Find your center.

Nice rant Cougar, even if you hate many people out there and I'm sure you do. I understand that you can tolerate a lot more and even have a small percentage of kindness in your heart. (I'm judging this from your thread, but I could be way off, maybe you are a very kind person, but anyway let me carry on...) But know this, you made my day better because I've learned to appreciate a few more things (Being average height) And I got a good laugh thanks to some of your comments such as:

cougar wrote:

When I'm back home and walking through a Wal-Mart and some asshole see's me and brings his "friends" over to meet me, I just want to pull down my pants and piss on their feet. I tolerate people or I hate people.  Leave me alone so I can buy some fucking toilet paper, asshole.
Comedic gold right there Hey look at it this way, being tall, atleast you got a big ass truck and you can actually look good getting into it. I've seen short guys with big fuckin trucks and lifts thinking they are teh shit, but when they try to climb up into that thing after getting gas etc...They look more pathetic then the fat ass in a geo.
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
224th R0ck3tpack
Hostile pansy spotted!
Being short, I essentially get the opposite of what you just said.

RasorX wrote:

i couldnt imagine sleeping in a bed that cut off at my ankles for 5+years.
Ohh my God dude, when I was in basic training, the beds were only 6 feet long, so the other 9 inches had to either hang off the edge or get curled up into the fetal position.  I used to get wickedly painful cramps in my legs from sleeping in the fetal position and if I left them hanging off the bed my TI would kick my legs and yell at me while he was doing late night inspections.

It was definitely the suck.
That stuff is so true!

"Do you play rugby?"  "No"  "Why not?"  "It never interested me"  "But youre a big guy, youd do well!"  "It never interested me"  "I don't understand..."  "Look, yes I'm a big guy but it never interested me!"  *repeat*

Cougar, is your name actually Andrew?

Pubic wrote:

Cougar, is your name actually Andrew?
No, actually my name is Andrew.
Blood good name that

Pubic wrote:

Blood good name that
Indeed old chap.
+167|6654|Manitowoc, WI

Cougar wrote:

d4rkst4r wrote:

is there a picture of you anywhere? (other then the Toronto Raptors basketball roster? teetee)
I don't have an recent ones, only shots of me in or shortly out of the military in which I look like a holocaust survivor.  I need to get some recent photo's though.
Found some.
Ready for combat
+211|6630|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA
being 6'9" definatly sucks sometimes, you forgot one thing, you have to protect your nuts most of the time. so many people have tried to hit me in the family jewels at partys. pissed me off so much. it has its perks though. whenever a hot chick needs something off the top shelf at a store, i'm there.
You orrible caaaaaaan't
Stop fuckin maoning I'm a short arse.
Ready for combat
+211|6630|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA

wah1188 wrote:

Stop fuckin maoning I'm a short arse.
at least you can fit in 99% of cars, trains, and aircraft.
You orrible caaaaaaan't
But some cool clothes are too big when they ain't got small .
Ready for combat
+211|6630|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA
its a bitch for me to find pants, i have 4 foot legs from the waist
Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
+1,022|6658|Camp XRay

You know what I would find if I was blessed with the height of cougar, civics, jetas, 2 door sports cars, etc. I have a couple of friends who are over seven feet and they cringe at the possibility of getting in one of those cars.

Cougar wrote:

I was thinking today about all the things that piss me off about being tall, and man there's a lot.  Being a 6'9, 290lb guy you would think life would be pretty good, I mean, no one would fuck with someone that big.....right?  Wrong.  Here are a few things that seriously piss me off.  Anyone over 6'4 will appreciate this list.

1. "Hey man, do you play basketball?
Simple question, harmless question, obvious question.  However, when you get asked this question on a daily basis for 10 years it suddenly becomes very infuriating, especially since I don't even really like basketball.  People assume that since I am tall, I must be an all pro basketball player, which couldn't be further from the truth.  So I can either tell them the truth and then get invited to every fucking basketball game known to man, that I have no desire to participate in or I can say "No" and listen to some shit head give me a lecture on how I squandered my gift height and how I suck for it. 

2. "Hey man, can I ask you a question?  How tall are you?"
First off, it doesn't matter if I say yes or no to the first question, they're going to ask either way, saying "sure" just makes it go by quicker and less awkward like.  Second off, what the fuck do you care?  What, are you going to convert my height into metric then multiply by 5 and use the numbers on your lottery ticket or something?  Shut the fuck up, it is of no concern to you.  I don't go around asking short people how tall they aren't, so stop asking me useless questions that I have no time for.

3. "Hey man, you look big and strong, can you help me move my couch up 4 flights of stairs?"
No.  Fuck you. Fuck your family and your children.  I am big and strong, but I'm not dumb enough to move your furniture up multiple levels of housing for charity.  Let's just say I'm big and strong enough to put you into the hospital and then steal your stupid couch, because I hate you.

