I am trying to do it with land mines. I have got the closet with mines so far. How did everyone else get theres?
I need to get the badge too. I would like to here what you guys have to say.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7065|The United Center
i did it by blowing up stuff.

same for veteran.

same for expert.
Long Distance Brain Surgeon
Well i personally am a fan of C4 (not C4 exploite but the fair way) lay traps where you know people /vehicles will come, use the UAV to your advantage, plant on that tank camper. Mind you it is easiest on a city map where everyone is forced through bottlenecks. Be prepared to die...alot and to TK and suicide. but i mean its only 13 kills
+89|7032|Sheffield, England
i did suicide car for my veteran one, i ended up with -44 team points, but was well worth it

theduke91191 wrote:

Well i personally am a fan of C4 (not C4 exploite but the fair way) lay traps where you know people /vehicles will come, use the UAV to your advantage, plant on that tank camper. Mind you it is easiest on a city map where everyone is forced through bottlenecks. Be prepared to die...alot and to TK and suicide. but i mean its only 13 kills
I tried to to put c4 on crowed enemy occupied points but I always seem to get TK. Im tired of it and dont know what to do and Im Im giving up... Ill try again. I got banned from 2 server as you can see in my stats from trying to get the c4 badge.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7065|The United Center
ok, now for some useful advice.

i just got my expert explosives ordinance recently, so i remember it quite well.

i went on a server that had very few people on it.  when i first got on...there were 4 people on, including myself, on a 64 person server.  i ran around with c4, blowing up everything.  it didnt count, so i didnt care, but i got in some good practice.  then, a few more people joined, and i warned everyone...my team, their team...the two admins in the server...everyone...that i was going for my expert explosives ordinance badge and that any TKs were unintentional and please not to punish.  the admins were really cool and said that as long as i was doing it fairly, that if anyone punished me for a TK, they would warn that person, then if it happened again, he would be kicked.  a couple guys on my team made a squad and invited me to it...one was a medic and one was support...so i was always being healed and supplied...plus they got a ton of points for healing, reviving, and resupplying me.  so i just ran around tossing c4 over fences, around corners, and sometimes suiciding until i reached 37 kills.  the other team wasnt too happy, but i told them what i was trying to do...and they all understood.

so all in all...find a good server, with good people, and let them know what youre doing first.  dying by c4 a ton of times sucks.  if you warn people first, theyre usually ok with it, especially if youre doing it for a reason.
I got my basic and vet badges all in one game in karkand 64 plyr map. Go on the mec side and be spec ops on the break head towards the place where they got the three pipes stacked in a pyramid. Then plant c4 on edge of the wall where people have blow up the ply wood in order to go through, then if you do it right watch your points/badges come in but watch out for other players on the top of the hill.
+69|7026|th3 unkn0wn

WickedShark wrote:

I am trying to do it with land mines. I have got the closet with mines so far. How did everyone else get theres?
By blowing up enemies with explosives.
+69|7026|th3 unkn0wn

elite wrote:

i did suicide car for my veteran one, i ended up with -44 team points, but was well worth it
That's cos you're a noob. I got my Good Conduct Medal with nothing but C4 and wosn't even aiming for it at the time. Chump!
Got mine with a friend being a supply in my squad (you never have enough C4 )

Sharqui... 32 players... got it mid-mad and finish with a 2 to 1 ratio.
=CL=_Crusader [M95] His leg
You could try the following tactic to get your needed explosives kills:

Play with a friend and let him be support while you re a spec ops. Next thing get into a humvee or vodnik or whatever - your support friend as driver, you in the back of the transport. This way you can toss out c4 on the road and detonate it. Since your friends a support youll never run out of c4 and since youre in a transport your very mobile and hard to hit for normal infantery.

