I noticed there is no aviator guide in the wiki, so here's my attempt. Judge and add info ass you see fit.

The Aviator's Guide to Pwning

When I first started playing Battlefield 2, I sucked. At everything. Infantry combat, armor combat, helicopter combat, and ESPECIALLY jet combat. I could not fly for beans. I wondered why since in BF1942 I ruled the skies. Eventually all my skills evened out except for flying the jets. I still sucked, and it really irked me cause I love to fly. So I practiced in single player and I never got better. It was starting to bother me. So one day I decided to buy a joystick. A Saitek Cyborg Evo Force. Now in no way am I endorsing joysticks as a way to make joo a leetzor pilot. There are mouse and Keyboard pilots out there that can tear my ass up. But joysticks work for me therefore, this guide might work better for joysticks. Now, there are many aspects to piloting. There is attacking, there is defending, and maneuvering/dogfighting. Bombers and Fighters. This guide is divided into 2 MAIN sections for bombing and fighting with many sub-sections. So here we go.

I. Death From Above - The Guide to Dropping The Bombs
(F-15 Strike Eagle, Su-30, Su-34 Flanker)

In BF2 there are far few pleasures than dropping a load of explosive hunks of metal to the ground and racking up 7 or 8 kills. Bombers are some of the most deadly vehicles in the game for a few reasons. 1. You can kill alot of enemies with the bombs. 2. Your co-pilot can wreak havoc with the laser guided missile. 3. It's very easy to get TKs. The main point I want to hammer home here is: being a bomber pilot requires two things. 1. A brain. 2. Team Respect. Being a bomber is not all about getting personal kills, it's about supporting your team. If there is a tasty target and you realize that there are friendlies nearby, save the bombs, k? Set up the shot for your co-pilot as his attack is far more pin-point, plus you still get points for the kill. Note: Bombers are slow and clunky compared to fighters, don’t try to engage a fighter in a dogfight, if they have one iota of skill you WILL be shot down.

    A. Attacking
a.    It's fairly easy to get kills with your bombs. Fly at about 200-250m, look for a target, drop down to 100-150m, line him up and drop well before he’s under you. Bomber’s payloads allows for a large margin of error so you’re bound to hit him. It’s hard to explain in definite words so you’ll still need to get the hang of this by practice. It’s especially good to find groups of targets or better yet LINES of targets. Man that’s fun stuff.
b.    There is a teamwork aspect to attacking, remember your co-pilot too. Don’t just fly all over the place. If you spot a target with friendlies within blast radius, line up his shot, fly about 150-200m and fly through, giving him the most time to get a lock and destroy the painted target.
c.    Whenever you hear “ENEMY APC/ARMOR/VEHICLE SPOTTED.” Use that spot to your advantage. Check your map and find the icon, fly to it, and obliterate. For vehicles (cars/AA emplacements) don’t forget your Vulcan, it’s far better to save your bombs for a menacing tank.
d.    Support your team. Join a squad that’s on the ground and use your VOIP if it’s available. I like to let my squad know, “I’m in the bomber, spot targets and await airstrike.” If I’m inbound, I let them know at about 10 seconds. “Airstrike inbound, clear the area.” Not only am I helping them, but I feel like a real zoomie. .

    B. Defending
a.    Defending is far more honorable. A defending bomber should fly at 200m and look for targets trying to cap flags/enroute to capping flags. Fly in and devastate. Not only will you get points for kills but defend points as well. Patrol the battlefield and wait, heck while your waiting, attack! Defending will not only help YOU but earn you respect from your team. Good job, soldier!
b.    Don’t forget that defending is where you are most likely to get TKs. Grunts on the ground, defending the flag, about to extinguish the flame of life from the opposing force DO NOT appreciate being bombed to the seventh level of hell. So be conservative, k? Thxbai.

    C. Dogfighting/Maneuvering
a.    Notice how all these maneuvers are simply defensive. Like I said, dogfighting ain’t for bombers. At least against fighters. Yet anyway, If I’m in a bomber I refrain from air combat. But I will teach you some handy maneuvers for avoiding heat-seaking missiles, and Vulcan cannon rounds.
b.    The Verticle Loop – A vertical loop is simple, pull up on your stick. You’ll complete the loop, no problem. For a tighter loop, fire your after burners. Either way, you’ll dodge the speeding death headed your way.
c.    The Horizontal Loop – Similar to a vertical loop, slam your stick to the right or the left till your perpendicular to the earth and pull up. You’ll complete the loop. Tighter loop? Afterburner.
d.    The Barrel Roll – In the immortal words of Peppy Hare, “Do a DAMN BARREL ROLL!!!” Lawl. This move is good for long range Vulcan fire. Just slam your stick to the left or right. You’ll roll.
e.    The Break – A simple turn to avoid Vulcan fire.
f.    Half Loop to Break – This one is more complicated yet is great for losing that pesky bogie on your tail. Just perform a vertical loop and at the crest, break sideways. If pulled off seamlessly enough, you will lose the person tailing you.
g.    Flares – Use flares only when truly screwed. You can dodge any missile with the right maneuver. Flares are for when a maneuver is impossible or when you just CAN’T afford to abort your bombing run. Drop flares but soon enough you will have to maneuver.

