conservative hatemonger
i think you got it wrong

they're terrorists because they aim specifically at civilian targets to cause terror and try to get people to fear them enough to do as they say, or to advance their political views

clinton's bombings in bosnia IMO were attempts to bribe the terrorists not to attack us during his term

The US has already hinted as to its willingness to completely retaliate in the event of another homeland disaster.
The New Johnnie Cochran

Bubbalo wrote:

Elamdri wrote:

I'm gonna disagree with you on the concept of Non-state armies. If you wanna call them Guerilla forces, I'm totally behind that, but I can't justify giving the title of "Army" to a group acting without the consent of a sovereign state.
You see, I can't really argue with you, because there's nothing to argue.  You're just plain wrong.  It would be like me arguing whether hello is a greeting.  What can you say in response?  You're wrong, plain and simple.
To put it more bluntly, we can dictate the terms of how the International Community operates simply by force of will. It doesn't matter if you agree with me or not, or whether or not you believe you are right. In the International System, power is what determines right and wrong, truth and lies, good and evil.

Its a sad fact, but its a fact nonetheless.

Non-State actors can't have an army simply because we say they can't. It doesn't matter how you define an army or what an army is, if someone else have the power to force their definition on you.
The Lizzard
Seriously, have you not heard of a dictionary?  It's this little book where there are definitions for words.  Made by lots of different people.  You should try reading one sometime.  Unless of course the US army has somehow infiltrated all the dictionaries in your local area.  By magic, or something.  You see, it very clearly defines terms like army.  And the fact that an army is any armed force (or, more broadly, can be any large group moving toward a purpose i.e. Salvation Army).
The New Johnnie Cochran
Fine, you wanna call them armies? Go ahead. You certainly free to do so. It doesn't change the nature of the arguement.

No we are still in the M A D times. The Russians still have nukes and they are growing ever more powerful by the day. Now the Russians have done very little condemning of Irans ambitions. In fact they are doing deals with them. Iran was an proxy state to mother Russia in the "good old days" and it seams they still are.

Elamdri wrote:

Auqakuh2213 wrote:

Belx wrote:

It is terrorism.

But since when is terrorism not effective?
"Terrorist" is just what the big army calls the little army.
...I guess that would work...if they had an army.

Terrorism is the use of force against civilians in order to create a state of fear in order to advance a political gain.
uhhh don't you realize this is the EXACT same thing as holding people hostage via the possibility of massive retaliation?

That earlier quote from Dulles is VERY misleading because it doesn't give the context in which he was presenting that. It came at a time when people that Nuclear weapons in the states were going to take over all conventional roles. As such, policy had changed around that time to deal with this since all of the armed forces were squabbling for money for research into nuclear weapons. Most scenarios (because remember we have never fought a nuclear war so everything is in the hypothetical) stated that a first strike on us would cause massive retaliation, but what happens when an enemy such as the USSR invades North Korea? Well you see that we reserve the right to pick and chose how we fight was definitely referring to this....we had to fight a conventional war otherwise a nuclear war would be too costly (political costs), but we still wanted to personify the crazy man with the finger on the nuclear trigger in order to show the other parties that we were irrational (which is really funny because now irrational = bad lol)
+105|6739|Lutenblaag, Molvania

Elamdri wrote:

The other day in class, a professor of mine was talking on the topic of nuclear strategies over the past 50 years or so. One of the strategies we focus quite a bit on was Massive Retaliation, coined by John Dulles. The principle behind massive retaliation is that the nuclear enabled states in the system should adopt a policy of massive nuclear retaliation against any non-nuclear or very weak nuclear state as a way to keep them in line.

Now, due to the Soviet arms race, Massive Retaliation was replaced by Mutually Assured Desctruction (MAD) as a nuclear strategy, however, since the soviet union's collapse, there has not been a decent threat for years.

Now upstart countries like North Korea and Iran have taken it upon themselves to attempt to develope nuclear capabilities.

So the question is, should the US re-adopt a policy of Massive Retaliation against these countries?

EX. Iran bombs Israel. US then turns Tehran into glass parking lot.

