Im from UK and would like to know what you all think about the freindly fire video that is banding about ?? I am  ex British forces and after whatching the video i do feel for the A10 pilots,even though a british soldier died.war is a messy job and accidents are bound to happen. I know if i was a family member and saw the video i dont think i would hate the pilots for it i would just hope both sides could work together to make sure these sort of dont happen again,the pilot was gutted as you can hear,i dont think they should be mad a scape goat for failings in the system.
Does anyone know what has happened to the pilots??
  Bye for now  CAPT acton UK
Now read this - now read this ?
the problem with these kind of threads is that whilst made with honest intentions some patriotic idiot will turn it into a hate britain/hate america campaign...again...

edit: oh thats ok that happened on the thread in the link above or at least it is happening, maybe this thread will be spared

Last edited by sfarrar33 (2007-02-06 15:20:02)

Thanx for the link yess not good :-( does anyone know whats going on with the fate of the pilots?
  Bye for now  Joules
+119|6401|CA, USA
I saw the 'leaked' 15 minute video clip.  it seemed to me that the pilots got farked up orders from his air controller on what to hit.  there was initially like 5 mins of 'should we or shouldn't we' talk as well as mentioning that there were no friendlies in the area.  i could hear the pilots expressing due diligence in making sure there weren't any friendlies around.  however, i guess it would have made sense to do a low pass to confirm.  Only few mins after attack did they get 'abort' message from a brit.  i'm suprised the pilot didn't curse the controller for saying it so late!

now on the video (it's grainy) you can barely make out the road as he's shooting.  he's also moving at quite a clip (it's a jet for cripes sake).  so how is that pilot going to make out a union jack 2x3 feet flying on the back of a tank?  the flag might not have been fully flying.  reports also indicate that there were surrendering iraqis from the nearby town wandering about.  again, it's very hard for me to see that stuff from the video.  On the counterargument - one might have been able to see that they had orange panels (indicating friendlies) and note that they were not in fact rocket launchers.

what should happen is more use of RFID or GPS tech to prevent this.  they already have the tech and it is in use for ground units (tanks, hummers, etc).  if this could be made to work between coalition forces, that would be great.  of course this is a security thing.  we'd never likely go to war with the UK but this kind of thing must be guarded tech otherwise enemies can use it against us.

tragic situation for sure.

so again, i'd say if people are pointing fingers, let's focus on the people ordering the pilots to attack and improving processes to ID friendlies to reduce this in future.
so again, i'd say if people are pointing fingers, let's focus on the people ordering the pilots to attack and improving processes to ID friendlies to reduce this in future.
I have just watch the video and the pilot even says he can see orange on top of the vehicles, and then he asks if there are any friendlies in the area then they talk themselves into attacking, if they were not sure they should not of attacked.

And if this had not been leaked we would never of know what had happened because our so call allies would never of told us, and its not the firs time the dumb ass A10 reservist pilots have killer British troops, we were even told there was no cockpit tape of the shooting.
+5,233|6573|Global Command
freindly fire :-9

Last edited by ATG (2007-02-06 10:57:05)

Purple Heart Recipient
+73|6734|Fort Lewis WA

CaptainSpaulding71 wrote:

I saw the 'leaked' 15 minute video clip.  it seemed to me that the pilots got farked up orders from his air controller on what to hit.  there was initially like 5 mins of 'should we or shouldn't we' talk as well as mentioning that there were no friendlies in the area.  i could hear the pilots expressing due diligence in making sure there weren't any friendlies around.  however, i guess it would have made sense to do a low pass to confirm.  Only few mins after attack did they get 'abort' message from a brit.  i'm suprised the pilot didn't curse the controller for saying it so late!

now on the video (it's grainy) you can barely make out the road as he's shooting.  he's also moving at quite a clip (it's a jet for cripes sake).  so how is that pilot going to make out a union jack 2x3 feet flying on the back of a tank?  the flag might not have been fully flying.  reports also indicate that there were surrendering iraqis from the nearby town wandering about.  again, it's very hard for me to see that stuff from the video.  On the counterargument - one might have been able to see that they had orange panels (indicating friendlies) and note that they were not in fact rocket launchers.

what should happen is more use of RFID or GPS tech to prevent this.  they already have the tech and it is in use for ground units (tanks, hummers, etc).  if this could be made to work between coalition forces, that would be great.  of course this is a security thing.  we'd never likely go to war with the UK but this kind of thing must be guarded tech otherwise enemies can use it against us.

tragic situation for sure.

