It's probably my connection settings vs server setup or something, but...
What grinds my gears is that every time I try to look up my stats, the following occurs.
1. I excitedly type the bf2s url into the url pane in Opera, besides myself with joy at not having to open BF2 (and thus get sucked into four hours of playing unintentionally) to look up my stats.
2. I brace myself as I enter the pertinent info in the correct box, ready to see how lame I really really am; how many millions (exaggeration, but only slight, unfortunately) of times I've died; how far away I am from anything resembling
goodness at this blasted game.
3. I find myself in a queue. Not unexpected. It says I'm only #75/#75, so I hit refresh a few seconds later to keep check.
4. To my horror, I am now #187/#122. I'm shocked. I'm SO bad that I'm OUTSIDE the queue.
5. I try again.
6. Great. Now the number's going down! Except...
7. It hits #57, and then suddenly I'm #182/#182.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
Further annoyances:
1. People not joining squads of their own accord, but being perfectly willing to do so when invited. Hm.
2. People leaving said squads in order to NOT be squad leader, so they can spawn on someone else - without any kind of warning to the next in line to be squad leader. This CAN be amusing, though. Sortof like musical chairs. With machine guns.
3. Not having a clue what 'noob tubing' is, but having some sort of vague impression that people dislike grenade launchers.
4. Jets that kill me after I just traipsed the full length of the map. On foot. It's just impolite.
5. Trying to NOT jog the mouse while flying a jet, because I insist on having a bizarre keyboard-flight, mouse-weapons setup.
6. Attack helicopters that follow me while I'm swimming - just for the torture, I suspect. Five feet away, following slowly. "Yes, my pretty. Get to land. Then I'll drop eight missiles on your arse."
7. Damage indicators telling me I'm being shot from behind when the shooter is standing three feet in front of me.
8. Damage indicators generally screwing up, leaving me spinning and whirling like some ballerina in combat fatigues on LSD at a disco.
9. People ignoring my repeated pleas for a pickup when I face the prospect of walking the full length of the map... just to get killed by a jet.
10. Somehow always managing to be 'Assault' when I run into a tank or mechanized unit, and always 'Anti-tank' when I run into infantry.
11. People switching teams to the winning side.
12. Scorewhores in general.
13. People who write long numbered lists.
Last edited by Auqakuh2213 (2006-01-23 09:43:44)