EX. North Korea sells nuclear bomb to Terrorist Organization A. Terrorist Organization A uses nuclear bomb against US or allies. US turns North Korea into big crater.

Both nuclear and conventional attacks can spark a Massive Retaliation when the enemy state lacks retaliatory capacity.

What are the legal, ethical, moral, political repercussions of this policy. Is worth a good hard thought by US politicians?
Lets rephrase this policy in more clear terms: Respond to genocide with a bigger genocide. The legal, ethical, moral and political repercussions become much clearer when you read it like that.

Also, that kind of policy validates any country's pursue of nuclear weapons. Only the possession of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them can a country compete with such policy. If that's the kind of muscle that's going to run the world, then all countries should develop nukes.

Last edited by EVieira (2007-02-26 08:26:33)

"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;  the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642)
The New Johnnie Cochran

EVieira wrote:

Also, that kind of policy validates any country's pursue of nuclear weapons. Only the possession of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them can a country compete with such policy. If that's the kind of muscle that's going to run the world, then all countries should develop nukes.
Exactly. The more countries with nuclear weapons in the system, the more stable it becomes. Hell, lets send a few of our extras off to our allies as gifts. Force is the compelling element in the political system.

"Strong states do as they will, weak states suffer what they must."

But anyway, the goal of MR is not to start a nuclear war, but to prevent further war through fear and brinksmenship.
+105|6739|Lutenblaag, Molvania

Elamdri wrote:

EVieira wrote:

Also, that kind of policy validates any country's pursue of nuclear weapons. Only the possession of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them can a country compete with such policy. If that's the kind of muscle that's going to run the world, then all countries should develop nukes.
Exactly. The more countries with nuclear weapons in the system, the more stable it becomes. Hell, lets send a few of our extras off to our allies as gifts. Force is the compelling element in the political system.

"Strong states do as they will, weak states suffer what they must."

But anyway, the goal of MR is not to start a nuclear war, but to prevent further war through fear and brinksmenship.
Well, there's your catch-22. In this scenario, weak states will pursue strength, they aren't going to simply remain weak. In other words, develop nukes. As more countries develop nukes, the closer we get to nuclear wars. So ruling by fear of nuclear exchanges, in effect you are pushing the world to nuclear exchanges.

Nuclear powers will slow down the development, but they can't stop it altogether. And if a nuke is ever used to stop such development, such action will fully justify other countries to develop their own nukes so they can defend themselves.
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;  the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642)
The New Johnnie Cochran

EVieira wrote:

Elamdri wrote:

EVieira wrote:

Also, that kind of policy validates any country's pursue of nuclear weapons. Only the possession of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them can a country compete with such policy. If that's the kind of muscle that's going to run the world, then all countries should develop nukes.
Exactly. The more countries with nuclear weapons in the system, the more stable it becomes. Hell, lets send a few of our extras off to our allies as gifts. Force is the compelling element in the political system.

"Strong states do as they will, weak states suffer what they must."

But anyway, the goal of MR is not to start a nuclear war, but to prevent further war through fear and brinksmenship.
Well, there's your catch-22. In this scenario, weak states will pursue strength, they aren't going to simply remain weak. In other words, develop nukes. As more countries develop nukes, the closer we get to nuclear wars. So ruling by fear of nuclear exchanges, in effect you are pushing the world to nuclear exchanges.

Nuclear powers will slow down the development, but they can't stop it altogether. And if a nuke is ever used to stop such development, such action will fully justify other countries to develop their own nukes so they can defend themselves.
Actually, as more countries develope nukes, the farther we get from nuclear war. Nuclear war is expounded by fewer states having nukes, not more.
+105|6739|Lutenblaag, Molvania

Elamdri wrote:

EVieira wrote:

Elamdri wrote:

Exactly. The more countries with nuclear weapons in the system, the more stable it becomes. Hell, lets send a few of our extras off to our allies as gifts. Force is the compelling element in the political system.

"Strong states do as they will, weak states suffer what they must."