so again, i'd say if people are pointing fingers, let's focus on the people ordering the pilots to attack and improving processes to ID friendlies to reduce this in future.
being in the military and deployed to iraq i can tell you...
The digital package the vehicles carries is one thing.  It will tell you the rough area of where a friendly unit is.
Sometimes we have rolled up on allied units not being tracked by our systems.  Also not every country is using the SAME system.  due to OPSEC, and COMSEC we do not share crypto.  and when a truck gets hit that has a digital communications package and we cannot get to the harddrive or destroy it completely we have to redo comsec.  ot just for our unit.  For the WHOLE Theater.  you can get bumped out of the track net very easily.  Or for some silly reason, you can only self track or vice versa.  The system is fairly new there are bugs involved that are getting hashed out.  the current system is being replaced by a new system, and that new system is also be talked about as being replaced for a newer system.  The digital commo we have is like a PC. and everyday PCs are getting improved.  same with this system, every day there are new capabilities being tested, and new units being tested.  I personnaly on my stryker have 3 different systems that do roughly the same thing, and thats track friendly units and keep the unit cnnected digitally so we can post enemy icons or operation overlays.

Besides we have "other" equipment that kills our GPS feed.  Not that i mind any that equipment is keeping me from getting blown off the face of the planet.
Purple Heart Recipient
+73|6734|Fort Lewis WA

KillerClown_UK wrote:

so again, i'd say if people are pointing fingers, let's focus on the people ordering the pilots to attack and improving processes to ID friendlies to reduce this in future.
I have just watch the video and the pilot even says he can see orange on top of the vehicles, and then he asks if there are any friendlies in the area then they talk themselves into attacking, if they were not sure they should not of attacked.

And if this had not been leaked we would never of know what had happened because our so call allies would never of told us, and its not the firs time the dumb ass A10 reservist pilots have killer British troops, we were even told there was no cockpit tape of the shooting.
STFU killerclown.  Did it make the world press when the SAS ambushed my platoon?  No, did it make the press that we killed one SAS cat and wounded 3?  probably, but that shit happens.  Its war, what the fuck are you doing besides smoking pole, and crying about? 

I can tell you those fast movers are just that, they can ID targets using VF17 panels to mark the front line trace of a friendly element, and BEFORE they go weapons free, they do a dry gun run where they drop a flare over the intended target to prove they have visual confirmation of the target.  I have been in several HUGE fire fights including the 10 hour Haifa street, and the 19 hour Haifa street 2.  The combat controller obviously messed up.  The pilot obviously messed up.  it was a tragic loss of life.  suck it the fuck up and drive on.
its a part of war.
I've got lovely bunch of coconuts!!
+27|6400|England - Kent
ok just seen the did.
War is messy and theres no doubt that those poilts felt very back for they mistake. Im sure they got smoked when they got back but theres no need to hype this thing up.
Yes, the tape should have been released to the coroner, but lets not lose sight of the real tragedy; the British soldiers that were hit, and the pilots that have to deal with it.

CannonFodder11b wrote:

KillerClown_UK wrote:

so again, i'd say if people are pointing fingers, let's focus on the people ordering the pilots to attack and improving processes to ID friendlies to reduce this in future.
I have just watch the video and the pilot even says he can see orange on top of the vehicles, and then he asks if there are any friendlies in the area then they talk themselves into attacking, if they were not sure they should not of attacked.

And if this had not been leaked we would never of know what had happened because our so call allies would never of told us, and its not the firs time the dumb ass A10 reservist pilots have killer British troops, we were even told there was no cockpit tape of the shooting.
STFU killerclown.  Did it make the world press when the SAS ambushed my platoon?  No, did it make the press that we killed one SAS cat and wounded 3?  probably, but that shit happens.  Its war, what the fuck are you doing besides smoking pole, and crying about? 

I can tell you those fast movers are just that, they can ID targets using VF17 panels to mark the front line trace of a friendly element, and BEFORE they go weapons free, they do a dry gun run where they drop a flare over the intended target to prove they have visual confirmation of the target.  I have been in several HUGE fire fights including the 10 hour Haifa street, and the 19 hour Haifa street 2.  The combat controller obviously messed up.  The pilot obviously messed up.  it was a tragic loss of life.  suck it the fuck up and drive on.
its a part of war.
Yer like you know . ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wake up .

