+605|6588|San Diego, CA, USA
The powersuits that the military is currently working on is probably what we'll see in the near future.  What supports infantry best?  Right now HUMVEEs, then APCs, then tanks on the ground; in the air its transport helicopters and attack helicopters.

So could you see a close-in support role for infantry that has the fire power of say a Cobra, but the mobiliy of a HUMVEE? 

Being able to side-step is probably the most notable movement advantage a walker has. 

Having 'hands' to grip, tear, or minimulate objects can be useful, especially for combat engineers (i.e. travel to an area to pull trees from its roots to help make an airfield while underfire).

I can't see Mechs carry more than say 2 or 3 people...so they won't be troop carriers like APCs or Ospreys.

MGS4 seems like a good role for them, infantry support in urban areas.

Being able to switch weapons quickly might be useful (pickup a railrun or a laser gun in its hands instead of having to be retrofitted turret of a tank).

Hover tanks would be kewl because they solve the problem with the 'side-step' that current tracked tanks have...but what about armor protection?

Perhaps armor protection in the future will be like armor in the middle ages?  You got to a point that the weapons (in the 1700s with muskets), do so much damage it no longer matters what kind of armor you have because if you get hit by anything the enemy has you're dead.  Only recently are our troops actually wearing body armor, for example.

A supressive role...perhaps is its best role. 

I still think powersuits will be more useful in the long term.
+788|6695|Brisbane, Australia

On the offencive I see tanks being better at the frontlines, but think of this, Crowd control

Major cities could be outfitted with two smaller versions of the mech's for when the shit hit the fan, or quelling extreme riots

And yes, the hovertank rules all, you'd be able to save money and resourses on training by hiring local hoon drivers to pilot!
+605|6588|San Diego, CA, USA
I'm not sure hover tanks will be better than tracked tanks.  Reason being is that the hover technology may make it vulnerable to underside attacks, or its weight has to be reduced significantly thus having less armor and lighter less effective weapons.

Now here's something for ya...could you make a tank-helicopter hybrid?  Is a mech with jet packs the hybrid?
Before discussing people probably should get familiar with the following stuff:
-NCW (Network Centric Warfare)
-NETFIRES / BLOS missile systems
-FCS (Future Combat System)
-UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)
-UCAVs (Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles)
-UGVs (Unmanned Ground Vehicles)
-UGCV (Unmanned Ground Combat Vehicles)
-APSs (Active Protection Systems)

That´s the stuff that will probably be working somewhen in the next 20 years, and that will make it even harder for combat mech walkers to have a justification. Looking at military technology now, imagining a combat mech and declaring it better is easy, but naive. It will take a long time till combat mechs are even technologically possible, and then, military technology will make it even harder for such giant high signature machines to survive. It´s probably a better bet to go into the opposite direction, towards a swarm of small, low cost combat drones. These could be legged, wheeled, tracked or flying, or a combination thereof.
There are certainly applications for walking machines, but a giant combat mech is none of them.

Regarding hover tanks, one of course has to specify by which technology they are able to hover. Forget about them using normal directed air flow designs, that are used in hovercraft today. These are way too weak and you won´t be able to traverse non-flat ground. AFAIK there´s  currently no sign that some kind of "antigrav" technology will ever be feasible, so hover tanks can pretty much be ruled out to arrive anytime soon with current knowledge.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6714|Canberra, AUS
Why don't we just get robots to do everything for us?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
the "Commander"
+102|6563|the Netherlands
its kind of wierd that the image of mech warriors beeing used is so damn popular
some one mentioned starwars ..well it took just a few simple Ewok boobietraps to get them inactive
but yeah i do believe that in the future it will be used ... the japanese think about it for a long time ... i have seen alot of Manga movies where militairy hardware is mostly Mecha (patlabor 1+2 , macross series etc. ) and its a movie i know but if you look how many things invented are inspired from movies ... technology is beeing developed as we speak ...i guess
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6704|NT, like Mick Dundee

Spark wrote:

Why don't we just get robots to do everything for us?
People are smarter.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

Much of today's media, such as Star Wars, BF2142, or Anime, depict Mech Walkers as the military vehicle of the future. From a practical standpoint, they seem to be rather slow and cumbersome and would probably do a better job of instilling fear into the enemy rather than destroying it. Not to mention they walk, which make them seemingly easier to counter or knock over. What do you think the future holds for Mech Walkers in the military? Would they be more or less effective than a conventional tank? What would be their main strengths and weaknesses?

