I used to hate the GLs with a passion.  But I started using them and started getting better and better with them to the point where I became what I hated, a noob tuber.   But I've accepted this and embraced it because at the end when the guy is screaming noob tuber, get some skill, etc etc through the chat he is waiting to respawn while I am looking for someone else to kill.  Fact is tubing is effective and hard to master but it is cheap to some people.  But it's a part of the game and just get over it and play on, if you don't like noob tubing then take the FL2000 and flashbang before hand, or take up C4 tossing, or lay claymores everywhere it doesn't matter to me, just try harder to beat the noob tuber instead of pissing and moaning.
teh adam

thunderpuss wrote:

I used to hate the GLs with a passion.  But I started using them and started getting better and better with them to the point where I became what I hated, a noob tuber.   But I've accepted this and embraced it because at the end when the guy is screaming noob tuber, get some skill, etc etc through the chat he is waiting to respawn while I am looking for someone else to kill.  Fact is tubing is effective and hard to master but it is cheap to some people.  But it's a part of the game and just get over it and play on, if you don't like noob tubing then take the FL2000 and flashbang before hand, or take up C4 tossing, or lay claymores everywhere it doesn't matter to me, just try harder to beat the noob tuber instead of pissing and moaning.
I have no problem with the GL when someone doesn't kill themselves in the process of killing another person when using the GL.

The long range shots with the GL are hard to master, but how many ppl use the GL to make long range kills... not many when compared to the number of ppl that use the GL in their suicide sprees.

They should either make it not explode when its fired horizontally to the ground within 15 feet ahead of the person firing it (like how it is in real life) or make it so its not a one shot kill.
I cnat slpel!!!

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

Friluftshund wrote:

blah blah blah i sux0r so i use nadz0r instead of regular guns liek 90% of pplz! loLz! cuz i c4nt k1ll any0n3 with th3m
GL's suck k, and if i used Gl's as my main i wouldent have a .63k/d ratio.
If you are going to quote me, then quote something I said, don't act like an 11 year old idiot who just learned how to write..
I cnat slpel!!!

teh adam wrote:

Friluftshund wrote:

I'll add a my views to this dead/revived/dead/revived thread..

First: You can't use GL 24/7 without support or supplies, you don't exactly carry unlimited ammo on you..
I use the GL extensivly, I like it - it kills enemies and perhaps many in one pop. That's why I pley this game, to kill as many enemies in as little time as possible...

I ofcourse dislike being shot with the GL by a bunnyjumper, perhaps because I'm not a bunnyjumper.. And although it is not something i am proud of, I will shoot my GL in the ground infront of me if I come around a corner face to face with an enemy - why? because in 9,999 out of 10,000 the guy will not wait until I have pulled out my primary gun to shoot me. And if I die, at least I took him out with me, so that he isn't a threat to my team for 15/10 seconds..

Anybody not comfortable with that... too bad
Why would you turn the corner without your rifle out???
I don't know, perhaps I have just fired at a group of enemies, failed to take all of them out, and they have this driving urge to come and kill me. I also like to have a grenade in my launcher so I'll reload before switching. Combine those two elements, and I might just have to round a corner with my GL out..
Aussie Outlaw

Friluftshund wrote:

teh adam wrote:

Friluftshund wrote:

I'll add a my views to this dead/revived/dead/revived thread..

First: You can't use GL 24/7 without support or supplies, you don't exactly carry unlimited ammo on you..
I use the GL extensivly, I like it - it kills enemies and perhaps many in one pop. That's why I pley this game, to kill as many enemies in as little time as possible...

I ofcourse dislike being shot with the GL by a bunnyjumper, perhaps because I'm not a bunnyjumper.. And although it is not something i am proud of, I will shoot my GL in the ground infront of me if I come around a corner face to face with an enemy - why? because in 9,999 out of 10,000 the guy will not wait until I have pulled out my primary gun to shoot me. And if I die, at least I took him out with me, so that he isn't a threat to my team for 15/10 seconds..

Anybody not comfortable with that... too bad
Why would you turn the corner without your rifle out???
I don't know, perhaps I have just fired at a group of enemies, failed to take all of them out, and they have this driving urge to come and kill me. I also like to have a grenade in my launcher so I'll reload before switching. Combine those two elements, and I might just have to round a corner with my GL out..
Thats bullshit. You use it to get one shot kills. Why lie?
I cnat slpel!!!

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

Friluftshund wrote:

teh adam wrote:

Why would you turn the corner without your rifle out???
I don't know, perhaps I have just fired at a group of enemies, failed to take all of them out, and they have this driving urge to come and kill me. I also like to have a grenade in my launcher so I'll reload before switching. Combine those two elements, and I might just have to round a corner with my GL out..
Thats bullshit. You use it to get one shot kills. Why lie?
Who are you? Do you know me? Have you ever watched me play? On what do you base your accusations?
Aussie Outlaw
Honestly, i based it on a 15 seconds skim read of the previous posts...
I cnat slpel!!!