Last edited by KillerClown_UK (2007-02-06 15:22:40)


Pubic wrote:

Yes, the tape should have been released to the coroner, but lets not lose sight of the real tragedy; the British soldiers that were hit, and the pilots that have to deal with it.
Deal with it the pilots are free to go home and be with there family, shame the British soldier cant do the same

KillerClown_UK wrote:

Pubic wrote:

Yes, the tape should have been released to the coroner, but lets not lose sight of the real tragedy; the British soldiers that were hit, and the pilots that have to deal with it.
Deal with it the pilots are free to go home and be with there family, shame the British soldier cant do the same
they might not be
i think a formal apology should be issued by the pilots but i think they shouldn't go to jail
the person who should go to jail is the radio controller person who said they were enemies, i mean isn't it his job specifically to know where things are and what to order the strikes on?
Purple Heart Recipient
+73|6734|Fort Lewis WA

sfarrar33 wrote:

KillerClown_UK wrote:

Pubic wrote:

Yes, the tape should have been released to the coroner, but lets not lose sight of the real tragedy; the British soldiers that were hit, and the pilots that have to deal with it.
Deal with it the pilots are free to go home and be with there family, shame the British soldier cant do the same
they might not be
i think a formal apology should be issued by the pilots but i think they shouldn't go to jail
the person who should go to jail is the radio controller person who said they were enemies, i mean isn't it his job specifically to know where things are and what to order the strikes on?
holy crap a formal apology because they were guided on scene by a brit.  learn how calling for air support works before you open your goddamned cockholster
Purple Heart Recipient
+73|6734|Fort Lewis WA

KillerClown_UK wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

KillerClown_UK wrote:

I have just watch the video and the pilot even says he can see orange on top of the vehicles, and then he asks if there are any friendlies in the area then they talk themselves into attacking, if they were not sure they should not of attacked.

And if this had not been leaked we would never of know what had happened because our so call allies would never of told us, and its not the firs time the dumb ass A10 reservist pilots have killer British troops, we were even told there was no cockpit tape of the shooting.
STFU killerclown.  Did it make the world press when the SAS ambushed my platoon?  No, did it make the press that we killed one SAS cat and wounded 3?  probably, but that shit happens.  Its war, what the fuck are you doing besides smoking pole, and crying about? 

I can tell you those fast movers are just that, they can ID targets using VF17 panels to mark the front line trace of a friendly element, and BEFORE they go weapons free, they do a dry gun run where they drop a flare over the intended target to prove they have visual confirmation of the target.  I have been in several HUGE fire fights including the 10 hour Haifa street, and the 19 hour Haifa street 2.  The combat controller obviously messed up.  The pilot obviously messed up.  it was a tragic loss of life.  suck it the fuck up and drive on.
its a part of war.
Yer like you know . ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wake up .
yeah you fuckin bean bag... i do like know.  unlike your stupid ass, i know how this shit works cause airsupport happens to be the main thing that keeps grunts alive.  maybe you need to put up or shut up.  so zzzzzzZZZZzzz yourself fuckstick
+99|6681|New York
I read that the orange triangles meant  to identify them as allies were seen from the air and perceived to be rockets..  The irony in that makes me sick. No one likes to hear about friendly fire but  we all know its a fact of war. The stakes are high out there and all soldiers  that are serving now and that have severed in the past deserve respect.  I never forget that  while I  sit here    playing on the internets they are out there with their life on the line.  My condolences go out to the families of those who lost loved ones and friends.

Last edited by arson (2007-02-06 23:26:21)


CannonFodder11b wrote:

KillerClown_UK wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

STFU killerclown.  Did it make the world press when the SAS ambushed my platoon?  No, did it make the press that we killed one SAS cat and wounded 3?  probably, but that shit happens.  Its war, what the fuck are you doing besides smoking pole, and crying about? 

I can tell you those fast movers are just that, they can ID targets using VF17 panels to mark the front line trace of a friendly element, and BEFORE they go weapons free, they do a dry gun run where they drop a flare over the intended target to prove they have visual confirmation of the target.  I have been in several HUGE fire fights including the 10 hour Haifa street, and the 19 hour Haifa street 2.  The combat controller obviously messed up.  The pilot obviously messed up.  it was a tragic loss of life.  suck it the fuck up and drive on.
its a part of war.
Yer like you know . ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wake up .
yeah you fuckin bean bag... i do like know.  unlike your stupid ass, i know how this shit works cause airsupport happens to be the main thing that keeps grunts alive.  maybe you need to put up or shut up.  so zzzzzzZZZZzzz yourself fuckstick
You know what you sound just like some 16 year old kid sat behind his pc trying to be a man well i will let you live the dream, i can't be asked to argue with you anymore, so you just keep on insulting i don't really care.
and what's with the put up or shut up you want to meet me in the playground after school for a fight or something LOL

