TEMPORAY SITE UP http://www.server-mayhem.com/64/index.htm !!!!
Post comments if you like it or not.. Give me ideas too..
Everyone please note i will be on vactaion Jan, 9 - Jan, 14, Please send email if you would like to help me get this going, also. If anyone wants to help me build a Black Hawk Down map, please email me.
You can catch me on this teamspeak :
Got a idea, Give it to me.
I always put the updates on here,
The updates include
The Battlefield
an other.
This is what I want to do for all Battlefield 2 Gamers. I am going to email EA Games, for them to make me a 128 map, with major ground fighting, and minimum aerial attacks, but still will have all choppers, attack choppers, and fighter jets. This server will be hosted on a dedicated server, that I will get when an if this ever gets approved by EA Games,
The Detail of the 64 vs. 64
There will be two teams of 64.
There will be 2 Battalions for each Team.
There will be 4 squads for each Battalion.
There will be 8 people in each squad.
There will be 1 General for each team.
There will be 1 commander for each team.
There will be 4 Squad Leaders
Those are the basic, if you have any more ieada about this please post
If you would like to help me get this going please email me at [email protected]
Rules of the 64 vs 64 -
Im getting a jump start on this even if it does not go threw, because i will be on vacation next week.
But anyways. Here are some rules of 64 vs 64
** Rules Updated on Jan 8, 2006 at 10:27 am
Gaming Rules
1)You are not allowed to swear or cuss , there is NO Racist or Degrading Remarks towards anyone members or other clans. If caught you will receive a notice and will be banned for one 1 week or more and Put on the Wall of Shame.
2)NO Hacking what so ever, if detected or seen by other people, you will be put on the wall of shame, and banned without notice!!!
3)Be proud of being in the 64/64. We are here to have fun. Please do not dishonor the 64/64. We want to have fun, play fair, and win and loose.
Teamspeak Rules
1) If your are on our Team speak Server you will follow the rules and go into the rooms that we say or the room that you should go into.
2) If you are found harassing another person in the TS Server you will be banned for ever and never allowed to be able to play on our Servers.
3) Read the comments of each channel, if the room says DON'T TALK - Then don't talk .
4) Some channels have passwords on them. So if they have a password on it DON'T TRY TO GO INTO IT. Just send a text to a Admin and we will thank about putting you into the channel's.
All rules are enforced so DO NOT brake them .
If any of these rules are to be broken by any clan member or just any gamer on our server's. You will either be kicked out of the Clan or be demoted to a lower Rank. If you are a Gamer on our server and if you break the rules you will be banned for 15 day and will suffer major pain. These rules are enforced extremely so please follow them for your sake and ours.
More will be added to this post on a later time.
Here is the system, that im will try to get. But the money is the problem ..
Intel Xeon Processors (dual core?)
Dual Socket Motherboard (up to 4 cores!!!)
4 GB ECC (registered) RAM
SCSI Controller Card
15,000+ RPM SCSI Hard Drive
HUGE Power supply (600-800 Watts)
lo-end PCI-E graphics card
Whats to be on the Battlefield
Light Jeeps
Heavy Jeeps
- GAZ 39371 Vodnik
Armored Personnel Carriers ( APC's)
- LAV-25
- BTR-90
- M1A2
- T-90
Transport Helicopters
- HH-60H Seahawk
- Mi-17 Hip
Post comments if you like it or not.. Give me ideas too..
Everyone please note i will be on vactaion Jan, 9 - Jan, 14, Please send email if you would like to help me get this going, also. If anyone wants to help me build a Black Hawk Down map, please email me.
You can catch me on this teamspeak :
Got a idea, Give it to me.
I always put the updates on here,
The updates include
The Battlefield
an other.
This is what I want to do for all Battlefield 2 Gamers. I am going to email EA Games, for them to make me a 128 map, with major ground fighting, and minimum aerial attacks, but still will have all choppers, attack choppers, and fighter jets. This server will be hosted on a dedicated server, that I will get when an if this ever gets approved by EA Games,
The Detail of the 64 vs. 64
There will be two teams of 64.
There will be 2 Battalions for each Team.
There will be 4 squads for each Battalion.
There will be 8 people in each squad.
There will be 1 General for each team.
There will be 1 commander for each team.
There will be 4 Squad Leaders
Those are the basic, if you have any more ieada about this please post
If you would like to help me get this going please email me at [email protected]
Rules of the 64 vs 64 -
Im getting a jump start on this even if it does not go threw, because i will be on vacation next week.
But anyways. Here are some rules of 64 vs 64
** Rules Updated on Jan 8, 2006 at 10:27 am
Gaming Rules
1)You are not allowed to swear or cuss , there is NO Racist or Degrading Remarks towards anyone members or other clans. If caught you will receive a notice and will be banned for one 1 week or more and Put on the Wall of Shame.
2)NO Hacking what so ever, if detected or seen by other people, you will be put on the wall of shame, and banned without notice!!!
3)Be proud of being in the 64/64. We are here to have fun. Please do not dishonor the 64/64. We want to have fun, play fair, and win and loose.
Teamspeak Rules
1) If your are on our Team speak Server you will follow the rules and go into the rooms that we say or the room that you should go into.
2) If you are found harassing another person in the TS Server you will be banned for ever and never allowed to be able to play on our Servers.
3) Read the comments of each channel, if the room says DON'T TALK - Then don't talk .
4) Some channels have passwords on them. So if they have a password on it DON'T TRY TO GO INTO IT. Just send a text to a Admin and we will thank about putting you into the channel's.
All rules are enforced so DO NOT brake them .
If any of these rules are to be broken by any clan member or just any gamer on our server's. You will either be kicked out of the Clan or be demoted to a lower Rank. If you are a Gamer on our server and if you break the rules you will be banned for 15 day and will suffer major pain. These rules are enforced extremely so please follow them for your sake and ours.
More will be added to this post on a later time.
Here is the system, that im will try to get. But the money is the problem ..
Intel Xeon Processors (dual core?)
Dual Socket Motherboard (up to 4 cores!!!)
4 GB ECC (registered) RAM
SCSI Controller Card
15,000+ RPM SCSI Hard Drive
HUGE Power supply (600-800 Watts)
lo-end PCI-E graphics card
Whats to be on the Battlefield
Light Jeeps
Heavy Jeeps
- GAZ 39371 Vodnik
Armored Personnel Carriers ( APC's)
- LAV-25
- BTR-90
- M1A2
- T-90
Transport Helicopters
- HH-60H Seahawk
- Mi-17 Hip
Last edited by Broken-Down-Hitler (2006-01-08 21:19:29)