And 24.
Racism is the weakest charge that could be made.
Paranoia perhaps, over-zealotry, probably.
But racism...pfft.
Racism is the weakest charge that could be made.
Paranoia perhaps, over-zealotry, probably.
But racism...pfft.
Might as well be, national identity don't mean jack to em'.ATG wrote:
Last I checked, Islam is not a race.Vilham wrote:
K correction ATG isnt "racist" he just dislikes all Muslims based on what a few have done... in my book however that is racist.
What about anti-theism?ATG wrote:
And 24.
Racism is the weakest charge that could be made.
Paranoia perhaps, over-zealotry, probably.
But racism...pfft.
Or Islamophobia....Bertster7 wrote:
What about anti-theism?ATG wrote:
And 24.
Racism is the weakest charge that could be made.
Paranoia perhaps, over-zealotry, probably.
But racism...pfft.
I would be scaird if Islamo types if they didn't have a penchant for blowing themselves up in crowded places.UON wrote:
Or Islamophobia....Bertster7 wrote:
What about anti-theism?ATG wrote:
And 24.
Racism is the weakest charge that could be made.
Paranoia perhaps, over-zealotry, probably.
But racism...pfft.
And that is why they fail as a people.m3thod wrote:
Might as well be, national identity don't mean jack to em'.ATG wrote:
Last I checked, Islam is not a race.Vilham wrote:
K correction ATG isnt "racist" he just dislikes all Muslims based on what a few have done... in my book however that is racist.
That's a radical thought, so I dub thee 'Radical'. Expect a visit from the Gestapo shortly.Turquoise wrote:
Radical people deserve to be dealt with in radical ways. Find the radicals and make sure they disappear.
Those are not the words of someone who proclaims themselves to be a citizen of the world. For shame.ATG wrote:
I would be scaird if Islamo types if they didn't have a penchant for blowing themselves up in crowded places.UON wrote:
Or Islamophobia....Bertster7 wrote:
What about anti-theism?ATG wrote:
And 24.
Racism is the weakest charge that could be made.
Paranoia perhaps, over-zealotry, probably.
But racism...pfft.And that is why they fail as a people.m3thod wrote:
Might as well be, national identity don't mean jack to em'.ATG wrote:
Last I checked, Islam is not a race.
I agreeATG wrote:
A national identity seems to be a vital part of a nation.
So, yes.
But you aren't talking about a nation, you're talking about a people.ATG wrote:
A national identity seems to be a vital part of a nation.
So, yes.
I think it's more to do with a lack of national identity because of imperialist carving up of the middle east. The nations there were not formed by the people who inhabit them, but by foreigners.ATG wrote:
People that fail as a nation and then immigrate to place like England and chant death and destruction whilst the citizens fatten themselves for the slaughter.
No more or less than in a nation where I was born. I guess I have the opportunity to move but I don't because I'm too lazy, not because of national pride.Bertster7 wrote:
I think it's more to do with a lack of national identity because of imperialist carving up of the middle east. The nations there were not formed by the people who inhabit them, but by foreigners.ATG wrote:
People that fail as a nation and then immigrate to place like England and chant death and destruction whilst the citizens fatten themselves for the slaughter.
Would you feel national pride in a nation you had merely been assigned?
Praise the lord! Someone got it.Bertster7 wrote:
I think it's more to do with a lack of national identity because of imperialist carving up of the middle east. The nations there were not formed by the people who inhabit them, but by foreigners.ATG wrote:
People that fail as a nation and then immigrate to place like England and chant death and destruction whilst the citizens fatten themselves for the slaughter.
Would you feel national pride in a nation you had merely been assigned?
LMFAOaardfrith wrote:
I don't have a problem with muslims. Certainly in Leeds, most of the taxi drivers I know are muslims and so are the decent pizza delivery drivers.T0rr3nt wrote:
i think everyone has a problem with muslims.
We all know who carved the ME up. It worked well for Germany, South Korea and Japan as they wanted help, frankly they needed it irrespective who was dishing it out.ATG wrote:
I understand your point. You'd be better off asking a Mexican as they too had their nation carved an divided by European powers.
It worked out pretty well for Germany, South Korea and Japan. I don't hear the Eskimos complaining about being Americans or the the Inuits complaining about being Canadian.
And, America didn't carve up the Middle East, England and France mostly did when the Ottoman empire collapsed.
Last edited by m3thod (2007-01-24 11:09:06)
Germany originally pulled itself together in the 1800's it was not carved and divided by a different nation, until WWII when it became East and West Germany, and i seem to remember that did not sit well with the German people at all.ATG wrote:
I understand your point. You'd be better off asking a Mexican as they too had their nation carved an divided by European powers.
It worked out pretty well for Germany, South Korea and Japan. I don't hear the Eskimos complaining about being Americans or the the Inuits complaining about being Canadian.
And, America didn't carve up the Middle East, England and France mostly did when the Ottoman empire collapsed.
Africa - it's worked really well over there.sfarrar33 wrote:
Germany originally pulled itself together in the 1800's it was not carved and divided by a different nation, until WWII when it became East and West Germany, and i seem to remember that did not sit well with the German people at all.ATG wrote:
I understand your point. You'd be better off asking a Mexican as they too had their nation carved an divided by European powers.
It worked out pretty well for Germany, South Korea and Japan. I don't hear the Eskimos complaining about being Americans or the the Inuits complaining about being Canadian.
And, America didn't carve up the Middle East, England and France mostly did when the Ottoman empire collapsed.
Korea is split into two as was Germany and the south Koreans probably enjoy there lives thats true, but the north Koreans probably don't at all.
Japan is a bit like Germany, it pulled itself together out of Fuedal states and became one country
Got any other examples?
North Koreans can't blame their state of living on being divided up fifty years ago. It has more to do with dictators who care more about themselves and their international image than their citizens.sfarrar33 wrote:
Korea is split into two as was Germany and the south Koreans probably enjoy there lives thats true, but the north Koreans probably don't at all.
Last edited by Ganko_06 (2007-01-24 13:39:30)
Much like in Germany.Ganko_06 wrote:
North Koreans can't blame their state of living on being divided up fifty years ago. It has more to do with dictators who care more about themselves and their international image than their citizens.sfarrar33 wrote:
Korea is split into two as was Germany and the south Koreans probably enjoy there lives thats true, but the north Koreans probably don't at all.
S. Korea = Democracy = Prosperous; happy
DPRK = Communist/ Dictatorship = Paranoia, stagnation; unhappy
Yeah, blowing up trains, resorts, airplanes, skyscrapers markets, kinda leaned me away from Islamic terrorists and the Islamic nations that support them. Sorry, I am just kinda predjudice that way. Maybe with a little more "UNDERSTANDING" I can appreciate and rationalize why they do these things, like liberals do. Maybe I could even appease them, so I can hope they don't do it again. I guess I am just too closed minded and not very receptive to such acts though. We all have our faults I guess.Pyrri wrote:
Don't you know that they're just using that as a cover up and are actually becoming car bombers?aardfrith wrote:
I don't have a problem with muslims. Certainly in Leeds, most of the taxi drivers I know are muslims and so are the decent pizza delivery drivers.T0rr3nt wrote:
i think everyone has a problem with muslims.
IMO the "Muslim problem" is mostly created in the paranoid mind of some countries which got on the wrong side of Islamic nations for some reason...