Dreads & Bergers
+364|6755|Riva, MD
I hate them so much.  I don't give a flying fuck if it's respectful not to cuss, or about about the very small amount of stupid little children.  I REALLY hate the stupid squares that enforce it.  If you own a non-cussing server and made it that way yourself, FUCK YOU, I HATE YOU!  I'M TRYING TO TALK SHIT AT SOMEBODY AND THEN YOU SPOIL IT BY BOOTING ME OR PUTTING A STUPID MESSAGE AT THE TOP OF THE SCREEN!!!  PUNKBUSTER YOU ARE FUCKING RETARDED FOR DOING THIS!!!  It's an FPS, it's designed for trash talking and you ruin it with this babied shit.
+69|6747|th3 unkn0wn
It's funny though when you piss someone off and they swear not knowing that the server kicks those using abusive language.

"Fuck..." and he's gone! LOL

And anyways those who swear excessively deserve to get kicked. The idea of gaming is to have a good time and not abuse others. Though having to alter the odd swear word or two to evade the filter is rather annoying especially when you're busy flying or something

Last edited by {HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy (2006-01-04 20:56:49)

Corrosion Inhibitor
i think the no cussing thing makes no sense.  if a kid is old enough to play a game that u can run around and shoot ppl in then cussing shouldnt be a problem. honestly i think its a dumb waste of resources.

Edit:some times u just have to ask "wtf did u kill me u f*ckhole?"

Last edited by IBKCKNURASS (2006-01-04 22:29:14)

+28|6774|Houston, TX
I just use creative spelling to not get kick. I don't need to often though. I only get pissed at intentional TKs and bugged teammates with red names that wont relog an I keep getting point deductions when our paths cross cause I shot at him.  Even then I tell them over and over there names red before I get agg'ed.
+0|6745|United States - Illinois
i agree with static, i dont need to swear too much but there is the occasional..."Fuck YOu dude, thanks for the TK" every so often that i get booted for...but ironically..they TK me and get away with it in a NO TK, NO CUSSING server...shitty
Im not a big fan of the no cussing thing. Not that I myself use swear words in game, its just that I think other sorts of activities such as cheating, stat padding and deliberately causing TK's are the real problems in game.

Thats my two pennies worth
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6755|Riva, MD


i think the no cussing thing makes no sense.  if a kid is old enough to play a game that u can run around and shoot ppl in then cussing shouldnt be a problem. honestly i think its a dumb waste of resources.

Edit:some times u just have to ask "wtf did u kill me u f*ckhole?"
Two things: I agree with you, and lol.  I think it recognizes stars in place of the real letter eventually.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6755|Riva, MD
Well, i'm glad there are people that actually agree with me instead of the thirty year-olds that say, "Oh, you shouldn't cuss anyway, it's disrespectful.".  Even if i've heard a few of them call people fags on XBox Live.
Mass Media Casualty

I always cautiously say 'fuck' at the start of the map to se if I get a warning. If I don't everyone better watch out, my tongue, or at least my dast typing-fingers will kill you're precious ears... or eyes I guess.

I'm glad to say that my favourite servers, ICONZ don't have a language filter. Thank you ICONZ, you fucken rule!
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Horseman 77
Try this

( Puzzy, Cnut, DKHD, F@GG@T, Fuhq hed, Cheese DK, Azzole )

Someone sent me a Email how if you change the Middle letters the human Eye sees the Word anyway

Do you Unredstnad What Im am Saying ?

+0|6758|Wherever I may roam
Playing on someone else's server (that they pay good money each month for) is like being a guest in someone's home.  Some people don't curse for curse words in their house.  I think it's definitely well within the rights of the admins of a server to make this stipulation, just as it's well within a player's right to leave the server if they don't care to abide by the rules.  If the servers were public (i.e. no one paid for them/free), that'd be a different story.  I just think that an admin should be able to dictate whatever rules (within reason) that they want on their server.  It's no different than having a rule about "no bunny hopping" or something.
Awww poor thing. Can only trash talk by cursing at someone...boohoo "I need to shout obsenities at people and your server won't let me" oh boo...freakin' hoo.
I can not stand players that curse out everyone especially those that use racial, etc curses. None of you would do such a thing in real life but online we can be "internet tough guys" and show the world how "bad" we are by calling people curse words.

If you are hurling obsenities you ARE NOT TRASHTALKING...

