
Do claymores suck?

No, they are part of battlefield243%43% - 143
Yes23%23% - 78
You suck14%14% - 49
Hilary Clinton8%8% - 27
Coca-cola6%6% - 20
wtf?3%3% - 13
Total: 330
i never spam claymores i only use them at the top of ladders to protect myself from other ppl

Macca wrote:

What the hell are you complaining about?
everything as usual

Todd_Angelo wrote:

CruZ4dR wrote:

Zero!. wrote:

they shud either be used for flag defends or self defence
Flag defends? Are you mad? Only self defence. It's retarded to place these "intelligent" mines on own flags so that they can take out the enemy while you whore another place. They are only to protect your own back. Period.
Flags = life. Therefore it's good to use them for flag defence. You don't agree that's fine; you play the kit your way other people will play it theirs.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Claymores are supposed to kill teammates and blow up when they hit by a couple of kilotons worth of TNT from an F-15.
What about mines?

SargeV1.4 wrote:

It was never DICE's intention to make a claymore a weapon to be used as flag defence, let alone OFFENSIVE use (claymore suiciders).
So? What's your point?

I'm 100% sure it wasn't Dice's intention to make the medic kit so strong. And yet, strangely, we don't get posts from people week in week out complaining about it.

The medic kit gets the ability to heal itself after every encounter, if necessary, while having some of the best full-auto guns in the game, and the ability to rack up lots of team points (also good for the team undeniably). The sniper kit is usually played with a single-shot weapon that has very little ammo so it needs something to balance it out (you vaguely remember that idea... balance... right?) and as we all know this only helps to approach parity, it doesn't nearly compensate enough, now does it? No it doesn't, otherwise the medic kit wouldn't be the #1 infantry choice among point whores and competitive players.

It was never Dice's intention to make the J-10 practically invincible on Wake.

It was never Dice's intention that players should be able to avoid enemy fire by exploiting movement dynamics.

I do believe that anyone who has taken advantage of any of those things shouldn't really be preaching about how other people should play the game.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Claymores are meant to cover a snipers ass when he's is sniping said body part of the enemy.
Nice subtle dig there.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

I do not mind a claymore guarding a sniper who is actually sniping.
And yet you'll use any opportunity to say that players shouldn't snipe, period. Sniping is not one thing, the kit can be used in multiple ways.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

I do mind idiots who use them for any other purpose, and regularly harass them untill they have a mental breakdown, scream at me, and disconnect.
Oh aren't you the hero. Pull the wings off flies and pinch puppies too?

SargeV1.4 wrote:

claymores are not part of Battlefield 2. They were introduced because of the stupidity of the player base.... IF YOU HAVE NOT PLAYED BATTLEFIELD 2 BEFORE 1.2, DO NOT SAY ANYTHING RELATING TO IT.
How 'bout no.

And stop living in the past; the game has changed, get over it or go back to CS... in fact didn't you say you weren't going to play BF2 any more after 1.4? So were you just posting that to get attention or what?

P.S. you don't have to SHOUT! just because you think your opinion counts more than others'.
He was talking about Claymores. Not J-10's and Wake. Maybe you should think first about being an poohole and flaming somebody over and over again. I kinda when in on myself there...flaming you too.
Fantasma Parastasie

Todd_Angelo wrote:

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Claymores are supposed to kill teammates and blow up when they hit by a couple of kilotons worth of TNT from an F-15.
What about mines?

SargeV1.4 wrote:

It was never DICE's intention to make a claymore a weapon to be used as flag defence, let alone OFFENSIVE use (claymore suiciders).
So? What's your point?

I'm 100% sure it wasn't Dice's intention to make the medic kit so strong. And yet, strangely, we don't get posts from people week in week out complaining about it.

The medic kit gets the ability to heal itself after every encounter, if necessary, while having some of the best full-auto guns in the game, and the ability to rack up lots of team points (also good for the team undeniably). The sniper kit is usually played with a single-shot weapon that has very little ammo so it needs something to balance it out (you vaguely remember that idea... balance... right?) and as we all know this only helps to approach parity, it doesn't nearly compensate enough, now does it? No it doesn't, otherwise the medic kit wouldn't be the #1 infantry choice among point whores and competitive players.

It was never Dice's intention to make the J-10 practically invincible on Wake.

It was never Dice's intention that players should be able to avoid enemy fire by exploiting movement dynamics.