But anyway, the goal of MR is not to start a nuclear war, but to prevent further war through fear and brinksmenship.
Well, there's your catch-22. In this scenario, weak states will pursue strength, they aren't going to simply remain weak. In other words, develop nukes. As more countries develop nukes, the closer we get to nuclear wars. So ruling by fear of nuclear exchanges, in effect you are pushing the world to nuclear exchanges.

Nuclear powers will slow down the development, but they can't stop it altogether. And if a nuke is ever used to stop such development, such action will fully justify other countries to develop their own nukes so they can defend themselves.
Actually, as more countries develope nukes, the farther we get from nuclear war. Nuclear war is expounded by fewer states having nukes, not more.
Thats the same argument saying the if everyone had guns, crime would down. Maye it would, but gun shot kills would rise. If most countries had nukes, it would only be a question of time when in one of those countries came to power some crazy fanatical fuck with the guts (or stupidity) to use a couple. And I'm not ruling out any of the current nuclear powers as the place where such leader could appear.
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;  the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642)
[pt] KEIOS
srs bsns

Elamdri wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

It's always been like that for american policy.

You blow up a boat of ours, we'll blow up a port of yours. You blow up a plane of ours, we blow up an airport of yours. You blow up a city of ours...well, you get the picture.
Actually, Massive Retaliation is more like, you blow up a boat of ours, we'll blow up your damn country.
it is more like: you kill one - we kill mankind

massive retaliation is bullshit. there is nothing worth it, to destroy the whole planet. if some freak uses a nuke, send the army and kill these suckers - don´t punish the whole country and its neighbourstates for it.

if your neighbour rapes a child, would it be ok to kill everyone including you in the street, for retaliation?
Bianchi Whore.

Elamdri wrote:

Actually, as more countries develope nukes, the farther we get from nuclear war. Nuclear war is expounded by fewer states having nukes, not more.
I don't think so. I suspect there is a "tipping point", where stability decreases on either side. Simplifying the matter to more = more stable, less = less stable is just that - simplifying. If all states have nuclear arms, nuclear warfare risks becoming conventional. If no states have nuclear arms, only economic superpowers / those with large volumes of extremely valuable resources can act as stabilising forces. There are pros and cons to both sides, but having no nuclear weapons whatsoever runs the risk that someone else develops them and we're back at square one.

Therefore, an equal spread of responsibility would provide, in theory at least, greatest stability. Any nuclear power would thus have other nuclear powers to fear, while non-nuclear powers would have to fear -all- the nuclear powers. This would eventually lead to, at the least, uneasy peace between the world's most powerful states... which is what we have currently. Moving in either direction without first creating greater stability (without the use of nuclear threat) would appear to be unwise, IMHO - too much margin for error, too many unstable variables.

Further, on a subject that popped up-

The Geneva Convention...

Part 1, Article 3 wrote:

Art. 3. In the case of armed conflict not of an international character occurring in the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties, each Party to the conflict shall be bound to apply, as a minimum, the following provisions:

(1) Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed hors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria.

To this end the following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons:

(a) violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture; <---
...doesn't that rule out the use of nuclear weapons except in tactical form?

Last edited by Auqakuh2213 (2007-02-26 13:58:22)


[pt] KEIOS wrote:

Elamdri wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

It's always been like that for american policy.

You blow up a boat of ours, we'll blow up a port of yours. You blow up a plane of ours, we blow up an airport of yours. You blow up a city of ours...well, you get the picture.
Actually, Massive Retaliation is more like, you blow up a boat of ours, we'll blow up your damn country.
it is more like: you kill one - we kill mankind

massive retaliation is bullshit. there is nothing worth it, to destroy the whole planet. if some freak uses a nuke, send the army and kill these suckers - don´t punish the whole country and its neighbourstates for it.

if your neighbour rapes a child, would it be ok to kill everyone including you in the street, for retaliation?
Unfair, isn't it? Welcome to life.
+1,153|6892|Washington, DC

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

[pt] KEIOS wrote:

Elamdri wrote:

