Calmer than you are.
What you need to ask is what has Hilary ever said or done to deserve a vote? What is it about this woman one might appreciate so much as to make her president? I mean really... except being Bill's wife, has she ever expressed anything definite, let alone worthwhile?

She's too obvious a puppet. Its even worse than being bad. She's a nobody.
The same thing that's wrong with all US politicians: she's just another AIPAC whore -

Cowboy from Hell

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Well, I myself would vote for Barack Obama, but I see alot of people, Conservatives and Democrats shitting all over Hillary Clinton. What exactly is it thats makes her so unelectable?

Is it the baggage of the adulterer husband? Or is it her policy stances that turn her off to the public? Or is it her impression of being a bull dike? I'm just curious because I truly know nothing about the woman except she is a senator of NY and doesn't suck her hubby's dingy.
Nothing.  She is ahead in the polls right now.
I honestly dont have an answer for you on this but my dad had a meeting with her on monday in dc and he said she seemed like she had her shit together and 9 out of 10 times my dads right about stuff like this.
I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|6738|Little Rock, Arkansas
From what I can tell, I'm the first person to seriously answer the OP in this thread. And we're on to two pages. Wow.

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Well, I myself would vote for Barack Obama, but I see alot of people, Conservatives and Democrats shitting all over Hillary Clinton. What exactly is it thats makes her so unelectable?

Is it the baggage of the adulterer husband? Or is it her policy stances that turn her off to the public? Or is it her impression of being a bull dike? I'm just curious because I truly know nothing about the woman except she is a senator of NY and doesn't suck her hubby's dingy.
As one half of the Arkansans on this forum, I'll see if I can give you some real reasons to dislike Hillary.

First, I have nothing against her husband. He was a good governor from what I hear (was living in MO at the time), and I think he mostly did a good job as President. If he wants to get his dick sucked, I really don't have a problem with that, I just wish he'd have kept it a secret.

Next, yes, I have a problem with her policy stances. Really, about the only place she and I agree is on abortion. Let's look at her on the issues:

She supports repealing Bush's tax cuts. I support cutting federal funding by every dollar possible, from every department, leaving the tax cuts in place, and paying off the national debt. Once that sucker's a little lower, I say we cut taxes some more. And then find more places to cut spending. Hell, if we can keep Ted Stevens's little appropriations out of the bills, that's like $60 billion a year, right there.

She is a strong advocate of Hate Crimes legislation, and supports tougher sentancing for those convicted under said statutes. I can't abide by this: We cannot punish people for what they think, just what they do. I *think* Hillary is an idiot, but if I were to kill her, is my murder somehow worse because I didn't like her? Hate crimes legislation is just another way to restrict our free speech, and I will fight to the death any person who tries to remove ANY of my Constitutional rights.

She supports the three strikes laws, and the death penalty. I don't support either of these, the former for its arbitrariness, and the latter for the number of times we screw it up.

She is against school vouchers, and for national control of education policy. I couldn't be more strongly against both of these things.

She's a strong supporter of gun control. She voted no on the bill that made it illegal to sue firearms manufacturers for non-negligence related deaths AND the bill that made it illegal to sue firearms manufacturers for the "costs" of firearms-related crime. She does not support the right of a citizen to get a license to carry a weapon concealed on his person, and supports national licensing and registration for firearms. I woudn't vote for her on this position alone, but the others just help make up my mind.

She supports a national healthcare plan. I couldn't oppose it more strongly.I woudn't vote for her on this position alone, but the others just help make up my mind.

She wants the bulk of homeland security grant money to go to states that have a "high risk" for attacks. Despite the fact that we can't define what the risk is. In other words, the only states that need grant money form HS are California and NY, as well as DC. Because no one of importance lives anywhere else. Also, she voted to reauthorize the PATRIOT act.

She's pro-union.

OK, so those are my problems with her on the issues. Then you have her scandels to worry about. And here is where I, as an Arkansas resident, have a particularily sharp view.

She was guilty as sin of the crimes she was accused of in Whitewhater. She just managed to cover it up. Just like she did with the cattle futures in the early 80's, a scandal that marred her first ladyship of the state. When it comes right down to it, she's just unethical. She's never met a rule that she couldn't exploit for personal gain. Ethically, was it right for her to change her address to NY and run for the senate from there? Hell no. But she did it. She has never allowed morality or ethics to get in the way of what she wants.

And that's what's wrong with her.
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

Kmarion wrote:

stryyker wrote:

stryyker wrote:

She has a penis.
And you know this how?
Because Monica gave her a blowjob too.
Malloy must go
+374|6403|Columbus, Ohio
IMO, she was too weak to leave her lying cheating husband because of her political ambition.
Cheeseburger Logicist

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Well, I myself would vote for Barack Obama, but I see alot of people, Conservatives and Democrats shitting all over Hillary Clinton. What exactly is it thats makes her so unelectable?

Is it the baggage of the adulterer husband? Or is it her policy stances that turn her off to the public? Or is it her impression of being a bull dike? I'm just curious because I truly know nothing about the woman except she is a senator of NY and doesn't suck her hubby's dingy.
I've asked the same thing in this forum multiple times. I think it's clear that it's not based on anything she's done but just because

1) she's Bill Clinton's wife
2) she's an unattractive, powerful, intelligent, successful woman

Therefore, she's a key target for derision amongst the Joe Sixpacks, slack-jawed yokels, and Rush Limbaughs of the country.
You are exactly right. So far, there is one legitimate political response to Hillary Clinto. As a Canadian, I don't really care either way who wins, but how she may lose is rather disappointing, according to answers like these.

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

I don't like her because of her political views.  I am pretty sure that's why many other people dont like her.
Ditto, plus she was selected as one of the Ten most gun hating/anti-gun people in the U.S. by Guns & Ammo magazine, that Bitch deserves nothing good if she wants to strip the US Citizens one of their rights! Plus she's a Democrat... ew.
smells like wee wee

{DGC}{jr.}Blitzkrieg wrote:

She wants to turn this country communist so she can control every aspect of my/your life.
Pretty sure Bush is trying to do that now disguised at the patriot act
Stay the corpse
+261|6536|Los Angeles

blisteringsilence wrote:

As one half of the Arkansans on this forum, I'll see if I can give you some real reasons to dislike Hillary.
+1. Excellent insight. Thank you for your post.

Reading your summary of her stances on various issues, I get the sense of someone who has designed a platform in a strategic attempt to appeal to certain voter groups. I don't get the sense of a fundamental value system serving as the common unifying thread for her approach to politics. This is exactly what I do NOT want in a candidate.

I want to vote for someone intelligent, with very clear principles, with a record of standing by these principles even when they are not popular. I also want someone who has avoided catering to lobbyists and special interests as much as possible. WI senator Russ Feingold comes to mind, as does NM governor Bill Richardson. Yesterday, the latter announced that he has set up a presidential exploratory committee. My impression is that he is progressive, shows clear leadership, and if I remember right funded his campaign for governor himself, and did not accept any campaign contributions at all, so he doesn't owe favors to anyone.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm interested in both GOP and Dem candidates.

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