chronic gamer

thareaper254 wrote:

people where I live are highly intelligent, I live near a military base and my dad flies the most sophisticated helicopters in the world. People around here are intelligent so I odn't even beleive this shit. Your right we do got the most nukes also we should put them to a good cause in iraq. This show was basically set up, you can tell that they ask the questions and then cut out answers from other questinos and put them there.
the military is smart in some respects, the wouldn't let the retards fly expensive stuff theyed just break it, your lucky to be in an area that has not been infested with rtards
chronic gamer

Kmarion wrote:

<SharpShot> wrote:

to all those who have moved to texas from elswhere are people there really that stupid?

same goes 4 florida
Hey! I resemble that remark!
? what do you mean your retarded and live in texas or florida?
+2|6627|Laredo,Texas USA

An Enlarged Liver wrote:

My god - Uganda, there is no PM of Australia, and i couldn't watch anymore. Now you see the kind of half-wit morons I am forced to work with and live next to.  I mean everyone has heard our president attempt to speak.  How many sides does a triangle have!!! LMFAO
dude....there is a prime minister of Australia, and his name is John Howard. LOL didn't you noticed that the guy was using his name when he was saying ' i am prime minister of Australia? oh and btw i think most people get paid to act stupid... but if i am wrong..then this video has answered the question of why many people believe in religions, in which btw don't even know the origins of the religion it self! LOL Israel are Islamic HAHAHA.
Gen. Payne
Yeah sharpshot. As a lot of people have said, this really doesn't prove anything. There's also many TV shows like this already, so it's not that special. I'm sure if you tried, you could do this in about any country.
chronic gamer
by far the stupidest  people didn't know what a triangle was, like really a three year old knows what a triangle is
chronic gamer

Gen. Payne wrote:

Yeah sharpshot. As a lot of people have said, this really doesn't prove anything. There's also many TV shows like this already, so it's not that special. I'm sure if you tried, you could do this in about any country.
yes but my point is that America is very powerful it doesn't mater if stupid people are in charge of weak "relative term" counties
+2|6627|Laredo,Texas USA

<SharpShot> wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

<SharpShot> wrote:

to all those who have moved to texas from elswhere are people there really that stupid?

same goes 4 florida
Hey! I resemble that remark!
? what do you mean your retarded and live in texas or florida?
heh i live in Texas and most of the ''retards'' that i see are just high school drop outs
chronic gamer

DemonAlucard wrote:

<SharpShot> wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Hey! I resemble that remark!
? what do you mean your retarded and live in texas or florida?
heh i live in Texas and most of the ''retards'' that i see are just high school drop outs
good for you break the cycle of stupidity *highfive*
maximum bullshit
+50|6484|teh alien spaceshit
If that's real, Americans are seriously letting themselves go. And why invade the entire Korea foo? Just North Korea is good enough.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

Only registered yesterday and already blasting the US!
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Big McLargehuge
Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody
+259|6756|Philadelphia, PA
So, a 9 minute 5 second long video proves that all 300,000,000 Americans are stupid?

Last edited by Big McLargehuge (2007-01-08 16:49:08)

chronic gamer

thtthht wrote:

If that's real, Americans are seriously letting themselves go. And why invade the entire Korea foo? Just North Korea is good enough.
they think south and north korea are the same country
chronic gamer

m3thod wrote:


Only registered yesterday and already blasting the US!
new account my old one sucked so i got rid of it after finding a better name
maximum bullshit
+50|6484|teh alien spaceshit

<SharpShot> wrote:

thtthht wrote:

If that's real, Americans are seriously letting themselves go. And why invade the entire Korea foo? Just North Korea is good enough.
they think south and north korea are the same country
WTF? I'm from South Korea.
+125|6731|Rochester NY USA

<SharpShot> wrote:

luckily we don't have to many stupid people in canada (sept in newfound but we put them somewhere where they cant hurt them selfs)
Do you even have a way to back that up?
chronic gamer

topthrill05 wrote:

<SharpShot> wrote:

luckily we don't have to many stupid people in canada (sept in newfound but we put them somewhere where they cant hurt them selfs)
Do you even have a way to back that up?

