I´m more worried about the reproduction of this species. Lots of them can contribute to the fall of humanity:

Junglist Massive

Bertster7 wrote:

With difficulty. It's great for legalish UK TV downloads.
Hopefully soon UKNova will be redundant if Zudeo lives up to it's potential.  http://www.zudeo.com/  There's a couple of good ones on there already, just spotted "The Power of Nightmares" on there which sounds interesting:

The Power of Nightmares wrote:

This is a series of three BBC documentaries that show how fear is an ultimate tool that allows politicians to preserve their power. In the words of Adam Curtis, the director, "Instead of delivering dreams, politicians now promise to protect us from nightmares."

Curtis details wide ranging evidence that suggests that the concept of a well-organized international terror network intent on harming America and the West simply a myth. Politicians have opted to declare a "war on terror" as a means to keep us loyal to their ideals. Fear of a threat we cannot see and do not understand is propogated and promoted purely for political gain. Much of this threat is a fantasy, that has been exagerated and distorted by politicians. This series of films is about how and why that fantasy was created, and who it benefits.
That's right, mainstream British TV shows documentaries from both sides of the divide! (Shock! Horror!)

http://www.zudeo.com/az-web/details/R7S … 72Y3N.html

If you have Azureus 2.5 and don't feel like trying out the version 3.0 beta which integrates the Zudeo website into Azureus then there is a very small torrent link at the top-right of the page.

And yes, this is completely legal, above board and free (although they will move to paid content eventually once they have proven the technology).  Don't forget to seed downloads back to 1:1.

UGADawgs wrote:

While many of Israel's tactics are rightly controversial, you can't seriously call them one of the most heinous human rights abusers considering that we have nations like Saudi Arabia where women can't drive or Sudan where the government pays militias to kill refugees.
And women in Israel risk a beating if they sit in the wrong section of the bus.  http://www.womensenews.org/article.cfm?aid=3007

So why does Saudi Arabia count as a heinous humans rights abuser for not letting women drive, yet Israel segregating buses and stamping all over the Palestinians doesn't?
Calmer than you are.

ATG wrote:

Great Britain Has A Muslim Problem
Yeah, the whole country's infected! They never should 've banned DDT
smells like wee wee

ATG wrote:

Doods, that footage is from a hidden camera from inside the mosques.
Denial can be fatal.
Christian problem in US


PS I am not trying to offend any Christians. Just trying to point out that each religion has its extremes. Some get more press than the others. Some of flavor of the month right now.
+226|7052|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
kinda interesting the way all roads lead back to Saudi Arabia from 9/11 to this shite on dispatches last night - yet what the fuck has ever happened in that country?
+13|6631|South Carolina, US

CameronPoe wrote:

UGADawgs wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Well I think that the British voices have spoken loud and clear - m3thod, aardfrith, bertster7, crimson_grunt, UON,  Pyrri, sfarrar33 - overwhelmingly trashing the allusion in the OP.

Oh and Torr3nt:

Israel are one of the most heinous human rights abusers on the surface of the planet. There isn't a method left on earth that they haven't employed in tearing a Palestinian limb from limb to achieve their ultimate zionist goal of a greater Eretz Y'srael encompassing the West Bank and the Golan Heights.

Also, ever heard of the British National Party? Ever heard of the Ku Klux Klan? Ever heard of the Lebanese Maronite Christian 'Phalangist' movement? Look them up - I believe there are references to them here and there on teh interwebs.
While many of Israel's tactics are rightly controversial, you can't seriously call them one of the most heinous human rights abusers considering that we have nations like Saudi Arabia where women can't drive or Sudan where the government pays militias to kill refugees.
Heinous is heinous is heinous. Israel, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Zimbabwe, North Korea, Myanmar. Same shit, different flavour.
Israel doesn't cut people's hands off or stone people. Arabs  have a hard time in Israel but you act like there's some kind of new Holocaust against Palestinians.

