+405|6603|A W S M F O X
Congrats to him i guess, being paid would make it viable.

I suppose Hollywood are pouncing on the rights to make a film about him..........

Possible title: "Man plays BF2, few care......or do they!?"
Claymore magnet
Yea you know what that means, another lifeless guy
+6|6502|northern cali
You Know Hes gotta be retarded or has no legs or sum shit.
Ecr.Rc is retarted and check his stats.
We shall beat to quarters!

Boring, Change the channel Marge
~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?
Platinum Star whore
+365|6818|Middle of nowhere
the only thing i'm interested in is who's gonna take his place

i didn't even know about this guy until he shot into to Top 10 a few months ago

maybe that'll happen again?
Hey I give cred to the guy

He shows what a complete BS farce the ladder and stats are

the guy spams grenades on Karkand 24/7 and got to no1.

1. if you could be bothered playing such an unvaried and boring game over and over - good for you
2. he shows that stats are completely meaningless as a guide to a players skillz (yes that includes all you knife, defib, sniper stats 1337 nobodies.
3. He shows that your position on the ladder is also meaningless and worthless because no matter how good you think you are some grenade spammer can top you.

I love it

through shear bloody minded persistence and determination he has debunked the entire BF2 ranking system

what does it mean - you dont have to be good at playing the game to be No1 you just have to be prepared to play it more.

Should we re-examine the ladder now No1 position being the guy who has wasted the most of their life to the game. It gives me new found repspect for the guy who is on the bottom of the ladder.

+1 to you Lord or the Weeds

edit: I just found a movie of him … mp;search=

Last edited by YunDog (2007-01-17 21:26:04)

+405|6603|A W S M F O X

Dsp-CS- wrote:

Yea you know what that means, another lifeless guy
But he does get paid, so is his life.

God why am a even typing, post is joke anyway.

Last edited by JET_G raidensen (2007-01-17 21:22:08)

+1,175|6703|British Columbia, Canada
Why would he get paid to play BF2?

And sources please.
+129|6857|Austin, TX/San Antonio, TX
Que the South Park WoW episode in tribute to this man's astonishing accomplishment in having absolutely no life.
Over the line!
+70|6889|Mark it zero.
I wonder if these top people ever look back on their lives and think, "Wow... I'm gay..."

YunDog wrote:

edit: I just found a movie of him … mp;search=
heheh love the vid!!!!
+139|6813|Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
I Hate This Guy
But you gotta love weed's WLR
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6631|Menlo Park, CA
He is not an elite guy when it comes to actual gameplay. . .

When you play that long, you end up racking up rediculous points. . . its not hard if you have no life!

Bottom line is who cares!!! If he nade spams or whatever he does, how does it effect any of us?

It doesnt. . . . so if he is #1 in the world, that means he is the #1 geek who plays this game too much!
Lol, all he did today was command  the team that was obviously going to win. And being a General he would always get the spot. He wasn't really a bad commander at all. But the points were so easy, more then 60 + every round for just giving uav and spotting enemys. What pissed me off was that he wouldn't give any else the spot.
#1 Karkand Whore
55% of all kills done by grenades
I think we should interview the guy who was first and is now second

cause wasting your life to be the second best player in BF2 - owned

Last edited by YunDog (2007-01-17 23:14:41)

+139|6813|Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
Not best, most score   /\/\/\
Fuck that was quick, he go 11000 points in two days. Fucking loser
lol 600+ hours with handgrenades--lol
+617|6546|NSW, Australia

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

Fuck that was quick, he go 11000 points in two days. Fucking loser
so much hate on this page. and yes, he get's paid to play.

He's living in The Netherlands (or holland. whatever you wanna call it) Near the capital, Amsterdam. he's running a flower shop, and also sell's weed (yes, that's why.) for every 2 point, he get 0,25Euro paid. (so that's a lot!!)

he only play's Karkand, and is a Support. 3 People work for him in his flower shop, to work for him, so he can play BF2 10 hours a day.

now you all know about him, so all the other post just don't make sense anymore


Leader of The Alphadogs Family

P.S. Yes, he does have a girlfriend!
Wow, thanks for elaborating on his personallity becuase I really did care.
+617|6546|NSW, Australia

lol flower shop lol.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
They should make a movie about this guy!

ANd why and who pays him for playing?????????

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