.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
I am having a bit of trouble getting 2 badges, the basic pistol and the basic knife, but i had a thought, if i went commander, pulled out my pistol and then went to the command screen, artied 5 people would i get my pistol badge?
Psychotic Sniper Inc.
+76|6695|The Land of Claywhore

Arty kills count towards the kit you are using and if you're in a vehicle.

Last edited by BrOk_MoRdU (2007-01-17 21:49:04)

BF2s Frat Brother
nope, you gotta actually kill with a pistol and a knife.
+488|6714|Portland, OR, USA
+6|6505|northern cali
Hop In A Pistol And Knife Server

bad luck son!!

Do it the hard way!
+252|6848|Sextupling in Empire

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

I am having a bit of trouble getting 2 badges, the basic pistol and the basic knife, but i had a thought, if i went commander, pulled out my pistol and then went to the command screen, artied 5 people would i get my pistol badge?
I LOL'd when I read that.
Infantry Whore
+42|6819|Kingswood Country
Tis good practice though - like any of the badges, they are supposed to make you learn how to be proficient with the weapon/role. Well worth the personal satisfaction of achieving the badge though.

Single player - practice your distance for stabs; then a couple MP rounds expecting to get killed a lot for your efforts. Once you get your head in stalk mode, find a relatively low pop server and make your knife primary.

Btw, K&P servers are for pussies - you want to earn that thing knowing that you took on guys firing at you with shottys and machine guns.
Over the line!
+70|6892|Mark it zero.

Volatile_Squirrel wrote:

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

I am having a bit of trouble getting 2 badges, the basic pistol and the basic knife, but i had a thought, if i went commander, pulled out my pistol and then went to the command screen, artied 5 people would i get my pistol badge?
I LOL'd when I read that.
me too. i find pistols as easy to use as rifles when taking on people at medium to long distances
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6701|Brisbane, Aus

you could hop on top of the arty piece and try to shove your knife down it as it fires, otherwise no
I wanna be on you
+116|6671|So Cal
pea.. tear... griffin

has to be my favorite username here... great episode.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
no, U cant get those badges as commander with arty
p&k servers? better don't Some people got reset for that!
Kick His Ass!
+371|6838|Howell, Mi USA
Knife and Pistol badges aren't hard to get, just practice up a little. U'll get it.
Cereal Killer
+145|6800|The View From The Afternoon
Knife: Use flashbang in city maps, or hunt down lone wolves on large maps, remember to save your sprint for knifing people. Medic is good.

Pistol: Play as sniper, shoot the foo in the foot or something (just not the head) and finish him off with a single pistol shot. Easy as hell.
+405|6607|A W S M F O X
Both are easy, just go knifing, or use pistol only. I remember getting my expert the 18 kills IAR way, fun.
+26|6589|Queens, NYC
Knifing badge is easy to get in Sharqi Peninsula where the snipers camp in the beginning of the round on the NW hill. Spawning at the spawn point closes to the middle MEC spawn point. This is playing as USMC of course. Just playing medic or sniper(both have best sprint), and get there as fast as you can and just wait for snipers to come by. You can probably get pistol the same way, just pick on the snipers. Another spot on Sharqi is if they are all following each other up the staircase, you can get up to 3 knife kills easy just in that little cluster.

But to answer the main question, no, being commander won't help you get these badges like mentioned above. I'm currently going for my expert pistol, trying the sniper shot to the areas below the neck and pullin out the pistol after that. And, yeah, just practice.

Best advice though, is don't do it for the badge. I noticed this in my gameplay and I'm sure others have on theirs too, that if you play for the badge, you focus too much on it and you end up ruining your overall stats by either dying too much or shooting too much and hitting nothing. Just play it like normal, and the badges will all come naturally. Don't do it for the awards and stuff, they mean nothing if you spent days working on them but you end up dying x amount more times than you needed to because of carelessness and lack of SA(Situational Awareness).

Sorry for the long post. Good luck. Oorah!
Hockey Nut
+243|6674|Boston, MA
Shouldn't be that hard to get anyways. Besides, if you were truly deserving of the badge, you'd get it. If you don't earn it, you won't get it. Not everybody is meant to get every badge in the game because they just aren't as good in some category. For example, I know I will never get the jet badges, MAYBE the veteran but I highly doubt that. Just because I'm not good at jets. I admit it, and I accept it. If you look at my stats, at my historical rate, I'll get my jet medal in like 6,000 days.
the "Commander"
+102|6667|the Netherlands
just join a ranked server and only use pistol doesnt matter if you get wacked ...5 kills = NO PROBLEM !!

Knive kills same shit !
goodluck m8
Platinum Star whore
+365|6822|Middle of nowhere

Volatile_Squirrel wrote:

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

I am having a bit of trouble getting 2 badges, the basic pistol and the basic knife, but i had a thought, if i went commander, pulled out my pistol and then went to the command screen, artied 5 people would i get my pistol badge?
I LOL'd when I read that.
you mean like this?

Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6775|New Hampshire, USA

BrOk_MoRdU wrote:


Arty kills count towards the kit you are using and if you're in a vehicle.
Aye, this is true, but back in the good old day, when arty actually counted as a kill, you could get basic (or higher if you were lucky) by holding a weapon and artying people.
+3,135|6882|The Hague, Netherlands

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