I was given Battlefield 2142 as an unasked for present for Christmas, I swore I'd never buy the game after all the hassle with BF2, but since I didn't I decided to play away. After some hours of play I have noted a bunch of old bugs from BF2 that are still in this iteration and also a load of new ones, I can only summise that the following must be 'features' rather than bugs since most of them have been around so long and gone unfixed....

Crash to desktop on clicking join.
Gunship missiles flying towards enemy gunship then getting confused and flying away in random directions without ever hitting (a la the unhittable ?mig?).
Totally crap knife hit detection, you can be 'too close' and never hit or repeatedly hear the knife stabbing the floor/wall behind your intended victim while they go blissfully unaware.
Throwing mines on the surface of the titan ensures at least half get thrown straight through the floor and onto the ground below, things fell through floors on BF2 too.

Sentry guns firing through walls and sometimes causing hit damage, if not causing hit damage animation on players.
Death cam bug, camara sticks in prone position and doesnt allow much movement.
Unexplicable deaths on Titan, fall down onto some surfaces and you get stuck halfway into the floor and die with no death message. Some surfaces dont even register that they are solid, you can see people walking through them rather than on them.
Throwing mines on the surface of the titan ensures at least half get thrown straight through the floor and onto the ground below.

These are just the blatent ones, the more I think the more I realise I'm playing around bugs that I know all too well from BF2 and automaitcally avoid. The most positive things I can draw from 2142 are that they have sorted out the map load times to make them sensible, but the huge waits on BF2 were totally unacceptable in the first place. the BF series is still one of the few games (if not the only one) I have ever seen that actually gives you a loading screen to start the bloody menu up.

Some of the bugs above were introduced through BF2 patching, so they must be fixable, others just seem lazy so I assume that they are limitations of the BF engine, it seems to suck on many levels. This isn't really meant as a whinge I just had to vent my spleen somewhere after chasing some fool in a gunship and firing every one of my missisles, going back to the gunship and rearming one set and then after 60 shots right on his tail not even getting a kill as he bailed out... I am very glad I didn't pay my hard earned cash for this game, avoid if you want a high quality gaming experience and prey that they actually improve their engine for BF3.
The sentry turrets only happen inside titan, but it doesn't do ANY damage. So nothing to worry about it just tell you that someone is waiting for you.

About mines falling of titan is maybe because the server is lagging and try to find a better server. For me  it rarely happen.

Deathcam bug, what's the problem with this one? You are critical wounded like you would be able to fight back unless you where revived
Death on titan is the same ones in BF2, jump between a building and a vechile and you die, getting between stuff like 2 support boxes and you die. Same shit.

About the gunship I don't really know but those missiles are heatseaking and will turn towards the gunship or transport you are shooting at. Can happen the fuck up and do some strange things. Second LEARN TO AIM. If you have to fire about 60 missiles to kill a gunship then you really suck. Then there is this shield they get that block every missile for few seconds.

Knife hit detection has been around yes and its still not fixed in BF2.

Crash to deskop do happen but lately I havn't gotten it on joining a game.
Exploit/Glitch "Tester"
+49|6526|Inside the AR Rockets.

Zukabazuka wrote:

The sentry turrets only happen inside titan, but it doesn't do ANY damage. So nothing to worry about it just tell you that someone is waiting for you.

About mines falling of titan is maybe because the server is lagging and try to find a better server. For me  it rarely happen.

Deathcam bug, what's the problem with this one? You are critical wounded like you would be able to fight back unless you where revived
Death on titan is the same ones in BF2, jump between a building and a vechile and you die, getting between stuff like 2 support boxes and you die. Same shit.

About the gunship I don't really know but those missiles are heatseaking and will turn towards the gunship or transport you are shooting at. Can happen the fuck up and do some strange things. Second LEARN TO AIM. If you have to fire about 60 missiles to kill a gunship then you really suck. Then there is this shield they get that block every missile for few seconds.

Knife hit detection has been around yes and its still not fixed in BF2.

