All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

SuperSlowYo wrote:

i didnt read all the posts so i dunno if this has been pointed out... but as far as a sniper goes id say "Juba" blows goats... you see him hit people yes.. but hardly any of his shots seem to be kills... i like the one where buddy gets it in the ass or back of leg and starts hoppin around (im sure it wasnt as funny for him though)
What if he didn't want to kill outright?  what if juba wanted to kill him slowly by splattering his innards so his comrades can watch him die a agonising death?  Mind games are just a deadly.  I've read about snipers only killing the leader in a troop of soldiers, wtf do you do then?  Who wants to be at the front guys?!!

And anyway that kid that was hopping around unless he's a resilient fucker will be a bag of nerves as he wanders around Iraq.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

usmarine2007 wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

What are the insurgents fighting for?  The Iraqis don't want them there.  The US doesn't want them there.  Apparently you want them there?
Do the Iraqis want the US there?
Yeah they did but only at the point where saddam was disposed.  As soon as that statue fell it was a collective get the fuck out bitches.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+48|6566|new york

Kukulcan wrote:

too_money2007 wrote:

Teebaggs1 wrote:

I agree.  It's become "mainstream" to america bash and all the kewl kids are doing it.
That, and for some reason, it makes them feel bigger to go to a game's forums and post to little kids their views on the war. Sure there are some older fellas that are hermits here, but most are kids. Who really cares anyways? We're the most powerful country in the world and we'll protect ourselves no matter what.
This is a very mind closed point of view for what i think : i mean

''We are the most powerful country we always do the right , we act for the good of mankind'' , ''Who thinks different is a kid and a fool''.

Luckly neither americans theirselves think these things , i know it because i know someONE in your nation
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

usmarine2007 wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

I know YOU and others may not believe this, but we want to help people.  I know I did / do, and so did everyone in my unit.  Our snipers protect us from other threats.  Insurgents do it to cause more violence.
That's your point of view : try to ask a rebel.

You can always see two sides of the same medallion as we say in italy.
What are the insurgents fighting for?  The Iraqis don't want them there.  The US doesn't want them there.  Apparently you want them there.
I would change that to Iraqi Shia don't want them there.  The insurgents are obtaining help from Sunni Iraqis.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

Kukulcan wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:

Do the Iraqis want the US there?
This is an answer dictated by the fact as are now : if usa didn't attack Iraq , iraqi people surely will answer no to this question. At least , iraqi that lives in iraq.
Nobody wants a foreign enter with soldiers and tanks in their homes.
Even the Kurds and Shi'ites of which tens of thousands died under Saddam's rule?
+6|6451|The Battlefield

nlsme wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

too_money2007 wrote:

That, and for some reason, it makes them feel bigger to go to a game's forums and post to little kids their views on the war. Sure there are some older fellas that are hermits here, but most are kids. Who really cares anyways? We're the most powerful country in the world and we'll protect ourselves no matter what.
This is a very mind closed point of view for what i think : i mean

''We are the most powerful country we always do the right , we act for the good of mankind'' , ''Who thinks different is a kid and a fool''.

Luckly neither americans theirselves think these things , i know it because i know someONE in your nation
Are you quoting me?
X-LG Member
+25|6900|Maine, MA, and PJ concerts

Kukulcan wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

This is a very mind closed point of view for what i think : i mean

''We are the most powerful country we always do the right , we act for the good of mankind'' , ''Who thinks different is a kid and a fool''.

Luckly neither americans theirselves think these things , i know it because i know someone in your nation
Nice try to dodge the fact.  That is not what I think, it is what I KNOW.
I mean  : you surely have a strong military as some other nations. Does this give you the right to feel superior only basing on the strenght of military ? There are many other things that make great a nation , ill say some :

- Past Culture
- Great History
- Civil Rights

and the list can go on.