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

Honestly, i based it on a 15 seconds skim read of the previous posts...
Death StatPadder
+228|6917|Human Meat Shield
I use it to just kill. Rather kill with it than by it. Don't really care about any of the other details. Whether you're close or not, if it gets you the kill. Yeah it sucks when you die, but so does everything else, I think we all want to be in 'god mode', then there wouldn't be anything to bitch about.
I am the pwnage! Bitches!
Oh please.. No more whining about GL in new topics. Use that fucking search and post your comments to old topics ffs. And what you try to say? So if I'm using GL and I kill you from any distance with it I'm still noob? It's weapon in game and ex. C4s are more powerfull.. or how about tank whoring? It's ok for you but GL isn't? I don't whine about any weapons or if some one is whoring, I kill those guys wiht MY GL before they kill me, why you don't do that same? And I also try destroy those tanks (and mostly I'm alone doing that because every one else are just whining about it instead of doing something for it). If you don't like that some one kill you with GL then don't play the game or don't play city maps or something. There's really nothing to whine about in BF2 (except those all damn bugs) so I just can't understand why so many people are doing it.

^DD^GRiPS wrote:

If you use it all the time  as a primary - FUCK YOU!  get some skill.
HALLELUJA!! You can come to my place any time!
Aussie Outlaw
In close range it doesnt take any skill but you gotta give credit the guys who can take people out from very far with it that takes skill.

I was on Karkland up by the suburbs near the house on the hill with sandbags i was having a ball with my grenade launcher (i hardly ever use it) and beside me proned was a support guy kept dropping ammo for me i kept on launching grenades lol.

Two usmc were crouched by the wall on the left far away i shot my grenade and took both of them out then there was alot of people running around i took out a few moving targets i forget how i got killed i think i jumped down and got shot or something.

But its fun getting a kill really far away with launcher.

I did get 4 kills in a row with the grenade launcher up close yep thats whoring but no one complained.

Darth_Fleder wrote:

^DD^GRiPS wrote:

If you use it all the time  as a primary - FUCK YOU!  get some skill.
What, somebody not able to fly the chopper a few rounds and got owned? Get him a tissue someone...or better yet, a spine.

After the patch, they will just find something else to wail and moan about.
When the patch comes out there should be no more complaints because it will solve noob-203er's and nob-30er's and the dance of the frog(frog dancing) or dolphin diving (i think frog dancing is a more acc term) and after those r fixed the game will be better than it allready is and i don't see a need for any more fixes.   Kill me with helis armor and jets and i will not complain because i expect to be killed by those.  The frog dancers will now have learn how to use cover and be tactical.   Although if they didn't make this patch i would continue to enjoy the game and deal with these type players which i do.  I also agree that using the GL at range and on vehicles is fine, i am talking about ppl u strafe jump and launch a grenade at ur feet and only I die.  I have been in small areas and been grenade launched at and somehow i die and the other guy doesn't.

Last edited by Deathsc-O-pe[CoD] (2006-01-07 11:26:19)

Death StatPadder
+228|6917|Human Meat Shield
Simply Play the Game. If you are saying 'no skill' -- what about strafing with the BH, running over people with cars and so on... that takes alot of skill...riiiiight. The point is the GL is part of the game, live with it, I find it gets people mad when they get pummeled by it numerous times, there is a 'run' button, use it and overcome. It takes more skill to kill the person that you guys call 'noobies' (or boobies or whatever you call them). The people that say ' It doesn't bother me, I just use.... or do...." are really the skilled individuals.  Unfortunately I am not one of them.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6957|Marathon, Florida Keys

Friluftshund wrote:

If you are going to quote me, then quote something I said, don't act like an 11 year old idiot who just learned how to write..
Roger mr. noob tube
I cnat slpel!!!
Hehe... stupid
teh adam

Friluftshund wrote:

I don't know, perhaps I have just fired at a group of enemies, failed to take all of them out, and they have this driving urge to come and kill me. I also like to have a grenade in my launcher so I'll reload before switching. Combine those two elements, and I might just have to round a corner with my GL out..
Why not reload your rifle instead? or if they're so close take out your pistol and put a few rounds in their head... they have been shooting at you right? So their guns would be empty and you could take that second to pull out your pistol and shoot them in the face.

imdead wrote:

Simply Play the Game. If you are saying 'no skill' -- what about strafing with the BH, running over people with cars and so on... that takes alot of skill...riiiiight. The point is the GL is part of the game, live with it, I find it gets people mad when they get pummeled by it numerous times, there is a 'run' button, use it and overcome. It takes more skill to kill the person that you guys call 'noobies' (or boobies or whatever you call them). The people that say ' It doesn't bother me, I just use.... or do...." are really the skilled individuals.  Unfortunately I am not one of them.
We are not talking about other parts of the game just the GL as I have said previously. It's a little hard to "run" or even shoot when the guy comes around a corner killing himself and you in the process.

