Umm, that's debatable. We certainly haven't found the limits of what we can learn and do with our brain, but, imo, there must be a limit. A single neuron can only hold a finite amount of information and there are a finite number of patterns of firing for any neuronal circuit. For our brain as a whole, that number becomes very very large - way beyond the number of atoms in the entire known universe, but it is, never the less, finite.blademaster wrote:
yeha I suppose you are right, in some prospect though because by giving or dividing the human mind in numbers and decimals you are only assigning them hard drive values. For example we as humans can learn as much as we can and the brain will never tell us running low on memory or hard drive full.Scorpion0x17 wrote:
The idea that we only use 10-20% of our brain is, I'm sorry to say, just plain wrong. We use all of our brain, pretty much all of the time, except when sleeping.Religion=WAR wrote:
I believe God is in each and every one of us, and it is up to us to discover the potential, and unlock the abilities of a "God". Let's say a man could live a 100% completely sin free life; and educated himself about everything on the planet. If that man could do this, he would probably have developed his brain a lot more than anyone else on the planet. The average human uses 11% to 18% of their brain. This is not a lot but still amazingly enough, equal to an 11 million gigabyte computer. We can't even speculate as to what a computer of this caliber could be capable of.
There are people on the planet that have developed certain aspects of their brain to a point. ie: Shaolin monks, speed readers, surgeons, pro-athletes, etc., and have god-like abilities in their field, and more than likely, use a higher percentage of a certain part of their brain. If we could use 50 or 80% maybe we could walk on water, turn water to wine, levitate, read minds, etc, etc, etc.
My point is, I believe in God, but not your typical God, but an internal one. We can not base beliefs on theory, as it only results in argument. No one knows the real truth, it is our history, and we can't go back in time.(yet!), so to base your life on circumstantial evidence and theology is the same as believing there is no God.
I also believe we have already been here and beyond, on a technological level anyway, and have made all the same mistakes we are making now. Curios? Prob not. Karma me if you agree pls. I NEED KARMA! Don't know why! And write about other topics if you care, or want to. Peace
i think athiests are scared of God, so they ridicule Him and denounce him.
thats just my opinion though.
thats just my opinion though.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
But, if God does exist, that would be like ridiculing the school bully - sooner or later you're going to take one hell of a beating...
oh noes! Zeus will throw a thunderbolt at me, fast i need scientific facts for protection!Des.Kmal wrote:
i think athiests are scared of God, so they ridicule Him and denounce him.
thats just my opinion though.
Wrong its because God is a human invention and a very flawed one at that.Des.Kmal wrote:
i think athiests are scared of God, so they ridicule Him and denounce him.
thats just my opinion though.
I think creationists are scared of death, so they make up ways of easing the pain.Des.Kmal wrote:
i think athiests are scared of God, so they ridicule Him and denounce him.
thats just my opinion though.
Nuff said
15 more years! 15 more years!
I wouldn't go so far to say that, but they sure are hostile. None of those I know are throwing insults around like atheists do towards God.Des.Kmal wrote:
i think athiests are scared of God, so they ridicule Him and denounce him.
thats just my opinion though.
I wasn't specifically adressing that but you can look around the religion topics and see some one liners mixed in there with the logical, thought-out opinions.Scorpion0x17 wrote:
Insults? How is "I don't believe you exist" an insult?
Last edited by DesertFox423 (2007-01-05 18:21:32)
Insults? How is "I don't believe you exist" an insult?
I like god, he's my favorite scifi character after Teal'C from stargate!DesertFox423 wrote:
I wouldn't go so far to say that, but they sure are hostile. None of those I know are throwing insults around like atheists do towards God.Des.Kmal wrote:
i think athiests are scared of God, so they ridicule Him and denounce him.
thats just my opinion though.
I'll try to have an open mind so is there any evidence (videos/experiments/photos) of God's existence the religious ppl can link to pls?