Dont know if this works too well, just made up the idea myself. But worth a try, i think.
i got expert on devil's perch, in 32 men server but with 64 size maps, there where 3 things that helped me a lot, darkness, the close the bases are to each other, and a sniper that was camping near a flag with a lot of enemies(i used him as respawning point), so i use my zip line to get there fast and with complete stamina, and since is dark and crawed with enemies runnig like crazy(barely realising that you are there) i tost c4 killing 2 or 3 at the times.
killed 39 dudes that round and i could have killed some more, but i decided to play as a medic at the of the round to get some teamwork point, cause tk like 2 guys and killed myself like 3 times

ThomasMorgan wrote:

ok, now for some useful advice.

i just got my expert explosives ordinance recently, so i remember it quite well.

i went on a server that had very few people on it.  when i first got on...there were 4 people on, including myself, on a 64 person server.  i ran around with c4, blowing up everything.  it didnt count, so i didnt care, but i got in some good practice.  then, a few more people joined, and i warned everyone...my team, their team...the two admins in the server...everyone...that i was going for my expert explosives ordinance badge and that any TKs were unintentional and please not to punish.  the admins were really cool and said that as long as i was doing it fairly, that if anyone punished me for a TK, they would warn that person, then if it happened again, he would be kicked.  a couple guys on my team made a squad and invited me to it...one was a medic and one was support...so i was always being healed and supplied...plus they got a ton of points for healing, reviving, and resupplying me.  so i just ran around tossing c4 over fences, around corners, and sometimes suiciding until i reached 37 kills.  the other team wasnt too happy, but i told them what i was trying to do...and they all understood.

so all in all...find a good server, with good people, and let them know what youre doing first.  dying by c4 a ton of times sucks.  if you warn people first, theyre usually ok with it, especially if youre doing it for a reason.
Thanks for the info, it'll definitely help me out in the near future
+3|7098|Abilene, Texas

WickedShark wrote:

I am trying to do it with land mines. I have got the closet with mines so far. How did everyone else get theres?
Jihad ATV
Suicide bomber, very appropriate IMO when playing as an Insurgent. Just load up a pickup or ATV with a few C4 satches, select teh remote, then start driving. Get near an enemy vehicle or even some guys, jump off and press the remote all in one shot and everyone dies. You won't get any regular points that way, but you will get your explosive badge after like 21 kills.
Banned - for ever.
+231|7027|Wilmington, DE, US
I dropped bombs on your moms
i got basic and vet C4 in one round. its easy if you know what your doing. go on a 64 Karkand that allows throwing C4, running jumping and blowing it up. right whenthe game starts, just run to the most enemies are throw one and blow it up. and keep doing it. it will get harder when everyone spreads out but once the battle gets stuck at hotel train or wherehouse, its easy. you will die alot and might get negative score. but just keep trying. that badge pissed me off so bad, but once i figured out how to get it, its easy. go for it
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Yes yes we all know the transport/c4.

*jealous look* I see Nastie on your chopper too.


Haha. I can barely throw ANY explosive ordinance out of the back of a chopper without an asshat of a teammate coming up to it and sniffing at it. I'm looking for a easier way to get my Vet/Expert Explosives.
Mass Media Casualty

I am guilty of Jihad Jeeping. I don't know why I did it! I avoided it for so long... you don't understand.. the fame, and the chicks! It was all too much.

Seriously though, I came close with mines on Karkand, but I thought explosives was 10 kills, not 13, so I gave up after ten and waited 'till my award showed up.

Here's a good idea. On Karkand when MEC, mine the places where veichles always come down. Get as many kills as you can with them, and then switch to Spec. Ops and use C4 strategicly to complete the requirements.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Pony Slaystation
+343|7027|Charlie One Alpha
I just hopped and chucked c4 on a 64 player karkand server, got my basic and vet in one go.
I never c4-hopped before or after that. I got so sick and tired of trying to get the badge that I simply said 'fuck it' and did the the c4-hop. Works like a charm though.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
hm wtf?

and what do you mean with "transport/c4" ???
support flies chopper while spec ops throws c4 out the back and never runs out of ammo

edit: check this out yo clicky

Last edited by oberst_enzian (2006-01-05 19:12:44)

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