IG-Calibre wrote:

kinda interesting the way all roads lead back to Saudi Arabia from 9/11 to this shite on dispatches last night - yet what the fuck has ever happened in that country?
message to all: please please do not listen to dispatches too much it is out there to get story and it is willing to twist the truth a little to do so.
Take the thing a while ago about the way a reporter could place a 'bomb' on the nuclear waste container
it is flawed a little in that
1) i'm not entirely convinced that little bomb could have seriously damaged that container the way they hyped it up
2) not a nuclear technician but as far as i know nuclear waste whilst harmful is not weapons grade and will require a little more than a small bomb to reach anywhere near nuclear bomb size explosion (correct me if i am wrong), and that any spillage caused would be over a small area like within 20ft max of the container so hardly able to irradiate a large area and not exactly hard to clean up by regular nuclear cock up standards.
smells like wee wee

sfarrar33 wrote:

message to all: please please do not listen to dispatches too much it is out there to get story and it is willing to twist the truth a little to do so.
Take the thing a while ago about the way a reporter could place a 'bomb' on the nuclear waste container
it is flawed a little in that
1) i'm not entirely convinced that little bomb could have seriously damaged that container the way they hyped it up
2) not a nuclear technician but as far as i know nuclear waste whilst harmful is not weapons grade and will require a little more than a small bomb to reach anywhere near nuclear bomb size explosion (correct me if i am wrong), and that any spillage caused would be over a small area like within 20ft max of the container so hardly able to irradiate a large area and not exactly hard to clean up by regular nuclear cock up standards.
Maybe the are getting nuclear bomb confused with Dirty Bomb.

The fact that they are talking like this discredits them totally.

UGADawgs wrote:

Israel doesn't cut people's hands off or stone people. Arabs  have a hard time in Israel but you act like there's some kind of new Holocaust against Palestinians.
Well that's because there is. Do you know what happened in 1948? Do you realise that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were driven from their homes NEVER to return? Do you know that they live in exile in refugee camps to this day in foreign countries? Do you know that Israel kill Palestinians civilians on a daily basis with a far greater efficiency than anything achieved by Palestinian terrorists? Do you know that Israel continues to steal more land from Palestinians on a daily basis? Do you know that the Israelis have built a network of roads all across the West Bank which Palestinians cannot use, effectively cutting them off into little isolated economic blackspot communities? Do you know that Israel interns people without charge or trial for indefinite periods? Do you know that extra-judicial killing is a run-of-the-mill event in modern Israel? Ever heard of the Sabra and Shatilla massacre?

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-01-16 17:36:39)

smells like wee wee

ATG wrote:

Just take them at face value. Listen to their words.

The terrorists have won.

They have you jumping at every shadow
BN summed it up.
+5,233|6839|Global Command

m3thod wrote:

I'm muslim ATG, are you tarring me with the same brush?
I say there is evidence that so called average Muslims expect their religion to be as important, or more so than ordinary things, and laws.
The cabbies ( muslims ) in New York who tried to refuse picking up people with or smelling like alcohol, a violation of federal common carrier statute.

JahManRed wrote:

bla, I could quite easily dredge up some white supremest video and cry that we have a white Christian problem. These people do not represent Muslims in the UK.

ATG you could write the ticker tape for fox.
Are you saying that there is not a Muslim problem in England, or just that I carry on too much about it?

m3thod wrote:

ATG wrote:

These are things being said in mainstream mosques in England Cameron.
This is the mainstream thinking of Islam.

Why deny the obvious?
Where do you dig up this ancient stuff?!
http://www.drudgereport.com/   posted today.

UGADawgs wrote:

If you want to see more rampant radicalism, go to France where last year there were the rioting by angry young Muslims.
Thank you. +1

m3thod wrote:

UGADawgs wrote:

If you want to see more rampant radicalism, go to France where last year there were the rioting by angry young Muslims.
And the underlying reason for that was??.....You need to dig further to find root causes instead of regurgitating what you remember on Fox 12 months ago.
What do you say is the reason they rioted?
france opened their doors to Muslim immigrants and look how they got repayed.

m3thod wrote:

I think ATG's need to prove all Muslims are bad is becoming desperate.

The reason you have Muslim nutjobs is because they are extremists! they have EXTREME views!

Focus on the Muslims that have integrated into western culture, they have insider knowledge useful to reeling the bad eggs in....
Can you...erm, name any?
( sound of crickets )

BN wrote:

The terrorists have won.

