a newspaper in my country has got some artists to draw muhammads face to maybe move boundrys i dont really know. its illegal in islam to draw muhammads face and now some guys from pakistan have said that there will be a reward if people come with their heads. many muslim countrys want to meat about this and they are pretty pissed but the minister has refused because of the freedom of speach it means you can say whatever you want . what is your opinion about this and do you think that its okay to draw those pictures. start to answer.

Last edited by stef (2005-12-21 15:00:14)

Not for nothing, but I don't care. Someone will probably get shot, like that Van Gogh kid, who got dumped on for making an islam movie. It's illegal to draw a fucking picture?Can we bomb these people, please? I mean carpet bomb the shit outta them. It's shit like this that gets me angry. This isn't fucking Alice in Wonderland. You can't go around saying "off with their heads' you fucking tools.

I want to watch the history channel and see "the nuking of the middle east"
'twice cooked beef!'

Erkut.hv wrote:

Not for nothing, but I don't care. Someone will probably get shot, like that Van Gogh kid, who got dumped on for making an islam movie. It's illegal to draw a fucking picture?Can we bomb these people, please? I mean carpet bomb the shit outta them. It's shit like this that gets me angry. This isn't fucking Alice in Wonderland. You can't go around saying "off with their heads' you fucking tools.

I want to watch the history channel and see "the nuking of the middle east"
you win the award for 'most likely to be killed by angry muslims and deserve it.'
+69|7018|th3 unkn0wn

Krappyappy wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

Not for nothing, but I don't care. Someone will probably get shot, like that Van Gogh kid, who got dumped on for making an islam movie. It's illegal to draw a fucking picture?Can we bomb these people, please? I mean carpet bomb the shit outta them. It's shit like this that gets me angry. This isn't fucking Alice in Wonderland. You can't go around saying "off with their heads' you fucking tools.

I want to watch the history channel and see "the nuking of the middle east"
you win the award for 'most likely to be killed by angry muslims and deserve it.'
Your sig would offend Muslims too (remember that they expect their women to dress up from head to toe with only their faces - and sometimes ONLY their eyes showing) so you're just as likely to be killed by offended and pissed off Muslims too, Mr Krappyappy. Oh and I ain't joking

Last edited by {HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy (2005-12-21 20:57:40)

An African or European swallow?

stef wrote:

a newspaper in my country has got some artists to draw muhammads face to maybe move boundrys i dont really know. its illegal in islam to draw muhammads face and now some guys from pakistan have said that there will be a reward if people come with their heads. many muslim countrys want to meat about this and they are pretty pissed but the minister has refused because of the freedom of speach it means you can say whatever you want . what is your opinion about this and do you think that its okay to draw those pictures. start to answer.
Seeing as this is not a "who is more likely to get shot by middle eastern people" thread I will actually respond to the original poster.

I believe that execution for something such as this isn't justified. I understand why people would disapprove of drawings of muhammad, but they have to realize that they are just drawings. They don't prove anything about muhammad, they don't even promote anything, it is just a drawing. I could understand if it was a big poster that said "your religion sucks, convert to mine!", but it isn't, it's a drawing of a guy who lived a long time ago.

Edited for spelling.

Last edited by Rapturesan (2005-12-21 21:08:05)

+3|7040|South Sweden (NOT SWITZERLAND)

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

Your sig would offend Muslims too (remember that they expect their women to dress up from head to toe with only their faces - and sometimes ONLY their eyes showing) so you're just as likely to be killed by offended and pissed off Muslims too, Mr Krappyappy. Oh and I ain't joking

And about the whole Muhammad-picture thing: It was kind of stupid to drew his face becuse they knew muslims would get upset. All of this happend in Denmark and there is some underlying racism here, they probably did it to show what kind of monsters all muslims are, they would not even let them draw what they want. But still they had the right to do it.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7150|Cologne, Germany

well, I haven't seen the image they drew, but I wonder about the original motivation. they must have known that this kind of thing would upset the radicals. then again, as you said, it's freedom of speech, and as long as drawing a picture of a religious figure ain't a crime in denish law, it certainly should be alllowed.

