
Do you keep a Gun near you while sleeping?

Yes, loaded, near me.38%38% - 46
Yes, unloaded and locked up near me.8%8% - 10
Yes, loaded, near me, but it's locked up.3%3% - 4
No, other room.7%7% - 9
Other, explain.42%42% - 52
Total: 121
I've had the diarrheas since Easters
+145|6909|California U.S.A

S3v3N wrote:

my duty weapon is on the dresser next to my bed, all the rest of my weapons are in the safe in the basement.
Nice, what do you carry?
+51|6773|Peoples Republic of Portland
I don't sleep with a gun, but a blunt weapon.
has joined the GOP

Seal 3 wrote:

Kamikaze17 wrote:

Seal 3 wrote:

As far as "cocked" I almost think sometimes especially with a pump action shotgun that racking the slide is good for effect for the intruder to crap his pants before you shoot him.
nothing like hearing the gun get cocked before being shot in the head
Yup the only other most frighting thing to hear is the call from a girl you haven't seen in 9 months ago and her first words out of her mouth are "Remember me?".

stryyker.[/quote wrote:

Americans like guns. Hell, our country was founded by fundamental terrorists.

But having a piece under a pillow isnt a great idea, unless you are Jack Bauer
Reaction time is the key to winning a confrontation, under the pillow or near or on your nightstand would give you vital seconds in a life death situation. Now if I were really Jack Bauer I would bite the hostile's neck out.

Ty wrote:

Being so ready to shoot is one of the reasons the US had over 700 accidental gun deaths last year. You realise you may be one irritated head movement away from giving yourself another mouth Seal?
I applaud the reasons for handgun ownership, I really do, but it seems to me as though people arn't smart enough to be able to protect themselves with a gun. There is no respect to the fact that a handgun is designed to kill people.
I have a .22 rifle - I use it to shoot rabbits and possums mostly. I keep it locked in the attic with the bolt removed with the bullets stored elseware. May seem a bit excessive to some of you guys, (it's required by law by the way,) but there was only one accidental gun death in New Zealand last year - I remember it, some bloke failed to identify his target while out hunting. Thankfully, we seem to know that we're too stupid to protect ourselves with guns.

Since this is in the Junk Drawer I'll say no more lest I spark a debate.
I have good weapon training the only other hole I'll be giving out is to the hostile that has entered my space.

Preparedness, intelligence, training, and superior firepower are my survival motto I refuse to go out meek and unarmed due to some stupid thug who has decided to violate my home.

It sounds like New Zealand has some strict gun laws, if that is enough to keep you safe I am happy it works for your country things are a little different here in USA, now it's not bad like Somalia but I like to be in control of my destiny.
you live in CENTRAL fucking California. there's no crime here. i think i've heard of two or three people my entire life getting robbed. I cannot recall a single in-home murder that took place in the valley, AKA central California, in the past 30 years (although i wouldn't be too surprised if one did exist). should you carry? certainly. crime in the valley is centered on businesses, streets, and the downtown areas.

you have zero excuse for keeping a loaded gun under your pillow. tape it to the back of your headboard or something.

keep in mind that i assume you don't live in a shitty part of town, seeing as you have a strong enough PC to play things like bf2.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6765|The Land of Scott Walker
Loaded 12 guage pump shotty near the bed.  No shell in the chamber.  The sound of me chambering the round will cause the home invader to soil himself and he'll have to leave to clean himself up . . . or leave with buckshot lodged in various places.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7037|Riva, MD
You shouldn't have the round chambered all the time, it wears out the spring faster.
.45 on my side of the bed, pump 12 guage on the wife's side.  Neither have a chambered round, but are otherwise ready to go.
+1,452|6714|The Gem Saloon
i live in stl, which just got named #1 dangerous city in the US....you are fucking right i do.
mossberg 500c pump pistol 20 ga on one side.....kimber custom carry II .45 on the other.

i dont sport my fun stuff at home
http://s47.photobucket.com/albums/f180/ … uzi009.flv

http://s47.photobucket.com/albums/f180/ … era066.flv

and as for the people talking about firearm safety, i am safe, i know my shit....i cant speak for everyone else, but with the proper training i learned what was correct and what wasnt.
its not fucking rocket science.
I don't need a gun I have a 120 lbs. German Shepherd. But I do keep a K-bar near
hide your terrorists ^,^
+94|6996|Ft. Drum, NY
ak-47 next to me proped up on the wall and a mosin nagant loaded with the bolt open under my bed. And the AK is loaded.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7004|United States of America

liquix wrote:

I don't sleep with a gun, but a blunt weapon.
Yeah, I've got a mini baseball bat, my golf bag in the closet and a tree branch that I just thought looked nice and stripped the bark from.
+1,153|6950|Washington, DC

Nah, I just put an A-12 Enforcer behind the door ("the dog"), and an SD-8 acts as my "guardian angel" so to speak. Last guy who tried to rob my house couldn't be recognized after my "angel" and my "dog" were through with him.

Other; I don't own a gun and don't need to. I feel safe and secure without one kthxbye.
I keep my shotgun leaning against the wall in the corner but not loaded.  My pitbull would alert me way ahead of time and keep the intruder busy long enough to load it.
I'm moving to Brazil

leesupport wrote:

haha youll find out if you break in my house.
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6951|New Hampshire, USA
Other - Unloaded near me

stryyker wrote:

Ty wrote:

Being so ready to shoot is one of the reasons the US had over 700 accidental gun deaths last year. You realise you may be one irritated head movement away from giving yourself another mouth Seal?
I applaud the reasons for handgun ownership, I really do, but it seems to me as though people arn't smart enough to be able to protect themselves with a gun. There is no respect to the fact that a handgun is designed to kill people.
I have a .22 rifle - I use it to shoot rabbits and possums mostly. I keep it locked in the attic with the bolt removed with the bullets stored elseware. May seem a bit excessive to some of you guys, (it's required by law by the way,) but there was only one accidental gun death in New Zealand last year - I remember it, some bloke failed to identify his target while out hunting. Thankfully, we seem to know that we're too stupid to protect ourselves with guns.

Since this is in the Junk Drawer I'll say no more lest I spark a debate.
Americans like guns. Hell, our country was founded by fundamental terrorists.

But having a piece under a pillow isnt a great idea, unless you are Jack Bauer
oh man Jack Bauer!! 24 is the best show on TV.  well anyways I have a gun, and keep a bullet in the magazine in my bedside drawer
+156|6947|space command ur anus
NO i am not a raging maniac. i keep my gun safely locked away in a gunsafe
I keep my J-10 under the bed...
=MCHD= arush5268d
+46|6821|Houston, TX
Loaded Glock 23 with a round chambered under my mattress
Parcel of ol' Crams
i put other cos i got a bread knife, a pair of scissors and a bottle opener (all frm the night before lol)

p.s. also alot of bottles ready to be broken
Honda - The Power of Dreams
+293|6732|Michigan, USA

No, no gun at all   I'm not really needing one at the moment, but I'm sure one day I'll get a nice handgun and keep it accessible and close but make sure that no one else can get it (i.e. kids if I ever get them) btw i'm only 19.
Goodbye :)
+399|6799|Somewhere else

Springfield Armory 1911 Cal.45 under the bed, full mag in it, no round in chamber.

Necissary? probably not. But I'd rather be ready if the unlikely day ever came when some meth freak decides to come over unninvited.  I don't care how high you are,  if your Femur shatteres from a 45 round smashing into it, you're gonna slow down a bit. 

Actually, I DID have a meth freak come running up to my house screaming about someone trying to kill him,  turns out he was hallucinating from no sleep and meth binging.  None the less,  I had called the cops and had my pistol in my hand before he could even catch his breath. He waited at my house for the cops to help him. He ended up being wanted.  The whole time he was eyeballing my gun with a very uneasy look on his face. Pretty sure he'll never come back.
I've had the diarrheas since Easters
+145|6909|California U.S.A

Ender2309 wrote:

you live in CENTRAL fucking California. there's no crime here. i think i've heard of two or three people my entire life getting robbed. I cannot recall a single in-home murder that took place in the valley, AKA central California, in the past 30 years (although i wouldn't be too surprised if one did exist). should you carry? certainly. crime in the valley is centered on businesses, streets, and the downtown areas.

you have zero excuse for keeping a loaded gun under your pillow. tape it to the back of your headboard or something.

keep in mind that i assume you don't live in a shitty part of town, seeing as you have a strong enough PC to play things like bf2.
Ah no, I live on the Central Coast, not valley, that would encompass the area geographically speaking between San Fransico and Los Angeles and believe it or not my city has crime. Let see, there was a few weeks ago a home invasion took place and the occupant was stabbed and robbed, that would be the most recent I won't bore you with the full police logs. Among the other crimes would be murders downtown, Breaking and entering abduction murders, etc. etc. It sounds like you live in a safer city than I do congradulations.