Actually, Massive Retaliation is more like, you blow up a boat of ours, we'll blow up your damn country.
it is more like: you kill one - we kill mankind

massive retaliation is bullshit. there is nothing worth it, to destroy the whole planet. if some freak uses a nuke, send the army and kill these suckers - don´t punish the whole country and its neighbourstates for it.

if your neighbour rapes a child, would it be ok to kill everyone including you in the street, for retaliation?
Unfair, isn't it? Welcome to life.
I guess you think the same about the Holocaust? "Oh who care's, it's life."
The New Johnnie Cochran

EVieira wrote:

Thats the same argument saying the if everyone had guns, crime would down. Maye it would, but gun shot kills would rise. If most countries had nukes, it would only be a question of time when in one of those countries came to power some crazy fanatical fuck with the guts (or stupidity) to use a couple. And I'm not ruling out any of the current nuclear powers as the place where such leader could appear.
The flow of logic is this actually.

There are 2 types of Nuclear weapons

Counterforce: Designed to destroy enemy nuclear weapons and infrastructure. Bunker Buster Nukes fall under this category. Basically, these are first strike weapons.

Countervalue: Designed to destroy population. These the city wipers. They are designed to kill people, plain and simple. They are a retaliatory weapon.

The theory is that the more counterforce weaponry in the system, the more unstable the system, where as the more countervalue, the more stable the system.

Basically, the logic is that counterforce acts to provoke. Production of a counterforce weapon is considered to be a country acting to antagonize other states. (I know this is not a nuclear weapon, but ABM's are considered counterforce and are destabilizing as well). Whereas Countervalue weapons are more like a shield. If a nations possesses Countervalue weapons, you cannot attack that nation, for fear of Massive Retaliation. To attack would be suicide. Ergo, 2 nations that are nuclear enabled with Countervalue nukes become negated, neither can nuke the other without fear of retaliation and destruction (MAD). Part of MAD is the principle of Massive Retaliation. However, in the sense that I am using it, it is more classical, in that the state we retaliate against does not have the means to destroy us.

However, Iraq and North Korea are in my humble opinion 2 very different matters when it come to nuclear weaponry. Kim Jhong Il is not a stupid man. He knows that if he were to use a nuclear weapon, it would be the end of him and his country. He is not willing to sacrifice that. However, he does know that with nuclear weaponry, North Korea will have much more sway in dealings in the international community

Whereas, Mr. "Wipe Israel Of the Map" may actually decide to use nuclear weapons if he gets them, or funnel them to groups that will. Then the question becomes "How will the US respond" and "How will the world respond?" Once a state uses a nuclear weapon, it becomes harder to stop. The only reason the US did was we at the time held the monopoly. If Iran develops 1 nuclear weapon, that is fine. The goal then becomes destroying them before they can produce 2 or more.
The US has been using massive retaliation since the soviets, we just retaliate with conventional means because dropping nukes means losing votes.
Purple Heart Recipient
+73|6951|Fort Lewis WA

Elamdri wrote:

So the question is, should the US re-adopt a policy of Massive Retaliation against these countries?

EX. Iran bombs Israel. US then turns Tehran into glass parking lot.

EX. North Korea sells nuclear bomb to Terrorist Organization A. Terrorist Organization A uses nuclear bomb against US or allies. US turns North Korea into big crater.

Both nuclear and conventional attacks can spark a Massive Retaliation when the enemy state lacks retaliatory capacity.

What are the legal, ethical, moral, political repercussions of this policy. Is worth a good hard thought by US politicians?
Thats why we have the MOAB. Is deffinatly cheaper then a nuke without all the nasty side effects.
Dump a few of them around Iran, and drink some Chi tea. 

Seriously though, with all the madmen running around trying to get they're hands on nukes (Not to mention the unknown countries that have them and are keeping them very quiet) We are in for some trying times.
The only thing we can do is keep the nukes to a minimum. Once a nuke gets dropped somewhere, the earth is gone.  It really doesn't matter who uses the nuke on whom, there will be a lack of information, panic will set in, and the nukes will go flying and the world will burn.  Its scary.  No matter how rational you think you might be... when that first nukes hits, its a whole new animal.  Its called Escalation of Force.  You shoot at me, I shoot back, you shoot an RPG at me I send a fucking TOW2b into your bedroom window. You fire a volley of RPG's at me, I will drop a fucking GIMLER on your head. ( Just ask the Syrians that held a high rise on Haifa street.. "Hello MLRS in Fallujah? Yeah can you send a GPS guided missle to this target building? ok Love you buh bye") You send a nuke my way, I send 10 back.

