Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6842|Tampa Bay Florida
I just noticed, that American would be in trouble if his M82 accidentally went off
+116|6776|Cherry Pie
Actually his name is Juba and its not one person, its several people who act like one person to try and lift up the skills of the crappy insurgency.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6842|Tampa Bay Florida

Mr.Pieeater wrote:

Actually his name is Juba and its not one person, its several people who act like one person to try and lift up the skills of the crappy insurgency.
There's no way you can no for sure, it might be one person trying to seem like several people to intimidate the Americans.

Last edited by Spearhead (2007-02-24 18:57:46)

You're awesome ATG, but tell that to my buddy who is a Marine force recon sniper.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Reminds me of enemy at the gates.

ATG wrote:

They are not alone. American commanders are desperate to bring the body count of americans killed down. They are hunkering down. You should pick up this months issue of SOF, it breaks your fucking heart. ( if you are a patriotic American )
Compared with some of the previous wars, the body count is down. Still, there are screw-ups that need to be addressed.
guess someone should close this since insurgent snipers have become extinct
way to rev a thread
I suspect something is amiss
I´m not suprised when paperboys get in charge they tend to Fubar in any way possible especially in the army
+32|6475|Camp Lejeune

ATG wrote:

Wow, way to resurrect a old topic.
Didnt realize I was resurrecting anything. Resurrecting my experience in Iraq maybe? No worries Ill do a search for chechnyan snipers on here and enlightenment will follow...
+127|6539|Jesus Land aka Canada
its Juba and ya its possible there is more then one "juba"; the enemy is just making up this "juba" character to put fear in their enemies in believing there is ONE hot shot iraqi SVD sniper killing US troops left and right.
soup fly mod

devildogfo wrote:

ATG wrote:

Wow, way to resurrect a old topic.
Didnt realize I was resurrecting anything. Resurrecting my experience in Iraq maybe? No worries Ill do a search for chechnyan snipers on here and enlightenment will follow...
I'm actually curious for you to expand on what you posted.  Why do u say that insurgent snipers are extinct?
Your cops are corrupt.
+200|6543|fåking denmark
Omg, that's amazing..
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
IRAQIS not Hajjis.

Or Iraqistanis as referred by your stupid leader.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
BF2s Nublet
+71|6591|somewhere other then here
i wonder if he uses SVD ftw!
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

voodoosniper7 wrote:

i wonder if he uses SVD ftw!
You would be correct.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Your cops are corrupt.
+200|6543|fåking denmark

ATG wrote:

Iraqi snipers are rumored to be gaining skill.
I think it's more that U.S. commanders have their heads up their asses.
One sniper in Iraq is rumored to have killed over 100 U.S. servicemen. His name is Juma and videos of his handywork are not hard to find on the internet via searching his name.

So what do the U.S. Snipers have to say?
You'd be suprised if you are a Bush supporter.

The following are real letters from real snipers deployed in Iraq, thanks to www.sofmag.com
http://www.sofmag.com/news/permalink1/2 … 25536.html
units and locations withheld ( XXX )
The problem we are having is that they just stopped using snipers all together with my unit. We are still in Iraq ( we were extended ) and I am in XXX We did operate in XXX under our own brigade and we did all kinds of sniper missions, ( but ) now that we are detached to another unit in XXX that unit feels it is too risky to use snipers. Basically what the deal is, they are afraid of us dying, they are afraid of what the media will say if we do get killed. They are so scared they will not let us operate. Now I came into the military to do a job, and I am willing to accept that risk---that's why I am a sniper. I know my job is extremely high risk, I don't need some stars and bars thinking they are doing us any favors by keeping us from doing missions.
Friends and family send us gear, or we spend like $70 bucks on gloves and gear. You have to call a hundred people before you can take a shot, but if they ( the insurgents ) see one of ours, they shoot him. Our Stryker Brigade lost a man last week to a sniper- if we had a counter-sniper team in place it may not have happened. New snipers assigned to our platoon often have not received any live fire training. We are making arrangments to hire a company to put the new guys through a basic sniper school since the actual army snipers schools are full up.
We have no decent night optics. Same can be said for thermal sights, laser range finders, wind direction finders, mil dot calculators, etc.
Misuse of snipers, especially by the Marine Corps is rampant. The Marine unit in our sector send their snipers out on combat patrol as infantry ( army is guilty of this as well ) and then have their snipers occupy the same positions over and over again. The enemy in our AO uses close quarters combat as their counter sniper technique, and it works! They scout snipers positions, then throw hand grenades and assault the position or lay an IED against the dismounted egress of the sniper hide.
The list of complaints could go on, but you get the idea.
Stuff like this is about the only thing that makes me what to jump on the cut and run bandwagon; if we are going to just discard these men like rusty tools then
lets get them home.

Extended firefight video PSD snipers in Iraq
Info about Americans killed by snipers in Iraq, WARNING, DOES CONTAIN SOME BLOOD
Srry to say, but I couldn't see the blood?
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6702|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth
Call me a conspiracy theorist but it couldn't be that "Juba" is actually several if not many random Iraqi insugents who all operate under the same name just like all the unconnected groups that use the term "al-queda".

Anyhoo, they better get practising to reach this level from our boys. 


I think it's safe to say that insurgent snipers aren't quite as skilled as coalition snipers.

Last edited by =OBS= EstebanRey (2007-04-12 09:06:36)

haven't seen a sniper in a while, just suicide bombers, The Japanese did that too.
+5,233|6681|Global Command

m3thod wrote:

IRAQIS not Hajjis.

Or Iraqistanis as referred by your stupid leader.
slobber on Bushes Pole, he never said that.
+5,233|6681|Global Command

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

Call me a conspiracy theorist but it couldn't be that "Juba" is actually several if not many random Iraqi insugents who all operate under the same name just like all the unconnected groups that use the term "al-queda".

Anyhoo, they better get practising to reach this level from our boys. 


I think it's safe to say that insurgent snipers aren't quite as skilled as coalition snipers.
The point though is that the Brass are misusing and mis-deploying our snipers. They aren't getting range time and proper equipment and the generals act like they don't know what snipers are used for.

The Iraqis recognize the sniper as their next best weapon after the IED. As so are using them wherever possible.
+32|6475|Camp Lejeune

superfly_cox wrote:

devildogfo wrote:

ATG wrote:

Wow, way to resurrect a old topic.
Didnt realize I was resurrecting anything. Resurrecting my experience in Iraq maybe? No worries Ill do a search for chechnyan snipers on here and enlightenment will follow...
I'm actually curious for you to expand on what you posted.  Why do u say that insurgent snipers are extinct?
They're not extinct, I dont remember posting that but I didnt mean to convey that at all. They're there, for sure. But I dont think Juba exists for the same reasons everyone else has posted. I was responding to someones comment about a chechnyan sniper being a myth, inputting that there was a sniper in west fallujah harrassing coalition forces while i was in iraq that was supposedly chechnynan. Snipers are there, theyve killed soldiers and Marines, but they arent even close to the skill and training of our snipers.
+605|6701|San Diego, CA, USA
Darn Iranians...they are actually teaching these guys better.

This makes me think that our invasion later this year of Iran will be more bloody than Iraq.

m3thod wrote:

IRAQIS not Hajjis.

Or Iraqistanis as referred by your stupid leader.
That would be an ok term according to greek and latin roots.
The Canadian
+3|6373|Richmond, BC, Canada
LOL at that first pic

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