And how the hell am I going to untape a loaded firearm from behind my headboard when it's against a wall let alone what would happen if the tape failed and my handgun dropped to the ground, very bad idea, and the tape glue residue would be nasty.

I do live in a nice part of town but that doesn't mean shit, crime can happen anywhere anytime unfortunately. And my PC is fairly nice probably a 7 of scale of 10 being best.

Stingray24 wrote:

Loaded 12 guage pump shotty near the bed.  No shell in the chamber.  The sound of me chambering the round will cause the home invader to soil himself and he'll have to leave to clean himself up . . . or leave with buckshot lodged in various places.
good choice

InnerMonkey wrote:

.45 on my side of the bed, pump 12 guage on the wife's side.  Neither have a chambered round, but are otherwise ready to go.
Nice teamwork!

Parker wrote:

i live in stl, which just got named #1 dangerous city in the US....you are fucking right i do.
mossberg 500c pump pistol 20 ga on one side.....kimber custom carry II .45 on the other.

i dont sport my fun stuff at home
http://s47.photobucket.com/albums/f180/ … uzi009.flv

http://s47.photobucket.com/albums/f180/ … era066.flv

and as for the people talking about firearm safety, i am safe, i know my shit....i cant speak for everyone else, but with the proper training i learned what was correct and what wasnt.
its not fucking rocket science.
Kimber is top notch! I plan on a full size 45. Warrior model soon... I think I'm remembering the model right? hmm the Marine Corps model is the one...

As for your G3 footage I think My neighbors would be upset with 7.62 rounds flying through my walls If I had to fire it in the house

yuckfou09 wrote:

ak-47 next to me proped up on the wall and a mosin nagant loaded with the bolt open under my bed. And the AK is loaded.
Damn that some serious defense there. I would have to go with something less wall penetrating in my property my neighbors don't need extra holes in them. Good Job! 

=MCHD= arush5268d wrote:

Loaded Glock 23 with a round chambered under my mattress
Sweet, Glocks are a great hangun. And chambered, we think alike.

ceslayer23 wrote:

oh man Jack Bauer!! 24 is the best show on TV.  well anyways I have a gun, and keep a bullet in the magazine in my bedside drawer
Gees, just one bullet? You can't double tap the hostile with one shot.

RoosterCantrell wrote:

Springfield Armory 1911 Cal.45 under the bed, full mag in it, no round in chamber.

Necissary? probably not. But I'd rather be ready if the unlikely day ever came when some meth freak decides to come over unninvited.  I don't care how high you are,  if your Femur shatteres from a 45 round smashing into it, you're gonna slow down a bit. 

Actually, I DID have a meth freak come running up to my house screaming about someone trying to kill him,  turns out he was hallucinating from no sleep and meth binging.  None the less,  I had called the cops and had my pistol in my hand before he could even catch his breath. He waited at my house for the cops to help him. He ended up being wanted.  The whole time he was eyeballing my gun with a very uneasy look on his face. Pretty sure he'll never come back.
Great handgun and yes that .45 to the femur is gonna ruin his day. The .45 has got to be the best handgun for stopping power ever invented... ever.

Last edited by Seal 3 (2007-01-29 01:19:12)

There is.
+1,380|7011|Devon, England
Ha, I actually have one, no two right next to my pillow. This is only because it's the safest place to put them.

By the way, they are Airsoft

MP5 and a Glock
I've had the diarrheas since Easters
+145|6909|California U.S.A

FFLink13 wrote:

Ha, I actually have one, no two right next to my pillow. This is only because it's the safest place to put them.

By the way, they are Airsoft

MP5 and a Glock
hmm well.. I supose if the intruder is not wearing goggles you could aim for his eyes.

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