Its sad but true....
Zee Tank Skank
+80|6962|MoVal So-Cal

Bubbalo wrote:

Seriously, have you not heard of a dictionary?  It's this little book where there are definitions for words.  Made by lots of different people.  You should try reading one sometime.  Unless of course the US army has somehow infiltrated all the dictionaries in your local area.  By magic, or something.  You see, it very clearly defines terms like army.  And the fact that an army is any armed force (or, more broadly, can be any large group moving toward a purpose i.e. Salvation Army).
Army, n. pl.,armies, military land force

This would make you.......100% correct as a guerrilla force is not an "army" and does not operate as an army.
Zee Tank Skank
+80|6962|MoVal So-Cal

CannonFodder11b wrote:

Thats why we have the MOAB. Is deffinatly cheaper then a nuke without all the nasty side effects.
Dump a few of them around Iran, and drink some Chi tea.
The only problem is that they are carried out of a C-130 cargo plane. This plane: is not stealthy, is slow and has no defenses. Also a MOAB, while it does make a big ass boom, doesn't even compare to a nuke.

Last edited by Pernicious544 (2007-02-27 00:41:20)

Purple Heart Recipient
+73|6951|Fort Lewis WA

Pernicious544 wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

Thats why we have the MOAB. Is deffinatly cheaper then a nuke without all the nasty side effects.
Dump a few of them around Iran, and drink some Chi tea.
The only problem is that they are carried out of a C-130 cargo plane. This plane: is not stealthy, is slow and has no defenses. Also a MOAB, while it does make a big ass boom, doesn't even compare to a nuke.
I'm fairly certain the MOAB can be carried by other means then a c130.  The first MOAB dumped was from a 130 off he coast of florida, it was a test thus the reason the MOAB was painted BRIGHT orange, the concussion of the MOAB was felt accross the eastern states and some reports said it hit the mid east.  It shattered windows almost 100 miles away.  And remember its not the Boom that kills most people, You drop a MOAB into a confined city space, and the Over pressure alone is going to turn people into goo, and level buildings.  WITHOUT the nasty radiation.  A daisy cutter (what the MOAB is based on) can level a mountain, and crush the bunkers burried within..Imagine what a MOAB will do in a tightly packed city, Ok so the buildings will stop some of the over pressure.... but its safe to say about 6 city blocks will be down and out, sewage systems will be gone, water...power, name it and its gone, and a massive blackout will ensue until someone grows the balls to go in there and assess and repair the damage down.  The (pardon my use of this overly coined phrase) "Shock and Awe" of the MOAB would deffinatly commense the shitting of pants, and you really think Tehrain, will send in a radiation responce team right away?  The MOAB does create a mushroom cload of nuke proportions... Many will think it was a nuke, people will run havoc will ensue, wash, rinse repeat as needed until desired effect is reached.

As for a C130 not being stealthy and having no defensive capabilities.... well my friend hows does that explain a spectre gunship?  Granted a Spectre cannot carry the cargo, that a c130 would carry let alone a MOAB....
The Spectre is still a C130 (its nomenclature is AC-130) You cannot tell me that a C130 (which btw has many different configurations) cannot be fitted with some type of ECM/Anti Radar device...
Where theres a will...theres a way.  Im sure a B52 can be retrofitted to carry a MOAB.  (I do not believe all the "Buffs" are mothballed, and its an easy cheap fix to get one modified and airworthy. Or maybe even a B1, or B2...all depends on retrofits and techno crap I don't know about, but If we can have a 747 that carries a space shuttle from Texas to Florida..... I'm sure we can find a way to fit a MOAB into atleast 1 of our long range bombing platforms.

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