Crash to deskop do happen but lately I havn't gotten it on joining a game.
Wrong, today, when I was inside the titan walls, a guy got shot by the turret whene he clearly wasnt visible to it.
+85|6706|An Hour North of Indy
do you have the latest patch?
i used to have some of those problems, but since the latest patch, i have only had the random death bug and the knifing problem occasionally
Over the line!
+70|6899|Mark it zero.
the crash to desktop feature is there for people who play the game too much. this way it forces you to close the game.
+1|6548|Middlesbrough, England
According to some sources CTDs are commonly caused by having instant messenger programs running (such as MSN or X-fire) while you are playing 2142.
If you removed any intro video just put back one and not all, doesn't matter wich one just one.

Second HUNDaemon, was that person close to the corridor? if so he might had gone forward and back, thus showing him being behind the wall but still get killed because this is normal. His hitboxes are kinda lagging behind so the turret can still give few shots on him. Last is I had that tower everytime aimed at me I see the shots but still it doesn't hurt me, it only does when i become visible in the corridor.
99% of the time I agree with you the turrets cant actually shoot through walls (although there are areas where you place turrets so they can shoot through thin walls), but on occasion you can be hit by a turret through a wall when it's placed normally. I've been hit myself and seen others been hit where they couldn't be in front of a turrent, and checked their death message. Either way this is a massive inconvinience because the turrets are designed to be slow reacting to new people. You are supposed to walk out in front of one, it will beep once the arc of the turret points towards you, then it will open fire and then it takes a good deal of time for it to actually bring you down to 0 health. In the titan they lock onto you and start firing before you can even see them, it makes it much harder to get past them.

As for the 60 missiles to take out this gunship, what can I say, I don't actually suck I have been a pretty good chopper pilot from the BF2 days and this guy was just flying around normally barely doing anything. I fired from everywhere, far away, close, from directly behind, as he flew sideways, multiple missiles, single shots. I'm not saying I was so crap they all missed him and never locked on, 90% of them locked onto his heat signature, flew right at him, went through him into his centre and instead of exploding, then flew out of him in a random star pattern and exploded elsewhere.

Last night I was the commander on the Titan and I had to do some defending as the enemy got to our reactor room and after a minute or two in there I just dropped straight through the floor and parachuted to the ground heh.

Maybe you are on to something with the servers though, maybe in certain circumstances where the server is either laggy or underpowered these bugs are more likely to happen, maybe it causes lots of these glitches to occur and thats why they don't really get fixed.

As for the patch, well I'm not sure, I have patch 1.10 but how do I know if it is the latest one? For this game they seem to be releasing a beta 1.10 and then a final 1.10 unless I misunderstood. This is crazy, either the beta should be 1.09 or 1.10b so I can tell which I have

Last edited by corce (2007-01-13 04:28:25)

Then its something about the server you are playing on, whats the avarage ping you have. We will have more patches for sure.

>LOD<Dougalachi wrote:

do you have the latest patch?
i used to have some of those problems, but since the latest patch, i have only had the random death bug and the knifing problem occasionally
Same here, patch fixed a lot of the bugs on the titan for me. Still CTD sometimes when i hit join, and Cerbere Landing quite often crashes in the middle of loading (infuriating as i love that map), but thats about the sum of it.

Knifing hit reg probs I think are mainly to do with the player, I used to get so pissed off when my knife missed all the time then I took a real good look at when I was knifing people and noticed i tended to aim the knife at them rather than put them in the middle of the screen (where the cross-hair would be if there was one), which looks totally wrong coz you're knifing next to them on the animation but the center is where it's hitting, don't have any problems nailing people now so IMO it's just one of those off putting psychological things.
Fantasma Parastasie
same engine, same bug.
I have BF2142 since weeks, it never crashed to desktop, never had any problems with the knife (I don't use it often, but the few times I used it worked fine) and the gunship missiles never miss the enemy transport, even if you click a little behind them the missile will move and hit it...
My only problem is that when I die while running I don't have the death message, but I still respawn after 15 secs...

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