GOP Sympathizer
+266|6528|Menlo Park, CA
As all or some of you know, I am a rabid baseball fan!! It is the greatest sport P E R I O D (there is no argument)

Now my favorite team is the San Francisco Giants, as I am a native Californian/Bay Area guy. 

Some or all of you might know that a player (Barry Bonds) on my favorite team is gunning for the all-time home run record.  This record was never thought to be broken. . . .Hank Aaron broke Babe Ruths record, an achievement that was unimaginable. . .

Over the years Barry has positioned himself to surpass this record. . .he is only 22 homers away!

However, I was curious as to what most of you guys think about him (Barry Bonds), the significance of breaking the record, and the implications when he does break the record (which is inevitable, he is healthy, and will get pitched to this season)??

I personally think he is a lying prick who needs to own up to the fact that he cheated(ie used steroids).  Regardless of the fact that he is on my favorite team, he stains the game.  Pac Bell park (or AT&T whatever they call the damn stadium now) is the only place in baseball he doesnt get booed! I am looking forward to the season, but I am disappointed that this year will be marred by controversy!! 

Those WHO ARE BASEBALL FANS please let me know what your thoughts are on this issue and on your favortie teams prospects this season!!  GO   G I A N T S!!!!!!!!

Last edited by fadedsteve (2007-02-20 21:30:45)

Typical white person.
+389|6797|San Antonio, Texas
Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden > Baseball
+46|6564|Middle of nowhere, California
Im from Cali too, but im a die-hard Red Sox fan
Zee Tank Skank
+80|6738|MoVal So-Cal

Though I do have my doubts this season as they sold off Kennedy to the Cardinals. So far 4 Angles have been traded to them and guess what? They were mostly all part of the Angles 2002 World Series team, and look what the Cardinals did last year.
+46|6564|Middle of nowhere, California

Pernicious544 wrote:


Though I do have my doubts this season as they sold off Kennedy to the Cardinals. So far 4 Angles have been traded to them and guess what? They were mostly all part of the Angles 2002 World Series team, and look what the Cardinals did last year.
Hey genious, its the Angels, not the angles
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6528|Menlo Park, CA

{M5}Sniper3 wrote:

Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden > Baseball
Umm your high. . .

Golf is okay, but its not Baseball. . .Baseball is on another level of greatness! It surpasses all other sports therefore golf is subservient to "gods game"!!!
+6|6399|northern cali
Straight from San Bruno GO GIANTS, BARRY ZITO!
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6528|Menlo Park, CA

lt603668 wrote:

Straight from San Bruno GO GIANTS, BARRY ZITO!

Menlo Park over here!!!!

F U C K   the   Dodgers!!!!!
Typical white person.
+389|6797|San Antonio, Texas

fadedsteve wrote:

{M5}Sniper3 wrote:

Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden > Baseball
Umm your high. . .

Golf is okay, but its not Baseball. . .Baseball is on another level of greatness! It surpasses all other sports therefore golf is subservient to "gods game"!!!
I'm sorry, but I would rather watch a golf tournament then a baseball game. Baseball just puts me to sleep.
+6|6399|northern cali

{M5}Sniper3 wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

{M5}Sniper3 wrote:

Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden > Baseball
Umm your high. . .

Golf is okay, but its not Baseball. . .Baseball is on another level of greatness! It surpasses all other sports therefore golf is subservient to "gods game"!!!
I'm sorry, but I would rather watch a golf tournament then a baseball game. Baseball just puts me to sleep.
OK,Have you ever been to a Major League Baseball game?
has joined the GOP

fadedsteve wrote:

lt603668 wrote:

Straight from San Bruno GO GIANTS, BARRY ZITO!

Menlo Park over here!!!!

F U C K   the   Dodgers!!!!!
hell yes.
+46|6564|Middle of nowhere, California
Go Red Sox!!!!!!!!

F U C K  Ny Yankees
Typical white person.
+389|6797|San Antonio, Texas

lt603668 wrote:

{M5}Sniper3 wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

Umm your high. . .

