+1|6600|XFIRE: muzicant1
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+1|6600|XFIRE: muzicant1
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Madman wrote:

You, sir, are getting owned and can't stand it. And try other maps than karkand.

Last edited by Hacial (2007-02-19 06:49:28)

Sometimes the re-healing sound loops even when not healing anymore.
Sry if allready posted.

Last edited by tomas (2007-02-19 06:55:27)

+0|6599|Melbourne, Australia
ha, getting owned? I usually score in the top 5 every round I play in and I only play Karkand because thats usually the only map playing at the times I play. Try working nightshift and see what choice of maps and servers you have. Hacial, take a good hard look at your own stats before you start heaping shit on me. If I didn't know better I'd say you were a wake island / spec ops / chopper whore with a tendancy to swap sides to PLA. lol
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Madman wrote:

ha, getting owned? I usually score in the top 5 every round I play in and I only play Karkand because that's usually the only map playing at the times I play. Try working nightshift and see what choice of maps and servers you have. Hacial, take a good hard look at your own stats before you start heaping shit on me. If I didn't know better I'd say you were a wake island / spec ops / chopper whore with a tendancy to swap sides to PLA. lol
Yes, you got it correct. I do play wake island because of it's pilot potential, and spec ops because it got the longest sprint. (To get into the chopper/jet) Yea I usually get called good pilot. (Though I can't gun good.) But what's with the word "whore"? Every people have their own way to play in the game. If you like some kit = you're [kit here] whore? I could call you karkand whore then but I won't. Not ANY other maps than karkand? There must be.

My stats suck because I was bad at my starting times, and they don't change so quick.  But just to say, the suggestions you said would be cool but it's too much of asked from EA/Dice. They are starting to move on from BF2 and start making patches and boosters for BF2142, so we should be happy if they even fix the bugs/glitches. Let's not get too greedy.

And about me heaping shit on you... Well I just get annoyed when everybody wants more. "I want pistol unlocks! Add maps! Make it more realistic!" Try imagining yourself as EA. You got BF2142, you could make money by making boosters to it, when in the other hand you could try fixing the "old" game. Ok so you think let's try to fix BF2 and make boosters to BF2142, but let's keep the BF2 patch as secondary project. If it's kinda secondary, they won't start to make new stuff, it's easier to fix the bug/glitches and keep people happy.
+0|6599|Melbourne, Australia
I meant no offence when I called you a whore, its just a term. One thing that may save BF2 is when they finally release the mod 'Forgotten Hope 2', which is a WW2 mod. It's not far away and should be interesting.
Bear in mind that there are around 300,000 players worldwide that still play BF2 so it wouldnt kill EA to keep working on it. 2142 lacks soul and all the fancy guns and shit fail to impress most people. They only play it because its new but I reckon they will get sick of it quicker than they did BF2. It's good, but not as good as the old.
The only servers that ping under 150 from 7am to 9am are usually running karkand or road to jallabalbalbabbabad so I have no choice. I was a karkand medic whore just to get my promo to Colonel, which will be the last because if I only have half the time as aviator needed to rank up to major general in 18 months, I doubt I'll get the rest before I hit 180,000. Colonel is cool anyway.
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Yea didn't think about that there may be servers with no karkand but then ping is too high. But does EA get money if they keep people playing BF2? Do they get money from servers or something?
+0|6599|Melbourne, Australia
I would think some of the money from the hire of servers would get back to them. If there was no money in developing games, they wouldnt be in the business. Its not that hard to program a game, it just takes time. Even to reprogram and make changes is not too difficult. Its making it so it will work with all pc brands and component configurations thats the kicker. A lot of time is spent testing to find faults but a lot still show up later, thats why its been patched 12,000 times already. lol
If they were to rework the game and add new maps and equipment then I'd buy it again and so would a lot of others I think, so its not all about money. If they integrated Special Forces, Armoured Fury and Euro Forces with server support, you'd have another 6 maps and a shit-load of new toys to play with. It would sell, Im sure.
First of all, I would like to say that the "Defibrillators do not always recharge" issue it NOT an issue.
The defibrillator and the medipacks are linked together. That means when you throw three (or four, can't remember)  medipacks at once, you wont have a charge left for the defibrillator to use.
So you have to wait for your medipacks to "recharge" before you can use the defibrillator again.
And this works the other way around as well. If you use your defibrillator 4-5 times in a row, you won't have any medipacks to throw.