btw, if I remember correctly, it is one of the ten commandments in christianity not to make yourself a picture of god. and depending on the grade of radicalness (?) of the community you live in, a violation of that commandment could get you in trouble, too. maybe not to the extent that a head would be chopped off, but still...
actually the commandments says to not idolize... meaning worship small dieteys... false gods and stuff..

you are more than allowed to have a symbol of your god...

i live in denmark myself, and have found it very offensive that a culture/religion, allow people to promis 1 million dollar reward for the artists deaths... just because they drew their god...

and then the muslims came knocking on the prime ministers door, saying it was vital that he interfered with the artists.... and he blankly refused, saying that it's free speech..

so it's not just those that live in a muslim country.. it's all the world wide muslims who support the extremists that we should be mad at...

hmm maybe one should put a bounty on every muslim extremist head...
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|7040|Uhh... erm...
The reason Muslims are outraged about this is because Islam is not supportive of art depicting people, bodies, figures, human organic matter, what have you. Basically the human body. That's why mosques have a geometric design. Therefore, very religious Muslims might naturally be uncomfortable with a drawings of Nabi Muhammad himself, when the artist has no clue as to what he even looks like. Of course, a reward for the artist's death is a bit overboard, but we live in a very twisted world nowadays.

Last edited by Tetrino (2005-12-23 04:58:30)

© 2009 Jeff Minard
i giv u 1 pound if u get me the leg of the dude that made this post, thanks..

Tetrino wrote:

The reason Muslims are outraged about this is because Islam is not supportive of art depicting people, bodies, figures, human organic matter, what have you. Basically the human body. That's why mosques have a geometric design. Therefore, very religious Muslims might naturally be uncomfortable with a drawings of Nabi Muhammad himself, when the artist has no clue as to what he even looks like. Of course, a reward for the artist's death is a bit overboard, but we live in a very twisted world nowadays.
well said, muhamud (sp?) himself made it illegal to draw his face since he wanted ppl to worship god instead of him, like christianity everybody worshipped jesus and god
Under Islamic law, it is illegal to insult Muhammad. Of course, it is left up to the Muslims to decide what is insulting and what is not.

This law came about because Muhammad had murdered those who mocked him. Under Islamic law, there is no punishment for anyone who protects Muhammad's honour by murdering the one who insults it.

This law is subject to massive abuse though. In Pakistan recently, a Christian man won alot of money gambling with his Muslim neighbours, so out of spite they falsely accused him of insulting Muhammad. Much destruction was done in the ensuing rampage.
Oh and remember folks, Islam is the Religion of Peace (TM). Repeat that like a mantra until you believe it.
where is the pic at? they say a picture is worth a thousands words , like see if get that that many?
Raiders of the Lost Bear

err. right.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7150|Cologne, Germany

well, I can see why a muslim might take offense here. pic no.2 is kinda nice, but no.1 and no.3 are just bound to make muslims angry

B.Schuss wrote:

well, I can see why a muslim might take offense here. pic no.2 is kinda nice, but no.1 and no.3 are just bound to make muslims angry
Which of course gives them the right to murder.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7150|Cologne, Germany

xanthpi wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

well, I can see why a muslim might take offense here. pic no.2 is kinda nice, but no.1 and no.3 are just bound to make muslims angry
Which of course gives them the right to murder.
that is your interpretation. I have some faith in our justice system.

you are advocating a pre-emptive war on muslims, based on your interpretation of their scriptures. you demand ( if I remember correctly ) that they should be separated from the rest of the ( civilized ) world, and denied access to modern technology, as the muslim community poses a threat to the entire mankind, trying to achieve world domination.

I am sorry, but according to my value system, that would be violating the human rights of those people. you cannot enforce the law by breaking it.

