good god i hope all the whiners dont end up fighting in a real war.
when the enemy shoots some arty on their position they will all cry out not fair.
and i dont think the americans in ww2 were crying and screaming omfg u nubs at the japanese kamikaze pilots either.
The point is do what u need to do to get the job done.

ow yeah i get an extra buzz when ppl start bitching about not fair.
In other words they are simply stating they dont know how to counter this tactic,
so u must stop doing it. right lol.
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|7055|Great Wall

chitlin wrote:

heh drunk_musketter has half his kills in a plane and the other half with the gl and sniper ..

so he doesnt ever engage in any fight where he doesnt have some wussbag style advantage
As infantry I've played for 265h at the begining lots of hours as a sniper (so it cost me rather low SPM), but as u can see no matter which weapon I use (GL, sniper rifle, assault rifle, carbine) my KD ratio is around 2... all infantry KD ratio 2.5. So u see for me it makes no difference.. All I said about GL is I don't like it and that the game would be better without it. I dont cry when other people use GLs.. I just pwn them with their own weapon.
In vehicles I've spent 163h but I've got more kills than as infantry with total KD ratio 9. I would call myself a vehicle nub if my KPM rate with vehicles was like as infantry. It's obvious with vehicles u kill more often. I fly jets often, that's true - 105h already (any types of jets, any maps) and result 8667 kills, 652 deaths, KD ratio 13.29. So what? Does it mean I cannot play anything else?

Last edited by Drunk_Musketeer (2006-01-03 18:08:47)

Aussie Outlaw

Sp00k13 wrote:

good god i hope all the whiners dont end up fighting in a real war.
when the enemy shoots some arty on their position they will all cry out not fair.
and i dont think the americans in ww2 were crying and screaming omfg u nubs at the japanese kamikaze pilots either.
The point is do what u need to do to get the job done.

ow yeah i get an extra buzz when ppl start bitching about not fair.
In other words they are simply stating they dont know how to counter this tactic,
so u must stop doing it. right lol.
In real war you can't jump backwards and killing someone with a 203 from 3 feet away.
Aussie Outlaw
Drunk, take away the GL stats and those stats are real good.
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|7055|Great Wall

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

In real war you can't jump backwards and killing someone with a 203 from 3 feet away.
Patience! New patch is coming soon.. No shooting while jumping.. even no GLs (not many at least).. So don't worry
In Defense of the Noob Tube

I had been thinking of writing up a defense of the so-called "noob tube" and then when I saw all the back-and-forth in this long thread (http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=7922&p=1), I decided it was time to add my two cents. (Some of these points were made in the thread.) Like every weapon, the grenade launcher has strengths and weaknesses. The player who uses it must exploit the benefits and players who fight against have to try to exploit the weaknesses. Anyone who thinks the grenade launcher requires no skill or is unfair hasn't thought about how to use it or attack a player using it. The following points should be useful for players who want to attack players using the grenade launcher and for players who want to use the grenade launcher more effectively.

1. The grenade launcher is difficult to use from a distance. Weapons that shoot bullets are much easier to use from far away. People who use the grenade launcher have to learn how to avoid long-distance fights and find short- and medium-distance fights. (Or else learn the really difficult skill of shooting grenades accurately from long distance.) Players who shoot bullets can kill grenade launchers by not letting them get close. Players who use the grenade launcher are vulnerable (particularly in open spaces) because their behavior is predictable--they will try to get closer. Players using the grenade launcher can avoid this weakness by joining a squad with people who shoot bullets.

2. The grenade launcher is difficult to use uphill. It is easier to kill someone with bullets than the grenade launcher when they are above you. It's pretty difficult for a player using the grenade launcher to fight a person shooting down over a wall above them or coming down stairs at them (which happens all the time in Karkand). On Wake Island, the grenade launcher is a major liability when you are running up the steep hill from the Beach toward the Airstrip. This restricts the grenade launcher's effectiveness. Players who use the grenade launcher have to avoid fighting uphill or form squads with people who shoot bullets. Enemies can render the grenade launcher nearly useless by staying above the player using it and by predicting that the player using the grenade launcher will avoid running up hills if possible.

