The Lizzard
How so?  He refuses to even listen to what others have to say, or if he does he must forget it ten seconds later or be seriously mentally deficient.

And Merry Christmas to you too.
+5,233|6683|Global Command

Bubbalo wrote:

How so?  He refuses to even listen to what others have to say, or if he does he must forget it ten seconds later or be seriously mentally deficient.

And Merry Christmas to you too.
Sheesh  dOOd, I could totally say the same thing about you.
You know why I call you Lizard?
It's because lizards are untrainable, and no matter how many crickets you feed them they still have nothing but a shriveled prune shaped glob where their heart should be.
The Lizzard
Could you?  When somebody says something to me about their viewpoint, I take it into account.  Even if I don't change sides, my next argument is the exact same thing as I've said all argument.  Lowing, on the other hand............................

Bubbalo wrote:

How so?  He refuses to even listen to what others have to say, or if he does he must forget it ten seconds later or be seriously mentally deficient.

And Merry Christmas to you too.
Sorry Bubbalo, I really wasn't trying to start a war here, and I certainly was not trying to start a thread centered around me, I just wanted to explain why my time on here has been cut down and soon to be non-existent for awhile.

       I gotta tell ya though, that there is a difference between "refusing to even listen to what others have to say" and completely and vehemently disagreeing with what is said. I have heard you, you have heard me, neither one of us has given an inch, on our views with regard to each others views, yet, you say I am the only one guilty of being closed minded. How is it, you are different from me again?

Simply put, neither one of us has succeeded in convincing the other that we are right. It certainly does not mean that we have not "listened".
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6736|SE London

Enjoy your travels lowing, we don't always see eye to eye, but I think we've agreed on occasion and hey, isn't that what debating is all about. Perhaps your sojourn in Europe will give you a fresh perspective on European stuff.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
Toodles Lowing.

Don't hurry back!!!!
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
You orrible caaaaaaan't

fadedsteve wrote:

Good Luck!

Your an asset to the forums and will be missed!!

Like a UAV?
The Lizzard

lowing wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

How so?  He refuses to even listen to what others have to say, or if he does he must forget it ten seconds later or be seriously mentally deficient.

And Merry Christmas to you too.
Sorry Bubbalo, I really wasn't trying to start a war here, and I certainly was not trying to start a thread centered around me, I just wanted to explain why my time on here has been cut down and soon to be non-existent for awhile.

       I gotta tell ya though, that there is a difference between "refusing to even listen to what others have to say" and completely and vehemently disagreeing with what is said. I have heard you, you have heard me, neither one of us has given an inch, on our views with regard to each others views, yet, you say I am the only one guilty of being closed minded. How is it, you are different from me again?

Simply put, neither one of us has succeeded in convincing the other that we are right. It certainly does not mean that we have not "listened".
The difference is that ATG never gives an inch, but I can tell he reads and understands what I say.  You very clearly don't.
+5,233|6683|Global Command
Come again?
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6819|NT, like Mick Dundee

Somebody get a fire extinguisher... And somebody please get ATG some nicotine gum...

See you around lowing, might not have agreed with all your posts but your perspectives are always welcome. Another angle on issues...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
+5,233|6683|Global Command

Flecco wrote:

Somebody get a fire extinguisher... And somebody please get ATG some nicotine gum...

See you around lowing, might not have agreed with all your posts but your perspectives are always welcome. Another angle on issues...
Your asking for it.
+156|6782|space command ur anus
Waste Kid
Cya man, have fun
+5,233|6683|Global Command

Flecco wrote:

Somebody get a fire extinguisher... And somebody please get ATG some nicotine gum...

See you around lowing, might not have agreed with all your posts but your perspectives are always welcome. Another angle on issues...
Just so youz know;
I feel it takes a pretty small minded person to make jokes about a tobacco habit.
I've received lots of support from friend and foe alike about what in my sig.

Then there are those like you, I have done nothing to you, directed no unusual amount of scorn at you, and yet you feel compelled to make a comment about me needing nicoteen gum.

Are you complaining about something specific I said or are you just being a prick?
Teh forum ghey!
+172|6791|Wigan. Manchester. England.
Are you sure he wasnt just joking dude lol?

I mean i read it and it came across as a joke to me.
+5,233|6683|Global Command

I ain't

That's why I asked.

Kind of a touchy subject.
Teh forum ghey!
+172|6791|Wigan. Manchester. England.

Fair enough.

I'll leave you too it.

Bubbalo wrote:

lowing wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

How so?  He refuses to even listen to what others have to say, or if he does he must forget it ten seconds later or be seriously mentally deficient.

And Merry Christmas to you too.
Sorry Bubbalo, I really wasn't trying to start a war here, and I certainly was not trying to start a thread centered around me, I just wanted to explain why my time on here has been cut down and soon to be non-existent for awhile.

       I gotta tell ya though, that there is a difference between "refusing to even listen to what others have to say" and completely and vehemently disagreeing with what is said. I have heard you, you have heard me, neither one of us has given an inch, on our views with regard to each others views, yet, you say I am the only one guilty of being closed minded. How is it, you are different from me again?

Simply put, neither one of us has succeeded in convincing the other that we are right. It certainly does not mean that we have not "listened".
The difference is that ATG never gives an inch, but I can tell he reads and understands what I say.  You very clearly don't.
Well actually, I do read and I do understand what you are saying, I "very clearly" do not agree with it, is the only thing I am guilty of.
The Lizzard
No, you don't, as was made clear in our discussion of liberalism.

Bubbalo wrote:

No, you don't, as was made clear in our discussion of liberalism.
So it's settled then, good

Talk about something else now, please. I hate reading this kind of stuff. You guys must agree to dissagree and leave it at that. [/parenting 101]
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
well, I was informed today that I go to training next week, for a week, then to another week of training somewhere else, then I am off to Iraq for about 6 months or so. Unfortunatly, Europe thus far has been cancelled. My departure date was bumped since I started this thread, now I leave for Iraq in about a month.
( for those that were wondering) If you couldn't care less then disregard.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Well, keep your head down buddy!
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
Keep safe.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Thx, the curiousity of it all keeps me occupied and excited. I am sure I will be over it the first week though.
I think it'll be both scary and exciting for you lowing. I think it might be a good thing that you are going to go and see Iraq with your own eyes.

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