+271|6797|United States of America

Turquoise wrote:

Miller wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Wow that was out of left field Miller.
Not being mean, but, no one cares. It doesn't matter if you tell anyone, they won't understand it. Even if they do, they will then complain if they are liberal, and if conservative, argue with that liberal about it, thus causing more mess than it cleaned up.  Politics bore me now too, so I am just going to be as much of a jerk as possible. Not towards the Cons, just libs.
Major Spittle beat you to that.  Although admittedly, he does occasionally make a good point or two.
I know, but, better late than never.
+59|6687|The United States of America

CameronPoe wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Ahhhhhh.....Liberals playing a war game.
Neo-conservatives are really good at war. Let me see. Vietnam. Iraq. Afghanistan. All unqualified successes! Did you see the film of those guys scrambling onto a chopper leaving the US embassy in Hanoi? Hilarious.
Vietnam was started by Kennedy, escalated into a full scale conflict by Johnson, and ended by Nixon.  Thats failure by two democrats and a pullout by a Republican... odd?   Iraq and Afghanistan aren't finished yet... what would people today have said in the first months of 1942 when the allies lost almost every engagement to the axis? 

The interesting thing about the two lists?  They both make the other side look completely retarded.  Want to know why both are able to do this?  Because both ends ARE completely retarded.  How about either of you try to lay down 18 points of the moderate (which NEITHER of you are).  All of this submission to various political "cults" is just counterproductive because both sides are hypocritical because both sides are aiming to be as broad as they can be... because both sides goals are the same: votes and power.
+59|6687|The United States of America

usmarine2007 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Ok?  Liberals should be opposed to violent video games yes?  That is why little boys are trading pokemon cards instead of playing with GI Joes.
Errrmm. Have you seen my BF2142 stats? Your generalised view of people in the 'outside world' is incredibly warped.
I said "aren't they supposed to" not "they don't play."  And no, I do not need to see stats of some gay ass game.  I cannot believe I just heard a "check my stats" in the debate section.  Come on Cam.
Wait, I just want to be sure... I am on the forum for the popular website devoted to the statistical analysis of personal performance on the awesome first person shooter PC game Battlefield 2, right?  Oh shit, this is the forum for the popular website devoted to the statistical analysis of personal performance on the unpopular "Gay Ass" game.  I guess I should pay more attention to the URL

Seriously though, don't call BF2 a gay ass game on a BF2 forum, its not cool.  First of all, its never cool to call BF2 "gay ass" because for all its flaws its still "THE game" for me and many other people on here.  And people are proud of their stats on said game, which is why they post on a forum for a website devoted to those stats.  If you don't want people to bring up their game stats in a political discussion, then go to a real political forum.  I don't mean to chew your head off about this, but I found it offensive of you to call my favorite game "gay ass" on a website which is supposed to be devoted to it.
A Conservative and a Liberal were walking down the street when they came to a homeless person. The Conservative gave the homeless person his business card and told him to come to his business for a job. He then took twenty dollars out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person. Then he noticed he looked Mexican, took the money back, kicked him a few times and called the cops claiming he assaulted him first and needs to be deported.

iamangry wrote:

The interesting thing about the two lists?  They both make the other side look completely retarded.  Want to know why both are able to do this?  Because both ends ARE completely retarded.  How about either of you try to lay down 18 points of the moderate (which NEITHER of you are).  All of this submission to various political "cults" is just counterproductive because both sides are hypocritical because both sides are aiming to be as broad as they can be... because both sides goals are the same: votes and power.
Dropped on request
Some of it was funny. Some of it was crap. Referring to the 18 points that is.
The very model of a modern major general
+794|6726|United States of America

PureFodder wrote:

A Conservative and a Liberal were walking down the street when they came to a homeless person. The Conservative gave the homeless person his business card and told him to come to his business for a job. He then took twenty dollars out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person. Then he noticed he looked Mexican, took the money back, kicked him a few times and called the cops claiming he assaulted him first and needs to be deported.
Why is the liberal in the joke? Sounds more like the one where the conservative dude gives the hobo the job chance and the liberal then gave him [the homeless] some cash from the conservative persons wallet.