3. The grenade launcher takes forever to reload. If you miss your first shot you will usually die. (You may even be knifed, which is kind of embarrassing.) This means you have to make sure you have a decent shot. Players can be sloppy when they can shoot 20 (or more) bullets before reloading, but the grenade launcher forces you to be highly disciplined and refrain from shooting at moving targets and long-distance targets.  If there is a group of enemy players and the grenade launcher kills only one, the grenade launcher will die while reloading. A skilled player using the grenade launcher will work with a squad who can help out during the long reload time. Skilled players will defend against grenade launchers by working with squads, always being on the move, and not staying too close to squadmates.

4. The grenade launcher is ineffective against armored vehicles. The grenade launcher is much less useful on maps that have large numbers of armored vehicles (e.g., FuShe Pass). If you use a tank or apc to attack someone using the grenade launcher you will kill them or force them to run away. A skilled player using a grenade launcher joins a squad with anti-tanks or special forces who can attack armor.

5. The grenade launcher is not useful in extremely close encounters. Players do not get good stats (or help the team) if they frequently kill themselves along with their target. People who get good stats from the grenade launcher learn how to avoid killing themselves with it. They have to learn how to stay out of eyeball-to-eyeball encounters or learn how to switch to a weapon that shoots bullets without getting killed. It's easy to stop a player using a grenade launcher from getting near a flag--just run up close and they will not reach their objective.

6. The grenade launcher can reduce some of the huge advantages certain vehicles have. The attack helicopters are incredibly powerful (I think EA is planning to reduce their effectiveness in the next patch) but the grenade launcher can help anti-tank infantry attack helicopters when a helicopter gets low. This helps keep the helicopter up in the air and away from flags--which seems like a pretty fair restriction for such a lightly-armored (or at least highly maneuverable) vehicle. Similarly, cars can be very powerful against infantry in some situations (by shooting them and running them over) but a player using a grenade launcher can even the odds (frequently this requires a difficult shot at a moving target). Again, it seems pretty fair that a little car shouldn't be able to run over armed infantry at will.

My point here is that, yes, the grenade launcher is extremely effective in some situations, but it also has serious drawbacks. As with every weapon, a skilled player will seek out the situations where the weapon is effective and avoid the ones where it is less useful. Skilled opponents will try to get the player using the grenade launcher into those difficult situations and use the weapon's strengths and weaknesses to predict what the player using it will do. A player using the grenade launcher can gain skills that widen the range of situations where the weapon is useful (e.g., players can learn to be accurate from far away).  Finally, as with every weapon, the player using the grenade launcher can only play a limited role and will be most effective with teamwork.
Any poster commenting/pointing out your dislike [hate] of a game feature; and that such invalidates your opinion; makes a case and point well - as a general statement.
arguing for arguements sake is very trite.. how bout strictly a videogame refrence for you ? ok i hate cheaters and stat padders .. i said the word hate so thats not valid anymore is it ? ...very stupid ...

and drunk, my only point was that you are certainly anal about your stats .. i can see your chopper score is low so you dont use it ... your assault rifle score compared to the times used is extremely low so i can only assume youre either very cautious or just hide a large amount ..

so that leaves gl which youre 60% accuracy with and ill just assume becuase its safe that those are 90% close quarters .....then sniper which has an inherant advantage over infantry and planes which have an inherant advantage over everything which comprises of more than 75% of your kills ...

i have like 10 hours more on assault rifle than you while having twice the kills .. and i have more than 4 times the flags you do ..you sit in your plane or hide somewhere with your sniper having little to do with the outcome ... anally trying to keep your ratio up .. not helping your teammates one bit
haha... how about a server only with knifes and pistol with 1 mag of rounds...
this would be veri fun..  hope there is such a map in the next release.......
. . .

procurve wrote:

haha... how about a server only with knifes and pistol with 1 mag of rounds...
this would be veri fun..  hope there is such a map in the next release.......
There used to a pistal and knife server. . . a few months ago. . . I think?

