hammer time!
+26|6603|Toronto Canada
So first off I just want to say in no way do I want this to become a bash America session or In no way do I hate Americans, so ok now that’s said here I go

I was playing cs and we got a scrim it was a 4vs4 and everything was going great we lost the first 3 rounds and they were gloating blah blah blah, we get back its now 4-3 for us, all of a sudden here come the excuses where is your server located why is it laggy, so we tell them its in Toronto, aren’t u playing from the east their should be no problem? and then comes the insults, ill your Canadian, you guys r a bunch of pussies you don't even have an army we can invade and take you over any day, what r u going to do throw a hockey puck at us eh? blah blah blah we talk shit back it keeps on going until my friend says something so bad im not even going to say what he said, im not going to say I agreed with it, but it did make them shut up.

So this is question to not all Americans because I know you all don’t do this, but to the ones that do, why must you do this, do you have any idea how much this annoys me, now I don’t want to sound like a pusssy, but all five times ive meet an American excluded my family members form their, ive heard the same 3 things, "go play some hockey""hows it going eh?""You guys are a bunch of pussies without a real army" God does it become annoying, yes were from a different country, yes we have an accent but so do you! Some of which people find funnier", yes we love hockey or most of us do, and yes Canada doesn't have a huge ass military like the states but so what were a more socialist country we have free health care and a good education I know that’s what important to me, now I know some of you are going to start saying "well of course your not worried about the military you got the u.s. saving your ass" well while partly true Canada a country of 30 million and a relatively small military and we back the states up to our full capacity i.e. Afghanistan (believe it or not were doing a lot their). Another thing what’s with all the shit like "we can invade you anyday we want" ok maybe you can but your not cause were #$%$^%^ing allies you moron, and its not a friggen competition, or game, war is a stupid thing that takes human lives away so why even say we can win a "war against you any day" cause what’s the point.

So for those of you who make stupid comments about Canadians please stop, for those of you who don’t stop reading these because your just wasting your time since it doesn't apply you and im probably giving you a headache blabbing on, and yes I do no Canadians make stupid comments about Americans but I truly believe not to the same extent, but if you think we do why not write something along the lines of this.

Last edited by Robbie77 (2007-02-15 20:48:02)

The very model of a modern major general
+796|6957|United States of America
You see, the thing about people, is that they're idiots.
hammer time!
+26|6603|Toronto Canada
lol im taking it that your either agreeing with me or calling me an idiot
Real Хорошо
+826|6791|Adelaide, South Australia

Robbie77 wrote:

I was playing cs
That's all we need to know. If someone on a game starts talking crap, just ignore them. No matter how offensive you find it, ignore it. As long as you know what they are saying is false, you'll be fine.
hide your terrorists ^,^
+94|6949|Ft. Drum, NY
O Canada
+1,596|6677|North Carolina
Don't worry, Rob...  Some of us actually prefer Canada in some ways. 

But yeah, Fenris has the right idea.

My brother deals with shit-talking all the time on BF 2142, but he retaliates by beating the shit out of them during the round.  That either shuts them up, or it gets him kicked (since some admins can't take getting their asses handed to them).
16 more years
+877|6797|South Florida

Robbie77 wrote:

So first off I just want to say in no way do I want this to become a bash America session or In no way do I hate Americans, so ok now that’s said here I go

I was playing cs and we got a scrim it was a 4vs4 and everything was going great we lost the first 3 rounds and they were gloating blah blah blah, we get back its now 4-3 for us, all of a sudden here come the excuses where is your server located why is it laggy, so we tell them its in Toronto, aren’t u playing from the east their should be no problem? and then comes the insults, ill your Canadian, you guys r a bunch of pussies you don't even have an army we can invade and take you over any day, what r u going to do throw a hockey puck at us eh? blah blah blah we talk shit back it keeps on going until my friend says something so bad im not even going to say what he said, im not going to say I agreed with it, but it did make them shut up.