B.Schuss wrote:

xanthpi wrote:

B.Schuss wrote:

well, I can see why a muslim might take offense here. pic no.2 is kinda nice, but no.1 and no.3 are just bound to make muslims angry
Which of course gives them the right to murder.
that is your interpretation. I have some faith in our justice system.

you are advocating a pre-emptive war on muslims, based on your interpretation of their scriptures. you demand ( if I remember correctly ) that they should be separated from the rest of the ( civilized ) world, and denied access to modern technology, as the muslim community poses a threat to the entire mankind, trying to achieve world domination.

I am sorry, but according to my value system, that would be violating the human rights of those people. you cannot enforce the law by breaking it.
I was being sarcastic. It is the MUSLIMS who think they have the right to murder whoever they think insults Muhammad.

Talking about human rights, seeing as [real] Muslims believe that all non-Muslims must be either forcibly converted or enslaved or killed, would you not say that their belief (and the fact that they must live by their beliefs) is a threat to the humans rights of the 5/6 of humanity who are not Muslim? Would you not say that the human rights of the 5/6 are collectively greater than the human rights of the 1/6? Would you not agree that since it is Islam which is at fault, it is Muslims who must clean their own house rather than the other way round?

In order to remove the unreasonable threat to the over 5 billion true non-Muslims in the world, we are left with several apparent courses of action, if we were acting pro-actively to protect ourselves.
We could:

a) Kill all Muslims. Not practical.

b) Continue to fight them bit by bit as we allow them to get stronger. Not on my nelly.

c) Give them Saudi Arabia to live in, wall it off, take away their weapons, technology, boats and transport and let them live as they wish, no threat to anyone else. Hmmmmm.

Any war I would advocate on Islam is not pre-emptive. War was declared on all the non-Muslims in existence the moment the Qu'ran was compiled and became a force for insanity in the world.

It Islam which is the problem, not us.

As for your "faith" in our legal sytem, I hope it is more than that.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7150|Cologne, Germany

ok, maybe I slightly misphrased it. replace "faith" with "trust". As english is my second language, it is letting me down sometimes.

so you are basically saying that the human rights of all non-muslims are more important ( or worth more ) than those of the muslims ?

to me, western democracies are based on the principles of freedom, that all humans are equal and have the same basic ( human ) rights, which cannot ( and should not, IMHO ) be taken away from them. It took decades for us ( not forgetting the horrors of nazi-germany ) to reach that conclusion. All constitutions of the greater democracies are based on those principles, most likely yours too ( I don't know where you live, but I suppose it is a democratic country ). Are you saying we should throw all that progress overboard ?

walling them in in saudi-arabia ? please. why not call it a concentration camp ?
Of course, I am being sarcastic. I know the difference between what you are demanding and a concentration camp. But it ain't that big, I'm afraid...

I chose not to judge 1,2 billion people on the basis of a book that was written thousands of years ago. And I know not every one of them is following the teachings of the Qu'ran 100% ( yes, I know, those are not the true muslims ).

Call me blue-eyed, call me stupid, call me a liberal. It just might all be true.
I am shocked and offended.....

That my post did not get quoted and flamed more. I gave you guys all the ammo you needed, sheesh. Anyhow, I got nothing, so, back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Erkut.hv wrote:

I am shocked and offended.....

That my post did not get quoted and flamed more. I gave you guys all the ammo you needed, sheesh. Anyhow, I got nothing, so, back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Erkut.hv, I'm completly with you man. These damn smacktards certainly don't recognize a good put-down on those damn camel humping, head chopping fanatics. But if this doesn't get a good response I will be really shocked.

Banned - for ever.
+231|7018|Wilmington, DE, US
I'm not directing this towards the original topic of Muhammad's picture, but this is filled with misconceptions about Islam, being made by Christians and Jews, who we all know don't have clean hands either.
why the hell would they get upset if someone drew a picture of the greatest boxer that ever lived??????

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