I do believe that anyone who has taken advantage of any of those things shouldn't really be preaching about how other people should play the game.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Claymores are meant to cover a snipers ass when he's is sniping said body part of the enemy.
Nice subtle dig there.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

I do not mind a claymore guarding a sniper who is actually sniping.
And yet you'll use any opportunity to say that players shouldn't snipe, period. Sniping is not one thing, the kit can be used in multiple ways.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

I do mind idiots who use them for any other purpose, and regularly harass them untill they have a mental breakdown, scream at me, and disconnect.
Oh aren't you the hero. Pull the wings off flies and pinch puppies too?

SargeV1.4 wrote:

claymores are not part of Battlefield 2. They were introduced because of the stupidity of the player base.... IF YOU HAVE NOT PLAYED BATTLEFIELD 2 BEFORE 1.2, DO NOT SAY ANYTHING RELATING TO IT.
How 'bout no.

And stop living in the past; the game has changed, get over it or go back to CS... in fact didn't you say you weren't going to play BF2 any more after 1.4? So were you just posting that to get attention or what?

P.S. you don't have to SHOUT! just because you think your opinion counts more than others'.
my my, you do get worked up about your invincible noobsticks don't you?

just kidding, I don't need personal attacks like that in an arguement, thanks.

But it must be said: the majority of your arguements are just plain bullshit:

what about mines?

you know perfectly well claymores should be destructable and kill teammates. If you don't think so, provide an actual reason as to why.

but medics are so strong!

It was DICE's intention to make the Medic class one for combat, else they wouldn't have gotten a gun that equals that of assault. If you're getting run over by groups of medics then don't complain if you can't take them on by yourself. Get more snipers and shoot them together. And that's the whole point: you CAN avoid medics, just like any other class.

let's have a quick comparison here:

what is needed to kill
Medic: good aim, knowledge of how to play (move, etc), timing. If you suck, you won't get anywhere
claymores: click.

What can be done to avoid them
Medic: a lone medic can be beaten 1on1 just like anything else. If he retreats to heal nade his hiding spot before he gets there and shoot him down in all the time he takes to run away from you in the first place. Not to mention they have less body armor.
claymore: Nothing. You cannot avoid them before seeing them in almost all cases. You need an entourage of medics behind you to revive you as you get blown up 6 times trying to get to a flag, and while they're reviving you chances are mr. m249 comes around the corner.

time taken to learn
medic: hundreds of hours
claymore: so, I press 5, and then the left mouse button?

ah, you know what, screw it.

All you do is post pointless arguements (It was never Dice's intention to make the J-10 practically invincible on Wake. ), personal attack after personal attack, and then some more pointless arguements.

so keep on spamming your 'invincible noobsticks', be the useless person on the team who is pointfood for both sides, keep on posting your bullshit in every thread, keep on using personal attacks and bullshit arguements, and keep on believing that claymores should be used.

bye bye now toddskins.
+77|6782|The Netherlands
i think they suck, you can use them for personal defense, but evryone use it to attack, or place it on bases, thats why those things are noob
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6962|Marathon, Florida Keys

SargeV1.4 wrote:

A freaking novel that owned todd anglo
Sarge, hes a wookie, they sit back 400 feet away from the real firefight like pussies and kill wounded people and spam claymores all over the place, and jerk eachother off at their 1337 sniper skills. Your not going to get anything across to this peabrain todd angelo.

Thing is back in 1.12 you piece of shit snipers had no chance of CQC fighting, the way it should stiill be, but EA gave everyone a new AWP unlock and invincible claymores... But i guess this is how EA thinks how "the game should be played" running around for 15 feet before tripping a claymore really makes this game fun and realistic doesnt it? I bet in reality a sniper will charge headfirst into a group of 10 enemies shooting at him to drop a claymore infront of them. I guess that is EA's definition of a insurgent suicide bomber...
+917|6771|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

_Dominiko_PL wrote:

I just want to have fun, if you dont get it, dont write here
girls just wanna have fun! *whole forums bursts into song*
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6962|Marathon, Florida Keys

Des.Kmal wrote:

_Dominiko_PL wrote:

I just want to have fun, if you dont get it, dont write here
girls just wanna have fun! *whole forums bursts into song*
omfg no, where is the ban kmal button. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I-hate-that-fucking-song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doms wrote:

He was talking about Claymores. Not J-10's and Wake.
*sigh* He made a point that Dice didn't intend XXXX. I was just highlighting a gaping chasm in that argument. I'd bet money Dice didn't intend medics to become the point-scoring behemoths they are now. Does the simple fact that they are like this in the game = something should be changed? No. Someone might think so but that doesn't mean squat, we each have our own opinions on what's good and bad about the game.