EA shut it down and anyone caught playing on it (I am not 100% sure about this) had their stats wiped. Maybe?

EA/DICE considered this not the game play they intended BF2 to be. But I say who CARES! It probably was/would be a BLAST to play that way.

chitlin wrote:

Any poster commenting/pointing out your dislike [hate] of a game feature; and that such invalidates your opinion; makes a case and point well - as a general statement.
arguing for arguements sake is very trite.. how bout strictly a videogame refrence for you ? ok i hate cheaters and stat padders .. i said the word hate so thats not valid anymore is it ? ...very stupid ...
You don’t even know what is stupid! LOL

I am not argueing with you. . . but if that is what think is going on fine . . . but of course you are wrong about that, I was merely supporting the other posters opinion - and in doing so pointing out your erroneous attempt at an argument.
. . . and your argument is not getting any better either.

So. . . if it is so trite then why do you do it? And/or/Then why don't you do it well/or better?

And yes it would invalidate your other opinion about so-called stat-padders and so-called cheaters as well. As I said already it probably should NOT invoke such an irrational emotional state and unreal sense of moral outrage over something, well, that actually is trite: a video game. There will always be those who are more unrealistically zealous over a mere video game than others - and(!) hackers don't even consider themselves cheaters - but rather they are just using what is technologically feasible.

If the realm of so-called cheating in on-line game is defined as using what is technically feasible, software + hardware, than every advantage I have over you is a cheat [everything (every advantage) that un-evens the playing field is unfair and therefore a cheat]:

A faster computer is a cheat.
A faster video card with better frame rates is a cheat.
A faster internet connection than yours is a cheat.
A gaming mouse properly tuned - that makes my response time faster than yours is a cheat.

Clearly the playing field is not even level [for many playing online games] - and most people would not consider these cheats!

And hackers don’t consider software enhancements [using what is just technically feasible, using add-ons] to a video game a cheat - when you do.

On so-called stat-padders,
Ranks un-locks, medals, blah, blah and other irrelevant game-goals which are the goals of others, and part of the game, can be achieved at a faster rate by exploiting the game-logic to increase the rate at which points are accumulated. This may not be your goal - but who cares - if it is the goal of another. You’ll have to learn to live with others who don’t share the same goals, and your opinion is made exquisitely trite - when you state it in the form: “I hate stat-padders”[people/gamers/some 13 y.o, kid, who simply doesn’t share the same irrelevant video game goals as you].

It is clear that others have different ideas about FUN, than you do.
It is clear that others have different & trite video game-goals than you do.
It is clear that you don’t make sense.
It is clear that you rant - rather than converse.

But none of this is sinking in to your immense intellect.

Last edited by topal63 (2006-01-04 10:12:08)

When I started this game I used the GL too and I got my kills from the people in the mist too (yes it is not as easy as it seems, killing people from far away needs a bit of skill) But my primary weapon always was the regular bullet. I stopped using the weapon all time time because it wasn't really my thing.

what I learned was:
Noob tubing is noob
"Using" the grenade laucher isn't
close range is easy and when you do it to me I would like to pull you out of my computer screen and kick you in the teeth.
But when u use it from far away I just start to cry because I'm dead.
The problem is that you often dont know because those pesky little noob tubers are lame and shoot you in the back so you dont know from how far the nade came from. The first I think is a noob tuber then because there are more of them then there are skilled players (with the GL).
So deathcalibre, my word to you (and all others like you) is:
If you only use the GL for long range and/or really crowded area's, I respect you for it. But when you use it any other time, you are just like the rest of them noobie boobies
Get C4, here!

ex-static wrote:

you are just like the rest of them noobie boobies

just to clear up what rguing for arguements sake means ..since you obviously dont know and did it again in your dissertation about nothing..

it is not arguing to prove a point or correct a mistake but simply arguing becuase you want to ..

im not gonna write a paper about every example but heres one gem ..you try to make a logic progression from unfairness to having a faster computer is cheating ...and i assume you know that isnt true ..but maybe not

so you think unfair is a synonym for cheating ? cuz its not theres a distict difference .. and what are you proving what are you correcting ? nothing ..just arguing becuase you aparenntly want to
*gives chitlin a balloon with a cookie tied on the sting to calm him down*

Last edited by ex-static (2006-01-04 12:59:11)

I guess bitching never dies.....