DesertFox423 wrote:

PureFodder wrote:

A Conservative and a Liberal were walking down the street when they came to a homeless person. The Conservative gave the homeless person his business card and told him to come to his business for a job. He then took twenty dollars out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person. Then he noticed he looked Mexican, took the money back, kicked him a few times and called the cops claiming he assaulted him first and needs to be deported.
Why is the liberal in the joke? Sounds more like the one where the conservative dude gives the hobo the job chance and the liberal then gave him [the homeless] some cash from the conservative persons wallet.
What about the liberal who has more cash than the conservative? Like me, for instance. Why would I take money out of a poorer persons pocket to give to an even poorer person if I can afford to shell out myself?
The very model of a modern major general
+794|6726|United States of America
It's the other joke, I didn't write it; anyway, stop flashing your cash.
+374|6409|Columbus, Ohio

iamangry wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Errrmm. Have you seen my BF2142 stats? Your generalised view of people in the 'outside world' is incredibly warped.
I said "aren't they supposed to" not "they don't play."  And no, I do not need to see stats of some gay ass game.  I cannot believe I just heard a "check my stats" in the debate section.  Come on Cam.
Wait, I just want to be sure... I am on the forum for the popular website devoted to the statistical analysis of personal performance on the awesome first person shooter PC game Battlefield 2, right?  Oh shit, this is the forum for the popular website devoted to the statistical analysis of personal performance on the unpopular "Gay Ass" game.  I guess I should pay more attention to the URL

Seriously though, don't call BF2 a gay ass game on a BF2 forum, its not cool.  First of all, its never cool to call BF2 "gay ass" because for all its flaws its still "THE game" for me and many other people on here.  And people are proud of their stats on said game, which is why they post on a forum for a website devoted to those stats.  If you don't want people to bring up their game stats in a political discussion, then go to a real political forum.  I don't mean to chew your head off about this, but I found it offensive of you to call my favorite game "gay ass" on a website which is supposed to be devoted to it.
Please read for a change.  He said 2142.

Colfax wrote:

I think its funny how your [CP] signature says "fair and balanced" and yet you have not been "fair and balanced" on any thread that i have ever seen.  This thread especially.
Read the double quotes. I believe it is sarcasm.

But the points CP makes do not seem to fall within the confines of DST, and seem to be more of a flametastic gesture brought upon by a severe case of trollitis. C'mon, CP, I would've expected each number to at least fit within a bumper sticker.

And such a accusations against the right-wing for being two-faced and hypocritical can easily be mirrored to the left-wing.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2007-02-20 07:26:30)


unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Colfax wrote:

I think its funny how your [CP] signature says "fair and balanced" and yet you have not been "fair and balanced" on any thread that i have ever seen.  This thread especially.
Read the double quotes. I believe it is sarcasm.

But the points CP makes do not seem to fall within the confines of DST, and seem to be more of a flametastic gesture brought upon by a severe case of trollitis. C'mon, CP, I would've expected each number to at least fit within a bumper sticker.

And such a accusations against the right-wing for being two-faced and hypocritical can easily be mirrored to the left-wing.
This thread was preceded by a similar thread aimed at liberals devised by ATG.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6487|The Land of Scott Walker
1. The 3,000 innocent citizens in New York were affected in a miniscule manner weren’t they.

2. Incorrect.  Speaking for myself, I give quite a bit to charity and volunteer on top of that.  I help those who are in genuine need, not the lazy poor should pull themselves up by their bootstraps like everyone has.

3. Pfffff.  Believe we’re sheep if you want.  I’ll keep voting with those that I agree with and my liberal friends will do the same.

4. Day and night can be attributed to very long periods of time.  Perhaps a million years for each day.  Who knows.  Not sure where you pulled 4,000 years from. Whether the first humans were created or evolved from monkeys, they would have had to do family members in order to reproduce, therefore, moot point.

5. Search.  We've debated this before.  Embryonic stem cell research hasn’t produced jack.  Adult stem cell research has.  Period. 

6.  Abortion is horrible, so is war.  The US and our allies go out of our way to prevent collateral damage, even when it puts the men and women of our military in more danger.  Collateral damage is a sad component of war, but is not a focused decision to kill like abortion is.

7.  I think your belief that a higher being doesn’t exist is irrational, so we’re even.  And I know you hate Israel, so I’m not bothering to answer the last part. 

8.  Yes, how dare we kick out dictators and allow the citizens to vote.  What were we thinking?

9.  Either one supports the terrorists or those fighting terrorism.  No mystery there.  Polarizing?  I’m happy to be the polar opposite of anyone appeasing terrorism.     

10. You libs control the majority of the media quite well and then howl bias when someone starts reporting the other side of the story. 

11.  The military has enough evidence to hold the “potentially innocent” so I’m fine with it.  Just because they haven’t read the evidence to you libs, doesn’t mean it’s not there and the information is necessary to bring down more terror cells. 

