
Who is the most evil/worst person alive at the moment?

Osama bin Laden20%20% - 46
Dubya6%6% - 14
"Fuhrer" Cheney9%9% - 20
Fred "God Hates Fags" Phelps10%10% - 23
Jesus (techincally, he's still alive, right?)8%8% - 18
Fidel Castro (can be substituted for Hugo Chavez)3%3% - 8
Other (please name)16%16% - 37
Slayer16%16% - 36
They're all as bad as each other8%8% - 18
Total: 220
Ima Crunchatize you.
+170|6836|The Lou

Tshadow wrote:

well can u tell me..how does the world work..CAn u tell me why did they attack Iraq..when the person they were looking for the 9/11 attacks was in Afganitan??..Iraq war was just a divert the attention of the american people..Sadam had nuthen to do wit 9/11./..but some people belive that now..cuz more attention was paid to the Iraq war than the afganistan war..People who actually think that Sadam had sumthing to do wit 9/11 are (pardon my language) Morons
TBH, I've never heard anyone say Saddam had something to do with 9/11, can we get some sources?

And could you use spell check please, it's really hard to even understand what you're saying and in one of your post you say,"Iraq doesnt not have terrorists" how about iraq does have terrorist, alittle easier said, if that is what you were saying at all

Last edited by HURLEY (2007-02-24 10:09:14)

Commie Killer
Fred Phelps, that heartless SOB makes me sick, someone needs to get him with a 12 gauge from 3 yards, blow of every body part, and let him lie there to die.
Devon Dweller
+36|6741|Devon, England

ThomasMorgan wrote:

Honestly though, I think I might vote for Jesus, to be honest.  Not because he's evil, but because of him, millions of people have been killed in the name of religion.
I agree Millions die for him
16 more years
+877|6679|South Florida

Tshadow wrote:

well can u tell me..how does the world work..CAn u tell me why did they attack Iraq..when the person they were looking for the 9/11 attacks was in Afganitan??..Iraq war was just a divert the attention of the american people..Sadam had nuthen to do wit 9/11./..but some people belive that now..cuz more attention was paid to the Iraq war than the afganistan war..People who actually think that Sadam had sumthing to do wit 9/11 are (pardon my language) Morons
You my friend, are an idiot, a true idiot....
1. Who the fuck are you?? Your some liberal sheep who gets his facts from the Liberal media and stupid friends who like to share gossip. How do you know Sadam had nothing to do with 9/11, your just spewing bullshit mythes you hear around the locker room.

2. You cannot just leave Iraq. Have you ever talked to a real Iraqie? a non-terrorist one? NO YOU HAVENT, and i know this because i have, and she told us all about the normal life of an iraqie, and how much they depend on the US military to protect them from terrorists and there backwards government. If you really took a look into what ACTUALLY happens on the streets of iraq, you would understand how the liberal media changes it around to support there "anti-bush" agenda, because thats what gets viewers. If troops left iraq, it would be dragged back into the shithole it was before, most likely even worse, it would be anhialated by car bombings, and we would be allowing the terrorists to come out of hiding and regroup themselves, just so we could see another 9/11! The terrorists are NOT gone, not in the middle east! If America leaves now, we'll just be attacked again.

I can't stand you people, you think you know what your talking about just because you see it on CNN...



Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2007-02-24 10:25:15)

15 more years! 15 more years!
Say wat!?

surgeon_bond wrote:

harold shipman, i think hes still alive ? but im not sure
Yeah he was a sick fuck. dont they think over 300 deaths were linked to him?

smtt686 wrote:

No one from Africa?  You make shitty polls!
this is the best we can do?

mike_01042 wrote:

smtt686 wrote:

No one from Africa?  You make shitty polls!
Not racist you moron.  Africa has a lot of bad people there. 

Now go to your mommy and have her wash your mouth out with soap
bad touch

Allah and Jesus

For reasons not needing to be said.
What about kim jong il?
bad touch

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

What about kim jong il?
Why? He's kept his problems inside of the Korean Peninsula.
O Canada
+1,596|6559|North Carolina
While I agree that Africa has plenty of despots in their own right, deciding who is the worst person alive is hard....

I voted Osama Bin Laden, because in general, Islamists have probably done more damage and created more death per person than any other group in the world currently.

Kim Jong Il is up there too, and there are many people in the Chinese government that would fit somewhere in this list.

Cheney is pretty evil in his own right, but there are many people in the Third World that are even worse....
Big Mouth Prick
+219|6684|Golf 1.8 GTI Wolfsburg Edition
the guy who sprayed 'Volvo wint van Scania wich means 'Volvo beats Scania' on the windshield on my brand new Scania R500
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6838|United States of America
I vote Osama because he seems to have influence over more people than the rest, was going for Phelps second but that is a smaller group than that of a terrorist.
Certified BF2S Asshole
+131|6610|The edge of sanity
To me Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton = Satan
+60|6812|South West England
Phelps, I dont wish alot of pain on people but that guy and his followers have it coming their way in spades

this head guy from the moon-group
+5,233|6683|Global Command

Backupwayback wrote:

ThomasMorgan wrote:

Honestly though, I think I might vote for Jesus, to be honest.  Not because he's evil, but because of him, millions of people have been killed in the name of religion.
I agree Millions die for him
Jesus, because millions are fucking stupid doesn't make Jesus an evil man.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Hey Jesus is a good guy! He is the only guy at the SubWay in my town that is not slower than molasses in February! Why is he on that list?
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6828|Canberra, AUS
I didn't vote Osama, because the only thing that makes Osama different from any other ultra-fundementalist is that Osama has a shitload of money.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

HURLEY wrote:

Tshadow wrote:

well can u tell me..how does the world work..CAn u tell me why did they attack Iraq..when the person they were looking for the 9/11 attacks was in Afganitan??..Iraq war was just a divert the attention of the american people..Sadam had nuthen to do wit 9/11./..but some people belive that now..cuz more attention was paid to the Iraq war than the afganistan war..People who actually think that Sadam had sumthing to do wit 9/11 are (pardon my language) Morons
TBH, I've never heard anyone say Saddam had something to do with 9/11, can we get some sources?