I may lose my temper once in awhile playing BF2, but if I get owned its my own fault...
I Use the GL once in a while and I noticed one thing: ITS FKIN HARD MAN!!!!!
When I use it its usally for little groups, cars or maybe get lucky and hit summin...  If I try to aim it I miss about 80 percent of the time... or the nade just appears to go right through an enemy....

So I faced the truth, I am not made for GL, but kick ass as a medic, and I still get whats called noobtubed (dont understand the entomology of the word), but I get over it and shoot the guy in the back when he's not looking....... gues that makes me lame....
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7159|Cologne, Germany

The_Razgriz wrote:

but schuss have you ever tried to shoot the sniper with a pistol?? cuz ofcourse Im not gonna shoot at anything at 200 meters with a DAO. id use my pistol
absolutely. but if the sniper is any good, he will get you down with the first shot, while I would need several hits with the pistol, all that at a long distance. I know the pistols are fairly accurate, even at longer distances, but I prefer the rocket, cause when I hit him, it's a sure kill.

There is a lot of talking about how this game is "meant" or "supposed" to be played. that's a load of BS, if you ask me. Did you get a ROE manual when you bought it ? where does it say "you are not supposed to shoot at infantry with the AT rocket" ?

It's a game, damn it. just a game. and I am going to use any legal means at my disposal to beat my opponent.

either you adapt, or you quit. everybody gets the same weapons anyway, so why complain ?

you really except some random strangers on a public server to follow your made-up set of rules ?

for more insight on this, I refer you to this great essay by sirlin, on the "playing to win" concept. fascinating stuff. it's only 4 or 5 pages.

can be found here: http://sirlin.net/Features/feature_PlaytoWinPart0.htm
. . .

chitlin wrote:

just to clear up what arguing for arguements sake means ..since you obviously dont know and did it again in your dissertation about nothing..
Wrong again - please re-read, I said what I said: I support the other posters opinion about your use of the word: “hate.”

chitlin wrote:

im not gonna write a paper about every example but heres one gem ..you try to make a logic progression from unfairness to having a faster computer is cheating ...and i assume you know that isnt true ..but maybe not
Easy! It wasn’t the point but here ya go. . .

In a REAL contest the playing field has to be level. If a REAL computer gaming tournament were held, not just some bullshit on-line gaming experience open to the public, there would be rules. The easiest way to do this would be to make everyone play on the same type RIG in every detail, allow each competitor to get some practice time and let the games begin! If one person slipped in a technological advantage [i.e. a faster computer, or a  software HACK!] that would be CHEATING.

chitlin wrote:

so you think unfair is a synonym for cheating? cuz its not theres a distinct difference .. and what are you proving what are you correcting ? nothing ..just arguing becuase you aparenntly want to
No I don't think it is cheating - PERIOD. Annoying YES, Cheating NO.

If an ANVIL was an IDEA and I placed it on your head - I wonder if you would feel it.

I already told in subtle form some people don't consider the word cheating - period - when it comes to a trite thing like a video game. Obviously the point was lost on you. To gain an unfair advantage in a REAL contest where the playing field is level is considered CHEATING. On-line gamming for personal FUN, hardly generates the UNREAL response you have, in me anyway. . . hate, cheat, you’re laughable - like many a so-called “serious gamers” on here.

The point was this: it is not a REAL contest.
[Example: like a professional golf match where even corrective shoes for a naturally occurring problem is considered; an advantage in the golfers stance and thus the ability to impact the golf-ball, and therefore is cheating]

It is not school.
It is not a job.
It is not a professional nor an amateur contest for a REAL prize, REAL status, or REAL rankings.
There is no financial gain.
There is nothing gained - but imaginary POINTS.
It is just a stupid video game - a  stupid video game I happen to like.

