R.I.P. Neda
+456|6982|Grapevine, TX
If you hear or see incoming Arty fire----> LOOK UP IN THE SKY!!!! You will be able to see the rounds actually falling and move out of the way and have a much better chance of saving your butt!  Check it out yourself and report back in with more intelligence! Dismissed, Carry on Marines!
Yes sir! I will run into the middle of the next artillery barrage I see to test this theory right away, sir!

...the other day i was a gunner in a hovering chopper, and the barrage started right near us, and I thoughti could see the rounds falling. then the chopper exploded.

oberst_enzian wrote:

Yes sir! I will run into the middle of the next artillery barrage I see to test this theory right away, sir!

...the other day i was a gunner in a hovering chopper, and the barrage started right near us, and I thoughti could see the rounds falling. then the chopper exploded.
hahahahhahha nice
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|6900|The United Center
yeah...only on medium settings and up though.

also, even if you see it falling toward you, its too late.
What if you were looking through a bunker window?
R.I.P. Neda
+456|6982|Grapevine, TX

oberst_enzian wrote:

Yes sir! I will run into the middle of the next artillery barrage I see to test this theory right away, sir!

...the other day i was a gunner in a hovering chopper, and the barrage started right near us, and I thoughti could see the rounds falling. then the chopper exploded.
LOL, point taken! Well Devil Dog, the next time you are in the close vicinity of the barrage check it out, if your already in it you have about 1 out of 1000 chance of making it out alive.

ThomasMorgan wrote:

yeah...only on medium settings and up though.

also, even if you see it falling toward you, its too late.
Thanks for reporting back, I didn't think of that either, I'm on all medium settings except for Terrain , Geometry and Dynamic ligating which are on High. I use a ATI 9550 256mb, I got it for only $130.00USD.

Drunkaholic wrote:

What if you were looking through a bunker window?
Go prone and hold on to your ass.... it just might save it.
+383|6872|The Netherlands
Thats a negative sir...... if i hear the sound of an arti strike, i ll be running in the other direction and i ll duck behind the nearest cover like i was told in bootcamp... sir! 

Birds flying overhead, look up and see poop coming down.  Tool.

oberst_enzian wrote:

Yes sir! I will run into the middle of the next artillery barrage I see to test this theory right away, sir!
bastard! i pissed my jeans...               rofl!^^^

remembers me on my time at the german army ....  i called it "nuclear-what to do-card"   
it said something like: after the blast - get an closer look at the explosion - what colour - what size...

for sure- after an abomb explosion i get as near as i can to examine the explosion and keep looking at the beautiful smoke and the great unbelievable destruction of erverything... take nice photos for my child at the crater posing with my company...                fuck it - i start running to get out of the contermination area asap 

- i felt to write my thoughts...
R.I.P. Neda
+456|6982|Grapevine, TX
OK I'll tell you what, I know you all are as clever with your replies as I am, I'm only posting this as another way to get one more advantage to being successful on the battlefield. 

1. Mission Accomplishment (It helps if your alive to accomplish it)
2. You can see the shells raining down so you can get just close enough to the impact area , so you can rush in AFTER the LAST ROUND FALLS.
3. See #1 (Revive, Repair, Capture a flag, Commanders orders, etc.... all those TEAM things so many people playing Battlefield 2 have a problem with doing on most days.)
yes sir, seen them sir, got killed by them sir... but they do look kinda cool, a bit like very very heavy raindrops.... oh, that go 'boom' on impact.

As your last post suggests, I do look up to see the last round falling and I do rush to capture the CP if there's enough backup.... other than that, I keep well away
Ive been killed by them at 500 altitude in a transport heli before...
Raiders of the Lost Bear

they appear as little sperm streaks.
R.I.P. Neda
+456|6982|Grapevine, TX

dracul wrote:

Ive been killed by them at 500 altitude in a transport heli before...
lol, yeah I've been gunner in Cobra and we fly right over Artillery battery, and they will kill you going out of tubes!
can't post the screenies cos i'm at work, but i was once on a 64 players server with only about 15 people on it - so everyone when went vehicles. anyway, two choppers (attack and transport) as well as a damaged tank, were all trying to cap a flag, right when my artillery bar filled up...
I got before/after screenies - it was the first time I'd taken out a chopper with arty -and i got two! I'll post the screenies later when I get home from work
S!l3nt But D3adly
+86|6757|Pickle Village

usmarine2005 wrote:

Birds flying overhead, look up and see poop coming down.  Tool.
good translation

(T)eflon(S)hadow wrote:

If you hear or see incoming Arty fire----> LOOK UP IN THE SKY!!!! You will be able to see the rounds actually falling and move out of the way and have a much better chance of saving your butt!  Check it out yourself and report back in with more intelligence! Dismissed, Carry on Marines!
Yaaay,look up and catch the rounds like snowflakes with your tongue....
+224|6837|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
i was taking of w/ a jet on oman and i figgured i would stop at the island and repair the arty well i repaird it and i decide well lets see ow high you can go up w/ the jet i got up 500 meters and i saw the round lobing i took a screenie and then boooooooooom i got hit in maid air that shit was fucked up...it cool try it on a lan.
I'm not sure if this really works but I have only been killed once by arty since I started doing it. Prone and jam your face into a wall or corner if available. I'm interested to know if this really works or if I'm imagining it so the next time you get caught in arty try it out.
always when i get caught in arty i prone in the nearest corner, ive lived trough several hundred barages this way, maybe i just got lucky or maybey it works but i have gotten killed before too, but thats ussually cus the shell hit like 2 feet from me , but if it lands more than like 5 feet away you seem to live, but more so if your prone ?
Here is something to try that I did the other night.

I was in the F-18 getting chased by the MiG on Operation Clean Sweep.  I decided to take him up into the stratosphere and as soon as I pulled up I saw artillery raining down all around me!  I was almsot centered perfectly inside the strike with artillery zooming by me in every direction, and the SOUND, OMG  it sounded like razor blades scrathing the cockpit bubble.  All of the sudden I heard the tone lock turn off and I saw that the commander had killed someone, I switched to rear view only to see pieces of MiG slowly descending to Earth on fire.

I failed to notice I was about 2000 feet up and then promptly died.

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