And could you use spell check please, it's really hard to even understand what you're saying and in one of your post you say,"Iraq doesnt not have terrorists" how about iraq does have terrorist, alittle easier said, if that is what you were saying at all
ok..i dunno where u have been for the past year..bet here is your source

http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/P … 3jgqyi.asp

and use goggle..serch for "saddam al qaeda connection" and u will get all ur sources

and yes i did say iraq does not have terrorists..b4 the US attcked..they were classified as MILITANTS..there is a difference..and the MILITANTS could care less about the US they had there own battles to fight in Iraq..but now they are against the US..because of the invations..and now u can call them terroists.

Last edited by Tshadow (2007-02-24 16:21:17)


Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Tshadow wrote:

well can u tell me..how does the world work..CAn u tell me why did they attack Iraq..when the person they were looking for the 9/11 attacks was in Afganitan??..Iraq war was just a divert the attention of the american people..Sadam had nuthen to do wit 9/11./..but some people belive that now..cuz more attention was paid to the Iraq war than the afganistan war..People who actually think that Sadam had sumthing to do wit 9/11 are (pardon my language) Morons
You my friend, are an idiot, a true idiot....
1. Who the fuck are you?? Your some liberal sheep who gets his facts from the Liberal media and stupid friends who like to share gossip. How do you know Sadam had nothing to do with 9/11, your just spewing bullshit mythes you hear around the locker room.

2. You cannot just leave Iraq. Have you ever talked to a real Iraqie? a non-terrorist one? NO YOU HAVENT, and i know this because i have, and she told us all about the normal life of an iraqie, and how much they depend on the US military to protect them from terrorists and there backwards government. If you really took a look into what ACTUALLY happens on the streets of iraq, you would understand how the liberal media changes it around to support there "anti-bush" agenda, because thats what gets viewers. If troops left iraq, it would be dragged back into the shithole it was before, most likely even worse, it would be anhialated by car bombings, and we would be allowing the terrorists to come out of hiding and regroup themselves, just so we could see another 9/11! The terrorists are NOT gone, not in the middle east! If America leaves now, we'll just be attacked again.

I can't stand you people, you think you know what your talking about just because you see it on CNN...


OK dude..calm down..i dunno wtf ur problem is..or where have u been for the last lil while too

search it on google. "saddam al qaeda connection"
http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/P … 3jgqyi.asp

Do u even listen to the news man

and how the fuk can u make an assumption..that i have nvr talked to an Iraqi before..come to canada..my highschool has like atleast 50 iraquis..and yes i know they all hate Sadam..i nvr said that they didnt hate  sadam...u make a lotta assumptions..all i said was due to the fukking invation the death toll has risen..less people were dying when sadam was in power..but u are a fukkin moron and u cannot wrap ur head around this fact..and buddy my dad is in the Army..not the US army..he was With the UN peace keeping force. And he has been to Iraq..more people are dying now cuz of the invasion..and BY THE Way..quoting u "If troops left iraq, it would be dragged back into the shithole it was before, most likely even worse, it would be anhialated by car bombings, and we would be allowing the terrorists to come out of hiding and regroup themselves, just so we could see another 9/11! The terrorists are NOT gone, not in the middle east! If America leaves now, we'll just be attacked again." LEMME ASK U..WHY THE HELL IS THE US IN IRAQ..there were no WMD's..so whats the reason..
And have u ever thot outside the box...why are all the terroists targeting you..why not some other country..o YAH..cuz the americans Fuked the middle east soo many times that all the people hate you..and the americans keep on doing it. Read my pervious posts for a better picture.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6828|Canberra, AUS
And have u ever thot outside the box...why are all the terroists targeting you..why not some other country
How many times has the United States been the victim of a terrorist attack in the last five years?

How many times has Indonesia or a European country been the victim of a terrorist attack in the last five years?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
OMFG..i cant belive was a Moron u are Dezerteagal5..i cant belive u just said

"How do you know Sadam had nothing to do with 9/11, your just spewing bullshit mythes you hear around the locker room."

I think the entire world knows that sadam had nothing to do with 9/11..Lemme as u sumthing..do u live in a Fucking HOLE?

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/ar … Jun16.html

READ THE FIRST LINE U DUMASS..Wow..i can't even belive that sumone could be as dumb as you..and ur calling Tshadow dumb..lol..MORON

Spark wrote:

And have u ever thot outside the box...why are all the terroists targeting you..why not some other country
How many times has the United States been the victim of a terrorist attack in the last five years?

How many times has Indonesia or a European country been the victim of a terrorist attack in the last five years?
HAHA>>OMFG..ARE U DUMB..INDONESIAN terrosrist dun come from the middle east..its there own country..the terroists are actually indonesian..not afgani..lol..and as for any euopean country..i think u mean the England??..they were attacked cuz they are helping the US..and they are fighting the terroists in t he middle east..its called revenge..and thats y the people of England hate the war..its not even there war..Turn on the News right now..and u will hear about the protests in England

And the terroists that attack the US are al from the middle east or have some connection to the middle east

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