+145|6454|Keller, Tx
Only shows a good gunner if they can tv a target whilst upside down. In this case, the guy is a whining bitch and sucks at BF2, so ignore him.

Last edited by too_money2007 (2007-02-20 14:12:40)

"Don't post while intoxicated."

TerrorisT² wrote:

Any manoeuvre you do and I'm in the gunner seat of the enemy chopper, you WILL be shot down no matter what stunt you pull off.

spells lol

I.M.I Militant wrote:

people do barrel rolls because it confuses newbs to think its unfair.. its kind of like the chopper equiviliant to Dolphin diving because the chopper will move around so fast that the hitbox lags behind (much like when dolphin diving) so when you shoot ur tv at the actaul chopper it will just go straight through. where you should aim depends on the server most of the time you want to just clip the tail

Strafing can be effective, but i find its easier to find the real hit box on a chopper moving side to side than one rolling erratically.
+1,153|6777|Washington, DC

A barrel roll isn't too bad in a chopper, it's certainly a good way of tripping up pilots who aren't too good at predicting hitboxes. I find that doing crazy rolls and corkscrews, keeping on or close to the same axis of rotation, makes the hitboxes go nuts.
prince of insufficient light
Barrel rolls are decent, so that's pretty much all that's necessary in most pubs, and it lets you see the target the entire time. Against someone who knows what they are doing, however, it's incredibly predictable. The best dodges are ones that are always different, vary depending on the situation and environment, and don't take too long to pull off.
S!l3nt But D3adly
+86|6750|Pickle Village

Not wrote:

Zodiaccup wrote:

Every other move ist better to avoid enemy fire, than doin' a barrel roll. I repeat every.
Really? Your 1.3 ratio in choppers makes me think different. You likely spin in a circle at a single elevation and get TV'd down a lot.
yeah, and your 9 kills and 1 death makes me think differently

my heli stats arent anything special but quit calling people on heli stuff when youve been in one for SEVEN MINUTES
I am all that is MOD!

Stats don't mean much period.  Think about all the different reasons your stats could be good/bad.  You are just showing ignorance if you try to judge people on stats.

For me, Barrel Rolls don't work, whether I am TV'ing or flying.  Not only do I find them ineffective, I do not like losing altitude, especially when fighting another decent pilot/gunner combo.
It's something different, so that is what probably confuses most of the pilots if I'm in the gunner position (I'm not in a clan nor have dedicated teammates so the majority are not expert pilots). And that seems likely the case in most pub play.
So you end up looking at empty sky 7/10 times and nothing to fire at. Then they get more chances than you.

Last edited by JaggedPanther (2007-02-20 17:45:51)

Unpredictable movements is the key to survival, i got my sensitivity to 10 in the chopper, so i can move around quickly.

Barrel rolls are pretty shitty sometimes, any half decent gunner can hit them at least 25% of the time, but that said, the average (pub) gunner will miss 90% of the time.
"Don't post while intoxicated."
I see a lot of people say "oh no barrel roll = loose altitude = die a horrible painful death"

As long as your not hitting buildings and outta the way of ground fire altitude isnt all that important imho.

Just because a chopper is in the clouds doesnt make it God. Raise the nose, F2, right click, left click, God unfortunately died.

Altitude vs Skill.

Skill wins.
pub hero!
+603|6528|the land of bourbon
seems like everyone thinks barrel rolls are a good move, sometimes... really cleared things up for me, haha.  anyway, i've continued to pull them off, and i still have survived more often than not when doing it, so it will be in my tactics permanently.  I have hit people in their rolls, but not often... on a side note, why is it some pilots try to cap flags when they have 8 perfectly good tv missles?  i hate that.
Flex Appeal

steelie34 wrote:

seems like everyone thinks barrel rolls are a good move, sometimes... really cleared things up for me, haha.  anyway, i've continued to pull them off, and i still have survived more often than not when doing it, so it will be in my tactics permanently.  I have hit people in their rolls, but not often... on a side note, why is it some pilots try to cap flags when they have 8 perfectly good tv missles?  i hate that.
I hate when Im gunning and my pilot tries to cap flags. Ill spam "Move..Hit It!, etc" and if they dont move Im bailing bc a tv missle is probably on its why up my ass.
honestly it is a noob move, when its the only one you do.  if you cant use anything else, you deserve to get shot down.  but any decentgunner has seen enough barrel rolls to hit em most of the time. so just watch out for the good gunners.
+67|6727|nl- utecht