Last edited by topal63 (2006-01-04 16:55:42)


topal63 wrote:

It is not school.
It is not a job.
It is not a professional nor an amateur contest for a REAL prize, REAL status, or REAL rankings.
There is no financial gain.
There is nothing gained - but imaginary POINTS.
It is just a stupid video game - a  stupid video game I happen to like.
you forgot

It is not female
. . .

Nor male
Nor a grapfruit
. . . and it doesn't way as much as an adult ostritch either.
+0|7028|Las Vegas, United States
Grenade launchers are good but not for me, nothing better that a G3 and regular nades. What pisses me off about noob tubers isn't when they kick my ass, but when that is the only thing they use and still manage to suck at it. You see these people staring up in the sky trying to get the shot, but magicly miss. There is nothing more fun than rushing them with a knife and watching them kill their squad with a "noob tube". It takes skill to use a nade launcher and most people dont have that skill, thats all im saying.
If an ANVIL was an IDEA and I placed it on your head - I wonder if you would feel it.
yeah dude talk down to me cuz i dont just understand your complex ideas ...

no actually its still becuase you dont presebnt any coherant ideas just a random array of babbling cuz you ant to argue aboutnothing .. this is the last time im responding to you because a.. you have no manners and b. you have no valid points...

To gain an unfair advantage in a REAL contest where the playing field is level is considered CHEATING.
so i bet everyone who boxed mike tyson was saying omg youre stronger than me thats cheating waah... having an advantage is a basic principle in life that most people attempt to achieve .. your attempt to seperate a game advantage versus life advatnage is both illoggical and unsubstantiated

so to conclude having a partitcular HATE about a particular subject does not automatically remove truths and facts

and having an advantage be it in a game or in life is not inherantly cheating ...

this is just the naked truth and every dissertation about outlandish illogical paths you try to draw wont change it...
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7124|Orlando, FL - Age 43

If you find Topal63’s posts to be unintelligible, I might suggest that you get a little more fish in your diet. His posts are clear, well written and follow a clear train of thought from point to point. He makes excellent points and his posts are a pleasure to read, unlike your vapid maunderings. Your admission that you can’t understand them pegs your mental acuity and completely invalidates whatever you write.

chitlin wrote:

no actually its still becuase you dont presebnt any coherant ideas just a random array of babbling cuz you ant to argue aboutnothing
What is that? Is it English? It reads more the like the gibbering of a REM sleeper. You suggested that I needed to go and develop some skills, when it is you sir, who need to develop some skills. You need to develop your people skills, your writing skills and definitely your thinking skills if you want any rational adult with more than half an ounce of sense to even consider your opinion a valid one. Your lack of the aforementioned skills are glaring in your posts and are simply a disgrace.

chitlin wrote:

.. this is the last time im responding to you because a.. you have no manners and b. you have no valid points...
Two points here.
One, if you go back to Topal63’s first post in response to you, you will see that he was just refuting your points. He wasn’t at all impolite. It was you who started throwing out words like “stupid”. Again the people skills. Refuting an argument with logic may seem like bad manners to you, but you seem to feel free to lob your pejorative commentary at anyone who has the temerity to disagree with you.
Two, this smacks of “I’m taking my toys and going home!” Need I say more?

The next time you consider posting in a forum, try to stop for a minute and use your brain (“It’s that lump three feet above your ass!” Hanks, 1992), that way you won’t sound like you are in the midst of a marijuana induced stupor.

Topal63, the ANVIL comment was priceless. I also tip my hat to your obvious command of the English language.

Folks, the only logical arguments thus far have been for the use of the GL.

B.Schuss wrote:

There is a lot of talking about how this game is "meant" or "supposed" to be played. that's a load of BS, if you ask me. Did you get a ROE manual when you bought it ? where does it say "you are not supposed to shoot at infantry with the AT rocket" ?

It's a game, damn it. just a game. and I am going to use any legal means at my disposal to beat my opponent.

either you adapt, or you quit. everybody gets the same weapons anyway, so why complain ?

you really except some random strangers on a public server to follow your made-up set of rules ?
Valid points all.