<SharpShot> wrote:

final proof that most americans are stupid

http://www.shoutfile.com/v/gsfsscpr/y_p … are_stupid

please no flaming i said "most"
[sarcasm]Oh yes of course most americans are stupid!  If you went to any other country in the world and videotaped hundreds of people answering questions you would get a completely different result.[/sarcasm]
If you believe that most Americans are stupid from waching this, then you, my friend, are stupid.  This was a carefully edited video of the stupidest answers people gave.  BTW this was posted by someone else a few minuites ago.
Big McLargehuge
Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody
+259|6756|Philadelphia, PA
Country         IQ estimate    

United States        98

Canada                97

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IQ_and_the … _estimates
chronic gamer

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

<SharpShot> wrote:

final proof that most americans are stupid

http://www.shoutfile.com/v/gsfsscpr/y_p … are_stupid

please no flaming i said "most"
[sarcasm]Oh yes of course most americans are stupid!  If you went to any other country in the world and videotaped hundreds of people answering questions you would get a completely different result.[/sarcasm]
If you believe that most Americans are stupid from waching this, then you, my friend, are stupid.  This was a carefully edited video of the stupidest answers people gave.  BTW this was posted by someone else a few minuites ago.
iv been to america many times and this is just an exrteme example of how dumb people can be
chronic gamer

Big McLargehuge wrote:

Country         IQ estimate    

United States        98

Canada                97

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IQ_and_the … _estimates
estimate being the key word besides those are 3 years old
+108|6896|In the hills
Well, they are stupid Americans...  I am an American, in 11th grade (17), and I knew the answer to every single one of those questions.  However I live in a VERY well educated community, the bottom of my school is the middle of average schools.  I also go to a public school, so I am not in a super rich town either, just smart education departments!
It tastes like burning
+23|6968|Moore, OK
Yeah. Most of us are stupid. There's no chance in hell that video was edited to only show the stupid answers. Nope. Every single person they interviewed gave a retarded response. It's impossible for an American to give a correct answer.


Come on guys. If you want to make us look stupid, then at least show us something that wasn't edited to support someone's agenda. I'm not saying that it was done this way, but I can easily make my own video interviewing people and asking them general questions. Then, later I'll re-dub my voice asking a different question so that no matter their answer, it'll be wrong. They'll look like fools! Genius!

Of course you're going to get a few idiots when you make a video like this. But where are all of the correct responses?

The rest of the world is not better than the U.S., and the U.S. is not better than the rest of the world.

Holy crap...my response is damn near identical to Deadmonkiefart's. Guess I should have read the entire thread prior to posting. Stupid me.

Last edited by Dizik (2007-01-08 17:01:31)


<SharpShot> wrote:

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

<SharpShot> wrote:

final proof that most americans are stupid

http://www.shoutfile.com/v/gsfsscpr/y_p … are_stupid

please no flaming i said "most"
[sarcasm]Oh yes of course most americans are stupid!  If you went to any other country in the world and videotaped hundreds of people answering questions you would get a completely different result.[/sarcasm]
If you believe that most Americans are stupid from waching this, then you, my friend, are stupid.  This was a carefully edited video of the stupidest answers people gave.  BTW this was posted by someone else a few minuites ago.
iv been to america many times and this is just an exrteme example of how dumb people can be
Wow, you saying that is really a ton of proof that Americans are stupid.   All you need now is some examples, and some proof that they were not made up, showing that at least half of the 300000000 Americans are stupid.
chronic gamer
it there anything that has not been edited on tv besides i could make a video doing the opposite asking general questions dubbing later to make everyone look like a genius
I wanna be on you
+116|6680|So Cal
I am totally ashamed to be an American, thanks to them.

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