Doms wrote:

Maybe you should think first about being an poohole and flaming somebody over and over again.
You think that's flaming? Read my post again, carefully this time; I didn't insult him once, not once.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

my my, you do get worked up about your invincible noobsticks don't you?
No, only by arguments that pretend at depth when in fact they're about as perceptive as a blind hedgehog. In a sack.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

just kidding, I don't need personal attacks like that in an arguement, thanks.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

But it must be said: the majority of your arguements are just plain bullshit:
No they're not, you're either too stupid or pig-headed to see that. Which one would you rather it be?

In a rare show of immodesty: I've been doing this a lot longer than you have and sorry buddy, I'm a lot better at it than you. Don't feel too bad though, I would probably have been just as bad at it at your age.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

you know perfectly well claymores should be destructable and kill teammates. If you don't think so, provide an actual reason as to why.
Little lesson in formal argument: don't ever use "You know perfectly well..."

I could, dead straight, say to you, you know perfectly well that snipers can make a difference*. And while I do of course think so it's absolutely clear you do not, so it would be a perfectly idiotic thing to say.

Dice didn't originally intend clays to be the way they are now. YES, that's true. But Dice didn't intend dozens of aspects of the game. If you can't see and acknowledge that, and its wider implications (even if only privately) that truly is your problem. NMFP dude, NMFP.

For the record I'll say it again: I think clays should return to being destructible. Bear that in mind; even though I use them heavily I'd have no problem if they were changed tomorrow to make them less effective for me. Now I wonder how many medics would be that open-minded if their major kit advantage were changed at the same time...

Just as with AT mines I do think claymores should have IFF, because they're of almost no practical use without (you can't even go down your own ladder, nobody can follow you up, etc.)

*Obviously I'm talking about public games. And I said can, not do, i.e. not all the time.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

It was DICE's intention to make the Medic class one for combat, else they wouldn't have gotten a gun that equals that of assault. If you're getting run over by groups of medics then don't complain if you can't take them on by yourself. Get more snipers and shoot them together. And that's the whole point: you CAN avoid medics, just like any other class.
This is a perfectly valid statement. The only problem is it's completely irrelevant.

All classes are intended for combat And actually it's more true of sniper and assault than all the others since their only major function is to kill the enemy. Laterly gaining the ability to protect flags in your absence is a perfect example of value-added It's emergent gameplay, just like lots of other things.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

Medic... If you suck, you won't get anywhere
That's the point: this is not entirely true. You can be so-so and the medic kit you're playing in will make you far more survivable than you would be in ANY other kit. You can just win head-to-heads in sequence during one life and walk away from each back at full health. Forget the scoring that the kit provides with revives and heals... they're good for the team, they help it win and the player should be compensated for it... win-win. But the massive legup it provides to the individual player, in infantry play, is a given. As I said above, medic is the strongest infantry class; this is undeniable. One thing added to arguably the weakest class (well you think it is, don't you? ) to help things be a little more balanced is really nothing in the grand scheme of things.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

time taken to learn
medic: hundreds of hours
claymore: so, I press 5, and then the left mouse button?
Your points related to this are a bit stretched but basically valid. But easy doesn't mean nobody should ever do it:
GL against infantry point-blank?
support able to toss 8, or 12, or 16 grenades into flag area being capped?
claymore dropped to protect flag?
J-10 v. F-35 in dogfight?
helo gun against infantry?
artie on the carrier?

If you come across an enemy prone from behind who is unaware of you, you knife him, right? Like, doesn't that mean I press 1 and then left click? Oh but hang on a second, that doesn't take any skill...

And in case you've forgotten: I'm against mass spamming of claymores in high-traffic areas and spawns. I use them primarily for flag defence; this is good for my team since it can help us win. I don't care if you don't like it, just like you don't care if I don't like players that flop around constantly like a dying fish.

I won't take it for granted that you know this but I sniped for hundreds of hours (260 if you want to get technical) before I got Veteran and Expert Explosives Ordinance, in the same round, and I still don't have either on any of my alternate sniping accounts. So if you want to accuse me of being a noobish, no-skill gheymore spammer go right ahead but you'll only make my case for me that you lack perspective.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

ah, you know what, screw it...keep on using personal attacks...
I didn't attack YOU, I attacked your arguments. Learn the difference. At this point shall I call you a reading noob? You know, if you were half as good at this as you are at playing this might actually be entertaining for me

SargeV1.4 wrote:

be the useless person on the team who is pointfood for both sides.
LOL Bad mistake ending on this point. Back in a second when I've finished some numbercrunching.