KillerClown_UK wrote:

You know what you sound just like some 16 year old kid sat behind his pc trying to be a man well i will let you live the dream, i can't be asked to argue with you anymore, so you just keep on insulting i don't really care.
and what's with the put up or shut up you want to meet me in the playground after school for a fight or something LOL
LOL can I watch? A former US soldier vs. a.. hmm.. bf2 player
set the bets
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6719|Canberra, AUS

KillerClown_UK wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

KillerClown_UK wrote:

Yer like you know . ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wake up .
yeah you fuckin bean bag... i do like know.  unlike your stupid ass, i know how this shit works cause airsupport happens to be the main thing that keeps grunts alive.  maybe you need to put up or shut up.  so zzzzzzZZZZzzz yourself fuckstick
You know what you sound just like some 16 year old kid sat behind his pc trying to be a man well i will let you live the dream, i can't be asked to argue with you anymore, so you just keep on insulting i don't really care.
and what's with the put up or shut up you want to meet me in the playground after school for a fight or something LOL
Man... you just hgave an amazing decription of yourself.

Shut the fuck up, k?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Guys......PLEASE....get back on topic. I would NOT like to see this thread locked over a pissing contest.

Sometime ago, I was a Forward Controller. My contact was the Fire Support Coronation Center.
All Support for the ground ponders ran through us. My job was to be out there with the lead elements
and get them what was needed to get on with it.

I can tell you that who ever told the A-10 pilots to roll in hot, is looking for his butt right now.
Even though he THOUGH there were no friendly in the area, he either didn't hear the pilots talk
about the IFF panels or wasn't on that frek.
That would have been enough for a unit check to be passed out and back to confirm a "Good Target"

Things happen fast on the ground. So fast that only someone how's been there can understand it.
Blue on Blue has happened and will happen again.
The question is how to limit it happening again.
My Country is not in Iraq but, is in Afghanistan.
We have lost five,so far, to Blue on Blue. Four to a F-16 LGB and 1 to an A-10.
So you Brits arn't the only ones.

CannonFodder11b wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

they might not be
i think a formal apology should be issued by the pilots but i think they shouldn't go to jail
the person who should go to jail is the radio controller person who said they were enemies, i mean isn't it his job specifically to know where things are and what to order the strikes on?
holy crap a formal apology because they were guided on scene by a brit.  learn how calling for air support works before you open your goddamned cockholster
err what?
as far as i know the planes were hunting for a specific target, which they didn't find, so they were given "free reign" (though i'm not entirely sure what that means in military terms, but i'll guess it means 'fly around the area and shoot bad guys and hopefully find the original target')
they then found the british tanks and requested permission to open fire, the air controller then miss-informed them and the course of events unfolded as they did

where in this was a brit asking for air support?
+374|6411|Columbus, Ohio

sfarrar33 wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

they might not be
i think a formal apology should be issued by the pilots but i think they shouldn't go to jail
the person who should go to jail is the radio controller person who said they were enemies, i mean isn't it his job specifically to know where things are and what to order the strikes on?
holy crap a formal apology because they were guided on scene by a brit.  learn how calling for air support works before you open your goddamned cockholster
err what?
as far as i know the planes were hunting for a specific target, which they didn't find, so they were given "free reign" (though i'm not entirely sure what that means in military terms, but i'll guess it means 'fly around the area and shoot bad guys and hopefully find the original target')
they then found the british tanks and requested permission to open fire, the air controller then miss-informed them and the course of events unfolded as they did

where in this was a brit asking for air support?
The forward air controller (FAC) was British.
The Lizzard
This is what, thread number three?

usmarine2007 wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

CannonFodder11b wrote:

holy crap a formal apology because they were guided on scene by a brit.  learn how calling for air support works before you open your goddamned cockholster
err what?
as far as i know the planes were hunting for a specific target, which they didn't find, so they were given "free reign" (though i'm not entirely sure what that means in military terms, but i'll guess it means 'fly around the area and shoot bad guys and hopefully find the original target')
they then found the british tanks and requested permission to open fire, the air controller then miss-informed them and the course of events unfolded as they did

where in this was a brit asking for air support?
The forward air controller (FAC) was British.
fair enough then he should go to jail and admit formal apology

quick question though, why was a brit telling the american planes who too shoot and where to fly etc? (try to avoid the easy jokes)

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