II. Dominating the Skies – Fighters and Multi-Taskers
(F/A-18 Super Hornet, X-35 Joint Strike Fighter, J-10 MiG Variant, MiG-29 Fulcrum)
A.    Attacking
a.    While in one of these aircraft, attacking will be your main purpose. Hunting and destroying air and ground targets is your objective. In these planes, your bomb payload is limited to two smaller, weaker bombs. However you carry two more stinger missiles. Hence, these planes were made for air-to-air combat, but in the hands of a seasoned pilot can devastate both air forces and ground forces.
b.    Use your bombs on tanks, APCs, and grouped vehicles/infantry. Fly much lower 50-100m, and let them loose before you fly over your target. It takes personal practice to learn exactly when. Another method is “dive-bombing”. This allows for surgical bomb strikes. Concentrating both bombs at one spot. Good vs. Armor. Gain height around 200-300m, and dive down at your target, drop your bombs at an appropriate time and pull up. Again, practice makes perfect.
c.    The main purpose of these aircraft is to divert the attention of enemy aircraft. Bombers rarely stand a chance against you in a fighter because of your maneuverability and speed but we’ll cover this more in the dogfighting section.
d.    VULCANS. Most people don’t realize the strength of the Vulcan cannon. Concentrated Vulcan fire can destroy vehicles, AA emplacements, helicopters, jets, and one bullet can tear a soldier in two. Fighters can tear up the ground and sky with this baby, so use it wisely.

B.    Defending

a.    Use the same methods covered in bombing. Fly lower and patrol the battlefield.

C.    Dogfighting/Maneuvering

a.    The meat and potatoes of fighter piloting. The dogfight. Air-to-air combat between two jets. This is where the men are separated from the boys. I will go into detail about maneuvering here. Not only will you use the defensive maneuvers I explained earlier but also offensive maneuvers to either position your enemy so that you can destroy him or trick your enemy into destroying himself. Note: Fly at all times in bombing mode. Only switch to missiles when you are ready to fire.
b.    Tailing – When tailing an enemy it is wise to stay quiet, and wait till he goes in for a bombing run. He will usually fly straight and level, so this gives a chance to ram some hot lead up his tailpipe. Get a bead on him and fire your vulcans. If you can hold a bead, you will do some real damage. After you’ve done enough damage that dark smoke is coming from his plane, he’s ready for the missile. Switch to missiles and watch him dance like crazy, eventually, he will freak and drop flares. Wait until they are out of the picture and tail some more. Eventually he will make a mistake and maneuver straight for too long. A good pilot can sense when they are about to make this mistake and if you are locked, THIS is when you let Fox1 go. FIREBALL!
c.    Turning – If you are tailing and enemy and he breaks don’t copy his motion IMMEDIATLEY. You will end up RIGHT WHERE HE WANTS YOU. In front of him. Instead, Fly straight for a second and then follow his trajectory. You will end up right behind him again. Note: using your afterburner in a turn makes it tighter.
d.    The Fake-Out – I call this the fake out because you trick your opponent into moving infront of you. If your opponent is behind you, cut throttle and drop some speed, about 200 kmph. Then full throttle again. This slight drop in speed will make your opponent pass you up and you will have him on a platter. Then just Tail him.
e.     The Trap – I call this the trap because you trap your opponent into killing himself. To do this you need some reflexes. I’ve noticed that a lot of noobs get overzealous and try to follow you move for move. Sometimes an ace will do this if you dodge enough of his attacks. Fly under bridges through small gaps, and otherwise dangerous places to fly. If you’re GOOD then you’ll make it, but sometimes you’ll mess up. This goes for everyone so hopefully you’re better than the pilot on your tail and BOOM! He wrecks. Then you have the skies to yourself for a while.

III. Closing

A.    That’s all I have for now. Using those methods I’ve become a damn good pilot. Good enough that when I go into a Clan server they usually ask me if I’m interested in becoming a clan pilot. But what I cannot stress enough is PRACTICE. It may take longer than you think, that’s the way it was for me, but stick to it, and you’ll get better. Another point I want to drive home is that in ranked multiplayer games, let the aces fly. Practice in SP, K? One more thing, don’t TK for jets. It’s really annoying, and if someone was there first, let them have the jet. If you wanna improve on this guide, go for it. I’m letting it into the public domain. It’s everyone’s to re-produce and post as they see fit. Just don’t be a lamer and put your name on it.