Second. (and I don't know if this is a network related issue or not) often when I go from prone to standing, my character start to shake up and down like an idiot for a couple of seconds. This is very annoying, couse you're not able to fire your weapon or run/jump. You have to wait until you stop shaking, and then either try to run or try standing again.

Third, and this is for the "battle recorder". And I don't think I'm the only wanting this, but I would really like the battle recorder to record the first person view. I mean, how interesting is it "really" to see the battle from a third person view? Ok, it's a nice "option" but I would really prefer to see it the way you play it.

Fourth, and this is just a smaller bug I saw when you look at a demo from one of your matches. At the beginning of the round, every character carries the original weapon, even if they have chosen a different one.
For ex. if you choose to play medic, and you choose the G36E, your character will (in the demo playback) still carry the AK101.
Although when you kill someone, the kill message will display the correct weapon, and you will hear the correct weapon sound. Not really an issue, but a bug non the less.
Pony Slaystation
+343|7029|Charlie One Alpha
I can't believe how all of use find it somehow acceptable that this game has a basically BROKEN server browser interface. I can't believe how shitty it is. For a multiplayer-focused game, shouldn't you make sure your server browser actually works?
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
404 - Not Found
Has this been sent to EA yet? I think it got all the things now.
-Allow AA tanks and AA emplacement be able to lock onto UAV.  Get credit for destroying UAVs, meaning you get a point, plus also credit as a kill while in AA for badge/ribbon or whatever...

Kinda cheap, but you *are* helping your team out.

-Also, give everyone a pair of binoculars. Nice to be able to seek out who's taking potshots at your coconuts. Esp when you have non-scoped weapons.
+0|6599|Melbourne, Australia
Good idea on the bino's.
I usually try and shoot down the enemy UAV if I'm flying but usually end up running into it and getting killed (the plane will survive sometimes though). I totally agree you should get points for taking it out, the same as you would for blowing up the trailer and engineers should get points for fixing bridges, but only if they were blown up by the enemy.
UNDT, as if a medic would have a classy gun like the G36E. It's an expensive gun and a front line assault weapon. Medics should only have a pistol or no weapon at all.
Flamesuit essential

Madman wrote:

Good idea on the bino's.
I usually try and shoot down the enemy UAV if I'm flying but usually end up running into it and getting killed (the plane will survive sometimes though). I totally agree you should get points for taking it out, the same as you would for blowing up the trailer and engineers should get points for fixing bridges, but only if they were blown up by the enemy.
UNDT, as if a medic would have a classy gun like the G36E. It's an expensive gun and a front line assault weapon. Medics should only have a pistol or no weapon at all.
well, a little more than a pistol.
Go Ducks.
I agree about the 36E... Medics should not have a gun that good. It vastly overpowers that kit.
Use the bumper, that's what its for!
+103|6913|Lexington, Kentucky
How about being able to pick up friendly claymores/AT mines/etc with the (default) G key?
I know this was implemented in 2142 with several things. Why not BF2 1.5?

djphetal wrote:

I agree about the 36E... Medics should not have a gun that good. It vastly overpowers that kit.
I do not agree at all. It's not overpowerd in any way. Yes! It's easier to kill with this weapon for beginners and all that, but if you look at the stats of the people playing Medic, you'll see that the K/D is nothing compared to people flying helicopters or airplanes. Not even close.
Plus, a medic almost die like a fly, as soon as he sees an enemy.

The funny thing about all these anti-G36E people here is that, if this weapon was so overpowerd as some claim, how come that most part of all pro's out there use the M16A2/AK101 instead?

And don't tell me they use the M16A2/AK101 because it's to "easy" to kill with the G36E, because that's just stupid!

I would like to say, make it easier to kill helicopters and airplanes instead. A good pilot is almost impossible to kill. And an easy way to do this, would be (and I think someone mentioned this before) to force both helicopter and airplane pilots to land their aircraft when they refuel and reload their ammo. Edit: (and repair)

Over and out.