imagine a mech walker doing the dolphin dive.
Real Хорошо
+826|6559|Adelaide, South Australia

I{endo wrote:

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

Much of today's media, such as Star Wars, BF2142, or Anime, depict Mech Walkers as the military vehicle of the future. From a practical standpoint, they seem to be rather slow and cumbersome and would probably do a better job of instilling fear into the enemy rather than destroying it. Not to mention they walk, which make them seemingly easier to counter or knock over. What do you think the future holds for Mech Walkers in the military? Would they be more or less effective than a conventional tank? What would be their main strengths and weaknesses?

imagine a mech walker doing the dolphin dive.
"oh, its just a walker falling down. quick, loot the corpses."
wake up guys, there is not enough resources on earth for so many people, the wars in the future will be fight in space, for ore rich asteroid belts and planets colony..... forget mechs and tanks, aero space rules ! ;-)
A couple of problems with walkers that haven't been raised yet about 2 legged walkers.

Firstly, moving and firing any form of dumb projectile is unlikely due to the inherently bouncy gait of two legged walking. Also the ammo fired would have to be low enough mass and be fired from low enough relative to the center of mass so that the thing doesn't just fall over every time it fires.

Assuming that a walker is going to need a power source, an engine, armor, ammo, weapons, computers, driver(s), the thing is going to weigh literally tonnes. In order not to sink into mud / sand / loose earth the feet are going to have to be massive, we're talking several square meters of foot area per leg just to avoid sinking all the time. Also the cross section of the leg will likely have to be in the region of square meters just to stop the leg from bending or breaking while it holds up that much weight.

Multi (6+) legged walkers are a better proposition as they can still operate after receiving leg damage, are much more stable and can more realistically hold the weight of a huge armored killing machine.

More realistic is lightweight plastic or composite tanks with wheels not tracks. A 50 tonne tank is all very useful when it's in the right place, but moving them in large numbers quickly is just impossible.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6485|The Land of Scott Walker
The walker has a big disadvantage in movement, so I agree with the defensive weapon idea.  It can't navigate uneven ground going in one direction, let alone switch directions safely in steep, uneven terrain.  If the enemy put the right kind of obstactles in place, the walkers could never occupy certain areas of the battlefield, no matter how much firepower they carry.  Now a walker with engines so it could fly for short periods?  That might work.  However, I think hover tanks would be pursued much sooner than walkers.

oSKo wrote:

. . . It´s probably a better bet to go into the opposite direction, towards a swarm of small, low cost combat drones. These could be legged, wheeled, tracked or flying, or a combination thereof.
There are certainly applications for walking machines, but a giant combat mech is none of them.
It's amazing what this type of technology can do.  Watching History or Military Channel, they've had several different shows about these type of drones.

Last edited by Stingray24 (2006-11-27 08:11:12)

Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6485|The Land of Scott Walker

Flecco wrote:

Spark wrote:

Why don't we just get robots to do everything for us?
People are smarter.
Ever watch IRobot?
+101|6716|Southern California
If the "2 legged walker" is capable of running and bunny hopping at 150mph while firing accurately at multiple targets then it could replace armor on the open battlefield.

What kind of terrain would the "walker" be superior to conventional armor, maybe Urban terrain? A four legged walker may be great in mountainous terrain with the right cross country characteristics. I think the posts about ground pressure and power to weight ratios pretty much defeat any future armor with small smart munitions being able to take down so much from a safe distance.
Aeon Supreme commander
Tanks Suffer from 1 major weakness that the current battles are showing us: They aren't effective in Urban Combat. The shock wave from the cannon would injure their own troop escort, and its inability to navigate tight corridors is another weakness.

From a theoretical point of view, The Anime Mecha(Think Evangelion but smaller scale) would be better as its basically an extension of the persons body, which mean the driver can dodge incoming RPGs and so on. These will most likely become the Power Suits you speak of.

