I joined yesterday a server (don't remember it's name, obviously a clan server) running Sharqi 32 or 64.
I joined in as USMC and spawned at TV Station, since no one from our team was there to defend it.
So I took the assault pack, spawned on rooftop and went down the stairs to the flag. Flag was clear, but there were two guys running over the hill towards the TOW. After they finished off one teammate sitting in the TOW, my first GL shot killed the first right at the TOW, the second ran towards the arti on my left to hide but the second shot hit and he was dead too.

Summary: TWO GL shots, two dead MEC guys.  (Time on server: 20 sec)

No time to refresh, a car is driving up the ramp. So I went back to the stairs, awaiting two more guys runnning to the flag. And there we are: First ran up to the flag room and ate my third GL shot, after reload the second came and died too. Puuh, what a nice action, defending our most important flag against FOUR MECs, possibly all in one squad.

Summary: FOUR GL shots, four dead MEC guys. (Time on server: 40 sec)

Ohh, but hear: "Clear! Okay, go back to the fight" (don't the arabic term for that)
A medic was also there I didn't notice. So I lauchned a grenade once again at the 2nd floor (flag room door) and killed the medic and MEC #4 again.

Summary: FIVE GL shots, five dead MEC guys, six kills. (Time on server: 60 sec)

Expecting more enemies I took a G3 from a dead enemy (there were enough) and called for reinforcements.

And then: *blink* "You have been kicked from the server. (admin decision)" .
In bf2s.com, I see now, that they banned me, siince it is my first ban. Obviously on the guys I killed was an admin, very lame.
Negative Ping
They were most likely havin a bad day...or just didn't like bein skooled by one person with a GL.  Either way, if that's how they wanna act, and not even give an explaination...you are definently better off.
+383|6761|The Netherlands
Ye, you prob shot the admin, just find a dif server to play on matey.

I accidentally tked 2 teammates recently, they spawned in front of me when i was unloading my dao on some mec dude trying to grab my flag. Before i got the chance to say sorry, i was kicked/banned from the server due to excessive teamkilling. 2 tks isnt very excessive so i prob tked the admin.
there is a server named 24/7 teamplay. the admin is some guy named sa. some shit. i just know it starts with sa and is followed with a dot. we were on wake and he was flying a jet and i own him on a j10. then he boots me for team killing when the servers tk's r off. hes a pussy. u cant take his vehicle and u cant own him or else u get booted. the others guys on that clan are cool (the clan is merc or mc or some shit) except him and piggwigg or some shit who rams like a bitch. hes garbage and the only reason his stats r the way they r is because he boots everyone who is better than him. the only way to get points u deserve on that server is if your on they're team.
Maybe you were in a no gl whoring server. Can't blame them for your ban. Sportmasnship would be, a warning.
nothing more than childish admins... bf2 is plagued with them...
That's not as bad as being a Commander and getting kicked/banned for "excessive tking" because you dropped arty on your team and they were warned it was coming.

My funniest kick was when I said "That was fun!" next thing I see is, "You've been kicked for language. FU is not allowed on this server"
Horseman 77
were they on your team? and maybe you had the red tag glitch.?
+69|6750|th3 unkn0wn

a_kickass_duke wrote:

nothing more than childish admins... bf2 is plagued with them...
Whilst BF2 is plagued by fools who keep on wanting to go back to clan servers run by poor loser admins only to get booted, come here and whine. This won't be the last we've heard on this sort of thread.
Rick, don't worry about it for one minute.... I too was kicked once for being too damn good an prolly pissing off an admin....  GET THIS: server info: FF OFF.... I said yay some unbridled carnage without worrying about noobs running in your line of fire.  I played it several rounds, everything okay, a week goes by, my SPM fires through the roof, get a couple badges, get gold medal EVERY ROUND (never lost a game on that server). 
So, one day all is well, I am mega owning, closest rival for gold medal has half my score, and mine was still goin up, untill all of a sudden:


I go wtf, I'm yelling and cussin, cursing every catholic saint into the seven lower Hells

well, I figured my reign of terror had to come to an end sooner or later..... but that really ticked me off....

I'm better now...... :-)
ranked servers arent supposed to have silly rules, theres a section on that bf2ranked servers for reporting them, nothing might get done about it in a hurry but if you post about it with screenshots at least you are naming and shaming them  and they will probably cack themselves if they happen to be browsing the site or if one of their mates spots it.

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