They have you jumping at every shadow
I'm doing my duty as a citizen of the world to alert my fellow humans to insane and dangerous threats.
[THE] comben
Wee and Biscuits
'I'm doing my duty as a citizen of the world to alert my fellow humans to insane and dangerous threats.'

lol! i didnt even watch the vids but you alerted me to insane and maybe dangerous threats alright.   get a grip.
Δ > x > ¥

ATG wrote:

edit: removed some shit.  left the part I was replying to.

m3thod wrote:

I think ATG's need to prove all Muslims are bad is becoming desperate.

The reason you have Muslim nutjobs is because they are extremists! they have EXTREME views!

Focus on the Muslims that have integrated into western culture, they have insider knowledge useful to reeling the bad eggs in....
Can you...erm, name any?
( sound of crickets )
Yes, I can.  Theyare honourable decent people I work with.  I won't name names on here but I know some.  Plus the taxi driver who brought me home from the pub tonight.  He had a car air-freshener with a quote from the Koran on it and we talked about poker.  How much more integrated can you get than talking about poker?

Last edited by aardfrith (2007-01-16 17:45:51)

+5,233|6839|Global Command
I forgot the
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6975|NT, like Mick Dundee

ATG, I think m3thod was referring to himself...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
+5,233|6839|Global Command

aardfrith wrote:

Yes, I can.  Theyare honourable decent people I work with.  I won't name names on here but I know some.  Plus the taxi driver who brought me home from the pub tonight.  He had a car air-freshener with a quote from the Koran on it and we talked about poker.  How much more integrated can you get than talking about poker?
Well, if the Muslim community wants to be viewed as a peaceful group perhaps you'd  suggest to your Islamic buddies that they be more vocal in their condemnation of terrorism.

The fuckers could write letter to papers, get on talk radio, but no. In America, you have an organization like the Counsil on Islamic/American relations. They look good on the surface, but when they are backed into a corner, they always refuse renounce jihad.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6891|SE London

ATG wrote:

aardfrith wrote:

Yes, I can.  Theyare honourable decent people I work with.  I won't name names on here but I know some.  Plus the taxi driver who brought me home from the pub tonight.  He had a car air-freshener with a quote from the Koran on it and we talked about poker.  How much more integrated can you get than talking about poker?
Well, if the Muslim community wants to be viewed as a peaceful group perhaps you'd  suggest to your Islamic buddies that they be more vocal in their condemnation of terrorism.

The fuckers could write letter to papers, get on talk radio, but no. In America, you have an organization like the Counsil on Islamic/American relations. They look good on the surface, but when they are backed into a corner, they always refuse renounce jihad.
I've seen a lot of this stuff going on. Loads of condemnation of terrorism by muslims, happens all the time.

What I don't see are muslims runnig round screaming for the blood of the infidel.

Perhaps it's different in the US, but I suspect it has more to do with media portrayals of muslims....

Last edited by Bertster7 (2007-01-16 17:58:46)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6911|132 and Bush

BN wrote:

ATG wrote:

Doods, that footage is from a hidden camera from inside the mosques.
Denial can be fatal.
Christian problem in US


PS I am not trying to offend any Christians. Just trying to point out that each religion has its extremes. Some get more press than the others. Some of flavor of the month right now.
Sure was in 1922
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Δ > x > ¥

ATG wrote:

aardfrith wrote:

Yes, I can.  Theyare honourable decent people I work with.  I won't name names on here but I know some.  Plus the taxi driver who brought me home from the pub tonight.  He had a car air-freshener with a quote from the Koran on it and we talked about poker.  How much more integrated can you get than talking about poker?
Well, if the Muslim community wants to be viewed as a peaceful group perhaps you'd  suggest to your Islamic buddies that they be more vocal in their condemnation of terrorism.

The fuckers could write letter to papers, get on talk radio, but no. In America, you have an organization like the Counsil on Islamic/American relations. They look good on the surface, but when they are backed into a corner, they always refuse renounce jihad.
Ever read the "Have your say" pages on the BBC news website?  Each time there's a debate about the burkha or terrorism or some such, there's always muslims that go on there to put forward the non-radical points of view.  Perhaps the media that you read/watch are biased against Islam and moderates in general?