4. "Hey man, I's could kickin in your ass faggit.....*burp*
I learned long ago that being the biggest dude at a party is usually a bad thing.  Every drunk asshole in there decides at some point or another that he can kick your ass, and then later decides that he must try.  Personally, I think I may have been in around 2 or 3 fights of my own free will in my life, however, I've had to fight at least 15 times against my free will because some 5 foot 2 drunk asshole with Napoleons Syndrome decided that kicking my ass would make his life better.

Reality check.  6'9 290lb sober guy vs. 5'2 150lb drunk asshole = a short drunk guy pueking up blood whilst laying in his own piss.

5. "Door Hinges"
Ever payed attention to the little door catch at the top of the door frame that pulls the door shut?  If you are short you haven't, if you are tall like me, you fear them.  If I had a dollar for every time I've smashed my face into one of those, I would be rich.  I hate those things.

6. Clothes and the Big and Tall Stores
Forget getting clothes for Christmas, if you don't buy them yourself you can guarantee they will not fit.  So instead, you get nothing for Christmas, but that's another story.  Shirts are not so much of a problem, they just have to be long shirts.  I couldn't imagine being a tall fat guy, because you would just have to wear a tarp, but anyways...getting off track here.  Pants.  Forget it.  I have two pairs of jeans and two pairs of slacks, that's it.  Shopping for jeans is like stabbing yourself in the face with Courtney Loves anal thermometer over and over again, because NO ONE has my size.  Ever.  You would think that Big & Tall stores would...but no.  B&T sucks a dick, the dumb ass salesman always has this look of "Oh shit" when I walk in the door, because he knows that he doesn't have anything that will fit.  It's usually around this time that I just turn around and walk out, but for some reason or another the salesman feels the need to chase you out the door to try and sell me something I don't need, like a tie or something.  Go die in a massive building fire B&T salesman.

7. "Hey!  Hey everyone, this is my friend Andrew!"
Actually, no, no it's not.  I'm not your friend.  Just because I'm tall and you talked to me this one time and I was polite, doesn't mean I'm your friend.  When I'm back home and walking through a Wal-Mart and some asshole see's me and brings his "friends" over to meet me, I just want to pull down my pants and piss on their  feet.  There are only about 6-7 people in the entire world I consider a true friend, and your not one of them.  I tolerate people or I hate people.  Leave me alone so I can buy some fucking toilet paper, asshole.

8. Hey, lets take my car!
HEY!  LETS FUCKING NOT AND SAY WE DID!!  How the fuck do you think I am going to fit into your goddamned Geo Metro or your ugly ass Caviler or Civic!?  Why don't I just stuff you into a baby carriage and push you around, swerving and slamming on the brakes like a goddamned retard.  How about that?  Unless you have a big truck, we're taking mine, and if you don't like it, then walk.  I swear, if the airbag in my girlfriends car ever went off it would break my knees and probably decapitate me in some way or another.  If you drive a small car, I hate you.

Not to say being tall doesn't have it's benefits, but this stuff pisses me off on a daily basis.
Man i understand everything you said. Everything on the list except number 8 applies to me. I am 6'5'' @ 222lbs not bad for 16.
+116|6659|Cherry Pie
LOL, nice list man.  At times I think it would be cool to be a bigger dude.  But I think I'll stick to my GQ skinny but sexy look.
Goodbye :)
+399|6514|Somewhere else

I love people constantly commenting on my shoes.  I wear size 16 shoes.  If one more person says to me "You know what they say about guys who have big feet.............THEY HAVE BIG SHOES" I am gonna smash thier face through a plate glass window.   

Or, "you could go skiing with those boots!" Yes, you are the first to say that and yes!  that's exactly what I do with my regular boots.  I go fucking skiing everynight....  Just because I can.  Thanks for pointing out my shoe size. I was totally unaware that 16 is a large size considering no store carries them in stock other than that shitty 1 pair that look like they were designed by some pretentious "artistic" asshole.

Of course I have big feet.  Wouldnt it be odd to see a really tall guy have really small feet? Fuck! C'mon! Use the fucking brain god gave ya! Jesus!
+116|6659|Cherry Pie

RoosterCantrell wrote:

I love people constantly commenting on my shoes.  I wear size 16 shoes.  If one more person says to me "You know what they say about guys who have big feet.............THEY HAVE BIG SHOES" I am gonna smash thier face through a plate glass window.   

Or, "you could go skiing with those boots!" Yes, you are the first to say that and yes!  that's exactly what I do with my regular boots.  I go fucking skiing everynight....  Just because I can.  Thanks for pointing out my shoe size. I was totally unaware that 16 is a large size considering no store carries them in stock other than that shitty 1 pair that look like they were designed by some pretentious "artistic" asshole.

Of course I have big feet.  Wouldnt it be odd to see a really tall guy have really small feet? Fuck! C'mon! Use the fucking brain god gave ya! Jesus!
Can you still slide on ice?  Because with all of that foot area maybe you can't...  Poor you, can't even slide on ice...  That sucks.
+60|6693|South West England
rolf god damn Cougar, thats some funny shit +1

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