12.  There are plenty of constraints on all industry in the U.S.  The purpose of a business is to make money.  Go whine somewhere else that U.S. companies are making profits.

13.  All human beings wish to be free to choose their own leaders.  Talk to the soldiers, the people do want to be liberated.  The liberal press refuses to publish those stories because it doesn’t fit the “U.S military sucks” mantra we here day after day after day after day after day . . .

14.  Sometimes choosing between two evils is necessary.

15. I don’t watch FOX News.  You’re hilarious.

16. It’s not a conspiracy, but in general it is left wing.  That’s completely obvious.

17.  Global temperature fluctuated long before the internal combustion engine was invented or burning of fossil fuels even began.  Until we develop alternative energy sources that aren’t prohibitively expensive, you’ll see me drive by in my gasoline powered car and SUV.  Good for business?  Sure, any business that sells their product is successful. 

18. No, you just hate Israel.
The Lizzard
I have to say, my faith in these forums has taken a nosedive these past couple of days.  CamPoe, ATG: you should both be ashamed of yourselves.  This is the kind of stunt that I'd pull.  I expected more of you.
Wow, that's quite a tall order Cam, I didn't know neo-cons had such a tough job.
The Lizzard
I'd just like to point out that comments made in karma reflect the view of the person who made it and not myself.  I don't in any way feel that the mods are witless.

Well, maybe McMinty.

ATG wrote:

Quick Cameron, lets euthanize this crap.
I vote we have both threads closed by a mod rather than deleted having made this final statement:

a) People on the forum have both laughed at how 'accurate' the description of the 'opposition' is in both threads. The fact of the matter is ATG & I have described extremists from either end of a particular political spectrum, neither of which reflects what ATG or I represent. They are somewhat of a parody of reality, with a few subtle hints of truth in each, although in some cases grossly exaggerated for comic effect.

b) People on this forum have taken offence and been affronted by the respective description of 'liberal' and 'neo-conservative', which shows tremendous short-sightedness and gang mentality in said individual as they scramble to state why their particular 'camp' isn't described accurately in what are quite obviously descriptions of extremists. To associate yourself with either description or to have it cause offence is a worrying sign - I should hope but a few people on this forum are anything like those characters described by me & ATG.

So in finishing I would like to say this:

- We are all INDIVIDUAL human beings that should not belong to any one camp. We are all UNIQUE people who should strive to accentuate our own particular views rather than feel content in the bosom of one political camp or another. Polar societies are unhealthy - plurality is what keeps a civilisation healthy. Respect the opinions of all individuals of all political persuasions except those that succomb to extremism and propagate divided societies where the 'middle way' is made impossible. Down with labels.

CameronPoe out.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-02-20 12:13:20)

Semper Fi!
Ok not to go all off subject but JimmyBotswana WTC building 7 sig.  You have two of the tallest buildings in the world just fell right beside this building, creating an earthquake type shake in the foundation.  Not to mention debris falling on top, fire, and the fact that it didn't have any special designs as the WTC towers did to keep it from falling over.  If it had been hit by a natural earthquake twice in that short timespan, fires, busted pipes, intense heat radiating from ground zero, etc etc I'm pretty sure it would have still collapsed. 

And yes it looks like someone demo'd the building because it started as one side and goes from there.  But if you have an unsound structural support (caused by the two shakes and the heat causing the molecules to space farther and farther apart) and one or two beams go out the rest is going to go out in a domino effect.

Oh but I forgot, CIA went in and laid detcord, c4, RDX, and other explosives in there (in the intense heat) after the towers collapsed so that the building could be brought down to add insult to injury.

(no they couldnt have put the wiring and explosives in before hand because it is EXTREMELY hard not to see A. the wiring B. the explosives, they're not small charges, in fact most supports have two charges plus control devices C. structural damage, change, etc. from trying to place this in the walls)

oh man I am on a rant today instead of writing my history paper on the wizard of oz, my professor is smoking crack y'all.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6731|Tampa Bay Florida
Stingray, do you understand WHY Cameronpoe hates Israel?  Or is that just the way you remembered it?

You know, even some Jews denounce the existence of Israel in its present state.  And the conservative Jews were actually calling them anti-semitic!  LMFAO
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

CameronPoe wrote:

18 points of ass rape

Last edited by m3thod (2007-02-20 14:14:47)

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+5,233|6571|Global Command

Last edited by ATG (2007-02-20 14:21:43)

+3,135|6780|The Hague, Netherlands

same for this one

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