela Incident
+1,652|6603|NYC / Hamburg

1MaNArmY wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

Heggs wrote:

Soon it will be motion mines in the entrance and a single good toss of motion mine bait to send those nasties flying thier way
Is their a beta tester from NS that can confirm that this tatic works???????
I haven't tried that in the beta but i think this should work. the nades are pretty bouncy and thus you should be able to get them quiet far into the corridor without taking damage
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.

jsnipy wrote:

Heggs wrote:

Soon it will be motion mines in the entrance and a single good toss of motion mine bait to send those nasties flying thier way
Nup. Seems not.

To actually throw the motion mines down, THEN edge your way out to throw the MMB (which i tried)

Bottom line is, the grenade does not go far enough to get near the console, which it usually where they a camping.
+26|6426|Nethterlands (ZH)

Doms wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

Heggs wrote:

Soon it will be motion mines in the entrance and a single good toss of motion mine bait to send those nasties flying thier way
Nup. Seems not.

To actually throw the motion mines down, THEN edge your way out to throw the MMB (which i tried)

Bottom line is, the grenade does not go far enough to get near the console, which it usually where they a camping.
On top of that, you will become the victim of motionmine ping-pong if i'm at the 'recieving' end, 'cause i'll be tossing a baitgrenade back your way.

Who would get the kill when you kill someone with his own motionmines using your baitgrenade?
Apparently those motion mine bait grenades do explode (as per the description). I wonder if they're anywhere near as potent as grenades.

Doms wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

Heggs wrote:

Soon it will be motion mines in the entrance and a single good toss of motion mine bait to send those nasties flying thier way
Nup. Seems not.

To actually throw the motion mines down, THEN edge your way out to throw the MMB (which i tried)

Bottom line is, the grenade does not go far enough to get near the console, which it usually where they a camping.
Doesn't have to get near the console,  just to break up the campage (shields, sentry guns, etc)

Last edited by jsnipy (2007-03-02 19:06:49)

I can't wait to try that... I hope it works!
Stop reading this and look at my post
Motion mines normally sink through the titan floor. The best solution is to play conquest.
got any popo lolo intersting?

The best you can try is this:
Immediately after the shields go down, get a squad of at lest a recon (with c7), A support and a medic.
Then rush the consoles asap. recon explodes, suppost resupplies and medic revives the dead ones.

this usually works if you get there immediately after the shields have been destroyed. That way there aren't as many enemies inside the titan yet.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
Here's the only reliable way I've found to get past entrenched defenders, and it takes a lot of teamwork:

You need: Support guy with infantry scanner/turrent and IPS, MG, Assault guy with defib and rockets, Assault guy with smoke grenades, and an engie/recon to help blow consoles/core.

Tactic: Assault guy with smoke deploys smoke grenades into corridor.  Support guy clears out APMs in a suicidal fashion, or a recon guy drops an RDX in the hall to take out enemy explosives.  Whilst smoke is still going, support guy deploys the IPS shield in the corridor.  The IPS will quite remarkably block RDX/claymore explosions, and it also fends off badly tossed grenades and generally blocks lots of bullets from bothering crouching soldiers, unless they're well aimed bullets.  If the support guy also has the turrent, he drops it in front of the shield and then proceeds to shoot everyone in the face with his MG.  Assault dude with rocket comes in and launches rockets, everyone else throws grenades.  Generally everyone will be taken by surprise so badly that most of the enemy retreats back, and they're easy kills.  There often is some jerk with RDX guarding the longer corridors, a coupld grenades into that area clear them out nicely.  Rinse and repeat
+2|6313|New York City
I would like Dice to change the layout of Titan.  I would like the hallway for Titan pieces 1 and 2 to be wider.  I would be nice to have room for a group to rush in.  I would also like the hallway to be more turn, the hallway is too straight for the defend to camp.  Like listed at below:

    |      |                     |       |
    |      |O                 O|       |
    /     /                      \       \
  /      /                         \       \
  |     |                          |        |
   \      \                       /        /
     \       \                  /         /
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        \          \        /           /

Last edited by chiwai (2007-03-05 14:17:09)

+581|6424|New York

jsnipy wrote:

Doms wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

Nup. Seems not.

To actually throw the motion mines down, THEN edge your way out to throw the MMB (which i tried)

Bottom line is, the grenade does not go far enough to get near the console, which it usually where they a camping.
Doesn't have to get near the console,  just to break up the campage (shields, sentry guns, etc)
and it will work. i tried it out just on the regular level, it attracks friendly and enemy mines alike. you'll take one for the team, but it will fuck them over seriously.
Remember Me As A Time Of Day

chiwai wrote:

I would like Dice to change the layout of Titan.  I would like the hallway for Titan pieces 1 and 2 to be wider.  I would be nice to have room for a group to rush in.  I would also like the hallway to be more turn, the hallway is too straight for the defend to camp.  Like listed at below:

    |      |                     |       |
    |      |O                 O|       |
    /     /                      \       \
  /      /                         \       \
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Perhaps a turnstyle?

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