Italy has a great culture as the us , but you still have a crime against human mankind , for me : The Capital Law. In italy we abolished it many years ago.
You must be uneducated about your past then.   Let's take Caesar and your Roman Empire history for example.  The Roman Empire killed thousands if not hundreds of thousands during its existence (and no I'm not just talking about in their wars).  http://users.erols.com/mwhite28/romestat.htm

Next, shall we take Mussolini?  Organized executions of groups of people during the Ethopia conquest - 1920s and 30s.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benito_Mussolini

Lastly, please eloborate on the "crime on human mankind."  I showed you the statistics of Italy vs American war crimes during the Iraq war (a few pages earlier in this discussion) and the number showed that Italy, per soldier in the theatre, had a higher ratio of crimes/rapes/etc then the US...or did you forget to read that part cause it it didn't support your agenda?
+374|6517|Columbus, Ohio

m3thod wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:

Do the Iraqis want the US there?
Yeah they did but only at the point where saddam was disposed.  As soon as that statue fell it was a collective get the fuck out bitches.
Agree.  Except Rumsfuck screwed up and disbanded the Iraqi Army.
+6|6451|The Battlefield

BALTINS wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

This is an answer dictated by the fact as are now : if usa didn't attack Iraq , iraqi people surely will answer no to this question. At least , iraqi that lives in iraq.
Nobody wants a foreign enter with soldiers and tanks in their homes.
Even the Kurds and Shi'ites of which tens of thousands died under Saddam's rule?
I could speak for hours of the vietanamese that you killed at bunchs during the Vietnam war , please don't take on these points.

Last edited by Kukulcan (2007-02-01 15:19:53)

+48|6566|new york
I fixed it. Notice the ONE!
+488|6720|Portland, OR, USA

usmarine2007 wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

What are the insurgents fighting for?  The Iraqis don't want them there.  The US doesn't want them there.  Apparently you want them there?
Do the Iraqis want the US there?
You have no clue what they want and really, neither does the US government because they really don't get to have any say in it.  But then again, we don't really have a say in our government either so what the hell right...

but ffs, I'm beginning to wonder if you're some fucking government propaganda employee.  You're on here all day every day spewing some of the most ignorant shit I've seen in my entire life.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

Kukulcan wrote:

nlsme wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

This is a very mind closed point of view for what i think : i mean

''We are the most powerful country we always do the right , we act for the good of mankind'' , ''Who thinks different is a kid and a fool''.

Luckly neither americans theirselves think these things , i know it because i know someONE in your nation
Are you quoting me?
Yes he is agreeing with you, but is prob too lazy/tired to type anything
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+374|6517|Columbus, Ohio

CommieChipmunk wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:

Do the Iraqis want the US there?
You have no clue what they want and really, neither does the US government because they really don't get to have any say in it.  But then again, we don't really have a say in our government either so what the hell right...

but ffs, I'm beginning to wonder if you're some fucking government propaganda employee.  You're on here all day every day spewing some of the most ignorant shit I've seen in my entire life.
Personal attack.  Noted.

I report only what I KNOW.  I am saying what Iraqi people have told me, and others on this board.  You believe what "source" you want to, I will believe the actual people.
slow as you go
+124|6710|Canaduhhh.. West Toast

m3thod wrote:

SuperSlowYo wrote:

i didnt read all the posts so i dunno if this has been pointed out... but as far as a sniper goes id say "Juba" blows goats... you see him hit people yes.. but hardly any of his shots seem to be kills... i like the one where buddy gets it in the ass or back of leg and starts hoppin around (im sure it wasnt as funny for him though)
What if he didn't want to kill outright?  what if juba wanted to kill him slowly by splattering his innards so his comrades can watch him die a agonising death?  Mind games are just a deadly.  I've read about snipers only killing the leader in a troop of soldiers, wtf do you do then?  Who wants to be at the front guys?!!

And anyway that kid that was hopping around unless he's a resilient fucker will be a bag of nerves as he wanders around Iraq.
the guy jumpin around wasnt a kid by any means.. he was older.. seriously your joking about mind games right... cause last time i checked a sniper that didnt miss put more fear than a half assed shot.. with a half ass shot the military can put all sorts of spin on it.. but if hes "boom headshot" ppl will be a lot more skeptical about travelling around the cities... as far as snipers killing based on chain of command is a nice thought (for movies and books), now i dont know anything about sniper training for iraqi insurgents but i would assume its a shoot whoever you can kind of situation.. but i do see your point i just dont necesarily agree ;-) +1 for a differing point of view suckah..