So this is question to not all Americans because I know you all don’t do this, but to the ones that do, why must you do this, do you have any idea how much this annoys me, now I don’t want to sound like a pusssy, but all five times ive meet an American excluded my family members form their, ive heard the same 3 things, "go play some hockey""hows it going eh?""You guys are a bunch of pussies without a real army" God does it become annoying, yes were from a different country, yes we have an accent but so do you! Some of which people find funnier", yes we love hockey or most of us do, and yes Canada doesn't have a huge ass military like the states but so what were a more socialist country we have free health care and a good education I know that’s what important to me, now I know some of you are going to start saying "well of course your not worried about the military you got the u.s. saving your ass" well while partly true Canada a country of 30 million and a relatively small military and we back the states up to our full capacity i.e. Afghanistan (believe it or not were doing a lot their). Another thing what’s with all the shit like "we can invade you anyday we want" ok maybe you can but your not cause were #$%$^%^ing allies you moron, and its not a friggen competition, or game, war is a stupid thing that takes human lives away so why even say we can win a "war against you any day" cause what’s the point.

So for those of you who make stupid comments about Canadians please stop, for those of you who don’t stop reading these because your just wasting your time since it doesn't apply you and im probably giving you a headache blabbing on, and yes I do no Canadians make stupid comments about Americans but I truly believe not to the same extent, but if you think we do why not write something along the lines of this.
Shut up! Shut up right now!
Do you have any fucking idea how much other countries bash us?
Take a look around the Junk Drawer/DST section and you'll see.
It's just a bash war, im sure if a Canadian was walking down the street and met that guy and told him he's canadian, the dude wouldnt give a shit.

AM I RIGHT EH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15 more years! 15 more years!
Like most people said above, ignore it. It's just a irate, pissed-off 12 year old on the other end who is fuming over his virtual death in a game. I'm pretty sure he doesn't mean it.

And every nation has been made fun of (US=ignorant, fat people/France="retreat!"/etc.), so don't worry about it too much.
Just hassle them right back.

We do it to the Aussies when they call us sheep shaggers and we get along just fine.
Typical white person.
+389|7032|San Antonio, Texas
Just ignore them. It's not that hard.
Me Gusta Karma Mucho
+49|6817|Leftern America
I think you could use more of that free education they offer there in Canada because you are either trying to type with a cat on the keyboard or you are a horrible speller.
Cheeseburger Logicist
Nationalism at its finest.

Just another way of trying to be a big man, over a video game. Intimidation. Fantastic. People are idiots, but it is simply ignorance. Every nationalist argument is full of ignorance.
This reminds me about my mate who has this wonderful story about his cousins getting an American exchange student when he was younger.

Firstly they live in Scotland and it was winter. Hence cold, windy, lots of snow. Now they drive an hour or so to the airport to pick this kid up and on the way back it becomes overly clear that this kid thinks Scotland is a third world country. He's going on and on at how amazing America is and how advanced everything is and how backward places like Scotland are in comparison, despite only having been there for an hour and only seeing the airport. Once they get back this kids asks if he could have a shower. Now they remember they have a disused hand pump out back that was never removed when the house was renevated. They told him that yes, you can have a shower, but being Scotland and therefore being such a backwards country, to get the water pressure to run the shower you have to go outside and pump the hand pump for 30 minutes.

About 20 minutes later they decided he'd probably learnt his lesson or died of hypothermia and let him in the power shower.
omg pubic,plz delete that fat girls pic, made me sick to ,my stomache,realy,, oooooo

Robbie77 wrote:

yes we have an accent
I don't have an acronym capable of expressing my mirth at that.

But don't be too sensitive about what people tell you over a game's voice channel. If you were from Alaska, he'd have probably gotten all pissy about that too.
Aspiring Objectivist
You have to get a second skin while gaming & not let silly name calling get a rise out of you.
Canadians are fantastic compared to our southern neighbors who do nothing but mooch & leech off of our system. Your women are delicious & so are your flakeys.
Most important don't judge a whole country on the actions of a few individuals.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6926|Teesside, UK

Robbie77 wrote:

its not a friggen competition, or game, war is a stupid thing that takes human lives away so why even say we can win a "war against you any day" cause what’s the point.
I used to get this all the time but it was stuff like "we bailed you out of world war 2" Like I'm supposed to say thank you for contributing to a war to a 12 year who wasn't even born at the time.
The US helped the UK militarily
The UK helped the US economically

*queue pissing contest*

The allies won WW2.