(don't say "it's a matter of faith" or "read this old book")
(don't say "it's a matter of faith" or "read this old book")

Nicely said, but the problem is people don't usually understand or even address the dilemma i present to them they simply trail off into the Bible says....but doesn't answer the question. I merely, as did Drakef, ask how does the all powerful deity place you into a situation then some how becomes the same person that is going to save you from the situation but in the process BLAME IT ON YOU?!?!?! FAWK, what a shitty deal.Drakef wrote:
You seek a human comparison to God. But you are not an all-powerful, omnipotent being. Your God is. He knows all. He would know what Lucifer would accomplish, would he not? He knows of Lucifer's betrayal, and of his temptation of man. He knows what Adam and Eve would do, would he not? Merely some interesting theological and philosophical questions.GATOR591957 wrote:
Lucifer is a fallen Angel. One who couldn't seem to conform to the heavenly way so to speak. God allows you the freedom to make your own choices. You are the one who has to live with the consequences of those choices. As a Father I allow my children to choose their own path. I give them guidance and oversight to make sure the mistakes are not detrimental to their life. I believe God allows us the same freedom. He has rules, as most Fathers do. Follow them, or pay the consequences. Rather simple.Fen321 wrote:
Here i'll help you prove he doesn't, and by he i mean the Christian God.
From a Christian view point you have a Deity which is all powerful, all knowing, present, future, past etc. So now here is the kicker. You have this all powerful being create angels one of which is Lucifer. This being is all knowing so he knows very well what this Lucifer is going to do. So here is the catch he willingly creates a being which will now bring about the "fall" of man. So now you have a situation where man is now fallen, imperfect and stuck in this world which he apparently isn't from. So what better way to send himself via incarnation to save them from that which he put them into. You have Jesus whom is now going to save you from that which he created. So essentially you would have no reason for Jesus to save mankind if he had not created Lucifer. So now we have a dilemma here, this perfect Deity, essentially, his left hand is Lucifer and his right had is Jesus, but the catch is we pretend he doesn't know what the left hand is doing and go along with the entire story.
Please explain why God created Lucifer.....and we pretend....that he doesn't know of all the supposed bad things he will do to mankind.
Its all an illusion, a good one at that, but it does not work too well when you have a perfect Deity creating the problems before they start especially since he knows the outcome of everything apparently.
You can't show mercy for something you began, not only that, but to think that God IS portrayed to be the likeness of HUMANS is the ultimate arrogance of this religion. Arrogance in the sense that some how the deity of the Cosmos is going to end up being in the likeness of Humans, which make up a insignificant fraction of not only our Galaxy, but of this Universe.
The Bible states "man was made in his likeness" meaning we were made after his image. It's not meant to be arrogant, just a comforting passage that we are alike in image.
What's troubling to me is those who blast religion without making an honest effort to understand it. It's not hard, you pick up a book and read it. See a minister, priest, rabbi, whoever and talk with them. They know the answers you seek. I think some are afraid they will be portrayed as weak so they chose to live in ignorance and shoot from the hip.
I see the passage stating that "man was made in his likeness" as an example of man's creation of religion. Would it not seem like humans to create a religion that believes we are the superior beings, and the we are a god's vested interest, first and foremost? It is a view incomprehendable of anything but humanity. Of course, this is not proof per se of religion being false, but one view that I take from religion.
As it is currently the more accepted idea, it isn't up to us. Those denying the existence (minority) should provide the burden of proof in order to sway others to that side.Freke1 wrote:
I'll try to have an open mind so is there any evidence (videos/experiments/photos) of God's existence the religious ppl can link to pls?
(don't say "it's a matter of faith" or "read this old book")
Example- denying the more widely accepted idea is like heading on to national television and saying:

"This is not a spoon."
Bad example? I agree.
by the look of ur sig, ur very close minded. to tell you the truth, you really shouldnt be posting here. i would appreciate you if you left.Dezerteagal5 wrote:
I think creationists are scared of death, so they make up ways of easing the pain.Des.Kmal wrote:
i think athiests are scared of God, so they ridicule Him and denounce him.
thats just my opinion though.
Nuff said
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
That is not a spoon.DesertFox423 wrote:
As it is currently the more accepted idea, it isn't up to us. Those denying the existence (minority) should provide the burden of proof in order to sway others to that side.Freke1 wrote:
I'll try to have an open mind so is there any evidence (videos/experiments/photos) of God's existence the religious ppl can link to pls?