Kukulcan wrote:

BALTINS wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

This is an answer dictated by the fact as are now : if usa didn't attack Iraq , iraqi people surely will answer no to this question. At least , iraqi that lives in iraq.
Nobody wants a foreign enter with soldiers and tanks in their homes.
Even the Kurds and Shi'ites of which tens of thousands died under Saddam's rule?
I could speak for hours of the vietanamese that you killed at bunchs during the Vietnam war , please don't take on these points.
What does Vietnam have to do with that? Besides, you? Me? Ahm.. During Vietnam I was a commie
+6|6451|The Battlefield

Teebaggs1 wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Nice try to dodge the fact.  That is not what I think, it is what I KNOW.
I mean  : you surely have a strong military as some other nations. Does this give you the right to feel superior only basing on the strenght of military ? There are many other things that make great a nation , ill say some :

- Past Culture
- Great History
- Civil Rights

and the list can go on.

Italy has a great culture as the us , but you still have a crime against human mankind , for me : The Capital Law. In italy we abolished it many years ago.
You must be uneducated about your past then.   Let's take Caesar and your Roman Empire history for example.  The Roman Empire killed thousands if not hundreds of thousands during its existence (and no I'm not just talking about in their wars).  http://users.erols.com/mwhite28/romestat.htm

Next, shall we take Mussolini?  Organized executions of groups of people during the Ethopia conquest - 1920s and 30s.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benito_Mussolini

Lastly, please eloborate on the "crime on human mankind."  I showed you the statistics of Italy vs American war crimes during the Iraq war (a few pages earlier in this discussion) and the number showed that Italy, per soldier in the theatre, had a higher ratio of crimes/rapes/etc then the US...or did you forget to read that part cause it it didn't support your agenda?
If we want to look in the past of our nations i could speak of the fact that your ''land of liberty'' didn't consider the black people human at all?

Italy has a long history , much longer than yours , but this is not the point. Did you know that the roman empire putted the bases for all future civilazition? And that built sewer systems still used nowadays? And roads too , that are still in use. They brought civilization in Europe and middle east.

With strenght , i admit. But if you judge america , your nation , a civil nation , also the Roman Empire was... they are very similar .... imperialism is the key.

During medieval times italy was the center of the culture in europe , we saved the major parts of written texts from roman times and conserved them for the future. If you can read many books of the ancient times is also thank to us.

Italy has always been one of the focal points of culture , in Europe. We have great history.

Just to speak of mussolini , beyond sending our nations to suicide by allying with the Nazis , he did many good things. As render fertile many regions flooded by swamps.

My city , Rimini , has many things from the Roman times , it was the second city after rome itself in europe. We can date some of our buildings to roman times

Can you do the same thing?

You want to speak about italian history? I think a bit more prepared than you in this field... maybe because i AM italian

Last edited by Kukulcan (2007-02-01 15:29:51)

+6|6451|The Battlefield

BALTINS wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

BALTINS wrote:

Even the Kurds and Shi'ites of which tens of thousands died under Saddam's rule?
I could speak for hours of the vietanamese that you killed at bunchs during the Vietnam war , please don't take on these points.
What does Vietnam have to do with that? Besides, you? Me? Ahm.. During Vietnam I was a commie
Saddam killed thousands of Kurds , US governament killed thousands of vietnamese ...... who is better?
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

SuperSlowYo wrote:

m3thod wrote:

SuperSlowYo wrote:

i didnt read all the posts so i dunno if this has been pointed out... but as far as a sniper goes id say "Juba" blows goats... you see him hit people yes.. but hardly any of his shots seem to be kills... i like the one where buddy gets it in the ass or back of leg and starts hoppin around (im sure it wasnt as funny for him though)
What if he didn't want to kill outright?  what if juba wanted to kill him slowly by splattering his innards so his comrades can watch him die a agonising death?  Mind games are just a deadly.  I've read about snipers only killing the leader in a troop of soldiers, wtf do you do then?  Who wants to be at the front guys?!!