Personally my cursing quotient is amongst the top cursers in the world but I love to see someone bounced out of a server for abusive talk, especially the bigots...they ought to get a permanent ban period...but I do not curse in other peoples servers...like being in their house, respect the house rules OR GET THE FUCK OUT...
+8|6795|Sacramento, CA (USA)
Just play on EA US Official Servers and it doesn't have that.
+50|6733|Southern California
i very seriously doubt any of you lil children have the proper academic background to debate the nuances of free expression in any setting.

having said that

fuck non-cussing servers. what kind of lil mormon babies run those things? it is absurd that anybodies mind could seriously come up with the idea of banning profanity in a game that is about mass murder. Seriously. Fucking lose the pretense that somehow cussing is going to have a negative impact on your mind while playing a military game about killing your fellow man "DARN IT, that guy said the F-word at me and then called me gay just cus I was trying to blow his brains out!" - especially when talking about the potential risk to children seeing naughty words that they "shouldn't even know exist!!!!." Just shup up. I'm with the original poster here. The same seriousness which allows players to get angry and cuss at an online stranger is the same one that leads people to be offended by the words. At what point do you relinquish that seriousness and say "who cares if some 13 year old in bumfuck kansas called me gay shiteater."

Last edited by ComradeWho (2006-01-05 16:58:23)

+8|6795|Sacramento, CA (USA)

ComradeWho wrote:

i very seriously doubt any of you lil children have the proper academic background to debate the nuances of free expression in any setting.

having said that

fuck non-cussing servers. what kind of lil mormon babies run those things? it is absurd that anybodies mind could seriously come up with the idea of banning profanity in a game that is about mass murder. Seriously. Fucking lose the pretense that somehow cussing is going to have a negative impact on your mind while playing a military game about killing your fellow man "DARN IT, that guy said the F-word at me and then called me gay just cus I was trying to blow his brains out!" - especially when talking about the potential risk to children seeing naughty words that they shouldn't even know exist!!!!. Just shup up. I'm with the original poster here. The same seriousness which allows players to get angry and cuss at an online stranger is the same one that leads people to be offended by the words. At what point do you relinquish that seriousness and say "who cares if some 13 year old in bumfuck kansas called me gay shiteater."
I totally agree with you.  If a child is old enough to play a game that kills people...then they should be able to handle a little cussing.  I'm sure the hear worse things @ school and @ home.
i like to cuss outside of the game, not in chat.  better and i dont get the boot
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Take commander, get VOIP and start cussing over it.

Much much more satisfying to shout swearwords down a mic than to type it out and get kicked and stew in your own juices.
+0|6725|Beaverton Or.
I was on a California Christain server (Never play on it they suck!) and the dumb ass commander was flying and I type " What BS, the commander flying" ..... i got the boot for BS!? The dumb ass was a member of the server clan ....

I'm not against the commander flying to get to a new local but to be flying for kills that's BS!
clearly you dont have children of your own.
I don't really understand the need for people to type swear words all the time... I mean I will often swear out loud @ my PC... but explain why you feel the need to stop combat, press 'T' and actually type it for everyone to see? How's just swearing aloud not good enough?
Who's the "kid"? The guy that can't control himself and has to whine out loud so everyone knows how much of an "A-hole" this guy is (and no one actualy cares ) or the guy that just plays the game and gets on with it, swearing out loud but not typing it in?

As mbolton2005 said, your'e a guest on someone elses server, so I tend to accept the rules that apply... quite simple really, if I don't like the server rules, I leave the server
But yeah, please do tell me why you need to type your swear words and why just saying them out loud at home isn't enough?
Generally those that annoy me by typing the obsenities also repeatedly type their complaints, repeatedly/continuosly cursing and complaining about this or that being fucked up or this/that person being fucked up or a fucking cheater...blah blah fucking blah...
I usually block out reading the text in game but it is difficult and when someone goes on a cursing/complaining/whining/bitching rampage. It is annoying...they generally make the game less enjoyable to me.

I see this statement as perfectly user friendly..."you sneaky mother fucker I never saw you lol". I say that to myself and ocaisionally type it.

I see this statement as worthy of permanent ban..."hey you team kill punishing, jew loving,
nigger mother fucker you can fucking suck my dick cause your mother is done with it"...I have seen similar statements by someone and they just go on and fucking on with their crude, bigoted, annoying mother fucking whining comments...go somewhere else and play just stop fucking annoying me.

LOL that is what annoys me to the point of adding my comments here in this forum. Otherwise who gives a good flying fuck if someone swears or not? Not me hehehe.
clearly you dont have children of your own.
then as a responsible parent might i suggest you dont allow your child to engage in simulation of warfare and killing/murder..

imo if youre allowed to blow someones brains out a fbomb should be the least of your worries
Member since 2005
+44|6814|Kansas, USA
Some of you are missing the point. These are servers paid by other people. If you don't like the rules on a server - go play somewhere else. I have no problem with swearing, but if I'm on someone elses server I respect their rules - it's their house.

