
How come i have 100.099 global points, when my commander + teamscore + combatscore plussed together gets me a number of 113,970 points?
less busy
+586|6979|Kubra, Damn it!

Subtract TK's, Team Damage and Team Vehicle Damage.

Zulu_Soldier wrote:

If so, then it would minus my Teamscore already
HakLaw in the house
Tk's team damage and stuff do not take away from your global score
less busy
+586|6979|Kubra, Damn it!

Evil_Apu wrote:

Zulu_Soldier wrote:

If so, then it would minus my Teamscore already
Nope, it subtracts them later.

chittydog wrote:

Subtract TK's, Team Damage and Team Vehicle Damage.
I have not got so many teamkills, teamdamage and V. damage so it would go over 13k down
+7|6708|Austin, TX
What's up with your Best Round Score of 1,012 on Karkand?
Defeating your warriors.
+116|6553|Espoo, Finland
Artillery kills count as a kills and therefore raise your combat score.
Other kills as a commander do count as well and those raise your combat but not your global score
Same with teamwork points.
combat = total kills so that will boost your score with arty kills
less busy
+586|6979|Kubra, Damn it!

Evil_Apu wrote:

chittydog wrote:

Subtract TK's, Team Damage and Team Vehicle Damage.
I have not got so many teamkills, teamdamage and V. damage so it would go over 13k down
True, according to this: http://wiki.bf2s.com/stats/scoring-system, you should only be down by 4184.

B-Scimitar wrote:

Artillery kills count as a kills and therefore raise your combat score.
Other kills as a commander do count as well and those raise your combat but not your global score
Same with teamwork points.
Ok ty +1 to you, in a sec..

My BR of 1,024 was the time i played K&Po Servers. Didnt know it wasnt allowed, i thought it was great points. Stopped that for long time ago
Always blame it on the ping
I don't know if it's right, but I read somewhere that as a commander, all points you gain before the 2x goes towards both your commander score AND your global score, where as any EXTRA points gained from the 2x just go to commander score. Hope that helps
less busy
+586|6979|Kubra, Damn it!

robthemadman wrote:

I don't know if it's right, but I read somewhere that as a commander, all points you gain before the 2x goes towards both your commander score AND your global score, where as any EXTRA points gained from the 2x just go to commander score. Hope that helps
Review the wiki link above, then look at your own stats and figure it out. Divide your commander score by 2 and subtract from your global score.

wantacookie wrote:

What's up with your Best Round Score of 1,012 on Karkand?
Always blame it on the ping

chittydog wrote:

robthemadman wrote:

I don't know if it's right, but I read somewhere that as a commander, all points you gain before the 2x goes towards both your commander score AND your global score, where as any EXTRA points gained from the 2x just go to commander score. Hope that helps
Review the wiki link above, then look at your own stats and figure it out. Divide your commander score by 2 and subtract from your global score.
yeah but if you think about it, I haven't got 2x EVERY command game I've played.. and neither has he. I know it probably isn't mentioned in the wiki, but I still think I may be right

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