How do we know how "skilled" they are if we haven't seen them play... they are just unconcerned with what others think or how others play the game. They could get killed every respawn and not get a single kill and still not be bothered... that doesn't make them skilled. Unless your defintion of performing well is getting killed every respawn and not getting a single kill.
Death StatPadder
+228|6917|Human Meat Shield
Well I was refering or agreeing with your previous comments about how it doesn't bother some people, but as you stated if the person is close he kills himself and you in the process, I can see part of your point, and that's why I compared the no skill with other facets of the game, as people say they have no skill, but if you wield the launcher and not the primary rifle then if you come around a corner, what do you expect? Obviously someones gonna die, right? Trust me I hate it also, but as I stated it's part of the game, sometimes it's unavoidable, just like I hate when my back is turned and someone tubes me, I'd have better feelings if the person just knifed me.  As for running away from tubers, I've done it, maybe they were a bad shot, but if a person if face to face and he doesn't shoot right away you know he's launching.  And this was basically not pointed at anyone in particular, basically a summary of mutiple posts.  IF you read up about 6 posts you will realize that I was summarizing shit.
Mass Media Casualty

^DD^GRiPS wrote:

If you use it all the time as a primary - FUCK YOU!  get some skill.
You know, I think it's a good thing that someone just came out and said it. There have been so many GL posts, yet no-one has said it that simply.

On the other hand, we're now getting close to ten search pages on this topic.

Last edited by Tyferra (2006-01-07 16:07:21)

[Blinking eyes thing]
I cnat slpel!!!

teh adam wrote:

Friluftshund wrote:

I don't know, perhaps I have just fired at a group of enemies, failed to take all of them out, and they have this driving urge to come and kill me. I also like to have a grenade in my launcher so I'll reload before switching. Combine those two elements, and I might just have to round a corner with my GL out..
Why not reload your rifle instead? or if they're so close take out your pistol and put a few rounds in their head... they have been shooting at you right? So their guns would be empty and you could take that second to pull out your pistol and shoot them in the face.

imdead wrote:

Simply Play the Game. If you are saying 'no skill' -- what about strafing with the BH, running over people with cars and so on... that takes alot of skill...riiiiight. The point is the GL is part of the game, live with it, I find it gets people mad when they get pummeled by it numerous times, there is a 'run' button, use it and overcome. It takes more skill to kill the person that you guys call 'noobies' (or boobies or whatever you call them). The people that say ' It doesn't bother me, I just use.... or do...." are really the skilled individuals.  Unfortunately I am not one of them.
We are not talking about other parts of the game just the GL as I have said previously. It's a little hard to "run" or even shoot when the guy comes around a corner killing himself and you in the process.

How do we know how "skilled" they are if we haven't seen them play... they are just unconcerned with what others think or how others play the game. They could get killed every respawn and not get a single kill and still not be bothered... that doesn't make them skilled. Unless your defintion of performing well is getting killed every respawn and not getting a single kill.
I'm not making a stand on behalf of "n00b-tubers" or "bunnyjumpers" or whatnot, I'm merely stating that if I meet an enemy I will fire wich ever weapon I am currently carrying..

My post on "I might just be walking around a corner with GL out..." was a hypotethical example..

If I have the rifle out I'll try to kill the enemy with it (and most likely die in the process ) But I won't waste the extra seconds to change weapon...

And is it just me, or do other people also manage to shoot enemies right infront of them with the GL and not kill themselves in the process? Damage yes, but it's not often I die.. perhaps I should bunnyjump instead of just shooting..

Death StatPadder
+228|6917|Human Meat Shield
My point exactly, Kill or be killed. Whatever you have use it.
teh adam
If you ever look at MOST GL kills the shooter dies aswell... I hardly ever get killed by the GL but I can't defend myself when some idiot turns a corner and pops a grenade round at the ground, killing us both. Thats why everyone hates the GL so much.

But I don't mind when the player that is proficient lobs a grenade 30 feet and hits me behind a rock. <--- thats what the GL is supposed to be used for. Not to rush ahead and kill yourself and some other guy, which is what usually happens... sadly

imdead wrote:

but if you wield the launcher and not the primary rifle then if you come around a corner, what do you expect? Obviously someones gonna die, right?
I know someone is going to die but my point is why can't that guy have the rifle out...
Death StatPadder
+228|6917|Human Meat Shield
Kinda like when people have thier knife out expecting a knife fight but instead get blasted lead. But I see your point, someone that blasts at your feet and he dies also, that accomplishes nothing. Like someone said should be timed in that instance.
teh adam
They should impliment suicide penelties so ppl that kill themselves have to wait an extra 45 seconds, which would hopefully deter ppl from suiciding with the GL

Or some of the other ideas that have been expressed previuosly.

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