(that about sums up the next 5 pages)
+59|6917|The United States of America
Let me see if I can try to help you out.  Think of someone of mediocre intelligence..... got one?  Good. 

Half the world is below that.
360 owns my soul
+31|6781|Behind You

Although, I am extremely curious as to what shut up an american CS clan...PM me the comment?  Please?
+374|6639|Columbus, Ohio
Clans = Idiots
I love Canada. Good bud. St. Catherines St. Montreal owns me.
+69|6660|USA, MICHIGAN
i have actually trained with some of Canada's military when i was in the MARINE CORPS, and they are pretty good, small in numbers but well trained none the less.  so tell anyone who fucks with you to piss off or you'll cut the supply of beer off!!!  some Americans aren't exactlly culturally educated, sorry.
+72|6854|Scotland's Capital

PureFodder wrote:

This reminds me about my mate who has this wonderful story about his cousins getting an American exchange student when he was younger.

Firstly they live in Scotland and it was winter. Hence cold, windy, lots of snow. Now they drive an hour or so to the airport to pick this kid up and on the way back it becomes overly clear that this kid thinks Scotland is a third world country. He's going on and on at how amazing America is and how advanced everything is and how backward places like Scotland are in comparison, despite only having been there for an hour and only seeing the airport. Once they get back this kids asks if he could have a shower. Now they remember they have a disused hand pump out back that was never removed when the house was renevated. They told him that yes, you can have a shower, but being Scotland and therefore being such a backwards country, to get the water pressure to run the shower you have to go outside and pump the hand pump for 30 minutes.

About 20 minutes later they decided he'd probably learnt his lesson or died of hypothermia and let him in the power shower.
Whats a pow-er show-er?
Scratching my back

Robbie77 wrote:

So first off I just want to say in no way do I want this to become a bash America session or In no way do I hate Americans, so ok now that’s said here I go

I was playing cs and we got a scrim it was a 4vs4 and everything was going great we lost the first 3 rounds and they were gloating blah blah blah, we get back its now 4-3 for us, all of a sudden here come the excuses where is your server located why is it laggy, so we tell them its in Toronto, aren’t u playing from the east their should be no problem? and then comes the insults, ill your Canadian, you guys r a bunch of pussies you don't even have an army we can invade and take you over any day, what r u going to do throw a hockey puck at us eh? blah blah blah we talk shit back it keeps on going until my friend says something so bad im not even going to say what he said, im not going to say I agreed with it, but it did make them shut up.

So this is question to not all Americans because I know you all don’t do this, but to the ones that do, why must you do this, do you have any idea how much this annoys me, now I don’t want to sound like a pusssy, but all five times ive meet an American excluded my family members form their, ive heard the same 3 things, "go play some hockey""hows it going eh?""You guys are a bunch of pussies without a real army" God does it become annoying, yes were from a different country, yes we have an accent but so do you! Some of which people find funnier", yes we love hockey or most of us do, and yes Canada doesn't have a huge ass military like the states but so what were a more socialist country we have free health care and a good education I know that’s what important to me, now I know some of you are going to start saying "well of course your not worried about the military you got the u.s. saving your ass" well while partly true Canada a country of 30 million and a relatively small military and we back the states up to our full capacity i.e. Afghanistan (believe it or not were doing a lot their). Another thing what’s with all the shit like "we can invade you anyday we want" ok maybe you can but your not cause were #$%$^%^ing allies you moron, and its not a friggen competition, or game, war is a stupid thing that takes human lives away so why even say we can win a "war against you any day" cause what’s the point.

So for those of you who make stupid comments about Canadians please stop, for those of you who don’t stop reading these because your just wasting your time since it doesn't apply you and im probably giving you a headache blabbing on, and yes I do no Canadians make stupid comments about Americans but I truly believe not to the same extent, but if you think we do why not write something along the lines of this.
My brother plays alot of CSS too, hes in a clan etc, and he talks on open ventrillo and the americans on there are so big headed and ingorant is unbelievable sometimes, and saying we would kick your ass etc etc, and also the germans omg dont get me started on them..i think they are the worst gamers out there!

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