+26|6543|Nethterlands (ZH)
I am trying to get my repair gold.

So, with the new 1.20 rules (1 point per half repair/heal/refill), this must be a breeze woudn't it?

Ok all Titan canons are destroyed. I read on the forums you can repair them twice.
That would mean that if can repair them twice, i would get 2 times repair x4 canons x2 points per full repair=16 points for them.
So the eight point limit must still be in effect.

So i've repaired all the canons (8 points (although the game doesn't actually mention them, so i hope i got them)), and afterwards i am repairing like crazy on the ground.
Then i noticed that when i'm a gunner on a transport (or on any other vehicle) i don't seem to get points out of repairjobs.
Is this correct? do i only get points when i repair a vehicle that is 1) manned, or 2) not one i dorve in?

Can someone set me straight on this and offer me some advise?

I wish DICE would program a score chart for theze points, so you would know how hard you have to work for the rest of them.
prince of insufficient light
You only get repair points for vehicles your teammates are in.

Other than that can't help you, I have heard repairing the titan guns is a pretty good tactic though.
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6710|Brisbane, Aus

there's a limit of 8 repair points for unmaned guns, if someone's on it you can keep going

Repairing the titan guns, will only give you 8 official repair points. Every other 50% repair gets you 1 point, but the vehicle needs to have a teammate sitting in it. Also all assets give 1 point.
I suspect something is amiss
The Repair badge must be the most silly reward you can earn, have anyone earned the silver/gold any other way than repairing Titanguns? one would almost believe they encourage a way of statpadding.
aka Nekrodamus
+52|6885|Germany, near Koblenz

DerGraueWolf wrote:

Gold Repair is very easy! You just have to know, how Titan repair points are recieved:

- Wenn you bring a Titan gun (incl. AA) from red to green, you'll earn 2 team points and 1 repair is counted.

There is a limit of 16 team points / 8 registered repairs per round (just like the max. 8 destroyed guns with the same 16 team points).

There has to be a short break (10 - 15 seconds) between each "basic repair" (again the same like with destruction of the guns).

Unlike the note for the attack point, you'll see no information on the screen! So just check your team points: Wenn they didn't increase by 2, you either worked to fast or you reached the maximum of 8 repairs / 16 points allready.

- Wenn a Titan gun is manned while you're repairing it, you'll recieve normal repair points (incl. normal note) like with every other vehicle (at the moment 1 point for every 100%).  <== after 1.2 it's 1/50%!

Those points are recieved in addition and also parallel to those "special repairs" mentioned above.

- So there is a simple rule to remind: Never (never!) repair an unmanned green Titan gun, since you'll take away a lot of points for you and your mates. (In addition your wrench may be empty wenn you might get points.)

- It is very helpfull (for you wink) wenn the Titan is near one or more silos with AA turrets. This will ensure enough mates sitting in the guns to use them and enough enemies destroying them consequently.

You'll do Gold in less than 10 minutes! Promised!
Repair badge requirements seem to have changed since 1.2

I got my gold before the patch entirely by repairing titan guns with people sitting in them

Yesterday I was helping a friend try to get his repair silver on the titan. I sat in which ever gun was broken and he repair. He got his Valours unit ribbon (55 team work points) just from repairing, but no silver repair. So then I thought ok 8 point cap. So he jumped out and repaired a few things on the ground and no badge. Gonna try again tommorow doing all the repairs on the ground but so far no badge under conditions that gave me a badge before 1.20

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