i guess it depends on each persons mind set and also personal experience.lowing wrote:
Yeah, blowing up trains, resorts, airplanes, skyscrapers markets, kinda leaned me away from Islamic terrorists and the Islamic nations that support them. Sorry, I am just kinda prejudice that way. Maybe with a little more "UNDERSTANDING" I can appreciate and rationalize why they do these things, like liberals do. Maybe I could even appease them, so I can hope they don't do it again. I guess I am just too closed minded and not very receptive to such acts though. We all have our faults I guess.
I personally can't group all Muslims in to one category (the bad guys) but I think thats because I live in a very multi cultural area and yeah at first i was apprehensive cause i didn't know better and only had negative hearsay from scared people. But i can see that most of them are getting on with a normal western style of life, i.e. go to work, take the kids to the park, watch big brother while the kids play ps2 etc. IMO many are actually contributing more than the army of white youths who just drink in parks and intimidate/attack people.
Yeah there's probably some bad apples somewhere but I trust the security service to be sorting them out.