Kmarion wrote:
Should the UK let the US? It makes it appear as if we are trying to impose it on you when in fact it is the UK asking for it.
UK officials say Tony Blair has pressed Washington to place at least some of those interceptors on British soil. The UK prime minister is said to share US concerns about the threat posed by missiles from states of concern.
Blair rules out action against Iran, and then the next day the we hear the UK is asking for our missile defense.
In any since missile defense has a long way to go.
Yup, Blair is lobbying for it. But remember Blair and the UK are two seperate entities. The US need a European outpost for interceptors, the UK will most likely host that outpost. What are the chances of it being placed in France or Germany - also, the further from Russia the outpost is the better, don't want them thinking they've got incoming missiles, scary shit could go down.
Kmarion wrote:
Bertster7 wrote:
CC-Marley wrote:
Do you really want to bring up the Kyoto Protocol? Have you read it? Really read it?
I've read it. It's bollocks, but the whole point of it is to be a symbol of international cooperation on climate change, which is important. The exemptions of China and India were just an incentive to get them onboard, unfortunately it gave the US and AUS a good reason not to sign.
It was symbolic, not practical.
The US signed it, symbolically
But no ratification (much like the UK/US extradition treaty) and that is what the media focus has been on, destroying the spirit of the agreement.