Last edited by Toxic_Heap_Of_Fat (2007-02-21 02:13:07)

+4|6671|Maastricht, Netherlands
i'm using the L85A1 and G36E about 75 % of the time i play...its bullshit that people whine about that....i can play good with support and spec ops too...medic just gives the most points....
And defenetely no dont make it easier to kill AIR...because it is not that hard....i often see just too many AA in maps....for example Operation Roadrage...hast just SOOOO many AA i cant believe people still whine....and Gulf off oman....youve got about 5 flags on a row with AA gun...if 2 people go in the AA the choppers and planes go crazy... so its bullshit....
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Toxic_Heap_Of_Fat wrote:

I would like to say, make it easier to kill helicopters and airplanes instead. A good pilot is almost impossible to kill.
Yes? You're not supposed to be able to kill planes and choppers as infantry, and that's the same in real life: it's not easy to kill good pilot. (Red Baron )
+0|6599|Melbourne, Australia
The L85, M16, MG36 and G36 series weapons all fire the same .223 Remington Nato round and the mags are interchangable (except the MG36). The developers got it pretty right with the power of the gun, the difference being the sights, reload and grouping of shots. I've found the L85 is the best gun of all because of the scope and its a good 'spray and pray' weapon at close range. Firing in bursts it's almost as accurate as the G36 but most people aren't that disciplined and go spastic when under fire and usually end up hitting themselves in the arse. On single shot at range it's deadly. The main problem is that all the kits are balanced in the game except for the medic, the medic in RL would either be unarmed or only have a pistol. He should be able to run a bit faster and have better armour to compensate for the lack of firepower. I think when you play IO maps and 95% or players are medics with a G36 it gets a bit ridiculous.
I am THE Frodo Baggins.
+124|6719|6 feet under
Also they could fix the bug/whatever you want to call it, that allows you to go under the Carrier on Wake. Also you could prevent people from being able to flip a boat on the side of the carrier to repair it.

Madman wrote:

the medic in RL would either be unarmed or only have a pistol. He should be able to run a bit faster and have better armour to compensate for the lack of firepower.
I don't know where you live, but medics are armed here in the usa.  They fight right along side the infantry, but they are the ones trained for medical response.  Medics field the same weapons as the rest of the infantry (except spec ops) in real life, so why should they have to carry a pistol or have a nerfed gun?   Either way the medic guns aren't over powered if you look at the ubar (given that it is current with 1.41).  The only supposed problem with the medic class is the accurate G36E, but even then looking at the other g36 series guns (except the pos mg36) its not abnormal.  So why don't we hear more bitching and whining about that damned g36c killing everything? (given that the ubar is current) it takes the same amount of shots to kill unarmored and one more to kill armored than the g36e.   Oh by the way, if the ubar is correct, the m16 is almost identical to the g36e (same shots to kill/ comparable accuracy yet nobody complains about them damn m16 whores). 

Sure this is a bit off topic, but it needed said.
Got loooollllll ?
+853|6959|Montreal, Qc, Canada
an urbain map with the chinese would be one of the best add !!!!!
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I-=C-A-V-E-M-A-N=-I wrote:

Madman wrote:

the medic in RL would either be unarmed or only have a pistol. He should be able to run a bit faster and have better armour to compensate for the lack of firepower.
I don't know where you live, but medics are armed here in the usa.  They fight right along side the infantry, but they are the ones trained for medical response.  Medics field the same weapons as the rest of the infantry (except spec ops) in real life, so why should they have to carry a pistol or have a nerfed gun?   Either way the medic guns aren't over powered if you look at the ubar (given that it is current with 1.41).  The only supposed problem with the medic class is the accurate G36E, but even then looking at the other g36 series guns (except the pos mg36) its not abnormal.  So why don't we hear more bitching and whining about that damned g36c killing everything? (given that the ubar is current) it takes the same amount of shots to kill unarmored and one more to kill armored than the g36e.   Oh by the way, if the ubar is correct, the m16 is almost identical to the g36e (same shots to kill/ comparable accuracy yet nobody complains about them damn m16 whores). 

Sure this is a bit off topic, but it needed said.
Shooting with G36E is easier for new players because it doesn't have full auto, only burst and because of only burst and single shot they are more accurate with G36E because they just go full auto with G36C and then think it's worse than G36E.

I don't think any weapons needs nerfing, but sometimes AT missiles and TV missile goes straight through the enemy tank/chopper.

Grenade launcher is good, but sometimes it seems like it doesn't work. One time I had an dead enemy in corner, then  medic came along and revived him so I shoot them both with the grenade launcher (was 4 m away) and it didn't even register as hit. Right.

Hey guys has this list been yet posted on EA forums? Because I think it's done now.

Last edited by Hacial (2007-02-23 01:20:11)

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