When the 7/7 bombers were identified as coming from a neighbourhood about five miles from where I live, the TV crews went out and got views of the local population and unsurprisingly, most were adamant and vociferous in their condemnation.  Sure, some were non-committal, but you expect that any time anything happens.  Heck, even I refuse to talk to reporter these days.

I have yet to see you condemn the IRA (partially funded by Americans) attacks on civilians in the UK.  So by your reasoning, all Americans must be terrorist-loving fuckers, right?
Muslims are peaceful.. just don't mess with them, their land or their religion.. its simple.
these guys are extremists, and theres extremist in all religion. 

Just relax, you are safe.. nobody will hurt you.
+5,233|6839|Global Command

aardfrith wrote:

ATG wrote:

aardfrith wrote:

Yes, I can.  Theyare honourable decent people I work with.  I won't name names on here but I know some.  Plus the taxi driver who brought me home from the pub tonight.  He had a car air-freshener with a quote from the Koran on it and we talked about poker.  How much more integrated can you get than talking about poker?
Well, if the Muslim community wants to be viewed as a peaceful group perhaps you'd  suggest to your Islamic buddies that they be more vocal in their condemnation of terrorism.

The fuckers could write letter to papers, get on talk radio, but no. In America, you have an organization like the Counsil on Islamic/American relations. They look good on the surface, but when they are backed into a corner, they always refuse renounce jihad.
Ever read the "Have your say" pages on the BBC news website?  Each time there's a debate about the burkha or terrorism or some such, there's always muslims that go on there to put forward the non-radical points of view.  Perhaps the media that you read/watch are biased against Islam and moderates in general?

When the 7/7 bombers were identified as coming from a neighbourhood about five miles from where I live, the TV crews went out and got views of the local population and unsurprisingly, most were adamant and vociferous in their condemnation.  Sure, some were non-committal, but you expect that any time anything happens.  Heck, even I refuse to talk to reporter these days.

I have yet to see you condemn the IRA (partially funded by Americans) attacks on civilians in the UK.  So by your reasoning, all Americans must be terrorist-loving fuckers, right?
Of course they were. What were they going to say; ' yes we support the bombings???"
they would have been burned out of their homes that day.
Peaceful Muslims posting on blogs isn't as meaningful as countering the radicals when they speak.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6911|132 and Bush

Appropriate time to show this again.

the problem is the radical voice is louder than the few moderates speaking out.

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-01-16 18:13:37)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
Δ > x > ¥

ATG wrote:

aardfrith wrote:

ATG wrote:

Well, if the Muslim community wants to be viewed as a peaceful group perhaps you'd  suggest to your Islamic buddies that they be more vocal in their condemnation of terrorism.

The fuckers could write letter to papers, get on talk radio, but no. In America, you have an organization like the Counsil on Islamic/American relations. They look good on the surface, but when they are backed into a corner, they always refuse renounce jihad.
Ever read the "Have your say" pages on the BBC news website?  Each time there's a debate about the burkha or terrorism or some such, there's always muslims that go on there to put forward the non-radical points of view.  Perhaps the media that you read/watch are biased against Islam and moderates in general?

When the 7/7 bombers were identified as coming from a neighbourhood about five miles from where I live, the TV crews went out and got views of the local population and unsurprisingly, most were adamant and vociferous in their condemnation.  Sure, some were non-committal, but you expect that any time anything happens.  Heck, even I refuse to talk to reporter these days.

I have yet to see you condemn the IRA (partially funded by Americans) attacks on civilians in the UK.  So by your reasoning, all Americans must be terrorist-loving fuckers, right?
Of course they were. What were they going to say; ' yes we support the bombings???"
they would have been burned out of their homes that day.
Peaceful Muslims posting on blogs isn't as meaningful as countering the radicals when they speak.
See. there's your problem.  Even when moderate muslims speak out against the radicals, you say it's not as meaningful.  You can't have it both ways.  Either they do speak out or they don't.  And they do and you don't accept it.

And who'd have burned whom out of their homes?  The peaceful muslims would have burned the radicals out of their homes? But they're peaceful.  Or do you mean the radicals would have burned the radicals out of their homes because they voiced an opinion they agreed with?  That's even more absurd.
+5,233|6839|Global Command
No I mean the good ENGLISH people of England would have burned the Muslims voicing support for the terrorist.

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