(don't say "it's a matter of faith" or "read this old book")
Example- denying the more widely accepted idea is like heading on to national television and saying: … 724670.jpg
"This is not a spoon."
I don't fear death, I actually don't mind dying, however you leave much to be desired in tolerance, your stupid signatures reflect how much of an ass you are towards other peoples religion, grow up.Dezerteagal5 wrote:
I think creationists are scared of death, so they make up ways of easing the pain.Des.Kmal wrote:
i think athiests are scared of God, so they ridicule Him and denounce him.
thats just my opinion though.
Nuff said, oh and I just LoooooOVE the cock!!!! YUMMY! I'm such a loser my sig reflects how much fo an asshole idiot I am.... did I mention I like to blow horses?
win. win. win. win. win.|=-sL-.Cujucuyo. wrote:
I don't fear death, I actually don't mind dying, however you leave much to be desired in tolerance, your stupid signatures reflect how much of an ass you are towards other peoples religion, grow up.Dezerteagal5 wrote:
I think creationists are scared of death, so they make up ways of easing the pain.Des.Kmal wrote:
i think athiests are scared of God, so they ridicule Him and denounce him.
thats just my opinion though.
Nuff said, oh and I just LoooooOVE the cock!!!! YUMMY! I'm such a loser my sig reflects how much fo an asshole idiot I am.... did I mention I like to blow horses?
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
Why would you believe that, other than to stir controversy here? It is false.Des.Kmal wrote:
i think athiests are scared of God, so they ridicule Him and denounce him.
thats just my opinion though.
Since when do my beliefs effect whether i should post here? If my signature said "God rules" "God is awesome" "Vote for God" then you wouldn't say that. Oh and i wasn't always an atheist so dont call me close mindedDes.Kmal wrote:
by the look of ur sig, ur very close minded. to tell you the truth, you really shouldnt be posting here. i would appreciate you if you left.Dezerteagal5 wrote:
I think creationists are scared of death, so they make up ways of easing the pain.Des.Kmal wrote:
i think athiests are scared of God, so they ridicule Him and denounce him.
thats just my opinion though.
Nuff said
Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2007-01-05 22:34:13)
15 more years! 15 more years!
whether you werent close minded in the past doesnt change the fact that you are close minded now.Dezerteagal5 wrote:
Since when do my beliefs effect whether i should post here? If my signature said "God rules" "God is awesome" "Vote for God" then you wouldn't say that. Oh and i wasn't always an atheist so dont call me close mindedDes.Kmal wrote:
by the look of ur sig, ur very close minded. to tell you the truth, you really shouldnt be posting here. i would appreciate you if you left.Dezerteagal5 wrote:
I think creationists are scared of death, so they make up ways of easing the pain.
Nuff said
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
Owned.Des.Kmal wrote:
whether you werent close minded in the past doesnt change the fact that you are close minded now.Dezerteagal5 wrote:
Since when do my beliefs effect whether i should post here? If my signature said "God rules" "God is awesome" "Vote for God" then you wouldn't say that. Oh and i wasn't always an atheist so dont call me close mindedDes.Kmal wrote:
by the look of ur sig, ur very close minded. to tell you the truth, you really shouldnt be posting here. i would appreciate you if you left.
why would i have fear of something that dont exist ?Des.Kmal wrote:
i think athiests are scared of God, so they ridicule Him and denounce him.
thats just my opinion though.
Doesn't exist, yeah right, keep living in denial.Mogura wrote:
why would i have fear of something that dont exist ?Des.Kmal wrote:
i think athiests are scared of God, so they ridicule Him and denounce him.
thats just my opinion though.
oh tahnk you for let me choice to chose, its new to me.|=-sL-.Cujucuyo. wrote:
Doesn't exist, yeah right, keep living in denial.Mogura wrote:
why would i have fear of something that dont exist ?Des.Kmal wrote:
i think athiests are scared of God, so they ridicule Him and denounce him.
thats just my opinion though.