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

SargeV1.4 wrote:

[Let me fix that edit for you]Stuff that looked good to other sniper haters with no perspective
Your not going to get anything across to this peabrain todd angelo.
You, are calling me a peabrain? Someone who consistently can't learn the difference between your and you're LMAO

Let me put it this way: if I'm pitching in the show you're the bat-polisher in a Mexican second-string team.

Oh and BTW, get your facts straight: I'm not in WOoKie. I'm their mascot
Kokko, kokoo koko kokko kokoon!
+9|6828|Zurich, Switzerland
In my opinion the claymores would be better if there were a distance limit, as example if the sniper is further than 100m away from the claymore it would disappear. The claymore's only real function in BF2 is to protect snipers. So, how can it protect him at the other side of the BF ? But, well, that would make BF2 again more unrealistic. But BF2 is already very unrealistic, so what?
Fantasma Parastasie
bravo Todd, bravo. It was worth writing a post like that just to see you repeat yourself over and over again.
bad touch

Claymores are good for killing a squad of Charlie out of the brush while on your way to Mai Lin.

Other than that, they serve no purpose in combat.
From the end of September to now:

SPM 3.43
Overall K/D ratio 4.28
Vehicle kills 5,063
Infantry-only KDR 3.87
Teamwork 0.57
Flag points per min 0.12
Average kills per round 17.9*
Average deaths per round 4.18*

SPM 2.71
Overall K/D ratio 3.33
Vehicle kills 126
Infantry-only KDR 3.37
Teamwork 0.69 (WTF?!)
Flag points per min 0.33
Average kills per round 16.5*
Average deaths per round 4.9*

* Average round length 12 minutes.
* Average round length 18.6 minutes.

I'm deliberately not mentioning WLR because it doesn't mean much. Mine is artificially high and Sarge's is about 1.4, which is above average for anyone not caring about it.

Now I'm sorry but given I'm a mid-range player using the 'lowly' sniper kit most of the time and Sarge is a competitive leet player using medic most of the time I think I'd doing okay


.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

Sarge, hes a wookie, they sit back 400 feet away from the real firefight like pussies...
Oh please, don't be shy, share with the whole class how I managed to get higher flag points than almost everyone in this thread from "400 feet away"?
bad touch

Todd_Angelo wrote:

From the end of September to now:

SPM 3.43
Overall K/D ratio 4.28
Vehicle kills 5,063
Infantry-only KDR 3.87
Teamwork 0.57
Flag points per min 0.12
Average kills per round 17.9*
Average deaths per round 4.18*

SPM 2.71
Overall K/D ratio 3.33
Vehicle kills 126
Infantry-only KDR 3.37
Teamwork 0.69 (WTF?!)
Flag points per min 0.33
Average kills per round 16.5*
Average deaths per round 4.9*

* Average round length 12 minutes.
* Average round length 18.6 minutes.

I'm deliberately not mentioning WLR because it doesn't mean much. Mine is artificially high and Sarge's is about 1.4, which is above average for anyone not caring about it.

Now I'm sorry but given I'm a mid-range player using the 'lowly' sniper kit most of the time and Sarge is a competitive leet player using medic most of the time I think I'd doing okay


.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

Sarge, hes a wookie, they sit back 400 feet away from the real firefight like pussies...
Oh please, don't be shy, share with the whole class how I managed to get higher flag points than almost everyone in this thread from "400 feet away"?
Yes, because stats are indeed life. We can definitely judge a person by their stats.

brilliant? No. Pathetic? Yes.
Missing, Presumed Dead

Claymores to defend snipers? Yes, fine.

Claymores left to defend flags? (not constantly running in and planting them amongst loads and loads of enemies) Yes, fine.
Thats reflected in your massive amount of flag defend points. I have to say, that that is pretty good teamwork, even if its not counted as a "teamwork point".

Clay spammers on karkand/warlord (or any other map) i.e. "suicide bombers"? Twats.

In my books, any sniper who actually uses his rifle is respectable. Since it appears to be a rarity.

Todd...I love reading your arguements, since you actually structure it well and *normally* stay away from so called "l337 speak". Its readable and comprehensive - and I have to say I agree with a lot of it in this case.
Comparing stats really really brought it down and ruined it.
+632|6768|do not disturb

Snipers can claymore each other all they want, it's when they go running around like some retarded manbearpig and start throwing them around in choke points, because that reminds me of gay.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6962|Marathon, Florida Keys

Todd_Angelo wrote:

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

Sarge, hes a wookie, they sit back 400 feet away from the real firefight like pussies...
Oh please, don't be shy, share with the whole class how I managed to get higher flag points than almost everyone in this thread from "400 feet away"?