                                -The Gunny, 187sKillz
[DARE] ksack
good basic guide, but i still cant bomb!!!! can u pls try to b a little more precise on the conventional bombing?
Moderator Emeritus
+270|7094|Nova Scotia, Canada

Good guide!

Last edited by Prodie (2006-01-06 20:03:04)

+164|7085|Normal, IL
good guide.... for some reason im a great chopper pilot (ranked in the top 1000 for choppers), but i can't fly a jet for the life of me!!!! thanks.
Ok.. when u r bombing there are two types..

1. Lay Down pass. This is where u fly straight and level (or in a very shallow dive) and release ur bombs over a target. The release time will depend on how high you are. For low level (roughly tree top or lower) release ur bombs as the target passes under the nose of your aircraft. For higher level bombing, pickle your bombs as they are about halfway down the verticle line when in A/G mode.

2. Dive bombing. Start from 3-400m up, and commence your dive - approx 45 - 70 degrees nose down. Place the pipper (circle in the middle of the HUD) on your target, and at approximately 150m, pickle your bombs. They will land almost exactly where you had the circle aimed.

In addition to 187sKillz post...

- Never fly over the same target twice in 30secs.. while they may not be expecting u the first time, they will be on the second time, and someone is guaranteed to have jumped into the nearest Stinger/Igla/Tunguska/Linebacker ready to smoke you out of the sky.

- Never fly in a straight line for more than 20secs.. this will throw off any sneaky buggas who are creeping up on u in A/G mode so that you dont get any radar indications, and then suddenly switch to A/A mode when they are in your shorts, and u suddenly receive an heat seeking missile enema.

- After a bombing run, always change direction. Preferably a minimum of 90 degrees. This may seem logical, however, alot of ppl will just continue in a straight line, making an intercept by enemy fighters very easy.

- Either fly very low, and pop up for attacks (fly at treetop level, and suddenly pop up to 300m - a very effective tactic for ppl who like dive bombing), or very high (3-500m), and swoop down to attack before returning to the safety of height. The advantages of staying very low is that you are generally exposed to the enemy for the shortest period of time, and other fighter pilots will generally not be looking low. As for flying high, you have the advantage of height over your opponent 9times out of 10, and can swoop down, run and gun, and score a quick kill. It also allows you to slow down, and pump 5 shots into that fat blackhawk with 5 ppl on board.

- Finally, dont get target fixated.. Just because a target looks big and juicy dont forget that you are travelling very fast, and WILL hit the ground very hard.


Last edited by Goose_MP[TBG] (2006-01-06 21:44:34)

'twice cooked beef!'
one thing to add:

when in ground attack role, remember to prep your targets by strafing them with your cannon as you're coming in for the bombing run. this is especially helpful in the fighters, with their smaller bomb payload. you can damage all vehicles with your cannon, and the damage you do before dropping your bombs will make it more likely for you to score a kill, even if your bombs aren't exactly on target.
J-10 whore
I still beat joystick wielding pilots. Ps. Is it true that those using joysticks turn faster than those using Kb and mouse?
+383|7040|The Netherlands
Cool guide!

Btw there's a minor typo in it, a jsf is called a f35b and not a x35.
I don't need an F15 to bomb... I take out tanks with one direct hit flying straight ahead with afterburners on in any of the fighter jets.  Needless to say I can't dogfight for crap.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7129|Marathon, Florida Keys

Drunkaholic wrote:

I don't need an F15 to bomb... I take out tanks with one direct hit flying straight ahead with afterburners on in any of the fighter jets.  Needless to say I can't dogfight for crap.
Using your plane as a missle doesnt count, gg. jk
im glad yall liked, now it'd be great if it got put in the wiki. and actually general echo, the F-35 is America's new "X" plane and it's still in it's developmental phase (not in use yet) therefore it is still codenamed "X-35". once it is put into mainstream use in the USAF it will be called the F-35. Either way we're refferring to the same thing.

Last edited by 187sKillz (2006-01-07 23:55:04)

There is.
+1,380|7011|Devon, England
well, i know sum1 called two-cookers and he is just pure perfect in a plane. i consider myself an ok pilot, i can bomb and take down planes quite easily, but two-cookers is annnoyingly good. he is jsut amazinging in a plane and i challenge you to beat him in a dogfight. check his stats and see if you can beat him if you can get on the server hes on.

btw gr8 guide

Last edited by FFLink13 (2006-01-08 08:14:25)

I still beat joystick wielding pilots. Ps. Is it true that those using joysticks turn faster than those using Kb and mouse?