However, the giant Robots the size of sky scrapers wouldn't be feasible as the pressure they exert would mean the foot would be extremely large(much more collateral damage), but it would mean it has nothing to fear from point impact weapons as its momentum is greater than the projectiles. To Illustrate this I give you From the Mind of Chris Taylor and Gas Powered Games, the Galactic Colossus:

Its sheer size makes it hard to stop, but unless genocide is the goal, it would never be implemented.

Also Mechwarriors(or the 2142 walkers) would not be a wise move as agility is the key element and these things lack it.

14Ft tall humanoid Mechs that are in essence an extension of the users body(with only 1 user controlling it) would be a possibility, as these can be considered powered body suits and still maintain a high degree of agility.

Last edited by vpyroman (2007-01-20 20:45:31)

Ok... 2 LEGGED WALKERS ARE NOT PRACTICAL!!! lets not be deceived by the UBER walkers in BF2142 ...

1) they are an elevated target, any explosion on the ground near or underneath a Walker would compromise it by knocking it over... all artillery, bombs, and missiles would knock them over with the blast...

2) they would be easy elevated targets for all aircraft...

3) infantry would easily destroy a walker with antitank weapons, it would only require a hit to one leg to destroy the walker and considering that a walker relies on moving parts in the legs makes the legs its most vital spot.

4) tanks would OWN walkers considering that the modern sabot anti-Armour shell has enough force to easily either: blow a leg off, or push the walker over...

5) the amount of money, time, and effort to build these impractical machines would be enormous.

6) aircraft are the machine of the future. even tanks are becoming obsolete as our helicopters become flying tanks...

in conclusion helicopters are far more capable in combat... they have  more speed and agility... advanced helicopters are definitely the combat weapon of the future... walkers simply look cool and are scary... but i can tell you from experience that there is hardly anything more frightening than having a several tons of lethal metal swoop past you...
also IMO infantry will eventually make all combat vehicles obsolete... once we make a practical infantry-held rail gun, infantry will be able to destroy almost any ground vehicle with out a problem... air power will be their only threat...that is if the Muslims don't kill us all with a nuke first lol....
When I think walker I think of a weapon platform with two leg, bring it in front of the city/bunker/airbase and start shooting with your 52 missiles launchers, then send the (hover) tanks in followed by the infantry, you can also add AA to the walker to cover them and you own the battlefield...
+21|6399|The Great South Land
Walkers are impractical..eg..see Empire Strikes Back,Scene: 4

And you dont need a speeder to do it...

TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:

Battle Mechs would simply replace tanks. They would be larger, harder to take down, and pack more fire-power, for the cost, of coarse. Who do you think would win, 200,000 infantry with 30,000 tanks, or 30,000 Metal Gears?


In my opinion, I think they are highly over rated. Standing on their 2 legs, I think that they would be easy to "trip up". The conventional tanks of today, may not have the fire power capabilities of a mech walker, yet it would be more steady on the ground.

I dont see how a machine like the mech walker with that weight capacity would be able to get up fast enough before a few missles are sent zooming into its ass anyh0wz
+51|6493|Peoples Republic of Portland
There are many advantages to a walking design, but its pretty silly to think that a bipedal walker would exist over a quadruped, or any other n-ped design. Reason being, the loss of one leg completely destroys the combat effectiveness of machine. I would say that if walkers were designed like crabs then they would completely dominate the battlefield. Currently, the state of walking robots is laughable in comparison to wheeled/treaded machines. Until the machine is as agile as a living being, then a legged design is simply a disadvantage. When a machine can negotiate large obstacles with a multi-legged design they will be found on the battlefield.
+98|6778|netherlands, sweet lake city
+51|6493|Peoples Republic of Portland
This image speaks for itself, lawlz.
Flamesuit essential

A spider-legged mech would be much more effective than a two-legged one - it could move faster and rotate on the spot.  Also, the stability offered by a multi-legged object (such as a multi-legged table, i.e., 4 or more) is much more than one with two legs, both of which must be painstakingly co-ordinated and engineered so that each leg can support the whole body weight at a time.

Lastly, two-legged mechs would be hugely impractical going downhill, unlike tracked vehicles or multi-legged ones.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6704|NT, like Mick Dundee

Stingray24 wrote:

Flecco wrote:

Spark wrote:

Why don't we just get robots to do everything for us?
People are smarter.
Ever watch IRobot?
Ever read Isaac Asimov's books? Much better.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.

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