Golf is okay, but its not Baseball. . .Baseball is on another level of greatness! It surpasses all other sports therefore golf is subservient to "gods game"!!!
I'm sorry, but I would rather watch a golf tournament then a baseball game. Baseball just puts me to sleep.
OK,Have you ever been to a Major League Baseball game?
Yes, and I got beer all over me too because the guy behind me jumped up when the batter hit a homerun...
+6|6399|northern cali

Smitty5613 wrote:

Go Red Sox!!!!!!!!

F U C K  Ny Yankees
Stats - XFire
Karma: 7
From: Susanville, California   ***SUSANVILLE,CALIFORNIA*****
Registered: 2006-06-14
E-mail  PM

wtf redsoxs?
+6|6399|northern cali
Sooo that bad experience made you not like baseball?

BUT,we all got to admit going to a Hocky Game can be fun. SHARKS!
16 more years
+877|6563|South Florida
I prefer Basketball myself... Fast paced, full of action, i find baseball to be a pretty slow paced game but hey, its not that bad
15 more years! 15 more years!
Go Ducks.
I <3 baseball.

I hope to god that bonds does not break the record.

Typical white person.
+389|6797|San Antonio, Texas

lt603668 wrote:

Sooo that bad experience made you not like baseball?
No, I just prefer golf over baseball. I still go to a minor leage baseball game once every 6 months...

Last edited by {M5}Sniper3 (2007-02-20 21:56:32)

+6|6399|northern cali
O really what team?
+10|6431|British Columbia

fadedsteve wrote:

I was curious as to what most of you guys think about him (Barry Bonds), the significance of breaking the record, and the implications when he does break the record (which is inevitable, he is healthy, and will get pitched to this season)??

I personally think he is a lying prick who needs to own up to the fact that he cheated(ie used steroids). 

Those WHO ARE BASEBALL FANS please let me know what your thoughts are on this issue and on your favortie teams prospects this season!!  GO   G I A N T S!!!!!!!!
MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL = entertainment.  Using steroids is no different than an actress getting a nose job or fake tits. 

Little league world series, Boston marathon (etc), Olympics, NCAA shouild be steroid free as they are about the sport first.

As for the significance of the record, I have a difficult time comparing players or accomplishments from different eras.  Today, baseball players are in better shape than 50 years ago.  If Aaron had access to the physical fitness knowledge and training techniques, would he have had more home runs.  How have the covered stadiums affected home run production?  Are bats and balls the same as they were?   

Pete Sampras is considered a great tennis player, but he used a graphite raquet.  Ivan Lendl used a wood raquet.  If Sampras had used a wood raquet he wouild not have had the same speed on his serves.  That would mean he wouild have to play more serve and volley which was not the strength of his game.

So, I would not be impressed by Bonds breaking the home run record because of the differences in the game.  Compared to his contemporaries though, the accomplishment warrants some praise (especially as he doesn't strike out 10 times for each home run like others of today).

fadedsteve wrote:

As all or some of you know, I am a rabid baseball fan!! It is the greatest sport P E R I O D (there is no argument)

Now my favorite team is the San Francisco Giants, as I am a native Californian/Bay Area guy. 

Some or all of you might know that a player (Barry Bonds) on my favorite team is gunning for the all-time home run record.  This record was never thought to be broken. . . .Hank Aaron broke Babe Ruths record, an achievement that was unimaginable. . .

Over the years Barry has positioned himself to surpass this record. . .he is only 22 homers away!

However, I was curious as to what most of you guys think about him (Barry Bonds), the significance of breaking the record, and the implications when he does break the record (which is inevitable, he is healthy, and will get pitched to this season)??

I personally think he is a lying prick who needs to own up to the fact that he cheated(ie used steroids).  Regardless of the fact that he is on my favorite team, he stains the game.  Pac Bell park (or AT&T whatever they call the damn stadium now) is the only place in baseball he doesnt get booed! I am looking forward to the season, but I am disappointed that this year will be marred by controversy!! 

