
Need I say more?

By the way that is a screen shot form the game crysis.. the only DX10 game that has been made so far.

consoles = shit.  Halo = shit.

ps3= shit

well shit
+617|6579|NSW, Australia

haha halo has always been fun but brought nothing to the table that hadnt already been done.. also has never had breakthrough graphics.

overall a good shooter... but nothing mind boggling.. such as crysis.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6774|132 and Bush

viceboy wrote:

Need I say more?

The only DX10 game that has been made so far.
MS flight Sim 10
Supreme Commander
Alan Wake

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-01-01 06:23:53)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
There is.
+1,380|6864|Devon, England
You don't know what you're talking about... Maybe you're all just too old and/or have no friends to play Halo with?

Last edited by FFLink13 (2007-01-01 06:04:22)

Un Moderador

viceboy wrote:

Need I say more?

By the way that is a screen shot form the game crysis.. the only DX10 game that has been made so far.

consoles = shit.  Halo = shit.

ps3= shit
Yes please. Because funnily enough, I cannot understand your utter stupidity towards this subject.
Everyone has a different opinion for consoles and pc's. PC's are customisable according to how much money you are willing to spend, Consoles arent.
Consoles you can play with friends right there beside each other, PC's, you cant. Consoles "normally" have a big TV to play on, PC's dont. PC' have better aiming controls for FPS. But then Consoles have better controls for everything else.

You have to compare the views here. And so far on mine, and I am big with comps, the 360 is beating the PC. Why? You can connect with friends/play with friends/play the best game of the year on it/get halo 3/have wireless everything on my couch etc etc. I could go on.

And the fact is, you have not seen the screens/vids of Halo 3, because frankly, if you did they would blow your mind. Yeah Crysis looks good, just like GRAW did on the PC. And what did that turn out to be? An utter failure.
And I am not denying that Halo 3 "might" turn out to be a failure of the highest degree, but face it man, has Halo ALWAYS LIVED UP TO ITS HYPE? The answer? Yes it has, and will.
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6754|Melbourne, Australia.
I watched the ingame movie for crysis...that thing looks so realistic

i'm not a fan of consoles imo

viceboy wrote:

Need I say more?

By the way that is a screen shot form the game crysis.. the only DX10 game that has been made so far.

consoles = shit.  Halo = shit.

ps3= shit
Price of one good video card = Price of an Xbox 360. I would say Xbox 360 is more bang for the buck thank you.
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6764|Your attic

Zimmer wrote:

viceboy wrote:

Need I say more?

By the way that is a screen shot form the game crysis.. the only DX10 game that has been made so far.

consoles = shit.  Halo = shit.

ps3= shit
Yes please. Because funnily enough, I cannot understand your utter stupidity towards this subject.
Everyone has a different opinion for consoles and pc's. PC's are customisable according to how much money you are willing to spend, Consoles arent.
Consoles you can play with friends right there beside each other, PC's, you cant. Consoles "normally" have a big TV to play on, PC's dont. PC' have better aiming controls for FPS. But then Consoles have better controls for everything else.

You have to compare the views here. And so far on mine, and I am big with comps, the 360 is beating the PC. Why? You can connect with friends/play with friends/play the best game of the year on it/get halo 3/have wireless everything on my couch etc etc. I could go on.

And the fact is, you have not seen the screens/vids of Halo 3, because frankly, if you did they would blow your mind. Yeah Crysis looks good, just like GRAW did on the PC. And what did that turn out to be? An utter failure.
And I am not denying that Halo 3 "might" turn out to be a failure of the highest degree, but face it man, has Halo ALWAYS LIVED UP TO ITS HYPE? The answer? Yes it has, and will.

Crysis = Halo 3
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6774|132 and Bush

The absolute biggest advantage consoles have over PC is they are more stable across the entire gamer base. Why you might ask. Everyone has the exact same hardware and developers don't have to worry about little Billy trying to shove two gigs of ram in his DVD drive. The other advantage is "Tray and Play" not installing, just put the game in and go.

The PC advantage. Well you can do much much more . Tailoring your hardware specs and upgrading capabilities has alot going for it.

The only confusing thing here is why am I replying to a thread that has been discussed many times over.

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-01-01 06:55:38)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
rapes face

viceboy wrote:

Need I say more?

By the way that is a screen shot form the game crysis.. the only DX10 game that has been made so far.

consoles = shit.  Halo = shit.

ps3= shit
Even though I do think PC's are far better, I would still like to say:-

Your perspective = shit.
+447|7021|Seattle, Washington, USA

The funniest part is that no matter what your opinion is, Halo 3 will make more money than Crysis. So in reality, Halo wins...
'twice cooked beef!'
let the console FPS nubs keep their halo.

moneymaking potential is the worst indicator for game quality.

consoles can't do what PCs do, and vice versa. PC games will always be more complex and deep. but entire genres of console games are likely to never be on PC, like fighting, music, and most anything japanese.

Last edited by Krappyappy (2007-01-01 12:47:09)


Krappyappy wrote:

but entire genres of console games are likely to never be on PC, like fighting, music, and most anything japanese.
thank god too
Quakecon Attendee
+17|6832|SLC, Utah, USA

viceboy wrote:

Krappyappy wrote:

but entire genres of console games are likely to never be on PC, like fighting, music, and most anything japanese.
thank god too

On a serious note, it's hard to choose between the two, myself.  I look at my desktop here at the games I have.  Out of 13 of those abnormally large DVD boxed games on my desktop, 3 are RTS's, 5 are FPS's, 3 are sim-type games (rollercoaster tycoon, Civ 4, etc), one's a Diablo-type RPG (Titan Quest), and one is... misc, I guess (Heroes of M&M5). 

Every one of these games are best on the PC, a console would not be able to make it play as smoothly and fun as on the PC (well, maybe R6:Vegas...).  Looking at my consoles, I have so many platformers that, any PC gamer knows, don't control as smoothly on a computer.  I have slower RPG's (Final Fantasy types, as well as KoToR).  I have the occasional FPS (which would be better on a PC, if it wasn't a direct console-PC port (Halo, I'm looking at you)).

In all, they both have their place.  PC monitors are capable of such high quality video.  Even a standard 17" monitor would get better resolution than a 1080I/P TV.  Consoles are nice in that they leave no footprint.  Insert the disk, play.  Also, patches that fix specific hardware configs are non-existent.  But the load times can be larger than on a PC, where everything is on the hard drive instead of the slower DVD drive.

All in all, I'd have to say that the two are very much dead even.  I like my PC more because I can do so much more (play videos in ANY player I want, music in any player I want, browse internet, do other things, etc) than a console.  To me, it's a real shame any game maker that goes the low road and makes the game for consoles, for the bigger market.  To me, it's a sellout, it tells me that they are making games for the money, and not for the, well, honor.  Look at Supreme Commander, ffs.
mavrick 3399
+102|6715|Doncaster UK
can i just add a funny little thing about crysis....... EA= publisher of crysis yippeeeeeee........ i bet the patches for that game are great!

edit on a more serious note there is a place for each console and the pc in a gamers house IMO

Last edited by mavrick 3399 (2007-01-01 13:59:14)

Quakecon Attendee
+17|6832|SLC, Utah, USA
As much as I don't WANT to bash games PUBLISHED by EA, I can't help but look at their track record.  I know they have no direct involvment in the patching and development, but it seems they only publish games from companies that make half-assed games.

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