slicknic wrote:

honestly it is a noob move, when its the only one you do.  if you cant use anything else, you deserve to get shot down.  but any decentgunner has seen enough barrel rolls to hit em most of the time. so just watch out for the good gunners.
"Don't post while intoxicated."
Oh budding chopper wh0res, heed this information, and heed it well...


+145|6454|Keller, Tx
Only time is ok to cap a flag in a helo is on Dalian, in the maintenece building. Unless a chopper/jet knows you're there, you're safe, usually.
Fantasma Parastasie
what really fucks people up is to reverse your barrel roll when their missle is halfway and to and a slight twist to it. It's down to them: most people line up their targets all the way to the end, so when I suddenly pull the other way many people don't have time to get back into their 'line'.
Imo, barrel rolling is like bunny hopping. Very effective against mediocre players, but just a minor nuisance for skilled players.

I use that move very rarely anyway, as I fly on Special Forces only. Choppers need to fly much closer to the ground on maps like Mass Destruction, Surge or G-Town and there are a lot of stuff like trees, chimneys, antennas.
And bad visibility forces choppers to come closer to each others to dogfight.
So barrel rolling is usually a bad move on SF.

Not wrote:

Not it's a good move. Who told you it wasn't?

OK I mean, if it takes you a minute to finish the roll and you drop 100m in altitude then sure it's bad. But if you can make a fast barrel roll and change direction it's very hard for a TV missile or a jet to hit you unless someone expert is using those.
I agree that. I use several manoeuvres to avoid TV missiles and a quick barrel roll is certainly 1 of the ways.
Nothing n00bish about it. Only if u crash of course
Copenhage master
try and barrel roll on me and your as good as dead
+145|6454|Keller, Tx

The_Jester wrote:

Imo, barrel rolling is like bunny hopping. Very effective against mediocre players, but just a minor nuisance for skilled players.

I use that move very rarely anyway, as I fly on Special Forces only. Choppers need to fly much closer to the ground on maps like Mass Destruction, Surge or G-Town and there are a lot of stuff like trees, chimneys, antennas.
And bad visibility forces choppers to come closer to each others to dogfight.
So barrel rolling is usually a bad move on SF.

When I was in my clan, I got to play in one TWL 2v2 chopper match. My enemy was doing the tightest barrel rolls I've ever seen in my life, but that didn't stop us from winning 7-2.
That's because a tight barrelroll is pointless.  Your hitbox barely moves in a tight roll.  And don't even thnk for a second about doing another tighter roll after you just did one.  Basically at that point, your hitbox is caught up, and you're going to die.

Last edited by oChaos.Haze (2007-02-21 10:35:43)


sharpshot19 wrote:

try and barrel roll on me and your as good as dead
Anytime. I know a server where we can 1vs.1 if i ask i can use it.
The Moisture
+49|6842|South Africa

too_money2007 wrote:

Only shows a good gunner if they can tv a target whilst upside down.
When you TV while being upside down, the TV missile comes out normally. The view is not upside down.

I think that very hard, fast circle strafing at about 70degrees (if 90 is sideways) works decently

Sliding works very well as said before because of hitbox lag.

Also, once you see the enemy shoot TV, move erratically (change directions suddenly, turn sharply).

(Easiest way to counter barrel roll? Go for the belly of the chopper (for MEC & Chinese)
If you miss, you're bound to hit the tail.)
Copenhage master

aTiLLa_NL wrote:

sharpshot19 wrote:

try and barrel roll on me and your as good as dead
Anytime. I know a server where we can 1vs.1 if i ask i can use it.
sounds like fun, i got a server 2
+46|6755|DFW, Texas
The best move is to do a barrel roll, then halfway through, cut the throttle. It doesn't matter if you lost any altitude, just as long as you don't miss the tv shot right after you are done rolling, otherwise, you're fucked.

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