- Well, id say yes to a degree, because they can hold thier joystick at the full turn position for ever, but when  using a mouse, you constantly have to reposition even with sensitivity at +10.

BTW, does anyone know what the YAW factor is, or what it stands for? 

nice guide....  RESPECT to those who can pwn in a jet without relentlessly bombing the living piss out of the enemy base...  But however, no guide is good enough for me to get ownage in the skies in bf2, I'm still too much used to DC jet and choppers..... totally different....
Renaissance Soldier
+2|7098|Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
There are very few good "mouse" pilots. The inability to maintain a turn is thier downfall. I am a pure keyboard flyer and while I don't use my cannon as well as I should against air targets, I am leathal against AA turrets and vehicles and am a good bomber. Lately I've recieved more plane deaths from crashes and tks (friendly AA, mid-air collisions, intentional tks on the ground) than from being shot down.

Everyone likes to think you can just write a guide to everything, but outside of RPGs guides do little other than tell you a few tricks and do almost nothing to improve your skill level. If people want to get better, they need to practice. Also, amateur pilots shouldn't start thier practice on a ranked server. Play by yourself on an empty map to get a feel for flying (and test out 'daredevil' maneuvers like flying under bridges, through tunnels and the like). Also practice a bit of bombing against the AI (I recommend Clean Sweep as a good practice location).

This isn't just so that you'll simply get better, but it will prevent you from being one of the following types of n00bs.

Type A: Runs to the plane during the spawn rush and crashes shortly after takeoff.
Type B: Grabs the bomber and stays up in the air for 5-10 minutes, accumulating a mere 2 kills.

Yes you have the right to practice, have fun, and get better. I just don't want you wasting my team's precious resources.
well i agree ... u need practice before u can pwn from the skies... but the singleplayer mode realy doesnt give u much practice.. maybe starting .. and a bit of manuvering...

I just started of using jets.. and after 10 hours ranked i have gotten to the point that i can take out targets with bombs... take out medium pilots... its fun... (why the hell did i ever sit in a tank?)

My advice is to play unranked if u wanna practice...

And joystick.. get one... a mid-price one will suffice... i got 200% better right away.. my friend who was a good player with mouse got much better to... Great for the heli to...

Logitech Extreme 3d pro... about 35 us dollars... SWEET...

GREAT GUIDE!!! hope they Wiki it... lots of people need it..
+45|7063|Toronto, Canada
I am slowly but surely getting to a 1:1 kill to death ratio with jets.  I only get in them when no one else goes in or when novice pilots crash within a minute or two.  I used to be one of those pilots until I got a joystick.  After practicing a lot of bombing runs in single player on Operation Cleansweep, I can comfortably earn over a dozen kills with a jet.  I still need a lot of work, especially when not in a J10 which seems to be the only fighter I can consistently kill other aviators with.  The other fighters seem very sluggish, even the F-18 feels like a bomber to me when the USMC controls the airfield on Wake Island.

My most memorable cool rambo moment was when I landed a J10 on the carrier decapitating 2 twos running for the Cobra with my wings, while shooting up a Blackhawk with 3 guys in it.  Jumping out before an AT guys blew up my J10.  Killed him with the G36C, and blew up the radar and UAV.  Some nice silenced double-taps to the head of several recently spawned infantry added some well-deserved kills to my score!

Some guys were typing global "lol"'s and "wtf"'s and yelling at me or praising me for landing the J10 on the carrier.  It was fun, but I couldn't recreate it ever again...
lol @ cack. i like skycowing over to the carrier taking out assets then taking and parking the BH right by the phalanx and racking up usually over 30 kills. of course only when its not the only base USMC has. that's just MEAN.
Jets are for overweight people.
It's Glandular.
YAW factor? ANYONE?
no idea about Yaw. google it. and about you being endorphin free, you haven't been. there are things you do which release endorphins that you have no control over. eat chocolate? ENDORPHINS. Drink caffiene? ENDORPHINS. have sex/Jack off?? ENDORPHINS. Hurt yourself?? ENDORPHINS. Among many toher things. Good day.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Agreed about the hard part to maintain a turn.

I'm a KB/Mouse pilot, a couple of guys have in the forums see me fly regularly.

One thing a mouse has above a joystick or a keyboard is the flexibility your plane achieves. Its easy to cannon a Joysticker/Keyboarder who's in a solid turn - he moves the SAME distance all the way. But for a mouse? I can do insane manoevres with a mouse that will get me out of any shitty situation. Half the time in a dogfight (when i'm running) i end up flying upside down in a nosedive towards a ground then flipping round and pulling up to a side hard again. That's only possible with a mouse.

I flew with a joystick for awhile, but i missed the incredible flexibility a mouse gave me.
+1,230|7163|Alberta, Canada

2 words: Love it.

Fly Jetz Whores'.

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