Ok where do i start?

You have a pathetic k/d ratio of 1.9 oppose to my awesome 2.67

You have 6000 claymore kills, you are a no skill nublet. I have 140 something, and they are all from when i was a nub and sat on carriers with a m95 shooting people out of jets and choppers, accually thats all i did with the sniper kit, besides shooting noobs out of my choppers/jets.

I have good ratios in almost every vehicle. You dont. ROFL at your jet ratio, i could do better than that flying a j10 into the essex gun all day.

Negative ratios on almost all weapons.

Pathetic score per minuite, even worse on your kills per minuite. 11 kills per round, i get about 11 knife kills every round.

There, i have stooped to your level. Im awaiting your comback.
Now now, one at a time boys. I'm only armed with a bolt-action rifle remember, I can only shoot at one person at a time.

stryyker wrote:

We can definitely judge a person by their stats.
Yeah, just exactly like you can definitely judge a player by their kit. GJ dude. And lookit, Patton is doing it too. Going to call him pathetic now? Just me then? ROFL

The number show what the numbers show. I didn't make them up, didn't distort them, didn't pick only the ones that made me look good.

Nobody could honestly try to make the case that stats show nothing. My high flag points sure as hell show that I make this a priority when I play, what the hell else would they mean... that flags just magically turn when I walk nearby?

Thanks Snake. About posting comparative stats, remember why I posted them... because of Sarge's closing jibe. If I'd just said he was wrong and posted no evidence I'd be just as bad. I'm not using them like "nuh uh! I'm better!", I'm illustrating that for public play his comment "be the useless person on the team who is pointfood for both sides", and the perception that sniper-hating morons (they're a moron if they think snipers are useless, period, not if it's just a kit they don't like) is pretty obviously rubbish; especially if a "pathetic" "nubcake" "noob" "pussy" "peabrain" like me can do okay

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

I was talking to Sarge. And I did it because of his closing statement, it was BS, not my fault if the facts show that to be the case; facts don't lie.

As for your summary of my stats, most of it's quite accurate; I'm only average and believe me, I know it Never made any claim to be otherwise, except where it's true (like above). My jet stats are especially bad, but not nearly as pathetic as my helicopter stats... checkit, not even Basic Helicopter Combat LOL

But don't forget for recent play my SPM and KDR and flag points and team points are all better than average. Much better than average in some cases. Now, if I still do okay compared to a superior player like Sarge then either he's not doing that well or your blanket assessment of me is a little off. You can't have it both ways.

Oh and why don't you try actually answering the question FFS, instead of trying the usual tactic people like you use in this kind of argument of ignoring anything that the other person does that's of any benefit, in order to try to make your point artificially. Bearz tried exactly the same thing more than once and I wouldn't let him get away with it either.

So come on, show you're more of a man than he was: how does a cowardly pussy like me manage to get higher flag points than almost everyone in this thread (including you!) from "400 feet away"?
I put em on ladders, doorways, and stairways. If there is a way you can get to me, Im making it difficult for you. Thats the only time I use them, however constantly during 1 on 1 sniper battles Ill find the retard opponent drop a claymore and run...wtf.
462nd NSP653
Devout Moderate, Empty Head.
Claymores do not suck...FF=Off makes them suck...spam away.
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6743|Reisterstown, MD

If you want to compare stats Todd, you will lose every time.  Your stats are unimpressive and pretty crappy imo.  You seem to base stats on a month to month basis.  Anyway, this thread is very funny and has gotten out of hand..
bad touch

killer21 wrote:

If you want to compare stats Todd, you will lose every time.  Your stats are unimpressive and pretty crappy imo.  You seem to base stats on a month to month basis.  Anyway, this thread is very funny and has gotten out of hand..
Im having a ball
a gaurdian of life
+112|6611|behind my rifle

stryyker wrote:

killer21 wrote:

If you want to compare stats Todd, you will lose every time.  Your stats are unimpressive and pretty crappy imo.  You seem to base stats on a month to month basis.  Anyway, this thread is very funny and has gotten out of hand..
Im having a ball
piss me off everytime one gets me but meh, its part of the game.

Hate it when you knife the sniper but then you trip up on the claymore :-(
+917|6771|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

Des.Kmal wrote:

_Dominiko_PL wrote:

I just want to have fun, if you dont get it, dont write here
girls just wanna have fun! *whole forums bursts into song*
omfg no, where is the ban kmal button. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I-hate-that-fucking-song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal

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