Borbor…also a very nice post. (post too big to copy)

Sp00k13 wrote:

ow yeah i get an extra buzz when ppl start bitching about not fair.
In other words they are simply stating they dont know how to counter this tactic,
so u must stop doing it. right lol.
Right on target.

The arguments against are still emotion based name-calling and subjective standards mouthed by a small yet vocal minority of players.

BF2 is a WAR-GAME! I am here to play WAR. I expect the enemy team to use any means that EA put at their disposal to beat me. I don’t ask for quarter, nor do I give it. We are playing with pixels here. I do not expect everyone to use my choice of weapon to fight against me, use what you are good at. I suggest that if getting killed by the GL gets you in that much of an unbalanced state, you might consider taking up knitting.

Just be careful with the needles.

Does it take "skill" to use a nade launcher? maybe not. Does it take "skill" to jump around shooting? or load a jeep with C4 and ram tanks? My point is not to flame but just sayin this is not a sim by any means. Bashing people for usen something that is ingame to me silly. It seems the issue/or nonissue, depending on your point of view, is with EA. Not with the players usen it. If its there you cant expect people not to use it. 
    I got tired of being killed by the damn thing, so I started usen it myself. Sorry, guess im a "noob" in some peoples eyes. But I guess I dont really care. This is by far the best weapon in the game imho. It should have been an unlock.
    If unlocks were based on badges not points there probably wouldnt be an argument. For instance. If you had the nade launcher unlock with lets say expert assault badge. This would have made you earn the uberz noob tube after usen your "skill" at shooting with a reg. M16. As well as maken you earn a weapon at a class you actually play. Rather then getting 3k kills in a plane or whatever, and getting new ground weapons. I dont think things like this are likely to get changed at this point. So I guess we just live with the way things are and accept the good and bad points of the game, and try and have fun. Just my two cents and that may be all its worth to some people.

Last edited by Hapsmo (2006-01-05 03:32:35)

Member 5307

Hapsmo wrote:

Does it take "skill" to use a nade launcher? maybe not. Does it take "skill" to jump around shooting? or load a jeep with C4 and ram tanks? My point is not to flame but just sayin this is not a sim by any means. Bashing people for usen something that is ingame to me silly. It seems the issue/or nonissue, depending on your point of view, is with EA. Not with the players usen it. If its there you cant expect people not to use it. 
    I got tired of being killed by the damn thing, so I started usen it myself. Sorry, guess im a "noob" in some peoples eyes. But I guess I dont really care. This is by far the best weapon in the game imho. It should have been an unlock.
    If unlocks were based on badges not points there probably wouldnt be an argument. For instance. If you had the nade launcher unlock with lets say expert assault badge. This would have made you earn the uberz noob tube after usen your "skill" at shooting with a reg. M16. As well as maken you earn a weapon at a class you actually play. Rather then getting 3k kills in a plane or whatever, and getting new ground weapons. I dont think things like this are likely to get changed at this point. So I guess we just live with the way things are and accept the good and bad points of the game, and try and have fun. Just my two cents and that may be all its worth to some people.
*clap clap*
nicely put
+28|7053|Houston, TX
My only problem with the grenade launcher is that it can be used for very close combat and it doesn't damage the user.  Then again is the splash radius was enlarged it would be even easier from a distance. Kind of a double edged sword. If it works use it. 

Me personally, I use them at a distance. Much more satisfying.
i can sum your entire post of thesuarus jabs into one line

You suggested that I needed to go and develop some skills
thats why youre all pissy and defending that kid..its ok. i like your "people skills .. you said use your brain and not stupid ... man thats so much more polite. ill give you a chance to use yours .. this is how it works, since you decided to rant about how im stupid but of course so eloquently not using the word stupid just give a point of refrence an example.  how about you just say now, since youre in agreement with topal and bust a nut when you read his posts, thazt you agree its logical to say having a fast computer is cheating ..or saying the word hate means a statement cant be true... plz do so i can throw you in the retard bin with that kid..

you just pissy cuz i said you suck ..and you do bro thats why i cant respect your opinion about the gl .. when you learn to use it yourself then speak about game mechanics

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