Those WHO ARE BASEBALL FANS please let me know what your thoughts are on this issue and on your favortie teams prospects this season!!  GO   G I A N T S!!!!!!!!
First of all GO BOSOX!

Second- When Bonds breaks the homerun record, it will be sad day in baseball. That homerun record once recorded, will be forever controversial. Fans will still call Hank Arron the true homerun leader. Barry Bonds will always be the cheating homerun leader. I honestly believe thats why McGwire stepped out suddenly. Hitting 70 homeruns a year? Yeah your not juiced. Bonds is going to break and live on as the heal of baseball.
Omg.  Steroids....Baseball is a game of deception.  Since the DAY it started, it's been a game about getting one up on the competition.  Whether it be pine tar, sandpaper in the pitcher's hat, a closer right field wall because YOUR homerun hitter hits to right a lot.  Barry is one of the greatest ever, period.  Pro sports are NOT pure, kids.  The only thing pure about pro sports is the entertainment and money.  I hope he breaks it, and I'll be happy when he does.  If you want pureness, watch college ball, or something where the almighty dollar doesn't run the game.  In which you will be hardpressed to find.
The Farewell Tour
+79|6460|San Antonio, TX
ChiSox fan here... glad to see a Giants fan owning up about Bonds.

I agree that he should admit to steroids use.  I think the only honorable thing he could do is tie the record (to milk his ego) then walk away from the game and leave the ACTUAL record intact.

I also agree with confused... if the players in the past had access to our technology and knowledge they would have had bigger/better numbers.  Those guys worked a lot harder to earn their place in baseball history.
+145|6346|Keller, Tx

fadedsteve wrote:

As all or some of you know, I am a rabid baseball fan!! It is the greatest sport P E R I O D (there is no argument)

Now my favorite team is the San Francisco Giants, as I am a native Californian/Bay Area guy. 

Some or all of you might know that a player (Barry Bonds) on my favorite team is gunning for the all-time home run record.  This record was never thought to be broken. . . .Hank Aaron broke Babe Ruths record, an achievement that was unimaginable. . .

Over the years Barry has positioned himself to surpass this record. . .he is only 22 homers away!

However, I was curious as to what most of you guys think about him (Barry Bonds), the significance of breaking the record, and the implications when he does break the record (which is inevitable, he is healthy, and will get pitched to this season)??

I personally think he is a lying prick who needs to own up to the fact that he cheated(ie used steroids).  Regardless of the fact that he is on my favorite team, he stains the game.  Pac Bell park (or AT&T whatever they call the damn stadium now) is the only place in baseball he doesnt get booed! I am looking forward to the season, but I am disappointed that this year will be marred by controversy!! 

Those WHO ARE BASEBALL FANS please let me know what your thoughts are on this issue and on your favortie teams prospects this season!!  GO   G I A N T S!!!!!!!!
I, as well, am an insane baseball fan.

What do I think of Barry Bonds? He's going to go down as the greatest player ever. Did he use steriods? Who cares. What he did/didn't use wasn't a banned substance by baseball at the times he did/didn't use them. People are just jealeous of his talent. Even if he took steriods, steriods doesn't make you hit homeruns the way this guy does. Steriods will usually make that warning track homerun fall on the other side of the fence, but they don't launch them into orbit the way he does. I don't know about you, but I remember seeing him hit homeruns like that since as long as I can remember (I'm 25 btw, not some 11 year old).

But, anyways. I can't wait for the damn baseball season to start. I want to see if the Cubs really did improve. I want the Rangers to go all the way, since I live in the DFW area, but I'm sure they won't.

My guess is that the two teams in the World Series will be: Red Sox & Cubs. Just a nice prediction. I'd love to see the Cubs get their asses handed to them again.
Exactly.  Bonds has been my favorite player since he was on the Pirates with Bobby Bonilla and RJ Reynolds, lol. 
He's a hitter, pure and simple.  Plus he stole bases like no other power hitter before him.  I love Barry, he's one of the greatest ever.  And the cubs are my team, so it's not like I'm just defending my team.

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