And anyway that kid that was hopping around unless he's a resilient fucker will be a bag of nerves as he wanders around Iraq.
the guy jumpin around wasnt a kid by any means.. he was older.. seriously your joking about mind games right... cause last time i checked a sniper that didnt miss put more fear than a half assed shot.. with a half ass shot the military can put all sorts of spin on it.. but if hes "boom headshot" ppl will be a lot more skeptical about travelling around the cities... as far as snipers killing based on chain of command is a nice thought (for movies and books), now i dont know anything about sniper training for iraqi insurgents but i would assume its a shoot whoever you can kind of situation.. but i do see your point i just dont necesarily agree ;-) +1 for a differing point of view suckah..
It's not often i cite wikipedia as a source (cos i hate the damn this from a credibility point of view) but its the best i got:


Psychological warfare

To demoralize enemy troops, snipers can follow predictable patterns. During the Cuban revolutionary war, the 26th of July Movement always killed the foremost man in a group of Batista's soldiers. Realizing this, none of them would walk first, as it was suicidal. This effectively decreased the army's willingness to search for rebel bases in the mountains. An alternative approach is to kill the second man in a row, leading to the psychological effect that nobody will want to follow the "leader" on first position.

I don't know if this is a tactic employed by Juba(s) but it can be effective i guess.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

Kukulcan wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

You americans seem to have a real tough enemy in baghdad : this Juba is an Islamic Amry war hero , a sniper that operates in the urban warzone in baghdad. In these video he snipes many of your soldiers without hurting any civilian : i must give him credit for this.
The emboldened phrases sound a bit inflammatory when in such close proximity, and would've pissed me off to no end if it weren't for the underlined. But you also forget that some bombs that go off only hit soldiers, too. Explosives, sniper rifles, it's really all the same.
The ''i must give him credit for this'' was refered to the underlined one....
Didn't I just say that? "If it weren't for the underlined..."

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2007-02-01 15:33:39)


Kukulcan wrote:

BALTINS wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

I could speak for hours of the vietanamese that you killed at bunchs during the Vietnam war , please don't take on these points.
What does Vietnam have to do with that? Besides, you? Me? Ahm.. During Vietnam I was a commie
Saddam killed thousands of Kurds , US governament killed thousands of vietnamese ...... who is better?
WHAT DOES VIETNAM HAS TO DO WITH THAT? All i hear is stuff about the past, goddamn I have a good note in history, I don't need that. It's about now. Saddam is responsible for the death of many innocent people, which does not make him very attractive to the families of the killed, which are Iraqis.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

usmarine2007 wrote:

Saddam gassed thousands of men, women, and children , US governament killed thousands of vietnamese ...... who is better?
And 'Vietnamese' would include men, woman and children since it refers to populace....you only have to look as far as My Lai.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+6|6451|The Battlefield

usmarine2007 wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

You have no clue what they want and really, neither does the US government because they really don't get to have any say in it.  But then again, we don't really have a say in our government either so what the hell right...

but ffs, I'm beginning to wonder if you're some fucking government propaganda employee.  You're on here all day every day spewing some of the most ignorant shit I've seen in my entire life.
Personal attack.  Noted.

I report only what I KNOW.  I am saying what Iraqi people have told me, and others on this board.  You believe what "source" you want to, I will believe the actual people.
If i'd start to report the messages that offence me , i'd waste my wristles...
+374|6517|Columbus, Ohio

m3thod wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Saddam gassed thousands of men, women, and children , US governament killed thousands of vietnamese ...... who is better?
And 'Vietnamese' would include men, woman and children since it refers to populace....you only have to look as far as My Lai.
Sad to say, but that was a war.
+6|6451|The Battlefield

BALTINS wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

BALTINS wrote:

What does Vietnam have to do with that? Besides, you? Me? Ahm.. During Vietnam I was a commie
Saddam killed thousands of Kurds , US governament killed thousands of vietnamese ...... who is better?
WHAT DOES VIETNAM HAS TO DO WITH THAT? All i hear is stuff about the past, goddamn I have a good note in history, I don't need that. It's about now. Saddam is responsible for the death of many innocent people, which does not make him very attractive to the families of the killed, which are Iraqis.
Those vietnamese were innocent too... they found in cross fire. Vietcongs were very cruel but at least they didn't slaughter their people.
+6|6451|The Battlefield

usmarine2007 wrote:

Saddam gassed thousands of men, women, and children , US governament killed thousands of vietnamese ...... who is better?
Gassed... killed by bullets and white fire. There is difference? It's a semantical question as we say here.

Last edited by Kukulcan (2007-02-01 15:40:04)

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