+51|6764|Twente, The Netherlands
Pistols are great for finishing off enemies, or taking them down from a distance when you're playing as a non-assualtrifle-kit. I like them
Or like someone said, as a side arm if your auto shotty runs dry.
Silly Expert Pistol requiring 500 kills.... Grr
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|6733|San Francisco
There's just something satisfying about gunning someone down through the sights of the Silenced MR-444...watching them twist every which way trying to find where it's coming from.  (Great to sneak up on people through the brush with).
Mass Media Casualty

My pistol is my friend. Now that I'm sick and tired of knifing people, I just unload into someone's back when I find them unaware to anything around them. It's so damn satisfying.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
+0|6728|Reykjavik, Iceland
agreed. pistol kills are satisfying
Pony Slaystation
+343|6749|Charlie One Alpha
Just today I was playing as a sniper on daqing oilfields and I was lying there on the ground next to a set of stone stairs. An entire enemy squad (5-6 dudes) charged my position. I took two of them out by 1 shot m24 + 1 shot pistol. The remaining guys completely overwhelmed me.... but they didn't shoot. Seems like they hadn't even noticed me shooting two of their number. One guy even JUMPED OVER me, but STILL didn't see me. So I turned around and shot them all in the back with the silenced pistol while they were busy shooting at my teammates. They never knew what hit em.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6756|Riva, MD
It does have some recoil, it seems to climb upward a little bit as you fire.
I am the pwnage! Bitches!

Sgt.Gh0st wrote:

1 Sniper Shot, 1 Pistol Shot. Need I say more?
The pistol saved my sorry ass lots of times.
Well that Sniper shot should kill that guy if you are sniping so there's no reason to use pistol after that or you are not any good sniper.
Got His War On
+37|6813|Golden, CO

polarbearz wrote:

They feel like.. Pistols.

The last time i took it out and fired it, it really really felt like a pistol.
I agree with this.  This isn't supposed to be CS where a guy with a deagle can clean up everyone, it's a freaking pistol.
I like it because it consistantly shoots in one spot when rapidly fired and it is also good at long ranges even though some ppl think it is only good at close range.  I generally use it when i am engineer or anti tank and have to kill a long range target, but i will use it with every kit if i need it.  I still feel that it needs to be more powerful because i have hit several ppl in the head and they don't die until i shoot them 2 or 3 times in the head.  Any bullet that hits u in the head should kill u even a pistol and sub machine gun round.  Maybe there should be an exception to that if u hit their helmet , but as far as i knew i thought helmets were more for protecting u from shrapnel not bullets, but i may be wrong about that.  I still think the pistol is an excellent weapon in BF2.
i like them
Tank commander
+83|6775|DUTCH snap ik!
yeah the pistol owns when you are out of ammo with your gun i just love the pistol then xD

Last edited by ThePriest1750 (2006-01-07 11:24:55)

I wanna get a desert eagle .50 in this game. Only for the Support or anti tank. Only the "hard guy".

Any with 3 shots down. That will be fantastic.
Death StatPadder
+228|6808|Human Meat Shield
It's small and easy to carry.
+271|6795|United States of America
Gotta love it, with all your heart, like that psycho Grizzly man loved bears, then got mauled by them, lol.  Pistols are awesome, and for me they seem to work better at cqb than the knife, i swear ive stabbed a guy 5 times before!  pistols, shoot a few rounds and their gone.
+89|6753|Sheffield, England
what ya mean pistol ranking, where do u look for that?
just this week I killed two snipers at long range with a pistol (mechanic) i was shocked since i just shot a few rounds to scare him.
I didnt believe it the first round, so i tried again the 2nd round, and did it again at the exact same spot, shooting at the exact same wall at prob the exact same poor bloke.

-(F^S)-Fatty wrote:

PErsonally they are one of my favorite weapons .
It has 0 recoil when u rapid fire, 15 shots, and it really really helps out the kits that have shotguns.
amen to that, its great backup too, when you find yourself in firefight on the big maps and have no time to reload the pistol is the ultimate lifesaver!!!
with pistols u can shoot so far as u can see with no bullet-drop LOL
and so accurately as u want, too
Tell you an interesting tactic for snipers - Pistol them FIRST then use your M24/95

This way they can't hear where you are (silenced pistol) and because they only lose a little health they won run away as much so you can pull out your rifle and nail 'em!
Thread Ender
+58|6763|New Hampshire
I love em - just got expert pistol (after going four rounds with 18 pistol kills IAR - long friggin story...).  My only qualm is that it still takes 2 shots to the head for a kill with them - any shot to the head from any weapon should be instant death.  Hell, if I die when I get stabbed in the leg, I think a 9mm bullet through the cranium should kill me too, right?
Go Cards !!
+196|6734|The Ville
I like the un silenced pistols I finally got my vet badge in pistols the other week but I can't shave my negative ratio
Dirtier than thou
Oh yeah!  I love hitting a guy with the sniper rifle and then just launching pistol shots at him til one hits.

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