Too bad there's no way for private server owners to charge people coming into their server (like $1.00 per hour), then maybe people will apprecitate what they have been getting for free.
+302|6774|Salt Lake City

The swearing isn't just about kids.  Some people simply find it offensive, so I'm with the others of the point that if some one doesn't want foul language on their servers, and they are paying for it, tough shit.  As so many are quick to point out, there are hundreds of other servers.  If you aren't paying for the server, then move on to a different server.
Moderator Emeritus
+148|6878|Cheshire, UK
I own a server (well, 2) I was going to write something when I started reading this thread but most of it has already been said. I particularly liked this one.

DW_KaiWinters wrote:

Generally those that annoy me by typing the obsenities also repeatedly type their complaints, repeatedly/continuosly cursing and complaining about this or that being fucked up or this/that person being fucked up or a fucking cheater...blah blah fucking blah...
I usually block out reading the text in game but it is difficult and when someone goes on a cursing/complaining/whining/bitching rampage. It is annoying...they generally make the game less enjoyable to me.

I see this statement as perfectly user friendly..."you sneaky mother fucker I never saw you lol". I say that to myself and ocaisionally type it.

I see this statement as worthy of permanent ban..."hey you team kill punishing, jew loving,
nigger mother fucker you can fucking suck my dick cause your mother is done with it"...I have seen similar statements by someone and they just go on and fucking on with their crude, bigoted, annoying mother fucking whining comments...go somewhere else and play just stop fucking annoying me.

LOL that is what annoys me to the point of adding my comments here in this forum. Otherwise who gives a good flying fuck if someone swears or not? Not me hehehe.
Also the guy saying asking why swearing out loud is not enough and people have to type it as well - LMAO, nice.

Here's our server rule (in it's longest form)

DMZ server rule wrote:

Rule 3) Show respect at all times:

The DMZ is community for mature gamers. By that we do not mean only people over 18, we mean anyone of any age who plays the game in a mature fashion and abides by our simple rules. Everyone on our servers deserves just as much respect as the next person. The DMZ and its team will show you respect, please respect it back. This includes all your fellow gamers that are here to have fun and enjoy the game in the company of friends.

- Swearing is not permitted. There may be young children on-line and we do not want the DMZs reputation scarred by foul-mouthed individuals. Worse of all, our server may be shut down if this kind of behaviour is discovered. People found doing so will be kicked and possibly banned immediately!

- Insulting other players is also a kickable offence. Just because someone is a little less skilled than yourself, does not give you the right to tell them so and insult them. Further more, some people on-line may be foreign and therefore unable to communicate, so take this into consideration too. Abuse of any kind will not be tolerated and racial abuse will be dealt with by the severest means (see below).

- Be friendly. As experienced gamers we can assure you that the more you befriend the fellow gamers on the servers, the more you will enjoy the game. Show consideration towards your team mates, and they will show it back. Think of only yourself and your score/stats, and you will not make many friends!

- Be sensible. Use your common sense and you will not upset others as easily. Sitting in a plane or tank while away from your PC is a sure-fire way to be kicked. Idlers are not good for the game as it makes the sides appear even when they may not be. Idling in a vehicle is just plain stupid! Idling as commander is even worse! When you are in a vehicle use your external views to make sure your team mates aren’t behind you before you reverse. Small avoidable things like these are easy to stop, which makes it even more frustrating when they do happen! Use your head, please!

- Racism. This will NOT be tollerated. I expect the DMZ admins to ban players who make racist comments from our servers. There is no excuse for this behaviour and no warning need be given. If you believe that it was said without malitious intent then you may request that such language be avoided but I have no patience for people who use racist remarks, even in jest, on our servers and will defend the actions of any MP who removes a player (permenantly or no) from our servers for the use of racist comments.
How does that sound to you guys?

Psycho wrote:

Some of you are missing the point. These are servers paid by other people. If you don't like the rules on a server - go play somewhere else. I have no problem with swearing, but if I'm on someone elses server I respect their rules - it's their house.

Too bad there's no way for private server owners to charge people coming into their server (like $1.00 per hour), then maybe people will apprecitate what they have been getting for free.
We're always happy to receive donations for keeping the server running. They really are not cheap but with support they are affordable. I paid for the first 6 months of the DMZ servers, after that it's going to come from clan subs and donations. If we get more money than we spent we upgrade our servers, simple. No money goes into my pockets it all goes towards providing a great place for me, our clan and guests to play.

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